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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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Sadly for most prospective owners, they will need a comprehensive tool kit and a fair working knowledge of high voltage systems in order to access the said cadmium in the charger in order to be able manage to poison themselves or families.

It is irresponsible to downplay cadmium poisoning without knowing more facts about Volkwagen's use of cadmium: cadmium is a heavy metal that is effectively retained in the human body, once cadmium gets absorbed by the human body it will stay there for decades. The biological half-life of cadmium is 10-35 years.

Cadmium primarily accumulates in the liver and in the kidney. In young children it causes brain damage, in women breast cancer, in men prostate cancer, in everyone it can cause lung cancer. Hundreds of cadmium related deaths were documented in cadmium processing industries before it was banned in Europe.

Just to give a notion of how little cadmium exposure is sufficient to cause health problems:
  • Japan, where cadmium contamination of rice caused widespread health problems, the cadmium content of rice is around 50 nano-gram per gram, i.e. with 100g of daily rice intake a daily dose of 5 micro-grams of cadmium
  • The daily exposure in these cadmium processing industries was typically 30 micro-gram of cadmium (through breathed in air)
The chargers in the Volkswagen vehicles reportedly contain 8,000 micro-gram of cadmium.

While the cadmium in Volkswagen electric vehicles is ostensibly enclosed safely in plastic, it could get out of there due to damage, corrosion, accidents or vehicle fire. Also, we don't know the chemical composition of the Cadmium in Volkswagen vehicles: its toxicity highly depends on what chemical form it is in, and how concentrated the cadmium is. (It's more dangerous than lead-acid batteries, because most lead compounds are less reactive than cadmium.)

I.e. we need more data - and saying that it's "just" 0.008 grams is irresponsible.
I have lost $5000 listening to this Idiot and trusting him in just 3 days!!! Seriously, Elon really needs to shut up His mouth and not speak about things (M&A) he does not understand.

Only depending on shareholder vote? Baby, you do not even have a deal structure nor have you spoken to financial advisors and your top 5 shareholders (that are btw selling strongly currently).

Elon, for that loss you've Made me Suffer because of your immensive stupidity I truly feel that you should buy back my sharws at 355$. You eben were that dumb to go to NYT for an Interview EXPLAINING NOTHING. NOTJING. ONLY MORE PAIN.

If you don't like volatility do not invest in Tesla!

Frankly and this is no offense, your post does show that you have difficulties with acknowledging possibles results of your own actions with regards to investing and a lack of experience in terms of your emotions associates with that.

If you invest be aware that you and you alone are responsible and be prepared to act like that. If you feel you cannot I recommend to stay away from the financial markets.
Actually, this entire scenario smacks of classic bullying.
Something, everybody & society swears needs to be abolished!

Agreed, except that when the POTUS regularly bullies his opponents then others may follow suit.
(Yes, this is a political post, but I hope to make it less controversial by _not_ providing examples - I believe they are easy to find).
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Elon has "a bad" habit of disrupting every industry he touches, in the best way.
With Tesla going private, he disrupts the Wall Street industry. More and more companies are considering becoming private, and if they are private, they tend to stay private longer. This trend will only be enhanced when Tesla becomes a private company.
It's recognized by Wall Street as a real danger, and I believe that the additional FUD we are witnessing coming up from that side.
Tesla is a big machine for profit for all market manipulators, just look at the daily volume, and that huge profit will disappear. They are scared now.
Tesla must go private!
Edit: proof on CBS NEWS
As Tesla looks to go private, Chinese rival plans U.S. IPO
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Now Bloomberg is reporting from their source that Tesla's board is not looking for a new COO and has not increased any executive search efforts in the wake of Musk's tweets.
Tesla's Board Said to Be on Lookout for Senior Talent, Not COO

So now it seems that the NYT article yesterday was just a fake rumour along with standard comments from Elon (as he had a similar emotional reaction during the June shareholder meeting and made similar comments then and in the recent earnings call...and talking about Ambien and the stress of the job is nothing new either).
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Had to go for a drive in my model 3 tonight to get my bearings after this awful day. Still can't believe how great this car is. When the Germans get this car they will feel shame for their once proud automakers. Near the end of my drive a pickup truck filled with double hung windows driving with tailgate open lost about half it's load (at least 8 or ten of them). I almost swerved onto the sidewalk. Car is fine, but drove over some glass. This day/night couldn't be over fast enough. Almost daylight now, goodnight or morning.

