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"Tesla employee Ben Kanner parks the Tesla Roadster Sport in the courtyard at Everitt Lab on Tuesday in Urbana. By Darrell Hoemann"

Everitt Lab is Electrical Engineering Bldg, where Martin & I were EE grads. Behind & to the right of the camera is EE Bldg, 2nd floor is ADSL (Advanced Digital Systems Lab), where Martin did his M.S. thesis with Dr. Ricardo Uribe/ADSL (also my M.S. Thesis advisor).

from http://www.ece.illinois.edu/mediacenter/resonance/pdf/FALL-2007.pdf

Ok, here's the deal. This UIUC stop-over right in front of EE Bldg, is obviously a "slight" at M. Eberhard. You will recall the recent scandal about EM's dubious academic credentials a U. of Penn

[ BTW, many Penn Physics alumni end up at Caltech & a recent Caltech Nobelist in Physics is a U. of Penn alumni ]

& Stanford. I was going to get in touch with some UIUC people, get the best pranksters, & plaster the Roadster with "Martin Eberhard, co-founder of Tesla Motors" stickers. The ADSL people certainly would have obliged!! (probably going beyond just a sticker, probably some SERIOUS electronic hacking to disrupt the Roadster operation)

[ note that Caltech & MIT have an ongoing "pranking" feud. You will recall the '84 Rose Bowl, where UIUC played UCLA & got hammered 45 to 19. Late in the game, a Caltech prankster initiated the infamous "Caltech 45, MIT 19". They had previously broke into the building housing the electronics, & figured out how to replace UCLA with Caltech, Illinois with MIT by radio control ]

Why not a stopover @U. of Michigan EE Dept? (near the Big 3 Auto Mrs in Detroit) I have been in touch with Dr. Ed Davidson (emeritus @UM, see above) recently, & I'm sure a co-conspiracy of pranksters @UM could have "planned something" for the Roadster.

Purdue University ("Boilermakers", in reference to trains.."Transportation") should also have been a stopover. Martin's supervisor Dr. Robert Chien (when Martin & I were office-mates) recruited Dr. Tom H. (who ended up being my PhD advisor) from Purdue. Robert's son Andrew was an '81 summer intern (from his undergrad MIT studies) with Martin at Coordinated Science Laboratory/AARG (Advanced Automation Research Group). Andrew is now Intel Director of Research & VP of Corporate Technology, formerly Computer Science professor at UIUC & UC San Diego.

Just some background info for the UIUC EE stopover by the Roadster..

I live 2 blocks from Caltech, so I will mention this "slight" towards M. Eberhard. You will recall that Martin saved Alan Cocconi's (famous Caltech alumni, along with Wally Rippel, both of whom worked on the GM prototype Impact @Aerovironment) company ACP from bankruptcy, & ACP's PEM was licensed for the Roadster. I'm sure the Caltech pranksters will get "fired up" & decide on some sort of response. Wally Rippel was victimized in the "Stealth Bloodbath" back in late 2007, so there's double-the-reason for some payback.

"We Protect our Own"


It's a secret!
I was going to get in touch with some UIUC people, get the best pranksters, & plaster the Roadster with "Martin Eberhard, co-founder of Tesla Motors" stickers. The ADSL people certainly would have obliged!! (probably going beyond just a sticker, probably some SERIOUS electronic hacking to disrupt the Roadster operation)

So you'd see the car fail in front of the World's motoring press just to spite an individual? And where would that leave the EV movement? Yet alone yourself with the criminal nature of what you are suggesting.

Occasionally you post the odd good write up, but I have to say most of your contributions don't put you in a good light - no matter how aggrieved you may feel for your 20 years previous acquaintance.

