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  1. Q

    Turn signal mode change since last OTA

    Personally, I don't see the benefit of switching Auto-Cancel off. With it on, you never have to fully press the indicator stalk at all and it's accurate 90% of the time with lane changes. If going round a roundabout, half press down (or up) then a full press in the opposite direction upon exit -...
  2. Q

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    A few things I don't like (very minor but still): Can no longer see cell-service on the screen. They brought it in a few updates ago, now they've taken it away again. FFS, just leave it there! The full screen visualisation seems a wasted opportunity. Nav instructions are minimised but there's...
  3. Q

    Is this for real? Passport and driving license upload or you can drive your tesla!

    Got the same email as well. Mine is on PCP so they already have my licence and I can't find a reason why they'd need my passport details (and if regulations say they must have it, then I definitely disagree with the regulators!) so definitely staying well clear of that link and/or giving them...
  4. Q

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Got my update today. Currently installing, interested to see how I adjust to the differences. Good to hear people's thoughts and opinions.
  5. Q

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Oh dw about that, my app has been saying for 3 weeks that software is waiting to download and to connect to WiFi to do it... but alas, every time I go in the car, the update is never "there" - so the app seems to be off by "orders of magnitude" ;)
  6. Q

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    You guys don't have the dashcam as a shortcut? This is an absolute must for me. The amount of sh!t I see on the roads in London I’m tapping it at least once every 2-3 drives - mind you, I never actually do anything with them! Though, yesterday as I was stopped at the lights, I saw some biker...
  7. Q

    2024 Insurance Costs

    My turn to add to the annual (anal?) pain club: 2023 insurance: £1,319.19 2024 insurance: £1,561.73 An increase of 18.3% Admiral have "upgraded" me to their Gold Tier club without my asking. I have to contact them to stay on my current policy tier (sneaky f*cks) which I’m assuming will bring...
  8. Q

    Creaking tailgate - mobile technician visit

    I was very surprised as well. But Like Jason71 mentioned, Autoglym along all the seals (I did all the doors as well) did the trick. I apply it every 2-3 months but probably doesn't need it that frequently. By the way, I did take it into the SC and they didn't / couldn't fix it.
  9. Q

    Creaking tailgate - mobile technician visit

    Oh no worries, just look for the rubber.. err seals (not sure how else to describe it) that are on the car itself (not on boot lid). Not sure if that helps, but if not I can take some pictures next time I’m at my car.
  10. Q

    Sentry Mode - Depressing how many people open doors into the car

    Oh cheers for asking! Actually I just got the car back from the Tesla body shop yesterday lol. The lady was good about it once I reached out to via her company website. She called straight away and got her insurance involved and they sorted it out from there. Only few snags were that Tesla...
  11. Q

    2023 Holiday Update

    I must be getting old.. but I still still use my wing mirrors when parking. I judge distance to front bumper and front corners with my eye balls. I only use the backup camera for judging distance to the back bumper. I’ve even turned off all the bingbong sounds. Never crashed into anything. Why...
  12. Q

    2023 Holiday Update

    Not sure what the fuss is about with speed cameras, they’re so obvious here, especially as compared to my native NZ (where they’re all sneakily hidden)! What would be amazing is to have road closures, road works and accident information like Google and Waze have.
  13. Q

    So… Highland is out…

    This whole thread... It should be called "So... who wants to come to the highland-road and crap down on anything and everything Tesla". Criticism is important. Delusional moaning not so much. ✌️
  14. Q

    M3 Refresh - Are Indicator buttons really poor design?

