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  1. Leejmoff

    Email from Tesla offering better Trade In values.....

    yes I'm lucky I guess, but you can do it without I think.
  2. Leejmoff

    Email from Tesla offering better Trade In values.....

    I got an email telling me about the new offer of free 15k miles with a new Tesla, and that their trade in values have been increased. So I thought I'd check. To my surprise, the offer had gone up £3k from £18k - to £21.2. Massive increase, although still low in my opinion. Just thought I'd...
  3. Leejmoff

    Energy Bar - where's it gone?

    what is the point in moving it to there? Honestly Tesla drive me up the wall with stuff like this. It looks worse and its harder to see......again.
  4. Leejmoff

    Good bye

    Another thing to think about is the Super Charging network. With Musk sacking everyone in that department, god knows how the network will be after a while. No more expansion? Less open chargers? Its like he is trying his best to ruin the company at the moment. For me, the only main reason I...
  5. Leejmoff

    Tesla Financial Services UK - Ghost-ship?

    That is what you call a Sh!t show. Reading this and knowing how Tesla treat people, I wouldn't touch another Tesla unless you want to risk it.
  6. Leejmoff

    Good bye

    this is exactly where I am. No way am I "buying" another Tesla. If I do its on lease so I can just give it back. The company worries me at the moment
  7. Leejmoff

    Good bye

    fair enough. I'll be doing the same as soon as I can get up north down the A1 and not have to worry about charging. Interesting choice, I'm wondering what made you go with i5? My decision was between that and a M3 2.5 years ago and I went with Tesla. Mainly because of the SC network and...
  8. Leejmoff

    [UK] Report that Tesla not going to produce low cost “Model 2”

    Absolutely. I do love my M3, yes wipers/Aircon/suspension and small other niggles are annoying, its actually a fantastic car. For something else in its price bracket that does all the jobs I want, there isn't much about. I've been looking recently, and I'm leaning more towards cars with bigger...
  9. Leejmoff

    [UK] Report that Tesla not going to produce low cost “Model 2”

    The whole Robotaxi and sudden change of heart on Model 2 smells like desperation to me. I for one will not buy another Tesla on PCP as it is. With prices going up and down by the month, I can't trust the value of the car. I can't see many people wanting a smaller Tesla now, there is already...
  10. Leejmoff

    About to leave warranty - any recommendations? Should I get a service?

    I've always done PCP, but after getting a ridiculously low trade in value on my 2.5 year old Model 3, and a balloon payment at the end. I'm now looking to sell privately and just pay off the final settlement figure given. I wont do PCP again with Tesla, because of the changing prices, as we...
  11. Leejmoff

    Tesla Financial Services UK - Ghost-ship?

    Yeah services are total and utter $*&!. Its one of the reasons I'm staying away from Tesla on PCP again. Although I've not had any problems like yourself, it just seems any service at all is non existent in this country. Its very worrying for when you do have an actual problem that needs sorting...
  12. Leejmoff

    Andersen EV charger support

    I've had this quite a few times over the last year. Has been stable since being bought out. Sorry I know that doesn't help.
  13. Leejmoff

    Octopus Tracker IOS Shortcut

    wonderful thank you. How comes you updated it?
  14. Leejmoff

    New Highland UK - stalks

    Absolutely agree with you on this. Technology is also meant to make life easier/better, rather than causing more stress. Most of your points cause more stress than other previous cars I've had. Yes I love the drive/electric/acceleration and cost of owning, but Tesla really need to step it up in...
  15. Leejmoff

    Auto Defogger - how to turn it off ?