I mean, what is the point of posting the above links on a Forum/BBS? It only addresses the "endemic" crowd of Tesla Motors enthusiasts. It's like Auto Racing, where you have to reach the masses, & get the "non-endemic" demographic. Just like NASCAR has done, to pull off their revolution. I.e., they are the 2nd ranked watched Sports on TV (with the non-endemic Tech company Sprint as the Title Sponsor), based on ratings..leap-frogging over Baseball (the national past-time of America)

The key is these Viral Mediums like the Big 3: Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, iTunes video-podcast hardly gets mentioned, along with Youtube channel. There is the potential of quickly reaching the Masses.

I am just AMAZED at how such a high-tech car company like Tesla Motors, is NOT using the Latest/Greatest in Multimedia Technology. They are reporting the Road Trip over a text/photo blog (located on their website). They could be doing it over a video-blog

[ syndicated to iTunes as a video-podcast, which is a Viral Medium into itself like Facebook/Twitter, with its own Search Engine. I.e., people can find "Tesla Roadster", "electric car", etc in the iTunes Store search engine ]

I've been doing it with a "Tesla Roadster" video-blog (Blogger)

Tesla Roadster

using various mobile-devices:

1. Sony P&S camera, using video-mode which outputs a .avi file
import to portable Apple Powerbook G4/1.5Ghz, quick edit, export, upload to Blip.tv

2. Sony HC3 1-chip compact HD camcorder (mini-DV tape), 1080i
same as 1)

3. Sony FX1 (or FX100) 3-chip HD prosumer camcorder (mini-DV tape), 1080i
same as 1)

Even my solution is a bit behind the times (the Technology changes by the month, even day). People are using SD-based camcorders, like the Canon VIXIA 200:



She is with Netbook online website, doing video interview uploads (using Tube Mogul, which distributes to various online video services like Youtube, et al) after Media Day #1 (2010 CES), using WiFi at the Media Lounge. Done deal. Then we all headed out to a bar for drinks. This is the "Alternative Model" for Media Coverage: Agile/Mobile/Hostile, versus the old-fashioned "Standard Model" (Print, TV) which is time-delayed (slow). Even, the online article (see above links, which were found by Google search, & posted on TMC forum) is outdated.

Take a look at the below post on Video-Blogging group, about the New England Car Show. It was done with a Flip (portable HD camcorder, SD card based):

The Flip minoHD saves files as MP4, the Kodak Zi8 as MOV.

Both work fine in iMovie.

I have not tried the new flip yet with the bigger screen.

I love the Zi8's mic in jack. It has a replaceable battery too.

Here's a video I shot at the New England Auto Show this weekend in 720p 60 fps, edited in iMovie.

YouTube - Sexy Cars on Turntables - Cadillac, Chevy and Ford

It's so good.

Note: My Zi8 was a gift from Kodak.


Needless to say, the quality is AMAZING. Could be uploaded quickly using a WiFi equipped Netbook (not even a laptop!).

TMC forum should setup a video-blog (syndicated to iTunes as a "TMC Tesla Motors" video-podcast, searchable with terms like "Tesla Roadster", "Martin Eberhard", etc), which can take *contributions* from "video peeps" from all over the world. Instead of getting posts on TMC forum of online videos, articles, etc. Hey, that would be my role! I.e., I just found myself a new gig with TMC.

The following entities should be doing the above:

Tesla Motors
Chris Paine (documentary film-maker)

I actually met someone from Chris Paine's group at 2009 LA Auto Show, & he was raving about some portable HD SD-based camcorder (the Flip?). So, they are already doing it.

"If you don't play [ using the latest VoD/Video on Demand Technology ]..YOU GET LEFT BEHIND"
-- David Zaslav, NBC Universal

[ article on how Steve Jobs' Oct/2005 introduction of the video iPod, created a WILDLY SUCCESSFUL response: 2 million $1.99 ABC videos (Steve Jobs is majority shareholder of Disney Entertainment, which owns ABC/ESPN) sold to iPod users within 2 months. It triggered Industry wide VoD deals. NBC Universal & DirecTV, CBS & Comcast, et al

"CBS and NBC have announced deals to offer replays of prime-time programs for 99 cents per episode, shifting television toward a sales model that gained popularity with downloaded music. CBS is teaming up with Comcast Corp. and NBC with satellite operator DirecTV to offer the on-demand replays. Less than three years ago, Apple helped spur the explosion of legally downloaded music with its iTunes Music Store and iPod portable players - the latest versions of which now play video."