I am German, born and living in that country and feel the shame since about the last 10 years. Talk ever since about the missed opportunity but people just don't listen or don't want to defending great German engineering which I never questioned ....

Feels like you are on a massive container ship and try to change course but all you have is a small tiny paddle in your hands....
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Now Bloomberg is reporting from their source that Tesla's board is not looking for a new COO and has not increased any executive search efforts in the wake of Musk's tweets.
Tesla's Board Said to Be on Lookout for Senior Talent, Not COO

So now it seems that the NYT article yesterday was just a fake rumour along with standard comments from Elon (as he had a similar emotional reaction during the June shareholder meeting and made similar comments then and in the recent earnings call...and talking about Ambien and the stress of the job is nothing new either).

That's incredible, considering that David Gelles @ NYT also gloated about the TSLA share price dropping, here's his Tweet from yesterday:

David Gelles: "Tesla $TSLA stock now down close to 4 percent in pre market trading. Wonder why?"

David Gelles, the main author of the "Elon Musk Confronts a Fateful Tweet and an 'Excruciating' Year" interview in the New York Times, felt joy and smugness that his article against Elon Musk had a negative effect on Tesla's stock price.

No professional journalist would do that: in fact many would feel dismayed at having such an effect, as such effect on stock prices often comes with accusations of impropriety.

If David Gelles lied, distorted and misled in his interview, that would come pretty close to the definition of market manipulation: knowingly disseminating materially false information to influence the price of a stock.

Dear SEC, can you spare a few dozen lawyers from your high-priority investigation of Elon's tweeting habits perhaps? (The ones that aren't busy at the moment leaking privileged details of SEC investigations to TSLA-short traders, of course.)

Furthermore, does the New York Times have any conflict of interest or stock ownership disclosure rules that might have been violated by David Gelles?

Does David Gelles have any direct or indirect short position against Tesla (such as stock ownership of GM, Ford or Volkswagen), or does he have any relatives, friends or other acquaintances who are holding a $TSLA short position, while David Gelles had knowledge of that short position?

Inquiring minds want to know.


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I hear it all the time that emotion has no place in the stock market but apparently moral character and humanitarian decency don't either.

I think you should be proud of having such an emotional reaction, not be dismayed by it, and yes, Wall Street is a ... magnet for people with reduced levels of character and decency. It's often suggested that to become a good trader on Wall Street you should perform frontal lobotomy, and it's also not surprising that the former chairman of NASDAQ turned out to be a sociopathic conman (Bernie Madoff).

This also makes Wall Street susceptible to group think, which I believe will eventually get those betting against Tesla.

Elon said that he expects the Tesla short burn to be larger than Volkswagen's - which short squeeze reportedly burned a hole of 20 billion dollars into the pockets of a few dozen New York hedge funds. A similar event is not inconceivable.

SpaceX used to have a lot of critics and SpaceX was exposed to nasty attacks as well. Those predictions of imminent corporate failure went awfully quiet on February 6 this year. I think Tesla will have such a moment as well.
Seemingly lost in all the hysteria over Musk’s $420 offer consideration tweet is that he followed it up just one hour later with an open letter to employees. That letter was lengthy, detailed, and coherent. He didn’t write it that hour. The tweet and letter are a coordinated package.

The tweet may be solely and purely Musk (he loves preannouncing things on Twitter), but the letter is a crafted communication almost certainly reviewed by lawyers.

