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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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i have hesitated to post until the weekend to try to put this in perspective. As I recall several years ago EM said he did not expect Tesla to be profitable until 2020 at earliest. He also said he was not interested in reacting to short term market prices and was interested in long term investors along for the ride. This is exactly why I invested wil a 10-15 year horizon. I firmly believe that EM like many of us got diverted into the war against the shorts and the click FUD artists. His reaction at Q1CC was symptomatic. Afterwards his emphasis on no capital raise and profitability in hindsight appear to be contrary to his Mission.

I can't help but wonder if he has returned to the Mission and wants to use profits for R&D and increased CapEx. Taking the Company private would enable him to use availabe (and borrowed) funds to accelerate the Y, Semi and the P/U , build G Factories and most of all avoid concentration on the short term stock market. I have one fund that I hope to become part of TSLAP but would likely have to sell the other at $420. I am not upset because the Mission has been clear from the start and I support the Mission.
Then you need to find someone to outbid them. They have more cash than most anyone else so they can play both sides to keep the price low. They don't care what you or I think, this is about investing in their future and hedging against the decline of petroleum. Had that industry and others not been so hellbent on destroying Tesla none of this would be necessary. Whether it is Saudi cash or some combination of others it will make it more difficult for fossil fools to destroy Tesla. And the institutions that don't want this may be the ones dumping their shares now lowering the price for no other apparent reason. Those here using Elon as a whipping boy to blame for TSLA tanking don't seem to understand that it has zero to do with what he says. It is a concerted effort to destroy Tesla. That is why we are infested by these lying trolls.

If people are disgusted with what is happening then just stop looking. When the deal is made then sell your shares and be done with it. Complaining about every imagined detail accomplishes nothing, especially when we know absolutely nothing about it other than a suggested price and the possible outcome (TSLAP). Everyone assumed they knew how this would play out and nothing is making any sense because there are so many manipulators involved.

All I know is Tesla is the same company it was a few weeks ago except it is pumping out more Model 3s now and will continue to ramp up no matter what a bunch of skank lying prostitutes spread their feces attacking it.

At this point I may take my own advise and just stop reading here. I can't keep up anymore anyway. And I don't even work but even I have to get off the Internet every once in awhile. I get that the trolls are here for a reason but don't you decent folks have jobs and important things to do in life?
Excellent post. I appreciate your perspective.
I have lost $5000 listening to this Idiot and trusting him in just 3 days!!! Seriously, Elon really needs to shut up His mouth and not speak about things (M&A) he does not understand.

Only depending on shareholder vote? Baby, you do not even have a deal structure nor have you spoken to financial advisors and your top 5 shareholders (that are btw selling strongly currently).

Elon, for that loss you've Made me Suffer because of your immensive stupidity I truly feel that you should buy back my sharws at 355$. You eben were that dumb to go to NYT for an Interview EXPLAINING NOTHING. NOTJING. ONLY MORE PAIN.

you don’t lose until you close your position. not advice, but just saying, may want to hold on a while and wait for rebound. look at a chart, it’s a roller coaster. we’re in the midst of maximum smear campaign , take a pill and enjoy the ride.
  • 08.18.18 07:00 AM
Elon Musk Is Broken, and We Have Broken Him

"On the surface, the implication—nobody else can do this—is nonsense. Lots of people could run Tesla. Starting with the hundreds of capable executives at the world’s automakers, most of which are larger, more efficient, and more profitable than Tesla."

AND this is why we have SO MANY competitors to the Tesla vehicles since they started production in 2008. Especially since 2012 when they started the Model S. Only 6 years in and look at all the competitors as Model S takes 25-50% market shares depending on where and how you divide up the market niche of Model S luxury sedan. For get about Model X and Model 3. </sarcasm>

Even WIRED has to get in on the Tesla/Elon bashing?? WTF
Excuse me for calling this author a moron. sorry. He seems paid by the Koch boys.
My best explanation for his concerns for Tesla profits and "Elon's health".
I am completely shocked by Elon Musk.
I have invested at 355$ (101 shares) sind teils believed in statements like:

-funding secured at 420
-only Tessin why its not sure is shareholder vote

Are you kidding me? And now this Guy is tearing in NYT? Elon, buy back my shared at 355$, i dont Want 420!!!