"Both deals are the first of what are expected to be numerous similar arrangements. They mark the latest examples of how technology is altering the television experience and the traditional network business."

"For 50 years, TV has been a passive medium," said David Zaslav, president of NBC Universal's cable group, which includes networks USA and Bravo, whose programming is also part of the DirecTV deal. "But consumers want more choice and more convenience. All the signals are there of a meaningful change in how people watch television."

"If you don't play, you'll get left behind," NBC Universal's Zaslav said.

He added that NBC programming would be increasingly available on devices other than television, such as cellphones, to expand its revenue sources. NBC makes parts of "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" available for download on mobile phones.


I know the President of Disney Animation (Dr. Ed Catmull, who wants a TM Model S), who is co-founder of PIXAR..owned by Steve Jobs. From his autograph signing at SIGGRAPH 2008:


My background (Electrical Eng like M. Eberhard), is the Driving Technology behind Special Effects in TV/Film Industry, Computer Gaming, Computer Animation.

The keyword is "Entertainment", which is how Apple Computer transformed itself from a computer company to a "Consumer Experience" company. It revolutionized the way the Music Industry distributed Music. Tesla Motors should also realize this paradigm shift: it should transform itself from a car company into a "Consumer Experience [ Entertainment ]" company. Working with Alpine for a high-end "automotive console" (streaming Internet Radio using Pandora, iPod connectivity, etc) is along this path. NOT having an iTunes video-podcast presence is a major gaff.

TMC must also realize this paradigm shift, & get with the new Content/Distribution model. They are recognizing the value of Video with the "video section" on the forum, but this is old distribution model. Need to setup a video-blog (syndicated to iTunes video-podcast), Youtube channel, etc. This is all part of the New Media, i.e. Citizen Journalism. ANYBODY can be a media-outlet.
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I mean, what is the point of posting the above links on a Forum/BBS? It only addresses the "endemic" crowd of Tesla Motors enthusiasts.

Like it or not, this is a Tesla fan site. The members here are interested in endeavours like this road trip and bringing together news stories from the local press along the route into one thread is exactly what a forum like this is for.

I am just AMAZED at how such a high-tech car company like Tesla Motors, is NOT using the Latest/Greatest in Multimedia Technology. They are reporting the Road Trip over a text/photo blog (located on their website). They could be doing it over a video-blog

You may recall that the company did indeed do an awful lot of this kind of innovative promotion in the early years. That seems to have died down since Darryl Siry left.

The key is these Viral Mediums like the Big 3: Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, iTunes video-podcast hardly gets mentioned, along with Youtube channel. There is the potential of quickly reaching the Masses.

Ask yourself why they have pulled back from doing that. Maybe they do not want or need to reach the mass market. The promotion seems to be target towards more 'exclusive' events and media - the sort of places where you reach a customer base with Roadster money to spend.

I'm sure as we get closer to the Model S launch, the targeted demographic will change and you will see more far reaching promotion again. It is the GMs and Nissans of this world that need to do the viral EV marketing at the moment.

Big ramble about media technology

You've dodged my question.
Jay Leno on "electric"

I went to the Supercar Sunday event (SCS) yesterday (Woodland Hills Mall, parking lot) & saw a bunch of supercars. Including Lotus Elise. After the event technically ended at 10am, Jay Leno rolled in with a Bugatti (special edition, worth 2 million?). I had a brief conversation with Jay, & he is "into" electric. He's tried an electric motorbike:

Supercar Sunday "test" video-blog
supercarsunday on blip.tv

I ended up at the LA Auto Gallery dealership for Lamborghini (at the nearby Topanga Mall, north of SCS), & they were discussing "store traffic". Like NASCAR, they have to realize that it goes beyond the car..it's also the DRIVERS. I recommended to them, to get some iconic owners of Lambos into the store, for autograph-session (ala NASCAR). Fans of a driver, will automatically become fans of whatever make of car they drive (Dodge, Chevy, Ford, Toyota, etc) or Sponsor they have. It's the old "You are who you surround/associate with", cross-over PR/Marketing

"Billboard on 4-Wheels"...the Business Model (very successful for NASCAR)
"Soap Opera on 4-Wheels"..the Entertainment Model (very successful for NASCAR)

So, Tesla Motors needs to find some "iconic" drivers (with brilliant personalities), to complement their production cars. Call it an A+B package (A = car, B = drive personality). Spokespersons for the Roadster, Model S, etc. There was that 1 Chicago stockbroker who apparently is doing it on his own. The "Who Killed the Electric Car" created a bunch of "accidental" spokespersons like Chelsea Sexton, actress (who starred on Baywatch), Ed Begley/Jr.

Another way of saying it is: "Human Interest" factor.

I posed a question to a fellow Getty Images photographer:

Q: What photos sell the best?
A: Human Interest photos (i.e., ones with people in the photo)

The issue came up in Classical Music ("Art of the Piano"):

"There are many many people who strived for a career as a concert pianist [ scientist, Racer, car company, etc ]
ahh..the Ones that SUCCEED..just accept the fact that they have fabulous technique..and accept the fact, you know, they can play the instrument..*WHAT makes people SUCCEED, is how they are able to CAPTURE THE AUDIENCE*"

-- Schuyler Chapin/Impresario, "The Art of Piano"

That is why Bugatti let Jay Leno test-drive the above 2 million dollar car. His brand-name ("Jay Leno's Garage") would light-the-fire for potential buyers. Has Jay Leno been offerred a Tesla Roadster for a test-drive?

The tragedy of M. Eberhard's exit of Tesla Motors, is the Human Interest factor ME contributed to TM. There are many testimonials of TM fans, who were attracted by ME's HI factor in presenting TM to the public.
Leno is used to getting his cars free. That's why he never bought a roadster. Since they were only going to make a couple thousand of them, Elon and the board made the decision to not give any away for promotion purposes. They only time they broke the rule to my knowledge was the one they gave Toyoda. Given the Japanese culture, it was more of a purchase than a gift.

Jay Leno & Bugatti [ '10 Jan/17

y interview with Jay, when he came in a Bugatti (~1 million). This should tell you he gets cars for "free" (mfrs want to use Jay as an extension of their Marketing Dept).

I just saw a show about female Moms with Twitter/FB based businesses (drawing huge traffic #'s), incl Soleil Moon Frye (of "Punky Brewster" fame). Mfrs send them boatloads of their products for "free", so these Moms can make plugs (product exposure) on Twitter/FB. Welcome to SN based commercials.

If you have celebrity status (movie star) or Internet status (Twitter/FB "star"), you get the "goodies".

"You work hard, you get the goodies"
-- Steve McQueen, car enthusiast & racer

picture of Steve & his wife, fancy home in background, w/stable of sportscars
Li xxx batteries do present a fire risk: bad charging & physical stressload

Props to our own Tom Saxton for valiantly pleading on public radio's Marketplace for placing the Volt story into proportion:

I fly R/C electric airplanes (along with Alan Cocconi) at the Rose Bowl park. The (late) Dr Paul MacReady (Aerovironment founder, famous Caltech Aeronautics PhD) also does. AV was where Alan & Wally Rippel did their pioneering work on GM EV1 prototype.

It is a WELL KNOWN fact that Li Polymer batteries are VERY DANGEROUS, when not handled properly: charging (in cars or home) or crashes (batteries get "messed up", can ignite at later date). There are some horrific pictures of cars & homes BURNING DOWN completely, because of unattended "bad" charging. They literally turn into "fiery roman candles", & the surrounding area flat out goes up in flames!!

