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2021 Shipping Movements

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Hello @Mr Miserable, I do same "job" like u in the german TFF-Forum, therefore I have special interest for ur informations.
I´m sure last report wasn´t done within 10min and I go with u to 100%. This Quarter is very special!

Like you, I believe that one of the ships currently heading for the Suez Canal is carrying only cars for GB.
However, I still have the TUGELA and the TUREADOR under observation. Are you totally ruling out these 2 ships?
They are both first in a northern port and then heading south to Singapore.
And as for the SR+ for Israel. To me it would make sense to transfer them in the Mediterranean. (possibly Piraeus?)
Everything else would be unnecessary waste of time in my opinion.
I'm really curious to see how the transport routes will still develop this quarter. Resolution probably end of April or beginning of May.

Greetings from the German" Teslaforum" and well done
Sehr geehrter @nova56
TUGELA and TOREADOR are on a standard scheduled service. MORNING PEACE, GRAND URANUS and THEMIS will follow in due course on the same route. The quantity of cars that Tesla want to move mean that it is cheaper for Tesla to charter a complete ship. It is also faster (an important aspect for Tesla's cash flow). None of these ships are routing direct meaning that business for other manufacturers is being conducted enroute.
As far as Israel is concerned, it is quite possible that they may use these services to transport the small quantity required for Israel and as you suggest Pireaus may offer a logical transhipment point on to a Grimaldi vessel.
I believe that RCC AFRICA has been named as the ship transporting SR+ to Zeebrugge. I would be surprised if there was anything earlier and if there was it would be one of the vessels featured in my watch list.
Whilst writing I think I have identified today another ship that will head from Pier 80 to Zeebrugge (but not until next month) and that is GLOVIS CENTURY.
Please feel free to post any information you may have acquired from your German forum.
Sehr geehrter @nova56
TUGELA and TOREADOR are on a standard scheduled service. MORNING PEACE, GRAND URANUS and THEMIS will follow in due course on the same route. The quantity of cars that Tesla want to move mean that it is cheaper for Tesla to charter a complete ship. It is also faster (an important aspect for Tesla's cash flow). None of these ships are routing direct meaning that business for other manufacturers is being conducted enroute.
As far as Israel is concerned, it is quite possible that they may use these services to transport the small quantity required for Israel and as you suggest Pireaus may offer a logical transhipment point on to a Grimaldi vessel.
I believe that RCC AFRICA has been named as the ship transporting SR+ to Zeebrugge. I would be surprised if there was anything earlier and if there was it would be one of the vessels featured in my watch list.
Whilst writing I think I have identified today another ship that will head from Pier 80 to Zeebrugge (but not until next month) and that is GLOVIS CENTURY.
Please feel free to post any information you may have acquired from your German forum.
Thx @Mr Miserable for answer. I can tell, that RCC AFRICA is fix for Zeebrugge. Some German purchasers have contacted their service
and have been given this name. Therefore I suspect that there is also a ship on the way only for GB.
Your view on TUGELA and TOREADOR makes sense, I will take these 2 out of my China fleet.
What about TORRENS, she is just arriving Singapore?
Unfortunately I don't have the contacts or infos like you, so I can only contribute a little to your search for Tesla ships.
I will now add the CENTURY to my US fleet, then there would be 4 (Cosmos, Le Mans, Fuxian and Century),
whereby the "Le Mans" will probably only be included for a short time.

Greets and good luck
Thx @Mr Miserable for answer. I can tell, that RCC AFRICA is fix for Zeebrugge. Some German purchasers have contacted their service
and have been given this name. Therefore I suspect that there is also a ship on the way only for GB.
Your view on TUGELA and TOREADOR makes sense, I will take these 2 out of my China fleet.
What about TORRENS, she is just arriving Singapore?
Unfortunately I don't have the contacts or infos like you, so I can only contribute a little to your search for Tesla ships.
I will now add the CENTURY to my US fleet, then there would be 4 (Cosmos, Le Mans, Fuxian and Century),
whereby the "Le Mans" will probably only be included for a short time.

