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Climate Change Denial

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One point does not make a pattern. Look at Lake Mead, a climate denier would claim that water level is on a rising trend or point to the lake level higher than in 1930...We now have restrictions like that commie state of AZ to remove non-functional/decorative lawn. LOL

Looks like Lake Mead is 14 feet below where it was on June 12 2019. Full pool is 1,229 feet. It is currently reading 1,071 feet. Is that really really bad?

"Not all of Texas was part of ERCOT and up north where I live there was minimal effect from the big freeze even though were were much colder in many respects. My home fortunately never lost power. And of course my city was already on the approved road to join ERCOT even though everyone wondered if that was such a good idea after that big fiasco. We have now joined that system except for 30% which luckily my home is still part of the existing old network."


70% of the city instant regret!
Check it out everybody, Swiss voters reject new climate taxes.

Good for them!

Well, charge up your Tesla, you might need to live in it for a few days this summer and probably every summer after.
During the record hot summer last year, the weather forecasters said this year will be a cool summer. Looks like wrong again. I am starting to think weather forecasters either just flip a coin or have a monkey making the forecasts. When once in a century event is happening consecutive years, even a monkey would realize there is a problem.

Your posts are now devoid of any serious content. You scatter pejoratives randomly, move goal posts, ignore or deflect posts that you cannot answer, and make wild claims about imaginary conspiracies of climatologists. The few scientists who support your position are elevated with epithets such as "the wise.." or "the highly regarded.." as if that somehow makes their claims more valid, while any scientist who disagrees with your position is branded with a variety of rather sad put-downs such as "worshippers", "liberals", "left wing" etc in ad-hominem attacks.

You claim to support science, but in every post you show biases that would disqualify you from any serious scientific debate. You have said nothing that could contribute to any meaningful challenge to the prevailing theories on climate change and its causes. Puerile attacks on individuals is not the way to win an argument. If you have genuine concerns, voice them, discuss them, and defend them by all means, but if you are simply mad that no-one will listen to you, well, that is problem that you must work out for yourself. You do not win factual arguments by shouting at people.

Be aware that people who post low quality, irrational and inflammatory things are generally doing it to disrupt more serious discussion or debate. They know they can't win on the merits so they rant and rave to stir the pot. All they are trying to do is to prevent productive discussion. It's a sick goal but it's one more tool climate deniers use to extend the sad legacy of fossil fuel profits.
CNN : An eighth of the US population is sweltering under a record-breaking heat dome. Climate change is making it worse.
Europe is going back to good ol' reliable coal!

Be aware that people who post low quality, irrational and inflammatory things are generally doing it to disrupt more serious discussion or debate. They know they can't win on the merits so they rant and rave to stir the pot. All they are trying to do is to prevent productive discussion. It's a sick goal but it's one more tool climate deniers use to extend the sad legacy of fossil fuel profits.

Is this one of those "irrational and inflammatory things" that I post here?

That is the latest map of the Arctic sea ice extent. I'm sure it surprises you how much sea ice still exists in the Arctic after decades of alarmism about how the ice is melting away to oblivion.
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Is this one of those "irrational and inflammatory things" that I post here?

That is the latest map of the Arctic sea ice extent. I'm sure it surprises you how much sea ice still exists in the Arctic after decades of alarmism about how the ice is melting away to oblivion.


Edit, this image also comes from the NSIDC: January | 2018 | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

I guess by the time our kids are old enough to do something… there will still be enough ice to make a few snow cones.

Lol I just found this thread… cannot believe it exists on this forum…

I like to live in a state of denial too. Makes things happier for me. But it’s odd so many people are willing to gamble on the future under the selfish theory that the denial theory is correct.

Is it going to be so bad for people to act as if climate change was a big deal? Like what hellscape is created if we all try to reduce emissions and use more renewables?


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