Just goto RCgroups.com, click on Forums, batteries section. There is a Sticky with hundreds of responses, this fire issues is hotly debated (just like here). FACT: many people charge their LiPo batteries OUTSIDE (not indoors) in a PROTECTIVE METAL enclosure (like military surplus ammo box). THIS is why I haven't gone to LiPo (still staying with NiCad, NiMH), it's not worth the risk, plus they're kinda expensive.

I was just at 2011 LA Auto Show, & CODA had a booth for their 39K pricepoint EV.

Sun Nov 27 [ '11 LA Auto Show ] - a set on Flickr

[ nice booth, nice display, met an interesting couple there, husband owns engineering company ]

IMG_8486 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

LiFe Phosphate battery, mounted on floor (like Model S configuration). Having a fire underneath you is NOT a good thing, especially since this config hasn't been tested in real-world. I expect "high centering" (along with frame twisting) to create some fires in the future. Possibly some injuries & fatalities.

FACT: car fires WILL happen. But, the sensational nature of just a few, could have a devastating PR/Marketing effect. Gas cars have this problem (rear-end collisions, Pinto & Ford xxx..the one with a bolt on rear-end housing that sparks when it hits gas tank) too.

I think the newer technology Li-xx batteries DO have an issue with higher fire risk. Me, I'll wait until the "real world testing" irons out the bugs


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Don't contribute to the FUD. LiPoly batteries for RC toys are not at all the same as the chemistry used in any production EV. Just because a battery has lithium as a component does not mean it's the same as other batteries that also contain lithium. LiFePO4 is one of the least reactive of lithium chemistries. I'm much more comfortable sitting over any EV battery chemistry than a tank of gas.
Don't contribute to the FUD. LiPoly batteries for RC toys are not at all the same as the chemistry used in any production EV. Just because a battery has lithium as a component does not mean it's the same as other batteries that also contain lithium. LiFePO4 is one of the least reactive of lithium chemistries. I'm much more comfortable sitting over any EV battery chemistry than a tank of gas.

CAREFUL Lipo Fires Are Real!!!!

Lipo Fires Are Real!!!! - Page 20 - RC Groups
[ look at the videos & pics in this thread, SCARY! ]

These are NOT toys, R/C electrics have penetrated US Govt DoD applications (many Aerovironment employees fly them for recreation & work, see Matt Keenon TV appearances for micro R/C aircraft for military surveillance). Do you fly R/C electric? Doesn't sound like you do, if you call them toys. THEY AIN'T TOYS! Real-time video from on-board camera (all accessible to consumers), I've dabbled a bit in this area. Autonomous flying aircraft, with onboard GPS (they can fly a pre-programmed GPS path)

FACT: there is NO data on Durability/Reliability testing for long periods. That is done by the first consumers ("guinea pigs" aka unfortunate souls who have the privelege of being beta-testers or "kentucky fried chicken")

I was watching the Detroit Auto Show 2010, marketing slough by Tesla Motors. WOW, the fluff/hyperbolae I heard from Dir of Engineering (?) was unreal. When the Model S will get high-centered (or other long term stress load), the chassis will transfer the mechanical stress-load to the battery-pack. FACT: they will endure only SO MUCH, before they will crack or split. There is simply no DATA for long-term stress loads (chassis -> battery pack).

"Know yourself [ driving ability ], know your opponent [ driving environment, car limitations, etc ], you will never be defeated, in a 100 battles"
-- Sun Tzu "Art of War"

It's a WELL KNOWN fact that ANY car (race car) can be driven beyond its limits & BREAK IT. The smart racers know the cars limit, & drive to that boundary. Alain Prost was probably the most famous example, they called him the "Professor".

"Racing is a THINKING MAN's GAME"
-- Wally Dallenbach

Alain P would drive a conservative race, saving the tires, so late in the race he would have an edge over the competition, & go for the win. Rick Mears (Offroad Racing origins, a great testbed for understanding car + desert/environment), 4 time Indy 500 winner, was also a student of this approach. He would "hang around" within striking distance of the leaders, then make a late move for the win. A conservative approach.

