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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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If 6 bankruptcies and 13 failed businesses haven't taught the cheeto to stop making decisions based on his indigestion I doubt scientific facts ever will :(

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Thanks for the condescending reply, particularly the last paragraph. I notice that you claim no science is in the article yet you can't refute any of it. BTW, you are wrong about TOBS. It is a theoretical problem but not an issue in practice using empirical data. Once again, Tony Heller to the rescue, with real empiric data (not theoretical models) to back it up:

The Wildly Fraudulent TOBS Temperature Adjustment | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
The man's so full of BS he can't even use his real name. It isn't Tony Heller.

How low are they going? This low.

The blogger who won’t even tell us his real name, even though it is now open source, Steven Goddard, has been cited as an authority on climate.
Kind of like citing Orly Taitz as an authority on Kenyan Birth certificates. Did I mention “Goddard” is a birther, too?


I profiled Anthony a few years back for his own craziness in regard to alleged plots to distort the temp records.
Can we all agree that, if your denialist nuttery is such that even Anthony Watts can’t back you – you, my friend, are a denialist nut.

Full article at:
steven goddard | Climate Denial Crock of the Week

I live 45 miles from Paradise in an area very similar (heavily forested). What I find interesting is that this person is trying to indicate that the Camp Fire was caused by global warming. The problem with that is the last couple of years have not been in drought. In fact 2016-2017 rainy season had the second highest rainfall in 126 years of records in California. In addition the temperature during the Camp fire wasn't all that warm. Now high temperatures have been a factor in some of the fires but certainly not this one.

When we purchased our home in 1998 we were required to sign a statement that we understood that we were in a wildfire area. Last year we had a large wildfire in our area which resulted in us being evacuated. The fire started at night with normal temperatures and after an extremely wet winter (second highest recorded rainfall). The problem was high fuel load and extremely high winds which spread the fire rapidly like the Camp Fire. In fact if the wind had not changed direction our community might have been wiped out like Paradise. So I don't see the fires the last couple of years in California as being a result of global warming. I think it's a problem of homes being built in heavily forested areas and increasing fuel loads. It appears many if not most of these really bad fires have been caused by trees falling on power lines during high winds. These high winds then spread the fire through blowing embers into high fuel loads. I would expect the power line right a ways are cleared of trees but over the years the trees encroach on them increasing the chance of wildfires.

My wife noticed smoke from the Camp Fire about 1 hour after it started. We actually got pretty excited because it looked like it was just over the hill from us.
Isn't a normal situation in Cali that following a rainy season with above-average precip, the resulting groundcover growth - grasses, etc. - becomes exactly the right tinder when followed by a hotter than average dry season to become these conflagrations?
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I love that Colbert shows on a national tv show just how stupid Trump's remarks are:

Trump shows on national tv shows just how stupid Trump's remarks are...

Trevor Noah did a pretty amusing take down too.

The sad part is that this only deepens our polarization. Trumps increasingly obvious stupidity makes any rational person see him as more of a threat while the Trumpians will NEVER lose faith in their dear leader BOBO the clown........

David Brooks, a CONSERVATIVE BTW. Said it best. Trump has the support of ~46% of the public and he's built a wall around his base. No one goes in and no one leaves. I'm never going to agree that 2+2 = 5 and Trump supporters will never admit that Trump is wrong. So... where does that leave us?????
The sad part is that this only deepens our polarization. Trumps increasingly obvious stupidity makes any rational person see him as more of a threat while the Trumpians will NEVER lose faith in their dear leader BOBO the clown........
I agree, but the only thing I can think of is that we have to eventually push them out of office - small or big - there are more rational people in the US than Trumpians right?..............man I hope so........
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