Greets and good luck
I don't think LE MANS EXPRESS will be heading to Europe (despite the name!)
Apparently the LE MANS EXPRESS will be requiring the assistance of 2 tugs to dock at Pier 80. This would indicate to me that her bow thrusters may be unserviceable. The tugs have already arrived at Pier 80.
Shortly before LE MANS EXPRESS passes Alcatraz island I would expect GLOVIS COSMOS to depart and for the tugs to be released to race off to meet LE MANS EXPRESS.
GLOVIS COSMOS has updated her AIS in preparation to depart and it confirms that she is heading for the Panama Canal.
The disppointment is her ETA of 26 Apr - this means quite a slow voyage to the canal and accordingly I am revising my estimate for her arrival in Zeebrugge to 9 May
Sehr geehrter @nova56
TUGELA and TOREADOR are on a standard scheduled service. MORNING PEACE, GRAND URANUS and THEMIS will follow in due course on the same route. The quantity of cars that Tesla want to move mean that it is cheaper for Tesla to charter a complete ship. It is also faster (an important aspect for Tesla's cash flow). None of these ships are routing direct meaning that business for other manufacturers is being conducted enroute.
As far as Israel is concerned, it is quite possible that they may use these services to transport the small quantity required for Israel and as you suggest Pireaus may offer a logical transhipment point on to a Grimaldi vessel.
I believe that RCC AFRICA has been named as the ship transporting SR+ to Zeebrugge. I would be surprised if there was anything earlier and if there was it would be one of the vessels featured in my watch list.
Whilst writing I think I have identified today another ship that will head from Pier 80 to Zeebrugge (but not until next month) and that is GLOVIS CENTURY.
Please feel free to post any information you may have acquired from your German forum.
How do you determine it's a chartered ship? No other port calls along the way between Shanghai & Zeebrugge (or Southampton for RHD)?
Pier 80 movements

will depart this evening, and the word on the street is that this should happen around 5pm local (0100 UK Time). The first clue of an imminent departure will be when LE MANS EXPRESS picks up her pilot and starts to approach SF Bay. Apparently the previous RCC TIANJIN/GLOVIS COSMOS changeover where the dock was empty for only about 10 minutes was an operation they want to repeat.

At the moment I estimate GLOVIS COSMOS will arrive in Zeebrugge around 8 May.

I am unsure about LE MANS EXPRESS' destination but I am reasonably confident it will not be to Europe. She won't be alongside for too long as GRAND RACE is already on the way and is due to arrive on Monday evening. GRAND RACE is quite an old ship and is about 20 metres shorter than a 'standard' RoRo and so I don't think she will be heading to Europe either.

I have tried to forecast future Pier 80 ships to Europe and I am not as confident as previous quarters because I think the Suez blockage has disrupted EU shipping schedules and they are not yet fully populated. Additionally with some cars for EU being supplied by Shanghai this quarter I think we may see a corresponding reduction in the number of ships heading to Zeebrugge from Pier 80 this quarter.

I am pretty sure we can expect to see LAKE FUXION (a cert to Zeebrugge) and GLOVIS SUMMIT is looking a likely suspect but any others would just be guesswork at the moment.

Shanghai movements

Nailing down Tesla ships from Shanghai is again proving to be hard work.

RCC AFRICA is believed to be carrying LHD Model 3s to Zeebrugge. She has just left Singapore (refuel stop) and has already entered the Malacca Straits and is due to arrive at the southern entrance to the Suez Canal on the 30 Apr. There are no longer any significant delays at Suez and I have pencilled her in to arrive in Zeebrugge on 11 May. There are no weather concerns for her voyage at present.

View attachment 654474

I believe there is a ship already enroute to Southampton with RHD Model 3s on board.
The published Southampton port schedule does not project far enough ahead to positively identify possible Tesla ships so it is a case of waiting until the ship has passed through Suez to see where exactly it is heading.
There are a number of ships on my watch list at the moment:

GLORIOUS LEADER (a very slim chance in my opinion) ETA Suez on 25 Apr
LYDDEN ETA Suez on 29 Apr

Also appearing on my watch list are ships heading through Singapore. If they head to Suez after Singapore they will remain of interest.
TORRENS ETA Singapore tomorrow

LYDDEN is looking promising at the moment. She is presently in the Malacca Straits making about 15 kts. If she is heading for Southampton I would expect her around 9 May

View attachment 654475

There are good indications that Shanghai has recently completed a RHD production run and that being the case I am monitoring the port for a further possible departure to Southampton. Certainly I believe at least one further shipment will be heading to the UK this quarter. I fully expect to see departures to Aus/NZ around the same time.

Another change for Tesla this quarter is that cars destined for Israel may be coming from Shanghai instead of Fremont. Quite how these cars will be shipped is unknown at present. They may be shipped via Zeebrugge on a Tesla charter and then moved to Antwerp for loading onto a Grimaldi scheduled service (as was done in Q1 from Pier 80) or because of the relatively small numbers may be shipped from China on a scheduled service. I shall try to keep an eye out for any possiblities. RCC ANTWERP may be worth keeping an eye on.
Tesla staff in continental Europe has confirmed to awaiting owners that RCC Africa is bringing LHD SR+ for the region.
With GLOVIS COSMOS on her way to Zeebrugge, it must be time for the:

GLOVIS COSMOS competition!