"I drive slow enough to WIN"
-- Rob MacCachren, Offroad Racing legend

Another Desert Offroad Racer, who understand the limitation of car (equipment) & environment (extreme duty environment, Desert).

I guarantee you that the 1st Model S drivers will be "pushing the limits" & getting into problems. Look at how the multi-speed gearboxes FAILED under Durability/Reliability testing @Tesla Motors

[ the 1st time I saw Martin Eberhard in 25 odd yrs, was on the NBC test drive..everything OK, tranny blew up, had to pull over with NBC reporter riding shotgun. Little did we all know, THAT was the beginning of the end for Martin's tenure @Tesla. Elon Musk (apparently NO legitimate Physics degree, much less Engineering) kept "pushing the limits" to insanity, asking WAY TOO MUCH from engineers. Man, you CANNOT do "off the shelf" R&D, especially with a new unproven formula: multi speed gear box mated to electric motor. instantaenous torque curve putting HUGE stress loads on tranny internals: breakage inevitable. I actually know an Offroad Racing team which was an Xtrac development Partner & they had the SAME BREAKAGE problem. It took SEVERAL MONTHS of empiricism (returning broken tranny, seeing what broke, beefing up that part, repeat) before they FIXED IT. They went on to win their first race EVER, followed by podium finishes (& wins) in later races that year ]

I guarantee you problems surfacing about chassis flex, battery pack damage, some fires. It's all UNPROVEN in long range use: time & mileage. Unless, they're REALLY LUCKY, with some exceptional robust engineering (doubtful). I think they are cutting weight (thus losing robustness in mechanical integrity/rigidity).

I have a PhD in Electrical Eng (Martin was in same group as me, he has Masters), & I've seen it all & done my own share of Engineering. SH*T HAPPENS. You can never predict the future, in terms of worst-case scenarios. That's why

"Real World Knowledge" (field tests) ALWAYS TRUMPS "Book Knowledge" (computer simulations, modeling, etc)

I hope Tesla Motors IS aware of the fire danger of Li-XXX batteries & addresses it with robust engineering of battery packs & chassis. Otherwise, the multi-speed gearbox failure will pale in comparison to "luxury Model S, masquerading as a firebomb"

"in order to Push the Limits, sometimes you have to EXCEED THE LIMITS"
-- Formula 1, Australian GP (2003?)

ALL the major Auto mfrs have extensive Racing Programs, from their very beginning of their formation. Honda, Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche, Toyota, etc. Where is Tesla Motors racing program? Some afterthought thing, not a detailed Development Partner (like Xtrac did). You can do in 1 race, what would take 100K miles in simulated long term real world simulation (Durability/Reliability phase). Lotus & Chevrolet are coming as new engine suppliers to Indycar, & they signed certain teams as "partners" (factory teams that have a strong bi-modal communication). E.g., HVM Racing for Lotus Motorsports, it was just announced this last 2011 LA Auto Show. A new Dallara chassis is coming next year, extensive testing is happening RIGHT NOW. Penske Racing is at Fontana/CA right now, putting it thru its paces (Chevrolet engine + Dallara chassis) Here is what happens at that track, when something goes wrong:


Greg was set to move on to Penske Racing in 2000, before he was tragically killed in last race for 1999.

I guarantee you someone in a Model S is gonna get hurt! (or worse). I'm not being a pessimist, just being realistic.
...another link from RCGroups.com "battery section"

Complete Guide to LiPo Batteries and Failure reports - Part II - RC Groups

Complete Guide to LiPo Batteries and Failure Reports - Part II - RC Groups

I expect to see such a forum & discussion for Model S owners. Is there even such a thing for Roadster owners? There must be, & Tesla should be nurturing it, since this is all VALUABLE info. Real world Durability/Reliability data.
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Tesla has 15 million miles of data on the Roadster. The battery is in a steel case that has been approved for international shipping (the first) and each cell is packed so any one cell's thermal runaway cannot propagate to the next. Half of Tesla's patents are for the battery packaging. In the Roadster, the battery case is sealed and not accessible to owners without voiding warranty.