    I didn't touch it for nearly two years because it worked. Now it doesn't. This winter the De-fogger has been coming on when its not needed, and it stays on for the whole ride. It doesn't work correctly. I want an option to turn it off. Not a hard ask really.
  16. Leejmoff

    New Highland UK - stalks

    I agree with that to be honest. Removing something basic and works in all cars and adding in something that is possibly confusing when they are used constantly and for safety reasons, is pure stupidity in my opinion.
  17. Leejmoff

    Auto Defogger - how to turn it off ?

    for me I had no problems last years. This year its absolutely rubbish. How can we not have an option to turn it off? Its unbelievable
  18. Leejmoff

    New Highland UK - stalks

    absolutely right. I wont be buying another Tesla at this rate. I've said that before anyway. Wipers/Stalks/trade in values are just the beginning. The only thing I would miss is the SC network. Its a real shame because overal the car is great, but removing stuff like that is just dangerous...
  19. Leejmoff

    New Highland UK - stalks

    Tesla saving money for the sake of safety and ease of use. I can't believe it....... I'm with OP, I'm not buying a car with no stalks for indicators. Its dangerous in my opinion.
  20. Leejmoff

    Trade in Values from Tesla (& other dealers)

    My last two haven't depreciated anywhere near the same as Teslas in the first two years......and one was a Skoda (preparing for the jokes). Skoda for example, bought at £30k, sold to carwow at £24.5k two years in. Yes, it was during the period used cars were high price, but still. If it was...
  21. Leejmoff

    Trade in Values from Tesla (& other dealers)

    Dec21 here, and they offered 18k. I've done 26k miles. Pathetic. Privately its quite a bit more. I'll be hanging on for a while too. I was looking at the Y, but will probably wait until the end of the term and see alternatives. I don't want another car that depreciates like Teslas do.
  22. Leejmoff

    Just offered Highland Test Drive, end Jan.

    wow, thats massively disappointing.
  23. Leejmoff

    Just offered Highland Test Drive, end Jan.

    I said the same when they called me a a couple of weeks ago. Not interested. I sat in it in the showroom and its lacklustre. Nothing special at all, in fact it looks like a downgrade to me. I love the external changes, but inside its meh.
  24. Leejmoff

    Tesla Alternative?

    Honestly, if I can persuade the wife and get my pay increase I was promised. I'm ordering a Macan. I've already had a call from the local dealer who said they will have them in the showroom in June and deliveries are Q4. I'm on the list for a test drive. Yes they are more money than the Y, but...
  25. Leejmoff

    Just offered Highland Test Drive, end Jan.

    ha great, enjoy that then. Let us know what you think of the Highland
  26. Leejmoff

    Trade in Values from Tesla (& other dealers)

    That is another thing, low insurance, cost to run was a massive reasaon in me buying a Tesla. But now my insurance has doubled and electric has got a lot higher since I got my M3, its another reason not to buy another. I've seriously been considering going back to a petrol SUV and I promised...
  27. Leejmoff

    Trade in Values from Tesla (& other dealers)

    That is exactly what I was thinking last night. How can I get rid of the car and save face. I'm not sure what is best at this point. Sell it privately right now and take a hit or wait until the end of its term and just give the car back and do it that way........ God knows, either way I doubt...
  28. Leejmoff

    Trade in Values from Tesla (& other dealers)

    Just got a trade in value. Dec 21 model. good as new pretty much. 26k miles. - trade in value of £18,000. I'll be honest, that is absolutely shocking.....so much that I probably wont be going for Tesla at all next time. I guess I could get more selling it privately but holy cr@p batman that...
  29. Leejmoff

    Just offered Highland Test Drive, end Jan.

    I don't normally start or go looking for buttons half way round a roundabout to be fair. I wait until after or do it before......because its safer ;)
  30. Leejmoff

    Just offered Highland Test Drive, end Jan.

    my first question before taking a seat, is how the hell do you indicate off a roundabout without crashing the car.....
  31. Leejmoff

    Price drops

    lower for pre-owned ones? because the interest rate on a new order is no different when I did it earlier today.
  32. Leejmoff

    Just offered Highland Test Drive, end Jan.