Other than the stretched argument that the word “secured” is too strong, Musk has done nothing wrong, and nothing without careful planning. Don’t be influenced by all the FUD trying to twist anything and everything into chaos.
That's incredible, considering that David Gelles @ NYT also gloated about the TSLA share price dropping, here's his Tweet from yesterday:

David Gelles: "Tesla $TSLA stock now down close to 4 percent in pre market trading. Wonder why?"

David Gelles, the main author of the "Elon Musk Confronts a Fateful Tweet and an 'Excruciating' Year" interview in the New York Times, felt joy and smugness that his article against Elon Musk had a negative effect on Tesla's stock price.

No professional journalist would do that: in fact many would feel dismayed at having such an effect, as such effect on stock prices often comes with accusations of impropriety.

If David Gelles lied, distorted and misled in his interview, that would come pretty close to the definition of market manipulation: knowingly disseminating materially false information to influence the price of a stock.

Dear SEC, can you spare a few dozen lawyers from your high-priority investigation of Elon's tweeting habits perhaps? (The ones that aren't busy at the moment leaking privileged details of SEC investigations to TSLA-short traders, of course.)

Furthermore, does the New York Times have any conflict of interest or stock ownership disclosure rules that might have been violated by David Gelles?

Does David Gelles have any direct or indirect short position against Tesla (such as stock ownership of GM, Ford or Volkswagen), or does he have any relatives, friends or other acquaintances who are holding a $TSLA short position, while David Gelles had knowledge of that short position?

Inquiring minds want to know.
People familiar with the matter believe you may be on to something.
Dear SEC, can you spare a few dozen lawyers from your high-priority investigation of Elon's tweeting habits perhaps? (The ones that aren't busy at the moment leaking privileged details of SEC investigations to TSLA-short traders, of course.)

Submitted tip to the SEC. :)

If he had any short positions or close associations with anyone with short positions, this will not go over well for him.
Submitted tip to the SEC. :)

If he had any short positions or close associations with anyone with short positions, this will not go over well for him.

Well done!

I guess a slightly larger set of mischief would be if he (not only short) sold any TSLA stock or had close associations with anyone who did so.

PS edit: And then there are the options in the options market...
It is irresponsible to downplay cadmium poisoning without knowing more facts about Volkwagen's use of cadmium: cadmium is a heavy metal that is effectively retained in the human body, once cadmium gets absorbed by the human body it will stay there for decades. The biological half-life of cadmium is 10-35 years.

Cadmium primarily accumulates in the liver and in the kidney. In young children it causes brain damage, in women breast cancer, in men prostate cancer, in everyone it can cause lung cancer. Hundreds of cadmium related deaths were documented in cadmium processing industries before it was banned in Europe.

Just to give a notion of how little cadmium exposure is sufficient to cause health problems:
  • Japan, where cadmium contamination of rice caused widespread health problems, the cadmium content of rice is around 50 nano-gram per gram, i.e. with 100g of daily rice intake a daily dose of 5 micro-grams of cadmium
  • The daily exposure in these cadmium processing industries was typically 30 micro-gram of cadmium (through breathed in air)
The chargers in the Volkswagen vehicles reportedly contain 8,000 micro-gram of cadmium.

While the cadmium in Volkswagen electric vehicles is ostensibly enclosed safely in plastic, it could get out of there due to damage, corrosion, accidents or vehicle fire. Also, we don't know the chemical composition of the Cadmium in Volkswagen vehicles: its toxicity highly depends on what chemical form it is in, and how concentrated the cadmium is. (It's more dangerous than lead-acid batteries, because most lead compounds are less reactive than cadmium.)

I.e. we need more data - and saying that it's "just" 0.008 grams is irresponsible.
Not down playing at all Having seen many animals die from this and having PM'd a few (how many kidneys and livers I can' t count). does give me some insight. Not too many years back cad' was used as a superior form of galvanising and therefore there is thousands of tons in common use and open to the elements. Or was it the remark about the Euro 'elfs' and associated idiots. PPS. It' quoted at 8 mg's per unit
Republicans and Capitalists, I guess, by process of elimination. You know, people like Elon. ;)

For the record, both of those terms accurately describe Messrs Chanos and Schmiegal more so than Mr. Musk who is self described political agnostic and whose primary motivation is to accomplish tasks that benefit the whole of humanity which is different than the term Capitalist.