You are a complete Idiot ans you have truly made myself have Tears as well!!!
TSLA is obviously not the stock for you.
That's incredible, considering that David Gelles @ NYT also gloated about the TSLA share price dropping, here's his Tweet from yesterday:

David Gelles: "Tesla $TSLA stock now down close to 4 percent in pre market trading. Wonder why?"

David Gelles, the main author of the "Elon Musk Confronts a Fateful Tweet and an 'Excruciating' Year" interview in the New York Times, felt joy and smugness that his article against Elon Musk had a negative effect on Tesla's stock price.

No professional journalist would do that: in fact many would feel dismayed at having such an effect, as such effect on stock prices often comes with accusations of impropriety.

If David Gelles lied, distorted and misled in his interview, that would come pretty close to the definition of market manipulation: knowingly disseminating materially false information to influence the price of a stock.

Dear SEC, can you spare a few dozen lawyers from your high-priority investigation of Elon's tweeting habits perhaps? (The ones that aren't busy at the moment leaking privileged details of SEC investigations to TSLA-short traders, of course.)

Furthermore, does the New York Times have any conflict of interest or stock ownership disclosure rules that might have been violated by David Gelles?

Does David Gelles have any direct or indirect short position against Tesla (such as stock ownership of GM, Ford or Volkswagen), or does he have any relatives, friends or other acquaintances who are holding a $TSLA short position, while David Gelles had knowledge of that short position?

Inquiring minds want to know.

it seems clear to me from the look on gelles face in his twitter feed that hes a lifelong sufferer of micropenis. same with tim lee (ars wrecknica), dana hull (yes, her too), scott wapner, that little snake andrew ross sorkin, everyone at WaPo, Reuters, etc, etc..just about every publication has bashed elon. and all who achieve joy from destroying other humans for sport (not even for $ like on wall st - at least those dirtbags profit from it). childish? stooping to their level?? perhaps i am, maybe just this once.

all these people who are quick to judge and destroy who haven’t the stones to risk telling the truth about what’s going on, instead rollover and join in the fun. eff them...they’re not worth the oxygen they steal from the rest of us.

apologies in advance mods; clearly woke up on wrong side of happy this am
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it seems clear to me from the look on gelles face in his twitter feed that hes a lifelong sufferer of micropenis. same with tim lee (ars wrecknica), dana hull (yes, her too), scott wapner, that little snake andrew ross sorkin, everyone at WaPo, Reuters, etc, etc..just about every publication has bashed elon. and all who achieve joy from destroying other humans for sport (not even for $ like on wall st - at least those dirtbags profit from it). childish? stooping to their level?? perhaps i am, maybe just this once.

all these people who are quick to judge and destroy who haven’t the stones to risk telling the truth about what’s going on, instead rollover and join in the fun. eff them...they’re not worth the oxygen they steal from the rest of us.
U mad bro? ;)
Submitted tip to the SEC. :)

If he had any short positions or close associations with anyone with short positions, this will not go over well for him.
US doesn't enforce against anything Wall St. (unlike Iceland that at least tried and locked up a few bankers for a short while). In fact Goldman Sachs has revolving door with Treasury and the Federal Reserve. Seems a requirement to have worked for Goldman. I'd love to see/hear of SEC investigation, but I strongly fear only Elon would be investigated. We shall see.
I have lost $5000 listening to this Idiot and trusting him in just 3 days!!! Seriously, Elon really needs to shut up His mouth and not speak about things (M&A) he does not understand.

Only depending on shareholder vote? Baby, you do not even have a deal structure nor have you spoken to financial advisors and your top 5 shareholders (that are btw selling strongly currently).

Elon, for that loss you've Made me Suffer because of your immensive stupidity I truly feel that you should buy back my sharws at 355$. You eben were that dumb to go to NYT for an Interview EXPLAINING NOTHING. NOTJING. ONLY MORE PAIN.

I get your frustration, but if you haven’t sold the $355 shares, then don’t. Consider this... Last year, about this time. I bought several hundred shares at around $355. Things immediately went south fast and I was not happy either. I can’t even remember the reason why. It went down below 300 and after some upbeat news it eventually crawled back to the 350’s. At this point, I expected it to keep going, but then the FUD of the day drove it down below 300 in quick order. Over the last year, it did this five times. Every time it surged past my entry price of 355, I considered selling my shares in anticipation of the next catastrophe that would drive the stock below 300, but I decided to not sell on the chance we might finally get that breakout to 400. On this last one, I recognized the pattern and sold all my shares at 370 when it started dropping from 380. I just bought in at a larger share at 310.

