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Australian Model Y Waiting Room

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Guys quick question for who already have the model y without ultrasonic sensors and only camera vision, notice some discrepancies in precision in terms of distance between the front and the object is something that you guys are having?
Also couldn’t find te option for parking , that one that show the positions and you select one and the car stops there. Suppose to have that in that 30 days trial autopilot no?
I think you get 30 days free Premium Connectivity as opposed to Enhanced autopilot, but maybe model Y is different :)
Hi just update,
looks like the feature auto park, summon and smart summon are disabled for vision only cars.

This feature may be temporarily limited or inactive until it is enabled with a future software update for vehicles manufactured as of approximately mid-February 2024.
I have enhancement autopilot, hope that will be available soon.
Hi just update,
looks like the feature auto park, summon and smart summon are disabled for vision only cars.

This feature may be temporarily limited or inactive until it is enabled with a future software update for vehicles manufactured as of approximately mid-February 2024.
I have enhancement autopilot, hope that will be available soon.
Yes this is correct, it’s been rumoured that trials to bring them back are starting soon but that’s not happened yet
My last update for this thread as I picked up the Model Y RWD Quicksilver today! (ordered 5/19)
I haven't gone thorugh fully yet, and as an ex 2022 Model 3 RWD owner, I don't know any previous Model Y very well either but...

Here are few things I noticed (may not be June 2024-batch specific however):
1. Both front and rear door glass are laminated. (unlike my ex-M3 which only had laminated glass at the front)
2. Makes the artificial for-pedestrian whiny noise when going in reverse.
3. Rear hatch glass and rear door glass are super dark. Like 20% tint-dark or even darker. No need to tint it IMO.
4. Front windows do have a shade of tint compared to the front windshield but seems it's not quite 35% tint-dark.
5. Suspension feels firm, but defintely better shock absorbed / less judder than my ex-M3.
6. Car feels heavier, but also more solid/planted when driving. Maybe due to point #5 above.
7. Door open button from the inside, when pressed, is noticeably quieter / more refined sounding than my ex-M3.
8. Quicksilver looks sick.

Anyways. So far very happy with it. Good luck to you all!
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I am pretty sure i saw an Ultra Red Model Y south of Adelaide today. Could this be possible? Have they been delivering them yet? (Sorry i haven't kept up with this thread)
It looked dope! I actually thought about turning around and going for another look :)
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My last update today - MYLR QuickSilver picked up from Canberra Tesla. Lots of stock waiting for customers.

We did notice that the brakes aren't as great like the older models - i had one family member who didn't want to ruin his ICE learning (on his L's) so we tried no regen brake, creep mode. Gave up on that pretty quick.
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Hi all, I’m trying to track where my order may be. We placed an order for a Model Y performance, Quicksilver, with black interior on April 13th in Brisbane. The delivery estimate has moved again to July - August. Any idea how I may start to begin when it may arrive.

thank you.
Hi all, I’m trying to track where my order may be. We placed an order for a Model Y performance, Quicksilver, with black interior on April 13th in Brisbane. The delivery estimate has moved again to July - August. Any idea how I may start to begin when it may arrive.

thank you.
I'm in the same boat (pun unintended) - ordered end of April, EDD is July - August. Also ordered a MYP, but went for blue with black interior. Located in WA. I would be surprised if we get a pickup in July at this stage.
Thanks for the quick reply Stuart. Appreciate the informatuin. Strange how the got the delivery estimate so wrong with an order all the way back in April.
Believe me, I get it - my “two weeks” has turned into 107 days for a RWD. Mine is unloading as I type.

I’m just leaving the gym, I’ll update the possibilities for you in a sec.
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You’re a legend thank you.
Sorry mate a bit later than intended there.

So, to explain how it works.
Generally we get most of our Teslas in Australia via two agencies/companies

Willenius Wilhelmsen and Mol Ace.
They aren’t exclusive, sometimes we get a few others, Hyundai Glovis as one example - not that I think Tesla have used in Australia since Stinkbug gate in November last year. Cido Shipping is another company used.

So. What I do is I use the known shipping companies / agents to track the ships, see where they are and make a guess. The more information I have the better.

You’re in the east coast, typically the vast majority of your vehicles come off Wilhelmsen ships.

A lot of those are utilised through a shipping agency called Armacup. Having a look at the Armacup schedule, there are three possible ships there.

The first possibility is that Morning Crystal is your ship. This would be a good result as it’s the next one on the schedule. It’s just finished a run, returning to reload in China on the 1/7, due back in Australia on the 12/7 starting in Brisbane, doing Port Kembla (Syd), Melbourne then Fremantle.

Following that the next one is Viking Passama, but recent history tells us this one doesn’t usually carry Teslas here for reasons I don’t know why. Side note, Viking Paglia is actually due in on the 29th, but if that was it you’d have a vin by now. Passama is due in Brisbane on 26/7, east coast only, not Fremantle. I don’t like this one as the probable.

The next run’s ship isn’t yet confirmed, TBN as it’s written, but it’s due 6/8 and doing the east coast and Fremantle.
This one could be Turandot, which is currently unloading Tesla’s in Melbourne as we speak.

The other company is Mol Ace, but they typically do a lot more Singapore-Perth deliveries than that over the east coast. Not always though, Walrus Ace is dropping a bunch off in Melbourne and Mercury Ace is going to Brisbane.

The good thing is if you do have a Mol Ace assigned vehicle then you can track it!
I’ll have a look at what that might look like later today, bedtime for now
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This is incredible information. Beyond appreciative for the time you took to respond.
I’ve had a look at the Mol Ace line, and outside of those I’ve already named there’s nothing there.

Mol Ace with Tesla’s tend to go China -> Japan -> Singapore/Thailand (or both) - > Fremantle and then onto Adelaide or the East Coast. As such, not a lot to write home about.

There is a list of vessels which will go East, but not a single one in that list have, to my knowledge, ferried Teslas before.
I’ve had a look at the Mol Ace line, and outside of those I’ve already named there’s nothing there.

Mol Ace with Tesla’s tend to go China -> Japan -> Singapore/Thailand (or both) - > Fremantle and then onto Adelaide or the East Coast. As such, not a lot to write home about.

There is a list of vessels which will go East, but not a single one in that list have, to my knowledge, ferried Teslas before.
Sturty, again, thank you so much for that information. So it sounds like my first potential boat will be the Morning Crystal. Does Tesla allocate VIN's when the vehicles are loaded onto the boats or when they arrive in the country?
Thanks again for all that great information.