For those who are new here, I do these fun competitions for every ship on the Pier 80 -Zeebrugge run. The idea is to see if you can guess, using your skill and judgement, where the ship will be at the designated time in the future. There is no prize, it's just a bit of fun. You can scroll back in this thread to see previous competitions and results.

All you have to do is decide where GLOVIS COSMOS will be at Midday UTC on 3 May 2021. She should be in the Atlantic Ocean and I have divided the area into boxes. Choose a box (preferably a blue one). Each of those big boxes is subdivided into 25 smaller ones and you have to choose one. Click HERE to enter - it's free and easy to enter using your forum username only.

Only one entry per person.
The competition will close as soon as GLOVIS COSMOS enters the Panama Canal.
There is no prize!
The winner will be the person who chooses the closest small box first.

Just CLICK HERE and give it a go! Simple!

The big boxes
Atlantic Major Squares.png

The small boxes
Minor Squares.png

GLOVIS COSMOS Competition is the link
The Torrens loads or unloads in Singapore. That means she's out of the Tesla race? :oops:
This quarter is really the horror for all "trackies". :rolleyes:
The GRAND RACE has appeared on Franco Mossotto's list, arriving in SFO early Tuesday morning.

Greetings from the German Tesla-Forum (TFF)
GLOVIS COSMOS departed Pier 80 for Panama, as forecasted here, yesterday evening. Her ETA for Panama is the evening of 26 Apr which would tend to suggest that she has her canal transit boooked for Tuesday 27 Apr. She is no stranger to the Pier 80 - Zeebrugge run having done it on no less than 4 occasions previously. I have no weather concerns for her voyage to Panama at the moment. I estimate that she will arrive in Zeebrugge on 9 May, we will get her estimate once she is clear of the Panama Canal next week.

Cosmos Pacif.png

LE MANS EXPRESS is currently alongside Pier 80. I don't expect her to stay long and so she will probably depart tomorrow evening - destination unknown but not likely to be Europe.

GRAND RACE will then load at Pier 80. She is due to arrive early on Tuesday morning. Her destination is also unknown and is also unlikely to be Europe.
After that I can't decide whether LAKE FUXIAN or GLOVIS SUMMIT will be next. One of them, for sure.


RCC AFRICA is carrying LHD Model 3's to Zeebrugge from Shanghai.
She is currently at the northern end of the Malacca Straits averaging 15 kts. There are no weather issues at present.

RCC AFRICA to Suez.png

LYDDEN is a ship of interest. She may be enroute to the UK with Model 3's. Possibly. She is about 24 hrs ahead of RCC AFRICA and is now crossing the Indian Ocean south of the Bay of Bengal.

LYDDEN to Suez.png

GLORIOUS LEADER may be of interest too. I'm keeping half an eye on her. She is due to arrive at Suez on 25 Apr.

TORRENS is another ship of interest that is currently unloading in Singapore (a RHD market). She is a big ship and spent some time loading in Shanghai. It will be interesting to see where she departs to.

GLOVIS CHAMPION is also of interest. She is currently transiting the South China Sea enroute to Singapore.

The vehicle docks in Shanghai are unusually quiet today....
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GLOVIS COSMOS departed Pier 80 for Panama, as forecasted here, yesterday evening. Her ETA for Panama is the evening of 26 Apr which would tend to suggest that she has her canal transit boooked for Tuesday 27 Apr. She is no stranger to the Pier 80 - Zeebrugge run having done it on no less than 4 occasions previously. I have no weather concerns for her voyage to Panama at the moment. I estimate that she will arrive in Zeebrugge on 9 May, we will get her estimate once she is clear of the Panama Canal next week.

View attachment 654724

LE MANS EXPRESS is currently alongside Pier 80. I don't expect her to stay long and so she will probably depart tomorrow evening - destination unknown but not likely to be Europe.

GRAND RACE will then load at Pier 80. She is due to arrive early on Tuesday morning. Her destination is also unknown and is also unlikely to be Europe.
After that I can't decide whether LAKE FUXIAN or GLOVIS SUMMIT will be next. One of them, for sure.


RCC AFRICA is carrying LHD Model 3's to Zeebrugge from Shanghai.
She is currently at the northern end of the Malacca Straits averaging 15 kts. There are no weather issues at present.

View attachment 654725
LYDDEN is a ship of interest. She may be enroute to the UK with Model 3's. Possibly. She is about 24 hrs ahead of RCC AFRICA and is now crossing the Indian Ocean south of the Bay of Bengal.

View attachment 654727

GLORIOUS LEADER may be of interest too. I'm keeping half an eye on her. She is due to arrive at Suez on 25 Apr.

