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Charging keeps stopping.

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I suggest two things.

1. With the mobile charger disconnected from everything, disconnect the plug adapter piece from the rectangular mobile
Charger block and re-seat it firmly. Make sure it fits flush and snugly.

2. With the mobile connector unplugged, clean all 6 connection points thoroughly. The car wand/plug, take the plug adapter piece out of the mobile charger and clean both sides of that connection, and the bit that plugs into the receptacle. Clean the receptacle you are plugging into at work. Clean the outside of the charge point as possible (don’t be sticking anything in there), and blow it out with compressed air.
I had the same intermittent stop/start charging on my Model Y for the last 6 months.
Never had issues Supercharging. At home, with UMC, it would sometimes charge fully overnight, but on-demand it would stop every 5-10mins. I would go to the car, start charging again (all scheduling/departure disabled) and it would stop again after a couple of percentages gained (5-10mins). Different current settings did not help (L2 20, 24, 32A).

After reading these forums, I think I might have found a solution that somebody recommended.

Here is what I recommend trying:

1. Delete Phone Key (make sure you have your Telsa card key before you do that), reboot the car.

2. Uninstall Tesla app from phone, reboot phone.

3. Change password for tesla account on Tesla website. This de-activates all the Auth Tokens that other 3rd party apps might have had on your phone.

As soon as I changed my password, one of the apps sent me an automated email saying
" the authorization to your Tesla account has expired and data is not currently being collected from your vehicle(s)". I do not have any 3rd party apps anymore, but somehow, the Auth Token must have been in their cloud, messing with Tesla.

4. Install Tesla app on phone.

5. Add phone to car.

Let me know if this works, I'm curious if 'sticky' 3rd party auth token was the culprit.
It's the 2nd day since I tried it and the on-demand charging seems to be working without interruptions. I will post updates if it changes. Service appointment is later this week, just in case.
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I started having the same issue over the past week. I would plug the car in to charge, after 5 or 6 mins it would just stop. This happened first on my wife’s Y, then the next night on my M3P. Powering off the wall charger, resetting the cars, nothing would work. I logged into the wall charger Wi-Fi and everything was right with no faults showing, latest software version updated, voltage correct, Tesla’s authorised etc. Weirdly, by leaving them connected to the wall charger after (what seemed) about half an hour, the cars would then eventually charge as normal overnight.

After reading on here I thought it was down to an intrusion by some 3rd party app, as others have found, but we’ve only ever used the Tessie app and that was deregistered and logged out, but made no difference.

As a qualified electronics engineer I began to suspect it was down to something going on in my household wiring, and on the third night (when attempting to charge the Y) when the same thing happened yet again, I started going through the circuits at my distribution board, turning each circuit breaker off one a time and then restarting the charge attempt remotely through the Tesla App.

By doing this I found the problem - my wife had added an extension lead to power an outside back door light and had the extension plugged into a mechanical timer to turn the light off at around 11pm. The reason for the extension lead was just to provide more plug sockets at the main wall plugs, and so she had left 90% of the 6m extension wire wrapped around the first three sockets of the 5 plug extension. When power was being applied to the outside light through the mechanical timer, the AC current passing through the coils creates a (largely negligible) electro magnetic force, which in itself isn’t the issue. The problem is that when this coil EMF is then intersected by live current passing transverse to the coils, this essentially creates 2 x EMF’s that (being AC) oscillate. Oscillating EMF’s means you have lines of magnetic flux moving and intersecting each other which in itself creates additional currents (just as a generator creates current by moving a magnetically wound rotor around/within a fixed magnetic stator). This all creates an absolute mess of AC single phase current being disrupted by spurious opposing currents, which impacts everything else powered by the loop.

Long story short, I took away the extension, and all the *sugar* I said above is now removed - Teslas charging perfectly at anytime of the night or day. Having resolved the issue I asked my wife what time she had set the mechanical timer to power off the circuit and turn off the outside light. She said around 11pm. This is why, by leaving the cars plugged in despite the “stopped charging issue”, once 11pm came round the charging would work and I would wake in the morning to find the car charged!

Having read a number of other posts on this issue, I believe most of these “stopped charging” issues are caused by either 1) issues with electrical inductive/back EMF problems affecting the sensitive wall charger circuitry, or 2) third party apps forcing power save modes etc, which does seem to cause this same issue. If you are experiencing this I would recommend going through your main electrical supply distribution trip switches one at a time and using the Tesla app to ‘unlock charge port’ and then ‘start charge’ one after the other. Once you know what loop is affecting the charge in this way, you can then go and see what is plugged into those circuits and probably find the issue.

