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Your Full Self-Driving (Supervised) Trial starts now!

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I got the trial a few days ago. FSD would be useless where I live (Dirt roads? Roads with no lines? No multi-lane roads at all? Only one stoplight in my entire county? Why?).

However, I am looking forward to extended autopilot and trying out navigation on autopilot on a 2500 mile road trip later this week. I've missed the lane change on autopilot on road trips that I had when I bought my car. But FSD? No. Just turning it on seems to eliminate TACC, which is actually useful.

I did hope to try out summon just for fun but it doesn't seem to be available on my car. Oh well.
Just turning it on seems to eliminate TACC, which is actually useful.
This may be the stupid "activate on 1 pull" default. With EAP, the first pull/tap activates TACC, the second activated EAP. By default, FSD activates on the first pull/tap, but that setting can be changed to replicate EAP (1st = TACC, 2nd = FSD).

The problem with the default is that if you take over steering, it cancels TACC and the car begins to regen/brake, which I almost never want. If the car does something stupid with steering on the highway, I want to correct the steering only, not have it start braking in traffic. If I need it to slow down too, that's what the brake pedal is for.
This may be the stupid "activate on 1 pull" default. With EAP, the first pull/tap activates TACC, the second activated EAP. By default, FSD activates on the first pull/tap, but that setting can be changed to replicate EAP (1st = TACC, 2nd = FSD).

The problem with the default is that if you take over steering, it cancels TACC and the car begins to regen/brake, which I almost never want. If the car does something stupid with steering on the highway, I want to correct the steering only, not have it start braking in traffic. If I need it to slow down too, that's what the brake pedal is for.
My car won't allow the change to double pull for FSD. When I select FSD, the single pull/double pull fields are grayed out. Don't know why.

Edit: I'm not the only one: Double Pull Selection Deactivated with FSD, Cruise Control not available.
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You have to first select the autosteer feature. The buttons will un-gray. Once you pick which one you want, then enable FSD.
Nope. Doesn't work for the temporary FSD trial so far as I can see. The buttons are available for autosteer as usual but disappear when FSD is selected. If Tesla really wanted FSD trials to be useful they'd fix the bug.
Much better than v11 was during my post-purchase trial in Q4 2023, but still not worth close to $12k.

I found v11 did 80% of the driving well, and the rest was downright terrifying. Every time I left my house, it blew through a yield sign in my neighborhood. Rotaries? Yeah, right. I haven't tried either of those cases yet on v12.
I tested my new 2024 Y on a couple rotaries on Sunday, FSD handled them well. The only places it got confused was in a parking lot with a section of pavement cut out and left as dirt after a recent sewer upgrade and it tried to turn into my neighbor’s driveway instead of mine both times. I wouldn’t trust it fully, but I was very impressed.
Tested it today on several local drives. One scary move was when I was making a right turn on red from the left lane of two turn lanes. It decided to cut across to the right lane and cut off the cars waiting there. Luckily no one pulled out to turn into us. One other aggravating behavior was frequent lane changes for no apparent reason. Overall I was impressed with how well it did.
I don't have FSD but I was using autosteer the other day and the car did something terrifying. I was in the #1 lane (leftmost), and after crossing an intersection, the car attempted to move to the #2 lane. It did not understand the lane markers and didn't understand which lane was which. Luckily I had my hand on the steering wheel and immediately took corrective action, because there was already a car in the #2 lane
Is the autosteer/autopilot supposed to work on city streets? My autopilot icon turns off at every intersection.
Hopped in my Y to run an errand this morning. Set cruise control as usual (avoids speeding in quiet car). Went into FSD mode without me ever agreeing to try it. I would rather play in traffic nude than use FSD. But Tesla decided to activate it without so much as a by your leave. This is wrong! The free trial offer is one thing, but enabling it without my permission is unforgivable. Don't do something like that again, Elon.
First day of my SFSD free trial and badly curbed a wheel on a left turn. The tire has a ‘flap loose’ on the sidewall now. What is the likelihood of a replacement being necessary?


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I don't have FSD but I was using autosteer the other day and the car did something terrifying. I was in the #1 lane (leftmost), and after crossing an intersection, the car attempted to move to the #2 lane. It did not understand the lane markers and didn't understand which lane was which. Luckily I had my hand on the steering wheel and immediately took corrective action, because there was already a car in the #2 lane
I don't know if they still say this, but Autopilot (TACC + Autosteer) historically has been specifically NOT been for surface street use - highways only.
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First day of my SFSD free trial and badly curbed a wheel on a left turn. The tire has a ‘flap loose’ on the sidewall now. What is the likelihood of a replacement being necessary?

If it's not very deep, you can use tire vulcanizing compound like "Xtra Seal" to re-seal it. Don't use regular rubber cement because they're not the same. Vulcanizing compound will weld the rubber together as if it's one piece. If it's a deep cut, then you should replace the tire
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I got the "Full Self-Driving (Supervised) Currently Enabled" message through the Tesla app but it's not enabled on the car. Do I need to do anything or just continue to wait for the update to show up?

Model Y is currently on 2024.8.9