    I just got a called from Chelmsford SC and they asked if I want to book in for end Jan. I politely declined, but it certainly looks like they will have them in the country in a couple of weeks.
  33. Leejmoff

    Fisker ocean - UK forum

    very similar to my stopry at Christmas, yes I had the option of rapid chargers at 85p pkw, but I'm not paying that.
  34. Leejmoff

    2024 Insurance Costs

    not bad to be honest. Mine went from 440 to 980 with Direct Line. I upped my voluntary to get it £100 lower. I've got 23 NCD and never had a claim/crash or any points
  35. Leejmoff

    Fisker ocean - UK forum

    There are obviously lots of options for other chargers, but in all honesty. Most are over priced and extremely slow or hard to use on a one off visit. Those ones that are rapid, are seriously expensive and not worth using, unless of course you have no option on a long trip. I live near...
  36. Leejmoff

    Octopus Tracker IOS Shortcut

    fantastic thanks very much.
  37. Leejmoff

    Octopus Tracker IOS Shortcut

    Both worked great this morning so massive thanks.
  38. Leejmoff

    Octopus Tracker IOS Shortcut

    you sir are a legend, thank you. Just wondering is there a way to put them both into one notification? I'm no good with these shortcuts business.
  39. Leejmoff

    Octopus Tracker IOS Shortcut

    is this just for electric? I have one for both Gas and Electric.
  40. Leejmoff

    BMW i4 40

    Tesla will be charging for decent wipers and stalks soon......
  41. Leejmoff

    Octopus Tracker IOS Shortcut

    ah thank you. I tried changing the API endpoint as I saw it had changed, but I think that is for new tracker deals or something. Anyway, any help getting it working again would be great. its such a great idea for those tracking
  42. Leejmoff

    Octopus Tracker IOS Shortcut

    For those who use the Octopus Tracker Shortcut on their iphones, have you noticed the Electricity price isn't now showing, just the Gas ? Anyone else managed to fix it at all? I tried to find out how to, but not coming up with anything unfortunately.
  43. Leejmoff

    Gridserve Charger Sites in UK [megathread]

    Anyone noticed how ridiculously expensive it is to charge on "alternative" chargers? I have never done it before but needed to and around Stockton there is absolutely nothing. Apart from INstavolt at 85p kw, Pod Point at 50p but 11kw speed. Scotch Corner was a bit too far, and always busy. i...
  44. Leejmoff

    UK Aug 23 Insurance Recommendations

    Had my renewal from Direct Line at £980. Last year was £450. I have no claims in 23 years of driving, car kept on driveway and no convictions or points. No change to policy at all and its jumped more than 50%. Is this normal? even the compare sites are the same.
  45. Leejmoff

    [UK]Accident rates and insurance chat

    talking of insurance, I just my quote through at £980, last year it was £450. Seems to be the same everywhere.....I'm in shock
  46. Leejmoff

    Tesla open up the SuC network [in UK]

    once they roll out a bit more in the next two years of my term that I have left, I'm hoping I will have the option to go elsewhere. I'm just not happy with the way Tesla are going by removing features. Be interesting to see how it goes, because currently I can't see myself buying another...
  47. Leejmoff

    Auto de-fogging

    Like some have said, now its warmed up a little its not doing it. Its got to be a software problem because this never happened last year. If Tesla want the car to do things automatically, then it also needs to allow us to turn things on/off manually if need be. We can turn it off for the back...
  48. Leejmoff

    Autodefogging - how to turn off?

    yes, it turns off for a minute, then it kicks back in again....sometimes.
  49. Leejmoff

    Autodefogging - how to turn off?

    mine just goes to MAX auto defogging, then back to normal auto defogging.
  50. Leejmoff

    Trade in value

    Yep trade in values are so low, I was shocked at mine £23k on a Dec'21 car. Not quite half but in two years thats shocking to be honest. Well it seems it to me. I'll send up just buying the car at the end if the value is low.