Hope this helps others.
I want to give an answer aswell ro this topic, to all Tesla-owners benefit. Not sure it applys to all, but it’s likely. I live in Norway. We have a company that sells electricity, and they provides a app. Via this app I can control the charging-robot. I can also communicate with the Tesla. And this gave me a problem. Altough I had set the settings to NOT smart-charge (charging when the eletricity has the lowest cost), the communication with the car on the same app had this option ON. The 3rd party app did in deed send a message to the car to stop charging. I did not get any stop-note from the Tesla-app when charging stop, and this tells me that my electricity-companys 3rd app has a small glitch. When I removed the communication with the Tesla via this app, my charging-problem was gone.

Conclusion: Check your 3rd party app.
I had the same intermittent stop/start charging on my Model Y for the last 6 months.
Never had issues Supercharging. At home, with UMC, it would sometimes charge fully overnight, but on-demand it would stop every 5-10mins. I would go to the car, start charging again (all scheduling/departure disabled) and it would stop again after a couple of percentages gained (5-10mins). Different current settings did not help (L2 20, 24, 32A).

After reading these forums, I think I might have found a solution that somebody recommended.

Here is what I recommend trying:

1. Delete Phone Key (make sure you have your Telsa card key before you do that), reboot the car.

2. Uninstall Tesla app from phone, reboot phone.

3. Change password for tesla account on Tesla website. This de-activates all the Auth Tokens that other 3rd party apps might have had on your phone.

As soon as I changed my password, one of the apps sent me an automated email saying
" the authorization to your Tesla account has expired and data is not currently being collected from your vehicle(s)". I do not have any 3rd party apps anymore, but somehow, the Auth Token must have been in their cloud, messing with Tesla.

4. Install Tesla app on phone.

5. Add phone to car.

Let me know if this works, I'm curious if 'sticky' 3rd party auth token was the culprit.
It's the 2nd day since I tried it and the on-demand charging seems to be working without interruptions. I will post updates if it changes. Service appointment is later this week, just in case.
I had the same intermittent stop/start charging on my Model Y for the last 6 months.
Never had issues Supercharging. At home, with UMC, it would sometimes charge fully overnight, but on-demand it would stop every 5-10mins. I would go to the car, start charging again (all scheduling/departure disabled) and it would stop again after a couple of percentages gained (5-10mins). Different current settings did not help (L2 20, 24, 32A).

After reading these forums, I think I might have found a solution that somebody recommended.

Here is what I recommend trying:

1. Delete Phone Key (make sure you have your Telsa card key before you do that), reboot the car.

2. Uninstall Tesla app from phone, reboot phone.

3. Change password for tesla account on Tesla website. This de-activates all the Auth Tokens that other 3rd party apps might have had on your phone.

As soon as I changed my password, one of the apps sent me an automated email saying
" the authorization to your Tesla account has expired and data is not currently being collected from your vehicle(s)". I do not have any 3rd party apps anymore, but somehow, the Auth Token must have been in their cloud, messing with Tesla.

4. Install Tesla app on phone.

5. Add phone to car.

Let me know if this works, I'm curious if 'sticky' 3rd party auth token was the culprit.
It's the 2nd day since I tried it and the on-demand charging seems to be working without interruptions. I will post updates if it changes. Service appointment is later this week, just in case.
Hi there, I am here to thank you for the wonderful tips that solved my issues. I recently bought a MYP and found the car would start charging before my scheduled time. Also my 2018 M3 charging would stop every 5 minutes. Tesla service did not help at all. I then deleted my Optiwatt account and followed your recommendations. Everything is fine now. Thanks again!
Yes this is a huge problem for my 2021 Model Y. Had tesla switch out my wall connector (from the older 18ft cable) and still doesn't work properly. Charging was perfect for the first year and half and something changed. I would say this is a bigger concern than the horrible auto-wipers :(
Hi all.
Our Tesla Model 3 long range has suddenly started to do some strange charging. We plug it in when back from work (down to 17%) and it seems that charging starts fine, but after about 2-3 minutes charging it stops again. We have not set any time for charging to be complete or anything else it just turns off. We try to start again from app and from the car and the charging starts and runs fine for about 1 minute and then it stops again. We have tried rebooting everything but nothing helps.
The only way we can get a stable charging back is to change the password on our Tesla account log out from everything and sign back in and then we can charge. So far we have changed our password to the Tesla account 4 times during a month to help this issue.
We have also tried to send in a request for service through the app but the fastest time we could get was 1 month from now.

Have anybody else experienced this or could come with some kind of explanation to what is wrong?
I had the same problem - but I found after much searching that my Optiwatt account was sending a stop charge signal to my car. When I removed my car from my Optiwatt account my Tesla began to change normally again. I hope that helps someone - it took me forever to figure it out.
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