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Web App for Viewing TeslaCam Videos

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When I start the app, the black screen comes up, text appears, then the app closes. How can I fix this??

Need a little more info... What operating system is your computer and which browser are you using? Does this happen just going to the website or after selecting the video files? Also, to verify we are talking about the same app as there have been several similar apps started lately... This one the website is the application (nothing to install) - TeslaCam Video Player
Need a little more info... What operating system is your computer and which browser are you using? Does this happen just going to the website or after selecting the video files? Also, to verify we are talking about the same app as there have been several similar apps started lately... This one the website is the application (nothing to install) - TeslaCam Video Player

Windows 10. Google Chrome. Happens when I click on the app. I'm pretty sure it's your app
In some other threads, we discovered that newer Teslas with HW3 have HEVC H.265 video encoded for dashcam and sentry videos rather than H.264. This video format only works on Microsoft Edge and Safari browsers. Some on Windows 10 have also needed to download a Microsoft extension to play these videos. That link is: Get HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer - Microsoft Store

That has resolved issues for those with newer models.
Hi Jdeskins, once again, thanks for this. I got it to work right after you initially posted it but now seem to have something I'm not doing or a problem with something else. As you can see from the screenshot I'm getting the files downloaded. I just can't get them to 'play'? I'm using an imac, in case that makes any difference. Any help will be appreciated.


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Awesome! Will gladly contribute, you deserve it!
Hopefully Tesla will allow viewing on the screen, grabbing the files directly.

Suggestions / requests:
1) Slider bar during play to move at any speed to any frame within the recording, forward or back, like many video players
2) Show folder name or directory tree structure of where files have been selected from
3) Offline version for Android / iPhone / tablet
4) Offline version of app to store on USB drive (becomes self contained setup for viewing when offline on any device)
Thanks for the contributions and suggestions.

I was planning on making this web app work offline (user would have to visit the site first for initial download)... so that it would work even with no wi-fi or hotspot. @jmb4370 - Having a downloadable version that could be stored directly on USB is an interesting suggestion. There may be browser issue with the web page loading from local filesystem rather than a web server but will test that out.

Definitely would be best if Tesla would allow accessing the TeslaCam directory on USB directly from the web app in the car's browser. ;)
I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have tried this app on three different browsers within Mac OS X: Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. I get the same behavior from all three. I select a set of files using the "Choose Files" button, either a single set of three, or every file in a dated folder; but no video shows up in the viewing boxes, nor does anything happen when I press the "Play/Pause All" button. Video timestamps do show up and the names of the first selected files shows up in the video boxes, but the video boxes are black and nothing plays. I can view individual files using QuickView in the Finder. What am I doing wrong?
I added some requested features for the TeslaCam Video WebApp Player.
  • A slider bar is also now available to easily move all three camera videos in-sync.
  • "Jump to Event" button displays if the app thinks the videos came from a Sentry Mode event where 10 minutes of videos were saved. It jumps to about one minute before the end of all videos (seems to be where most events have happened).
TeslaCam Video WebApp Player

Previous updates included:
  • Enlarge any camera video by clicking on it. Return to side-by-side layout by clicking the enlarged video.
  • Go directly to a time by clicking on the timestamp from the list.
  • Resize the videos automatically when resizing the browser window.

Teslas with newer HW3 appear to have HEVC H.265 video encoded for dashcam and sentry videos rather than H.264 (which works with most browsers). H.265 video format primarily only works on Microsoft Edge and Safari browsers. Some on Windows 10 have also needed to download a Microsoft extension to play their videos. That link is: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/hevc-video-extensions-from-device-manufacturer/9n4wgh0z6vhq
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I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have tried this app on three different browsers within Mac OS X: Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. I get the same behavior from all three.

@SucreTease - Sounds like you are doing the right steps... Will need to find why the videos play in QT but not in a browser. If on Mac, see what codec is used for the videos by right-clicking on one of the video files from Finder and select "Get Info". From the popup, expand More Info to see what codec was used for the video. H.264 plays in most browsers. Others in the community may also provide more info if they have run into the same thing. I'm on Mac and use Chrome with H.264 videos and it plays fine.

One other thing I just thought of... I've had a few not play properly when my left camera videos were corrupt. May confirm all three videos (left, front, and right) also play fine in QuickTime and are about one minute long.
I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have tried this app on three different browsers within Mac OS X: Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. I get the same behavior from all three. I select a set of files using the "Choose Files" button, either a single set of three, or every file in a dated folder; but no video shows up in the viewing boxes, nor does anything happen when I press the "Play/Pause All" button. Video timestamps do show up and the names of the first selected files shows up in the video boxes, but the video boxes are black and nothing plays. I can view individual files using QuickView in the Finder. What am I doing wrong?

I have the same experience using the latest Ubuntu (GNU/Linux) OS, with updated Firefox and Chromium. No video.
Finally got around to partitioning and setting up a USB drive today....which let me try out your website. Thanks so much for this simple appearing website, which works great. I can import all the clips at once, and it plays through them sequentially and with all 3 views synced up. Just wanted to give my thanks an appreciation.
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Love the web app. Simply excellent. :)

Question aimed at Tesla: Why does Sentry save recordings where the triggering "event" is... me getting into the car? Especially in light of the fact that the videos don't overwrite, these unnecessary recordings just shorten the amount of time before I have to flush the contents of the full drive. At least now there's a tool to facilitate that process, with the indispensable "jump to event" button. Thanks again @jdeskins !
I'd love to use it but when I load the videos all the boxes are black, no matter which file I chose. I browse choose files but... just see black

Tesla 3 (one week old so I downloaded the hev extension you suggested)
Tried win 10 and also edge - same result
videos are mp4 and play fine on vlc