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Arizona Powerwall Installs

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I called Tesla about another issue. Apparently the new software has a button to add another peak, but it requires a firmware update that they have not done yet, and then the need to do something to make it go live. I was told two peaks should be up before the end of the year. Fingers crossed...
I called Tesla about another issue. Apparently the new software has a button to add another peak, but it requires a firmware update that they have not done yet, and then the need to do something to make it go live. I was told two peaks should be up before the end of the year. Fingers crossed...

Some in AZ (myself included) are already reporting this is available in AZ (see below). Seems like you need iOS app 4.2+ and firmware 21.35+ and then capability needs to be turned on for you specifically (it's not clear how / when that last part happens)

I think I saw the change when firmware went from 21.35 to 21.35.3.
I had 21.35.3 for at least a week, maybe a bit longer, before I saw multiple peak scheduling go active. When I finally did get it I was still on that same version. For Arizonan's it seems in addition to 21.35.3 something else also has to happen, but it's not clear to me what that would be. Although, I wonder if anybody on 21.35.3 has had to wait much longer than 1-2 weeks before they see the new scheduling. They do seem loosely linked at least.
Breaking news. Had 21.35.3 this morning, along with two peaks. Finally.


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My solar install day was last Thursday. 20 south facing solar panels and two Powerwalls. Tesla actually had to come back Friday to finish the installation of the Powerwalls, paint conduits and replace broken tiles It was three months exactly from the day I placed the order online (August 11th) to installation (November 11th). They ended up installing the Powerwalls on the east side of the house as the large living room windows on the west side, the side the main panel is located, prevented installing them there due to fire codes. The east side gets the most shade, so I'm glad they ended up there even if it meant running a conduit across the roof. The conduit is painted same color as the roof tiles, so I barely notice it.
Now the wait... Still waiting on city inspection. Called Tesla this morning and was told they're waiting to find out from the city if they'll need to resubmit some permit paperwork as the last minute changes in the conduit placement differ from the original design submitted to the city of Phoenix. I was hoping my solar system would have been turned on and left on last Friday as the Powerwall+ supports pre-PTO Self Consumption mode, but unfortunately here in AZ they can't be turned on pre-PTO, according to the guy at Tesla I spoke to this morning. A new meter needs to installed by SRP before the system can be switched on. I was told PTO with SRP can take up to 90 days, but they haven't been seeing it take that long. 4-6 weeks is more likely. Hoping it's by the end of the year so I can claim the solar tax credit this year and not have to wait another year to claim and get the money.


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Hi Everyone in AZ!! So, here's how it went. My wife and I were in Costco and saw the SunRun kiosk. I asked them if they had the Powerwalls and was informed, yes. So we made the appointment to talk to Rep. He showed up, told us everyone with SunRun was on W-2 not commission and had no outside contractors. He figured up the number of panels we would need, 27, ( based on the power used by our OLD A/C as we JUST had it replaced!!), with 2 Powerwalls. He said that all the other Solar Companies were backordered on the PWs because SunRun bought up all the available ones. So we signed up for the system and things went forward.
When we had the bad Monsoon in the end of Sept we had a leak in the roof and i called our Rep. He said that they would rewrite the contract to INCLUDE the roof repair!!!!! Two days after this, the Site Survey manager came to do the Install Survey and found the underlayment was dried up and cracking. He also found the flashing alongside our bedroom had lifted causing the leak. They scheduled the roof repair, (lift and relay), and it was completed the next week.
The SunRun crew showed up on the 17th of October and started the install. They were very professional and knowledgeable about what they were doing. They put the PWs on the East side of our house as they will get shade 90% of the day, (the front of the house faces South). They ran the conduit for them up the wall and through the attic to the west side of the house where our panel is.
We were activated on the 18th of November and so far the system is working great! The last 2 days, the solar panels ran our house, charged the PWs to 100% and the house ran off the PWs all night, leaving them around 35% in the morning when the panels started to kick in.
I can't wait for summer with the longer days, so we can produce more power to sell back to SRP. I am waiting for the new upgrade to hit, I am still on 21.35.1.


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Mine was more for comfort in having a stable temp throughout the day (hate Time of Use plans), and in case of major outages or attacks. ROI is only about 15 yrs on my system. Panels should be good for 30, batteries... not even close but it balances out.

