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AP v1

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So I'm picking up my 2016 Model S 90D in 10 days and I'm going nuts with excitement!
I'm curious about the AutoPilot.
It's enabled, that's confirmed.
But it looks like it's v1 (manufactured 9/2016, missed it by ONE MONTH!!!).
Does that make a big difference?
I'm pretty sure it'll crush any cruise control I've ever had but am I missing anything amazingly awesome not have v2-3?
Is there ever going to be an upgrade?
...But it looks like it's v1 (manufactured 9/2016, missed it by ONE MONTH!!!).


...Does that make a big difference?...

It does for me but for others, not much.

The biggest difference is 8 cameras instead of a single camera.

The new sonar range is also longer.

That means I wouldn't trust AP1 Auto Lane Change due to the lack of rearward cameras and its sonar range is so limited.

But AP1 is still quite decent as long as you still look around for speeding cars from behind.

...I'm pretty sure it'll crush any cruise control I've ever had...


...I missing anything amazingly awesome not have v2-3?...

You'll miss more sensors and sensor range.

...Is there ever going to be an upgrade?...

You'll continue to get AP1 upgrade over the air as needed and its function is limited by its hardware (can't compare the function of 1 camera vs 8 cameras).

Tesla is not going to take your money to upgrade your hardware from AP1 to AP2, 3... That, you need to trade your whole car in.
AP1 to AP2 is completely different. AP1 by mobileye has reached end of life when they ended their partnership. AP2 is continually getting improved as Tesla switched to in-house tech. the 1 camera vs 8 camera is a huge deal as i'm sure if we had 8 eyes we would be able to see more too.

AP2 combined with MCU2 is game changing, everything is buttery smooth. MCU1 is like trying to use an iphone 5 today, the MCU2 is as smooth as maybe an iphone from 2 years ago xD

and then ofcourse you dont have sentry mode, dashcam, or any fun toys like netflix and games etc. those are all only for MCU2

On the other hand, you say you may have missed it by ONE MONTH, but you should realize that the price you got it for was probably discounted in already. Meaning that if your car was one month newer, it would sell for $5-8k more, as that was a car more people are probably searching for and would pay more for.

Thats the thing about tesla though, since they dont follow normal upgrade cycle, a 2016 vs a 2017 vs 2018 is continually different. I'm sad my late 2018 doesn't have the 2019 improvements like the better air suspension and the raven upgrade, but i'm glad its better than what a 2017 would have.

You'll be gitty with excitement for your car either way... until maybe next year or two when you realize you want the toys everyone else is getting and eventually trade in ;) I'll probably wait till I see a used raven 100D that fits my budget, but I know when I buy it I will be jealous of the 2022 model or so.
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That means I wouldn't trust AP1 Auto Lane Change due to the lack of rearward cameras and its sonar range is so limited.

In AP1, it's not "Auto Lane Change".. it's "Driver Initiated Lane Change"... meaning it's still up to the driver to look for other cars to make a safe lane change before initiating the procedure. But once you do initiate it, it's pretty smooth.

You'll continue to get AP1 upgrade over the air as needed

It's EOL, so there will be no more AP1 upgrades.
Got my 2016 Model S 75D in Dec last year (AP1/MCU1). Get ready to have fun driving/riding. I'm still in the honeymoon phase and its gonna be a long honeymoon. :)

From all the research I've done, AP1 to AP2 is not that big of a difference... yet :) There a hardware difference in cameras so no Sentry mode and typical hardware improvements but what you will miss most with your HW is the MCU2, but that wasn't released until 2018 I think. In my opinion, things like having automatic lane changes (AP2+) would be more stressful than initiating it myself (AP1) because we still have to second guess the system to stop it from making a mistake (nothing is fool proof) and protect from other driver errors. So either way your checking. All of them require physical action with the steering wheel the same way so there's no difference in managing the system as the driver. And with the way roads change, Im not sure I'd completely trust the interchange thing either.

So enjoy the technical marvel you are about to own. And welcome to the party. Its a blast!!!
I think the iPhone 5 comparison is a bit of a stretch but point taken. I’m coming from a 2015 Yukon XL Denali so this car is going to be a game changer for sure. The next move will be an X to replace our VW Tiguan but that’s two years down the road.

Oh you think i'm joking? wait until you try to type anything, scroll around the map, or navigate your music, then you'll see what I mean by iPhone 5. The screen operates like an iphone 5 would if you tried to use it today.

then try an MCU2 car. the lag is sometimes there but not enough to annoy you, giving it a feel more like an iphone 8 used today
Oh you think i'm joking? wait until you try to type anything, scroll around the map, or navigate your music, then you'll see what I mean by iPhone 5. The screen operates like an iphone 5 would if you tried to use it today.

then try an MCU2 car. the lag is sometimes there but not enough to annoy you, giving it a feel more like an iphone 8 used today

I certainly don't think you're joking but I'm not going to be using the car as my computer workstation. I'll more than likely hook up my iPhone (11 Pro) to the car and utilize Spotify and Waze (unless the car's nav proves to be superior) from the phone.

While I appreciate your efforts to sway me into a buyer's remorse state of mind, it's not gonna happen.

I'm pumped!!! So pumped!!!

Thanks for the insight ;-)
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I love my AP1. In fact, it was widely considered to be superior to AP2 for a couple of years, until AP2 became refined enough to surpass it. It’s true that AP1 is frozen in place and won’t get any better, but in my opinion it was frozen in a pretty good spot for basic convenience driving. I use it all the time on the highway.
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I love my AP1. In fact, it was widely considered to be superior to AP2 for a couple of years, until AP2 became refined enough to surpass it. It’s true that AP1 is frozen in place and won’t get any better, but in my opinion it was frozen in a pretty good spot for basic convenience driving. I use it all the time on the highway.

I couldn't agree more. Honestly AP1 is 95% of what I need already. The only thing I'd like to see added is the navigation part.
I've had my car for a little less than 2 months and in that time AP1 has driven me across country twice upwards of 95% of miles. I've read a lot recently about frustration from owners who have a AP2+ and feel the benefit is either difficult to see or perhaps even yet to really come to life.

I'm certain those frustrations are going to come to an end in the pretty near future. With all of the discussion about the capabilities of FSD and the foundational improvements that must be made, AP2+, even without FSD is going to evolve at least once this year very significantly. AP1 cars will see as much of that as they can at some point, because it will allow Tesla to consolidate technologies. There may be 0% which can migrate, but if even 1% can-- it is likely it will.

All the talk about the MCU2 is interesting considering the hardware it's actually running. I'm not going to be at all surprised when we see MCU3 come in and absolutely destroy MCU2. The Tegra in MCU1 was not powerful. Neither is the Atom in the MCU2. The Atom is great for embedded systems, as was the Tegra, though it's anything but a performer.

By migrating to x86 they have solved a platform scalability issue. The Tesla OS could run on enterprise class server hardware now. Not that it's at all necessary, but to give you an idea of the portability available to Tesla now and the nearly chasm-sized difference between an Atom and essentially any other x86 cpu on the market. MCU2's future shelf life is probably no longer than another 16 months. Then it's going to be second in line to the new hotness. Not that this scenario makes MCU1 any better.
AP1 works great for the regular highway driving. Lane change is also helpful but as others said, you have to make sure there are no cars in the blind spots.

What you will miss with AP1 is the random and unexpected phantom breaking which is still happening a lot on AP2, so good news here too.
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AP1 is the way to go. Machine logic is not strong enough to account for variables, so using AP1 on uncluttered stretches of highway with good emergency shoulder space works the best. Many here with HW2 and 3 versions regret wasting 7k for FSD.
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