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Upcoming FW upgrade to "positively impact" essentially the entire fleet

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If this isn't strictly firmware, this is my guess:

Given the removal of the Twin Charger option on the build page, I wonder if all Model S (entire fleet) will get a free second charger. As for those that already purchased this option, maybe they'll get a Tesla Store gift card? :wink:
Definitely not firmware. And really not something that "positively impacts the entire fleet". Except that maybe people who ordered before whatever cutoff they may have in mind will get mad... :-/
Definitely not firmware. And really not something that "positively impacts the entire fleet". Except that maybe people who ordered before whatever cutoff they may have in mind will get mad... :-/

It would positively impact the entire fleet if they were retroactively upgraded for free. To not piss off the owners that already have the twin chargers, maybe some kind of gift cards or refunds.
It would positively impact the entire fleet if they were retroactively upgraded for free. To not piss off the owners that already have the twin chargers, maybe some kind of gift cards or refunds.
Given the massive amount of labor involved in doing that, I don't see that happening. And Tesla's regard for people who have already paid can be reviewed in the threads about the people who paid for next gen seats and have now been told they won't get them until May...
Given the massive amount of labor involved in doing that, I don't see that happening. And Tesla's regard for people who have already paid can be reviewed in the threads about the people who paid for next gen seats and have now been told they won't get them until May...
Right, it's a lot of work to install them after delivery, as noted by the labor cost. Plus, a lot of owners simply don't need them. If they had, they probably would have ordered it in the first place. Seems like a huge waste of money on Tesla's part.

A firmware update is far more likely.
I just can't see how Tesla can really afford to give a new charger to everyone who has a car. It would be a massive expense in hardware, time and labour for little gain, in reality ( people usually buy what they need). I suspect there is, as I've said, a battery lease program or some other "against the dealers" setup. It really is wishful thinking and not good for Tesla when the market is closely looking at its bottom line.
Elon: "And - but most of that deferral will be taken care of this quarter with the software release next month which will add a bunch more functionality to the car. Right now, I’m really excited about the software release we have planned for next month. There is a bunch of features in it that are going to positively affect entire fleet and then of course we’ll add more autopilot capability."
I thought it worthwhile to bring this forward to the current page, again.
Assuming this is accurately transcribed, we can rule out retroactive charger installs, wouldn't you think?
Any hardware really, albeit the Tank Mode retrofits really did happen.
(But if we are going there, my pet upgrade speculation is a HyperLoop-inspired turbine air scoop to negate that pesky wind resistance. Suddenly the removable nose makes more sense...)
At service stations Tesla has forms that you can fill out to request for new features. They then look at what most people are demanding and try to come up with a solution. That sounds pretty responsive to me considering the fact that they are trying to expand production becsuse they are severely production limited, expanding their supercharger network, working on the MX and M3, investing in battery facilities, coming up with more updates, etc.

I wasn't aware of these forms, I will definitely ask the next time I go in! Thanks for the tip.

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I suspect an increase in top speed.

^ this
Top speed increase wouldn't really be that useful to me (and quite a few other owners I suspect). I understand that some enthusiasts, particularly the P85+ & P85D owners may take the car to the track and want this... but a lot of us won't get the car near it's limit in our time owning it.

I'm of course not opposed to it being done... but if that is the "big item" in the update, I'd be a bit underwhelmed.
I won't hold my breath but "car acts as a wifi hotspot" fits Elon's description. Also note that he said "bunch of features" not "a feature", so we're looking for multiple software-associated changes/additions.
At service stations Tesla has forms that you can fill out to request for new features. They then look at what most people are demanding and try to come up with a solution. That sounds pretty responsive to me considering the fact that they are trying to expand production becsuse they are severely production limited, expanding their supercharger network, working on the MX and M3, investing in battery facilities, coming up with more updates, etc.

I have been to the service center countless times, I have never seen these forms or been asked input on new features FWIW.
Top speed increase wouldn't really be that useful to me (and quite a few other owners I suspect). I understand that some enthusiasts, particularly the P85+ & P85D owners may take the car to the track and want this... but a lot of us won't get the car near it's limit in our time owning it.

I'm of course not opposed to it being done... but if that is the "big item" in the update, I'd be a bit underwhelmed.
Top speed would really not fit that bill. Outside of Germany and small parts of the US (and tracks) no one gets to (legally) use top speed. And even then it is my understanding that at 155 miles/hr (250 km/h) you are likely to get into overheating scenarios... and forget about range. So no, I don't think that's it.

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I have been to the service center countless times, I have never seen these forms or been asked input on new features FWIW.
Same here
I'm sure it's been said (and probably refuted) but I'm hoping for faster supercharging rates. At the time of initial release the rate/taper was no doubt toeing the no-doubt fuzzy line, but with the amount of supercharging/degredation data available now, it might be no impact (or low impact) to bump up another 10-20%.

That would also have an equivalent effect of 10-20%(ish) more supercharging stalls...
Also note that he said "bunch of features" not "a feature", so we're looking for multiple software-associated changes/additions.
Good point. And when re-reading the statement, I come to the conclusion that it is those features combined that will "positively affect entire fleet".
so I think we're getting a bunch of features. Some will be autopilot only to take care of that deferred revenue. And some will be for all cars. But I think it's clear he doesn't talk about one big feature.

Also interesting to note is that since he promised investors to take care of the deferred revenue this quarter, the probability for a release doing at least that is high. The investors probably don't care much about firmware releases but they do care about revenue.
The more I think about this, the more I think it will be something much more "obvious".
It has to be something that makes intuitive sense to many buyers and also can be retroactively done for "almost the entire fleet".
That has me think it's something that requires the tech package (that I think would be "almost the entire fleet").
So maybe it is the full rewrite of the navigation software that Elon had hinted about in November of 2013 and had pre-announced for Jan/Feb... we thought he meant 2014 :)
Navigation that takes into account, traffic, weather, wind, charging locations and gives a recommendation as to the best speed in order to arrive at your destination at the earliest time.
Maybe it will even (GASP) support way points :)