The case also has active heating and cooling something that cannot be done in the smaller form factor of a scaled vehicle. Mercedes, Toyota and FedEx are all buying Tesla's powertrain for inclusion into their vehicles. Yes there will be fires but with 15M miles have you seen one yet?
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Elon Musk (apparently NO legitimate Physics degree, much less Engineering)
I hate to say it of someone registered on the forum for 4 years, but with things as demonstrably inaccurate as this, I have to wonder what the agenda is.

From Wikipedia about Elon: From the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, he received an undergraduate degree, and stayed on another year to finish a second bachelor's degree in physics.

Wharton's not some fly by night school. It's been around for 130 years and is apparently part of UPenn which is also well known.
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I hate to say it of someone registered on the forum for 4 years, but with things as demonstrably inaccurate as this, I have to wonder what the agenda is.

From Wikipedia about Elon: From the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, he received an undergraduate degree, and stayed on another year to finish a second bachelor's degree in physics.

Wharton's not some fly by night school. It's been around for 130 years and is apparently part of UPenn which is also well known.

Martin Eberhard filed a lawsuit claiming Elon Musk NEVER got a Physics degree from U of Penn. The ONLY documentation was some posterboard with that claim. I personally called U of Penn/Physics prof (who was critical of Elon Musk as being "diluted", i.e. trying to do too much)..NEVER CALLED BACK! Kinda suspect!


"Don't believe anything you Read, & only HALF WHAT YOU SEE"
-- Skepticism, ruling mantra in Science
I was watching the Detroit Auto Show 2010, marketing slough by Tesla Motors. WOW, the fluff/hyperbolae I heard from Dir of Engineering (?) was unreal. When the Model S will get high-centered (or other long term stress load), the chassis will transfer the mechanical stress-load to the battery-pack. FACT: they will endure only SO MUCH, before they will crack or split. There is simply no DATA for long-term stress loads (chassis -> battery pack).
I guarantee you someone in a Model S is gonna get hurt! (or worse). I'm not being a pessimist, just being realistic.
I think you are missing the major distinction between battery cells (Tesla uses many small 18650 laptop cells) and a battery "pack" (which is inclusive of the metal enclosure designed to protect the individual cells from an impact/intrusion). I don't see any issue with using the pack as a stressed member. Just like how most cars today use the passenger cell (akin to the enclosure part of the battery pack) as a stressed member while placing no mechanical stress on the passengers (akin to the individual cells); the same can be done with the battery pack.

The pack is a stressed member in the Roadster too:
The pack enclosure is designed to withstand substantial abuse in the vehicle, while maintaining the integrity of the internal components. The pack is a stressed member of the chassis and helps provide rigidity to the rear of the car
The Roadster has been on the market for 4 years, sold over 2000 units, and as vfx says, accumulated 15 million miles of data (the empiricism you are talking about). So far there is no indication that there is any issue with this type of design; I think Tesla has enough data to proceed with the same idea in the Model S.

Hey chimp - you do realize that lipo batteries without battery management are a lot different than the LiMn used in the Volt with regards to safety and stability? Your posts are FUD.
Same as I was about to say about the chemistry. Plus a home brew BMS/charger can't be compared to one any highway capable BEV for sale today (esp. in a pack that has it's own liquid cooling system!). Also, the issue right now isn't really any danger from overcharging/overheating in normal operation.

The issue with the Volt is that the puncturing of the battery cells and coolant line in a severe accident may lead to fires (although delayed). That points to either a defect/design issue (Leaf didn't have similar issues, although it's important to note the battery is air cooled LiMn, not liquid cooled), or that there needs to be special procedures for handling the car after a severe accident (esp. one that punctures the battery compartment).