Of course you put the winky thingy at the end of ur post so maybe ur just kiddin, eh?;)
Everyone losing money on their positions during this week of insane price action, take it as a consolation that it'd be hard to pay for more spectacularly dramatic entertainment than this. This is more or less as high-stakes a business game as will ever happen, with actors with billions of dollars of interest on all sides, doing everything in their power to affect the outcome.

Now why didn't I have the mind to buy a spread after the 420 tweet...
Allow me to explain why I’m so frustrated with the going private move at this moment in time. As a long term shareholder who has gone through mountains of challenges, missteps and gaffes with this company I expect to be rewarded when Tesla excels. We are on the cusp of being cash flow positive, our “Amazon” moment is nearly here, I expected to be paid handsomely but instead, it appears Elon got in front of the “Saudi” news when the stock picked up momentum at $360s, five minutes later he tweets about 420.... Why? Perhaps it was accidental or maybe coincidental.. but I’m willing to bet that Elon was afraid the upside potential was going to cause a spike in stock price that would be out of reach for “insiders” who were going to take this company private. He could have raised capital through the Saudis and built the China factory and alleviate a lot of uncertainties for shareholders when the question of “capital needs and cash burn” were raised, which also caused a lot of headaches for investors during the $245 drop... and just when things started to pick up for shareholders, the reward was within sight, he snatches the prize and announces $420, a cheap, cheap price (especially when put next to his CEO pay package and $600 B valuation of Tesla’s future).

To be completely honest, when I heard the news, the immediate thought was that the $420 offer was too low, pathetically low. I felt like it was a slap in the face, a betrayal... it might be selfish of me to think this way as it hindered my reward, but I think this move also makes Elon appear selfish and the NYT interview only heightens my suspicion.

As a shareholder who loves this company and it’s product, I feel like I have to play along, but deep down inside I also know the feeling of being thrown under the bus, $420 is too. friggin. low for Tesla at this moment.

The Saudis need to raise that price.
Then you need to find someone to outbid them. They have more cash than most anyone else so they can play both sides to keep the price low. They don't care what you or I think, this is about investing in their future and hedging against the decline of petroleum. Had that industry and others not been so hellbent on destroying Tesla none of this would be necessary. Whether it is Saudi cash or some combination of others it will make it more difficult for fossil fools to destroy Tesla. And the institutions that don't want this may be the ones dumping their shares now lowering the price for no other apparent reason. Those here using Elon as a whipping boy to blame for TSLA tanking don't seem to understand that it has zero to do with what he says. It is a concerted effort to destroy Tesla. That is why we are infested by these lying trolls.

If people are disgusted with what is happening then just stop looking. When the deal is made then sell your shares and be done with it. Complaining about every imagined detail accomplishes nothing, especially when we know absolutely nothing about it other than a suggested price and the possible outcome (TSLAP). Everyone assumed they knew how this would play out and nothing is making any sense because there are so many manipulators involved.

All I know is Tesla is the same company it was a few weeks ago except it is pumping out more Model 3s now and will continue to ramp up no matter what a bunch of skank lying prostitutes spread their feces attacking it.

At this point I may take my own advise and just stop reading here. I can't keep up anymore anyway. And I don't even work but even I have to get off the Internet every once in awhile. I get that the trolls are here for a reason but don't you decent folks have jobs and important things to do in life?
Paging NYT...

Germany to cancel registration of unfixed dieselgate cars | Team-BHP

“The motor transport authority of Germany has ordered people who have not yet fixed their cars affected by the dieselgate emissions scandal to either fix them or gear up for having their registrations cancelled.”

How’s the health of the German CEOs and it’s board members?
If Tesla were spending $1 billion a quarter on advertising none of these media outlets would mention burning cash at all let alone actual real criminal activities like they ignore for BMW, VW and GM.
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