    If all you did were read comments on here and you were to make a conclusion about how people behave on roundabouts, you'd assume that 100% of the people indicate 100% of the time. But alas, go into the real world and you will see that, no matter the make of car, or whether they have stalks or...
  15. Q

    [UK specific] Software Update 2023.26

    A lot of complaints about niggles on here.. now that I’ve just updated, what stands out to me is… they seem to have really upped the quality of music playback (on Spotify). I’m not sure exactly what they did but the balance seems to have improved massively. Before, often vocals were drowned out...
  16. Q

    Sentry Mode - Depressing how many people open doors into the car

    Thanking you! She hasn’t responded yet but because she was at the airport and had 3 MASSIVE suitcases, I’m assuming she’ll be away for a while. I will try to contact her via her website first to see if she acknowledges - but judging by the way she just looked at the chip, rubbed it, then walked...
  17. Q

    Sentry Mode - Depressing how many people open doors into the car

    Well, I found the lady online as it was a company car with her company logo and website fully visible. I also caught her littering. So yeah, I’m going to file a report and if she doesn't contact me out of her own goodness (she's an "alchemist in the natural world" so not sure how much goodness...
  18. Q

    Sentry Mode - Depressing how many people open doors into the car

    Thanks for the advice, I will see what I can do.
  19. Q

    Sentry Mode - Depressing how many people open doors into the car

    Yikes, finally got a door ding big enough to write home about. Seem plenty of people bump their doors into mine but thankfully not had any lasting mark, up until today. I parked my car at Stanstead for a week. And yes there’s always a risk parking there but for the most part people are sensible...
  20. Q

    Model Y boot open - Cambridge

    That’s good to know then, as it means mine mustn’t have been left open for longer than I thought. I must’ve accidentally clicked the button on the widget by accident and realised straight away.
  21. Q

    Model Y boot open - Cambridge

    I've done this before too. Car was in it's usual overnight spot in my communal garage so was semi safe I guess. But there's a few improvements Tesla could do: 1. Confirm boot open prompt if you're outside Bluetooth range. Would reduce the number accidental button pushes, especially with...
  22. Q

    [UK specific] Software Update 2023.26

    Well you stated that OTA updates don't make any improvements. I said there were some for me that have added up over time. You then asked which ones. To which they were answered by @MovingSouth (which are the ones I would have said plus a few other I can't be bothered to tell you). And then you...
  23. Q

    [UK specific] Software Update 2023.26

    So what? The point (and the answer to your question) is that the car software is making drivability or general user experience better. Other brands are catching up to Tesla in other aspects too - but that's beside the point because the specific question is whether Tesla's OTA software updates...
  24. Q

    [UK specific] Software Update 2023.26

    But I've had plenty of small improvements that have added up over time in just the past 9 months of owenership. Plus the native software and UX is still better than most competitors. I do wish they'd document the minor changes more because I'm sure they make plenty of "under the hood"...
  25. Q

    [UK specific] Software Update 2023.26

    .26 for me is only about the Spotify update. And if that's buggy, then I can certainly wait. I also hear it's not as good an update as first thought but we'll see. Regarding switching on the Lights. For me it couldn't be easier than "Car Button" > "Light Button" then swipe the menu down, with...
  26. Q

    [UK] 2023.20.x

    Wow, that's amazing if true! I wonder if other people will report similar results. (I never keep track of mine but may do from now.) Also, I saw some people report that the recommended charging limit has changed from 90 to 80 for those without LFP (or is it with LFP, I can never remember..)...
  27. Q

    [UK specific] Software Update 2023.26

    Any improvement to Spotify UI and on-start connectivity?
  28. Q

    Creaking tailgate - mobile technician visit

    I spent hours looking for this creak, and even left my car with the service centre to fix this creak (they didn't), only to find the seals needed a little lubricant on them which I could've done myself in minutes... Get some Autoglym lubricant and wipe it on all the seals. I do all doors...
  29. Q

    [UK] 2023.20.x

    Is 20.8 the one with updated Spotify UI? If so, anyone care to share experience? I'm still on 20.7...
  30. Q

    [UK specific] Software Update 2023.26

    Ah silly me! Too eager it seems. I'll check back in 2 we... err, months then ;)
  31. Q

    Debretts Guide to Electric Vehicle Etiquette

    So? They wanted to comment on the document... is it that big a deal?
  32. Q

    [UK specific] Software Update 2023.26

    Anyone got a pic of the new look & feel of Spotify app? Does it finally allow song queuing and other standard features that we should've had years ago? Still waiting patiently for my update...
  33. Q

    Anyone in the UK 'upgraded' their Model Y suspension?

