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Congrats guys on getting in pre-IPO. LC looked like a good play last time I researched it. Of course, I certainly would not want my company debuting on the exchanges in this kind of market, but oh well. Hope it works out well.

Lol, I have ipo shares and didn't know it opened. Nice so far.

Interesting that I got 250 instead of the 350 I asked for.

I bought another 700 in the open market. wish me luck.
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Opinions on Blackberry? Not a fan of the new CEO, and I've always viewed it as a short, but they are now cash flow positive and I wonder if BES 12 really has a shot at gaining traction.
I don't like betting on a company unless I find the CEO compelling, especially one like Blackberry that is deeply in an "also ran" market position. That's just my personal view.
I don't like betting on a company unless I find the CEO compelling, especially one like Blackberry that is deeply in an "also ran" market position. That's just my personal view.

Wise words, I felt the same. Also, his jokes aren't funny.

On a sidenote, I bought a bit of HLF 2017 LEAPS last week. A bit risky. Not saying I'm a fan of the business or anything, but they've been beaten pretty badly, and seems like some people actually think they could get shut down or get pwned by the FTC. Looks like a coordinated short effort on SeekingAlpha lol. 5.5 fP/E.
Wise words, I felt the same. Also, his jokes aren't funny.

On a sidenote, I bought a bit of HLF 2017 LEAPS last week. A bit risky. Not saying I'm a fan of the business or anything, but they've been beaten pretty badly, and seems like some people actually think they could get shut down or get pwned by the FTC. Looks like a coordinated short effort on SeekingAlpha lol. 5.5 fP/E.

I would be terrified to be long HLF for all the reasons you mentioned -- be very careful there.
In the 'trade I left on paper' category: Should have bought puts on GPRO two months ago when I could not understand how the price went so high for a business model with a limited moat.:cursing:
I was driving out in Imperial County, CA, USA today, and saw lots and lots of new wind generators. It made me realize that I have no clue who are the good/big players in this field of alternative sustainable energy. With the general investing community somehow seeming to believe that low oil prices are bad for alternatives, the stocks are probably unreasonably depressed. Does anyone have any recommendations for Wind Power investments?
I was driving out in Imperial County, CA, USA today, and saw lots and lots of new wind generators. It made me realize that I have no clue who are the good/big players in this field of alternative sustainable energy. With the general investing community somehow seeming to believe that low oil prices are bad for alternatives, the stocks are probably unreasonably depressed. Does anyone have any recommendations for Wind Power investments?

I would PM Robert Boston or hope he replies here.
The two big players in U.S. renewables are:

NRG Energy
-- note that you can invest either in NRG Energy ($NRG) or NRG Yield ($NYLD). NRG Energy holds the higher-risk assets without long-term contracts; Yield holds the safe-and-steady assets and is primarily an income play.

NextEra Energy
-- same deal here: $NEE is the core company, while $NEP holds the contracted assets. However, $NEE also bundles in a big chunk of regulated assets, Florida Power & Light, so it's less of a pure-play renewables.

In thinking about energy investment, you should realize that the development process for new plant is typically split. "Developers" do the upfront work to find and secure a site and all related permitus, secure a power purchase agreement, obtain interconnection authorization, and get all the top-level technical specs done. Once they get to this point, the developer typically flips the asset over to an NRG or NEE to actually build the facility. The developer will pocket a big profit on success plus contract payments during construction. OTOH, a failed development project just leaves the developer poorer. All the good developers are private; while the majors often have development teams, as a rule they don't produce as good results as the highly-motivated private developers.
Have people though about NVDA? Seems like they are using their backbone of products to provide the leverage into the autopilot/driverless car world. With Audi/VW as a customer, and a low volume but high visibility company like Tesla using their tech, and a stable cash flow positive business, they are a reasonable option for a growth company with stable income.

Do people know if Tesla uses any of their chips in things other than the display? Has Google been using their stuff in their driverless spheres? Is their tech hidden in other autos already, powering some of the systems? Who do they compete with in the auto space - Qalcomm? Intel?
GPRO crushes earnings and revenue estimates on ER today, and................................gets slaughtered AH........................Go figure. Not a big fan of the company but did not see this coming with these results.