Long story short, I have seen all this before, there is always some catastrophe that hits when the stock nears the all time high. Hang tight with those shares. Despite the extreme volatility, the company is growing and all the manufactured FUD aside, there is a bright future for it.
So, so disappointed in the New York Times.

It was so obviously a skewed piece focused on "scoop" headline rather than an honest fair reporting of the interview.

And I still get home delivery... This week was tough, everyone morning, another hit piece.

Why am I paying all this money for this nonsense? May as well get the Journal at this point.

Is there any major paper accurately covering what's going on with Tesla?

The difference between the vast majority of happy costumers that love their cars, and the "chaos" portrayed in the media is just ri-god-dam-diculous at this point.

A rant to follow, sorry.

+1....my Dad & I have subscribed to NYT & WSJ since 1950.....I dropped NYT today (for the longest time it was the best paper in the World...now, ugh).

btw: don't count on a fair WSJ...they've been taking shots at Tesla for quite a while (James Murdoch apparently has no influence but then again after his role in the News of the World scandal I don't expect much).

Sadly, the Rupert Murdoch UK "sensationalist" approach has polluted American media which is now running a race to the bottom.....
I guess that among Elon Musk's many detractors someone with some psychological insight realized that his Achilles Heel is his need to always explain his reasoning and that in a ruthlessly honest way. Then it was just a question of finding a journalist willing to take the suggestion of baiting EM into giving a long interview about all his challenges and his outlook and then cherry pick a few juicy quotes to back up the hit piece.

The difference between an intelligent person and a non-intelligent person is that the latter keep repeating their mistakes, while the former finds new ones to make. So let's hope that this experience has taught Elon Musk to put on his poker face when he is unsure who he is dealing with.

Elon’s IQ has to be way up there but it seems like there is no one in his life that has the guts to tell him his EQ is nowhere near his IQ?

It’s clear he shouldn’t be granting interviews or sending tweets without moderation. He needs a consigliere to read these situations and keep him out of trouble.

No doubt I feel Elon is a pretty pure person totally honest without a filter or camoflogue. A bright white bird in a green forest is easy meal for vultures.

I wrote Tesla IR last year for all the good that did on Elon never ever commenting on stock price.

It’s cute and humble to think you don’t deserve a certain valuation. However there are real ramifications to non billionaire stockholders and employees when one says such things.

In no uncertain terms Elon threw his investors and employees under the bus for no reason and nothing to gain when he did that.

Showing weakness is admirable to good people.

Complete foolishness when you do it in front of your enemies.
Then you need to find someone to outbid them. They have more cash than most anyone else so they can play both sides to keep the price low. They don't care what you or I think, this is about investing in their future and hedging against the decline of petroleum. Had that industry and others not been so hellbent on destroying Tesla none of this would be necessary. Whether it is Saudi cash or some combination of others it will make it more difficult for fossil fools to destroy Tesla. And the institutions that don't want this may be the ones dumping their shares now lowering the price for no other apparent reason. Those here using Elon as a whipping boy to blame for TSLA tanking don't seem to understand that it has zero to do with what he says. It is a concerted effort to destroy Tesla. That is why we are infested by these lying trolls.

If people are disgusted with what is happening then just stop looking. When the deal is made then sell your shares and be done with it. Complaining about every imagined detail accomplishes nothing, especially when we know absolutely nothing about it other than a suggested price and the possible outcome (TSLAP). Everyone assumed they knew how this would play out and nothing is making any sense because there are so many manipulators involved.

All I know is Tesla is the same company it was a few weeks ago except it is pumping out more Model 3s now and will continue to ramp up no matter what a bunch of skank lying prostitutes spread their feces attacking it.

At this point I may take my own advise and just stop reading here. I can't keep up anymore anyway. And I don't even work but even I have to get off the Internet every once in awhile. I get that the trolls are here for a reason but don't you decent folks have jobs and important things to do in life?
Wrong response. We should mod away the nonsense. The worst thing to do is disperse a positive community that provides a counter to the noise.
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Elon’s IQ has to be way up there but it seems like there is no one in his life that has the guts to tell him his EQ is nowhere near his IQ?