    Yeah and I was speaking to a Model Y P owner the other day who had tried the improved LR suspension (from Q2 2022 onwards I believe?) and he said that the Performance was an improvement even on the LR version which apparently was many x times better than the first gen horrible suspension version...
  34. Q

    [UK] 2023.20.x

    Not got the most recent update yet (still on 20.4.1), but randomly got this come up as I got in the car (I had already driven to run my errand so this came up as I was heading home). Not sure if I turned the setting off at some point and it’s just a periodic reminder or related to the most...
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    [UK] 2023.20.x

    Yup, it’s highly probable it’s my driving (I admit). And yes, I say douche sometimes, so at least one person.
  36. Q

    [UK] 2023.20.x

    Yeah I feel dumb for missing that setting 🙄
  37. Q

    [UK] 2023.20.x

    I don't know if this is due to the most recent update, but I've noticed that the car limits my power a lot more than normal in situations where it thinks I might be doing something "wrong". Like, this morning, I was going down a London street and - as is usual - you wait behind a parked car to...
  38. Q

    [UK] 2023.20.x

    Yes this took a long time to update for me too. I heard the update was around 4 gb's? Definitely more under the hood than minor updates! The Tesla App trip planner now has scheduled departure, which is also a nice addition. Remember to go in and update you app.
  39. Q

    Numberplates Stolen - Model Y

    I see you're in London... where exactly did this happen so I can avoid that area!? For real though, gutted for you. Speaking of, I took the bracing off my front bumper and stuck it on with tape. It's starting to peel off now though so clearly I didn't do it right or used the wrong tape... what...
  40. Q

    Car put itself in neutral in traffic jam

    As others have said, it shifts into Park if you've been completely stationary on Hold for 15 mins or. If it went into Neutral then I'd imagine that was user input.
  41. Q

    Model Y rear bench creaking

    I had the same reaction! I even had the Tesla service guys look at the car for a whole day! I almost couldn’t believe the creaking was because of the darn seals! And yeah like you, I’ll just include in regular clean. It brought the pleasure of driving back for me.
  42. Q

    Model Y rear bench creaking

    I had the same issue, and concur with @Jason71. I used this one as posted here Model Y rear bench creaking Most of the constant creaking how now gone! (still get the odd small/minor rattles on certain surfaces from other parts of the car but they're few and far between, it was the creaking that...
  43. Q


    Really? I do this all the time when exiting roundabouts... The indicators work well, not sure why everyone has a fuss about them.
  44. Q

    Badge Blackout

    Looks good! How did you take the emblem off and put them back on again? I’m trying to decide if it’s worth the effort or not (for me).
  45. Q

    Model Y rear bench creaking

    I listen to loud music a lot of the time but not 100% of the time. Also, when I do listen to loud music, it rattles all the rattles (which I can hear with the music).... so it's a catch22 for me.
  46. Q

    Model Y rear bench creaking

    I think I have this one too. Can hear it when blasting bassy music too.
  47. Q

    Model Y rear bench creaking

    I took mine in for a service. They seemed to have fixed the issue at the back, but after a while of travelling on the rough terrains that are London streets, the creaking has come back again! I don't know what they did to temporarily fix the creak in the back back (the creaking that happens when...
  48. Q

    Premium Connectivity - is it worth it?

    Oh for sure re. rerouting. Traffic visualisations are for when I'm not plugging in a destination and just need to know to avoid certain clogged arteries. The other plus side is I'm getting Black Cab level knowledge of my local area! Re. battery - I actually thought it's because it's always...
  49. Q

    Premium Connectivity - is it worth it?

    Worth it for me. I don't have to bother with tethering my phone to get the same features, which means I don't need to upgrade my phone plan. Plus, tethering all the time puts a lot of pressure on my phone battery which is already degraded enough as it is. I like and prefer satellite view. I...
  50. Q

    Show me your MY in Blue!

    The only natural thing to do when you see another MY in the parking lot is to line it up for a photo op! I love the Y in all colours (so long as it has inductions or black rims in general) but for me personally; the MY in blue just hits that little bit different. (Taken in the winter, will...