Not sure a seer 20 cost difference will ever "break even" because you also have more frequent repairs. Neighbor is getting a seer 16 (for the utility rebate), but paying $7,500. He's at least $4,000 more than my system... and will never recoup over 10 yrs on a delta seer of just 2. Assuming Solar is cheaper than grid (in Az anyway), it may be smarter to get the lower efficiency A/C and have fewer repairs.
Sorry for the late reply. we just replaced our 15 year old 14 SEER 5 Ton unit with a 16 SEER 5 Ton unit and our daily Kw usage went from 142Kw to 50Kw!!!
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Tesla is charging me 1800$ in sales tax on the powerwalls. Arizona srp. I am installing the extra large system with 4 pw at the same time. And they are saying tax is required. I knife think it’s tax tree. Can anyone see there final invoice and see it u paid tax on your power walls or ? Can u post it so I can show Tesla.
Sorry for late reply, hope you got tax situation straightened out... I paid $0.00 tax on my system here in AZ
If anyone is curious, I'm evaluating a redo on my solar panels + wavy tile roof... to a full solar roof. Tesla claims they can reuse my existing 2 powerwalls, but I'm thinking my inverter will likely be of no value (high resale on panels as inventory is literally stuck on the water in ports).

My situation stems from putting solar on an old roof at a time when the solar roof wasn't avail here yet, the roof is 25 yrs old. It just figures that I'm leaking now. This is crazy expensive, and being quoted to redo the entire roof (all plywood redone whether needed or not). Starting to think I'm better off having someone else remove my panels, there's way too much labor cost here! WTF Tesla? You want to sell solar roofs or not?

This makes no economic sense, but I'm also looking at about $15K just to redo my existing roof. Plus, solar tax rebates are tapering, and inflation is real. I have one leak and peeling paper but not terrible. Maybe it's too soon and I just need to patch. If it's their leak, I can just have them fix it for free as agreed in writing. I think that's how I'm going to respond to this quote.

OTOH, I don't think anyone today will have made a poor investment in any solar product. There are plenty of pluses to a new solar roof, if not to get rid of the pigeons and watch them slide off it with nothing to grab. I would be matching my power usage annually, but without more PWs, some would slip away to SRP. But I don't see their penny pinching lasting too much longer. Energy will be center stage very soon.

Hi Everyone in AZ!! So, here's how it went. My wife and I were in Costco and saw the SunRun kiosk. I asked them if they had the Powerwalls and was informed, yes. So we made the appointment to talk to Rep. He showed up, told us everyone with SunRun was on W-2 not commission and had no outside contractors. He figured up the number of panels we would need, 27, ( based on the power used by our OLD A/C as we JUST had it replaced!!), with 2 Powerwalls. He said that all the other Solar Companies were backordered on the PWs because SunRun bought up all the available ones. So we signed up for the system and things went forward.
When we had the bad Monsoon in the end of Sept we had a leak in the roof and i called our Rep. He said that they would rewrite the contract to INCLUDE the roof repair!!!!! Two days after this, the Site Survey manager came to do the Install Survey and found the underlayment was dried up and cracking. He also found the flashing alongside our bedroom had lifted causing the leak. They scheduled the roof repair, (lift and relay), and it was completed the next week.
The SunRun crew showed up on the 17th of October and started the install. They were very professional and knowledgeable about what they were doing. They put the PWs on the East side of our house as they will get shade 90% of the day, (the front of the house faces South). They ran the conduit for them up the wall and through the attic to the west side of the house where our panel is.
We were activated on the 18th of November and so far the system is working great! The last 2 days, the solar panels ran our house, charged the PWs to 100% and the house ran off the PWs all night, leaving them around 35% in the morning when the panels started to kick in.
I can't wait for summer with the longer days, so we can produce more power to sell back to SRP. I am waiting for the new upgrade to hit, I am still on 21.35.1.
Good looking install
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If anyone is curious, I'm evaluating a redo on my solar panels + wavy tile roof... to a full solar roof. Tesla claims they can reuse my existing 2 powerwalls, but I'm thinking my inverter will likely be of no value (high resale on panels as inventory is literally stuck on the water in ports).