It’s clear he shouldn’t be granting interviews or sending tweets without moderation. He needs a consigliere to read these situations and keep him out of trouble.

No doubt I feel Elon is a pretty pure person totally honest without a filter or camoflogue. A bright white bird in a green forest is easy meal for vultures.

I wrote Tesla IR last year for all the good that did on Elon never ever commenting on stock price.

It’s cute and humble to think you don’t deserve a certain valuation. However there are real ramifications to non billionaire stockholders and employees when one says such things.

In no uncertain terms Elon threw his investors and employees under the bus for no reason and nothing to gain when he did that.

Showing weakness is admirable to good people.

Not so much to your enemies.

Lure the shorts in as if you are wounded. Then follow thru on TSLAP.
it seems clear to me from the look on gelles face in his twitter feed that hes a lifelong sufferer of micropenis. same with ...

...destroy who haven’t the stones to risk telling the truth about what’s going on, instead rollover and join in the fun. eff them...they’re not worth the oxygen they steal from the rest of us.

apologies in advance mods; clearly woke up on wrong side of happy this am

When you devolve into ad hominems, you diminish your position and reflect poorly on not only yourself but the rest of us who otherwise share your general views.
Allow me to explain why I’m so frustrated with the going private move at this moment in time. As a long term shareholder who has gone through mountains of challenges, missteps and gaffes with this company I expect to be rewarded when Tesla excels. We are on the cusp of being cash flow positive, our “Amazon” moment is nearly here, I expected to be paid handsomely but instead, it appears Elon got in front of the “Saudi” news when the stock picked up momentum at $360s, five minutes later he tweets about 420.... Why? Perhaps it was accidental or maybe coincidental.. but I’m willing to bet that Elon was afraid the upside potential was going to cause a spike in stock price that would be out of reach for “insiders” who were going to take this company private. He could have raised capital through the Saudis and built the China factory and alleviate a lot of uncertainties for shareholders when the question of “capital needs and cash burn” were raised, which also caused a lot of headaches for investors during the $245 drop... and just when things started to pick up for shareholders, the reward was within sight, he snatches the prize and announces $420, a cheap, cheap price (especially when put next to his CEO pay package and $600 B valuation of Tesla’s future).

To be completely honest, when I heard the news, the immediate thought was that the $420 offer was too low, pathetically low. I felt like it was a slap in the face, a betrayal... it might be selfish of me to think this way as it hindered my reward, but I think this move also makes Elon appear selfish and the NYT interview only heightens my suspicion.

As a shareholder who loves this company and it’s product, I feel like I have to play along, but deep down inside I also know the feeling of being thrown under the bus, $420 is too. friggin. low for Tesla at this moment.

The Saudis need to raise that price.

Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know and I don’t care or dwell because; not within my realm of control. I’d rather problem solve and readjust what I’d planned with regard to my TSLA investment.

And here’s the thing about having one’s apple cart upset, often when you look back at events in hindsight you realize that what you thought was hugely negative, turned out to have some sort of upside/positive outcome that you never could have foreseen because you were so focused on being upset or just simply stuck in life and didn’t know it.

Yep, $420 too low ‘at some point’, but not at this current moment in time.

I have trusted Elon up to this point to do what he thinks is best for Tesla, he’s proven he can be trusted, he’s proven he cares about those who have supported Tesla, so Ima just gunna to go with him again in this regard and prepare for a private Tesla.
Elon’s IQ has to be way up there but it seems like there is no one in his life that has the guts to tell him his EQ is nowhere near his IQ?

It’s clear he shouldn’t be granting interviews or sending tweets without moderation. He needs a consigliere to read these situations and keep him out of trouble.

No doubt I feel Elon is a pretty pure person totally honest without a filter or camoflogue. A bright white bird in a green forest is easy meal for vultures.

I wrote Tesla IR last year for all the good that did on Elon never ever commenting on stock price.

It’s cute and humble to think you don’t deserve a certain valuation. However there are real ramifications to non billionaire stockholders and employees when one says such things.

In no uncertain terms Elon threw his investors and employees under the bus for no reason and nothing to gain when he did that.

Showing weakness is admirable to good people.

Complete foolishness when you do it in front of your enemies.

Elon will go down in history as one of the greatest. No one will debate that. He needs to get out of the media and this will enable him to do what he does best and concentrate on production and being innovative. If that doesn't happen he's his worse enemy when he's in the media.
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