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UK Electricity Tariffs for EVs

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Dumb question but if I've got two separate electrical connections coming into the house (separate meters, separate contracts) then can I move just one of them to a different, more EV friendly supplier and tariff, or do I have to switch the whole house?
Dumb question but if I've got two separate electrical connections coming into the house (separate meters, separate contracts) then can I move just one of them to a different, more EV friendly supplier and tariff, or do I have to switch the whole house?
If it’s two contracts and separate meters I don’t see why you can’t use two different suppliers. They just go by the meter number, which is sent from your old supplier to the new one.

I wouldn’t want your bills, one is enough :D

EDIT: No such thing as a dumb question!
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Dumb question but if I've got two separate electrical connections coming into the house (separate meters, separate contracts) then can I move just one of them to a different, more EV friendly supplier and tariff, or do I have to switch the whole house?
Thinking about this a bit more, assuming both of your contracts are currently with the same supplier, you would need to tell your new supplier which one you wanted changing, otherwise they wouldn’t know which of your meters to adopt.
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EDF do several tariffs with very low off-peak rates. I"m on the Blue+ price freeze 2 years and paying 5.4p off peak. But most EDF tariffs have a very high peak tariff so it only works if you use a lot of off peak and not much peak electricity. With an electric car and immersion heaters I use 3 times as much off- peak as peak at my tariff is nearly the cheapest, beaten only by another EDF tariff which wasn't fixed for 2 years. It should be even better now I've had a powerful 2 installed and hope to use very little peak rate electricity. The Easy online fixed 18 month is only 4.5p off peak which is even better, much less then their EV tariff, but nearly 25p peak. It all depends on your usage balance.
I need to look at other usage, for example I work at home so have to carefully think about peak time charges, but for the EV element it looks to me as if EDF may be a better option and give more flexibility re off peak charge times. Especially if we do all washing, drying etc after 9pm.
I need to do some similar calcs this week. I think the extra flexibility of EDF will swing it for me, as I have no off street parking - so I can't always guarantee the car will be outside the house. Having earlier evening and weekends would help increase my top up opportunities.
EDF do several tariffs with very low off-peak rates. I"m on the Blue+ price freeze 2 years and paying 5.4p off peak. But most EDF tariffs have a very high peak tariff so it only works if you use a lot of off peak and not much peak electricity. With an electric car and immersion heaters I use 3 times as much off- peak as peak at my tariff is nearly the cheapest, beaten only by another EDF tariff which wasn't fixed for 2 years. It should be even better now I've had a powerful 2 installed and hope to use very little peak rate electricity. The Easy online fixed 18 month is only 4.5p off peak which is even better, much less then their EV tariff, but nearly 25p peak. It all depends on your usage balance.
Hi Fella,
Any chance you can send us a link to these tarrifs.
The only ones I can find are around 8p.
Cheers. S.
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Hi Fella,
Any chance you can send us a link to these tarrifs.
The only ones I can find are around 8p.
Cheers. S.

Probably the easiest way to find the best tariffs for you is to use a site like Switch
Put in your actual or estimated peak and off-peak usage and you'll get the best rates from all the power companies.

The EDF site is under maintenance this morning but they have a 'get a quote' button on the home page. However, I got the info I just quoted after logging in and selecting 'change tariff' on my personal details page. I'm not sure a link to the result would work if you're not logged in but I think it diverted me to the 'get a quote' page anyway. I'll see if I can find something when the site is working.

All these sites tend to just tell you how much it's going to cost for a year and you have to drill down a bit to find the actual tariffs.

A lot of EDF rates have very low off-peak and very high peak rates. Could that be because EDF operate nuclear power stations and they have a lot of surplus nighttime energy to get rid of?
What is the peak rate for EDFs tariff I can’t see it on there website? I work during the day so evening rates are better and will be using more electric during the weekend than during the week to, so sounds good providing the peak rate isn’t crazy high.
15p KW/h I think it is the low that is not that low, 8.01p KW/h but as it is for 98 hours a week, that makes up for it. it is actually hard to find the EDF car tariff, and has a different department that deals with it.

There is a problem though, they state it only will be switched when you have a gen 2 smart metre installed, which needs an active signal I guess using a sim car, and they will not install if they think the signal is too weak in your area, there are ways around this but a pain in the backside and you have to demand it.
As ever with electricity (and gas if thinking dual fuel), one needs to think about the whole costs, not just the cheapest EV charging. I was thinking I could save maybe £340 by taking Octopus Go, (£170 at 5p as opposed to £510 at 15p), but I use other electricity, and a lot of gas, and a back of envelope calculation suggests that higher prices for those would swallow up the savings, pretty much. I have decided to stick with Pure Planet dual fuel for the moment, and look at my EV consumption for a few months.
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I think not rushing to switch is the smart move too. I have no idea what and more importantly when our energy use will change and the numbers are so close at the moment (we are already on an octopus tariff with significantly lower standing charge) that if our energy patterns do not work out exactly as I think they might, we could well be worse off.
Just having a look on MSE energy club, there’s a fairly new company called green.energy offering plans for me at 12.34 all day with a 15p standing charge which is very reasonable, if you have economy 7 then they have a slightly higher day rate but 8p night rate, sounds like a good option. Also cheap gas rate to!
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