My situation stems from putting solar on an old roof at a time when the solar roof wasn't avail here yet, the roof is 25 yrs old. It just figures that I'm leaking now. This is crazy expensive, and being quoted to redo the entire roof (all plywood redone whether needed or not). Starting to think I'm better off having someone else remove my panels, there's way too much labor cost here! WTF Tesla? You want to sell solar roofs or not?

This makes no economic sense, but I'm also looking at about $15K just to redo my existing roof. Plus, solar tax rebates are tapering, and inflation is real. I have one leak and peeling paper but not terrible. Maybe it's too soon and I just need to patch. If it's their leak, I can just have them fix it for free as agreed in writing. I think that's how I'm going to respond to this quote.

OTOH, I don't think anyone today will have made a poor investment in any solar product. There are plenty of pluses to a new solar roof, if not to get rid of the pigeons and watch them slide off it with nothing to grab. I would be matching my power usage annually, but without more PWs, some would slip away to SRP. But I don't see their penny pinching lasting too much longer. Energy will be center stage very soon.

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You could always contact SunRun and see what they say. As you can see in my description of our install, they redid our roof prior to the install because their company policy states they will not install on a roof needing repairs.
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Has anyone with SRP done the two peaks yet? I was on the phone again with Tesla today and was told that it went live. While I had them on the phone, I went to change it to two peaks and was disappointed to not find SRP listed, only APS, and that it seemed to want electric rates given so it could decide when to use the wall for power vs the grid. No provision was available for demand. I can't understand why Tesla cant just give us a way to tell the Powerwall when to run, and when not to run. Is it that damn hard? I have enough production and wall capacity to never have a demand fee, yet I have to constantly monitor the situation because the software thinks it know best.

So frustrating.
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Has anyone with SRP done the two peaks yet? I was on the phone again with Tesla today and was told that it went live. While I had them on the phone, I went to change it to two peaks and was disappointed to not find SRP listed, only APS, and that it seemed to want electric rates given so it could decide when to use the wall for power vs the grid. No provision was available for demand. I can't understand why Tesla cant just give us a way to tell the Powerwall when to run, and when not to run. Is it that damn hard? I have enough production and wall capacity to never have a demand fee, yet I have to constantly monitor the situation because the software thinks it know best.

So frustrating.
Just got the Powerwall update yesterday and same thing, no SRP selection. I am currently on SRP's E-13 plan, which has NO Demand charges. Winter peak is 5am - 9am and 5pm to 9pm. with Off peak at $.08kW and Peak at $.10kW. Summer is the bummer, peak is at 2pm to 9pm with $.27kW and off peak is $.08kW. They have a mandatory $35 connection charge and sell back is $.03kW instant credit. You may want to look into this plan if you have sufficient production. I am currently on it and happy with the results, we were activated on Nov 18th and so far our usage is $12 before the connection fee.
Just got the Powerwall update yesterday and same thing, no SRP selection. I am currently on SRP's E-13 plan, which has NO Demand charges. Winter peak is 5am - 9am and 5pm to 9pm. with Off peak at $.08kW and Peak at $.10kW. Summer is the bummer, peak is at 2pm to 9pm with $.27kW and off peak is $.08kW. They have a mandatory $35 connection charge and sell back is $.03kW instant credit. You may want to look into this plan if you have sufficient production. I am currently on it and happy with the results, we were activated on Nov 18th and so far our usage is $12 before the connection fee.
Is that a monthly charge? What a rip off.
My son had a system installed very recently in Chandler. He got shafted in that he ordered the capability to monitor each panel's production.
Instead, they gave him a Tesla inverter that cannot handle that capability.

Maybe someone there needs to form a community power agency that would pay you way better for excess.
I am getting about 6+ cents per.
Is that a monthly charge? What a rip off.
My son had a system installed very recently in Chandler. He got shafted in that he ordered the capability to monitor each panel's production.
Instead, they gave him a Tesla inverter that cannot handle that capability.

Maybe someone there needs to form a community power agency that would pay you way better for excess.
I am getting about 6+ cents per.
Yes, the $35 is monthly. But with my system being 9.45kW and 2 Powerwalls, I foresee us knocking that $35 down significantly with the excess we produce.