TORRENS is another ship of interest that is currently unloading in Singapore (a RHD market). She is a big ship and spent some time loading in Shanghai. It will be interesting to see where she departs to.

GLOVIS CHAMPION is also of interest. She is currently transiting the South China Sea enroute to Singapore.

The vehicle docks in Shanghai are unusually quiet today....
Which ship will arrive in Israel?
Pier 80 movements

will depart this evening, and the word on the street is that this should happen around 5pm local (0100 UK Time). The first clue of an imminent departure will be when LE MANS EXPRESS picks up her pilot and starts to approach SF Bay. Apparently the previous RCC TIANJIN/GLOVIS COSMOS changeover where the dock was empty for only about 10 minutes was an operation they want to repeat.

At the moment I estimate GLOVIS COSMOS will arrive in Zeebrugge around 8 May.

I am unsure about LE MANS EXPRESS' destination but I am reasonably confident it will not be to Europe. She won't be alongside for too long as GRAND RACE is already on the way and is due to arrive on Monday evening. GRAND RACE is quite an old ship and is about 20 metres shorter than a 'standard' RoRo and so I don't think she will be heading to Europe either.

I have tried to forecast future Pier 80 ships to Europe and I am not as confident as previous quarters because I think the Suez blockage has disrupted EU shipping schedules and they are not yet fully populated. Additionally with some cars for EU being supplied by Shanghai this quarter I think we may see a corresponding reduction in the number of ships heading to Zeebrugge from Pier 80 this quarter.

I am pretty sure we can expect to see LAKE FUXION (a cert to Zeebrugge) and GLOVIS SUMMIT is looking a likely suspect but any others would just be guesswork at the moment.

Shanghai movements

Nailing down Tesla ships from Shanghai is again proving to be hard work.

RCC AFRICA is believed to be carrying LHD Model 3s to Zeebrugge. She has just left Singapore (refuel stop) and has already entered the Malacca Straits and is due to arrive at the southern entrance to the Suez Canal on the 30 Apr. There are no longer any significant delays at Suez and I have pencilled her in to arrive in Zeebrugge on 11 May. There are no weather concerns for her voyage at present.

View attachment 654474

I believe there is a ship already enroute to Southampton with RHD Model 3s on board.
The published Southampton port schedule does not project far enough ahead to positively identify possible Tesla ships so it is a case of waiting until the ship has passed through Suez to see where exactly it is heading.
There are a number of ships on my watch list at the moment:

GLORIOUS LEADER (a very slim chance in my opinion) ETA Suez on 25 Apr
LYDDEN ETA Suez on 29 Apr

Also appearing on my watch list are ships heading through Singapore. If they head to Suez after Singapore they will remain of interest.
TORRENS ETA Singapore tomorrow

LYDDEN is looking promising at the moment. She is presently in the Malacca Straits making about 15 kts. If she is heading for Southampton I would expect her around 9 May

View attachment 654475

There are good indications that Shanghai has recently completed a RHD production run and that being the case I am monitoring the port for a further possible departure to Southampton. Certainly I believe at least one further shipment will be heading to the UK this quarter. I fully expect to see departures to Aus/NZ around the same time.

Another change for Tesla this quarter is that cars destined for Israel may be coming from Shanghai instead of Fremont. Quite how these cars will be shipped is unknown at present. They may be shipped via Zeebrugge on a Tesla charter and then moved to Antwerp for loading onto a Grimaldi scheduled service (as was done in Q1 from Pier 80) or because of the relatively small numbers may be shipped from China on a scheduled service. I shall try to keep an eye out for any possiblities. RCC ANTWERP may be worth keeping an eye on.
Once again thank you @Mr Miserable for the information. I agree that there is another ship en-route to Southampton as plenty of us have UK delivery or collection dates from around 12th May.
In Germany, SR+ deliveries are scheduled just around May 14. The vehicles are on the RCC AFRICA.
The LYDDEN is one day ahead of her and the GLORIOUS LEADER another 4 days ahead of the LYDDEN.
I also suspect that the first Q2 ship will be a pure RHD- or LHD-ship in each case.

Greets from the German TFF-Forum.
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Once again thank you @Mr Miserable for the information. I agree that there is another ship en-route to Southampton as plenty of us have UK delivery or collection dates from around 12th
In Germany, SR+ deliveries are scheduled just around May 14. The vehicles are on the RCC AFRICA.
The LYDDEN is one day ahead of her and the GLORIOUS LEADER another 4 days ahead of the LYDDEN.
I also suspect that the first Q2 ship will be a pure RHD- or LHD-ship in each case.

Greets from the German TFF-Forum.
Entered Ashdod Israel


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