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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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Humans and volcanoes caused nearly all of global heating in past 140 years

Humans and volcanoes caused nearly all of global heating in past 140 years

Emissions from fossil fuels and volcanoes can explain nearly all of the changes in Earth’s surface temperatures over the past 140 years, a new study has found.

The research refutes the popular climate denial myth that recent global warming is merely a result of natural cycles.

These findings are important because they improve global surface temperature estimates, explain the causes of the early-20th century warming, and reaffirm that as the IPCC concluded in 2013, humans are responsible for all of the rapid global heating since 1950.
An interesting history of the term anthropocene

The Anthropocene epoch: have we entered a new phase of planetary history?

The Anthropocene epoch: have we entered a new phase of planetary history?

If the Anthropocene was, in fact, already upon us, the group would need to prove that the Holocene – an unusually stable epoch in which temperature, sea level and carbon dioxide levels have stayed relatively constant for nearly 12 millenia – had come to an end. They began by looking at the atmosphere. During the Holocene, the amount of CO2 in the air, measured in parts per million (ppm), was between 260 and 280. Data from 2005, the most recent year recorded when the working group started out, showed levels had climbed to 379 ppm. Since then, it has risen to 405 ppm. The group calculated that the last time there was this much CO2 in the air was during the Pliocene epoch 3m years ago. (Because the burning of fossil fuels in pursuit of the accumulation of capital in the west has been the predominant source of these emissions, some suggest “Capitalocene” is the more appropriate name.)

As humans have multiplied, we have also made the natural world more homogenous. The world’s most common vertebrate, the broiler chicken, of which there are 23bn alive at any one time, was created by humans to be eaten by humans.

Then there was also the matter of all our stuff. Not only have humans modified the Earth’s surface by building mines, roads, towns and cities, we have created increasingly sophisticated materials and tools, from smartphones to ballpoint pens, fragments of which will become buried in sediment, forming part of the rocks of the future. One estimate puts the weight of everything humans have ever built and manufactured at 30tn tonnes. The working group argued that the remnants of our stuff, which they called “technofossils”, will survive in the rock record for millions of years, distinguishing our time from what came before.
The Presidential Daily Brief for May 29, 2019
Tornadoes Ravage Midwest, Injuring Scores

The Kansas City, Missouri, area was the latest to be hit during a 12-day stretch that’s seen at least eight twisters strafe the Midwest — the first such series since 1980. Ohio’s governor declared a state of emergency in three counties, while storms were also confirmed in eastern Pennsylvania. Even parts of New York City and northern New Jersey were issued warnings by the National Weather Service.

What’s causing these tornadoes? While scientists say climate change probably plays a role in their increased frequency, they’re hard-pressed to pinpoint exactly why.

Of course you and all of the other science-denying global warming kool-aid drinkers here believe that mythical AGW is causing the greater-than-normal severe weather this month but the reality is that it is the unusual cold this spring in the Midwest that is the cause. Anyone with an elementary knowledge of weather and climate knows that you need a collision of warm air (always present in late spring/early summer) and cold air (unusually cold this year in parts of the Midwest) to cause tornadoes and severe storms. Sorry to rain (pun intended) on your alarmist parade but tornadoes are rare in the tropics where it is much warmer than it is in the Midwest so warm air alone is only half of the equation - not that any of you AGW cultists care. BTW, severe (F3 or greater) tornadoes are becoming less frequent:


I really believe that you alarmists will be devastated if the earth doesn't burn up or blow away soon. You may be waiting awhile for that, lol.
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Of course you and all of the other science-denying global warming kool-aid drinkers here believe that mythical AGW is causing the greater-than-normal severe weather this month but the reality is that it is the unusual cold this spring in the Midwest that is the cause. Anyone with an elementary knowledge of weather and climate knows that you need a collision of warm air (always present in late spring/early summer) and cold air (unusually cold this year in parts of the Midwest) to cause tornadoes and severe storms. Sorry to rain (pun intended) on your alarmist parade but tornadoes are rare in the tropics where it is much warmer than it is in the Midwest so warm air alone is only half of the equation - not that any of you AGW cultists care. BTW, severe (F3 or greater) tornadoes are becoming less frequent:


I really believe that you alarmists will be devastated if the earth doesn't burn up or blow away soon. You may be waiting awhile for that, lol.
For new readers to this thread who might actually think @jrad6515 is here in good faith, note that he's an almost comical caricature of a climate denier. He hits all of the important notes: says he's a scientist who is open to evidence:
With all due respect, I am a triple degreed scientist and graduated at the top of my class. I am a climate change skeptic but I am open to evidence on either side. So do you think I shouldn’t be able to vote?
Complains about his treatment in online discussion and implies that he's "informed" about the topic:
As soon as you question the AGW orthodoxy you are immediately insulted as a 'denier', then called stupid, and then labelled an oil company shill. If you persist in the debate you will eventually be likened to Hitler.
Yet dishes out similar insults unironically on his own:
AGW alarmists score a perfect 10/10 for dangerous cultish behavior.

He proceeds to repeatedly attack the data and methodologies used for analysis here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Yet when I repeatedly offered to do a live video conference with him to test these cross-discipline methodologies by injecting bad data and checking for cleansing, he continually deflected.

When called out, he decided to move the goalposts and assume that the data methodology was sound, but to try to draw a future conclusion. However, he was unable to say that assumption once without disparaging the data:
I challenged you to show proof of AGW, even allowing you to proceed as if the bogus govt. temperature adjustments that you believe in are not bogus.
Take whatever temperature dataset you want (most are bogus as I have already noted) and show me definitive proof that there is a human fingerprint in the temperature record.
Assume for the sake of argument that your bogus temperature "adjustments" are correct.
I am willing to assume for the sake of argument that the largely fake temperature record you love so much is correct.
Assume that your questionable temperature adjustments are correct.
I told him to assume that his bogus adjustments to the temperature record are valid.
Yet still will not engage in discussion about the data. So I offered again to meet with him here to show how one develops a probabilistic model, but he still hasn't accepted. I've offered over 10 times to join him in a public video chat to show the proof he continues to request, but he hasn't ever accepted.

Worthwhile context for anyone that thinks this member has an iota of validity.
For new readers to this thread who might actually think @jrad6515 is here in good faith, note that he's an almost comical caricature of a climate denier. He hits all of the important notes: says he's a scientist who is open to evidence:

Complains about his treatment in online discussion and implies that he's "informed" about the topic:

Yet dishes out similar insults unironically on his own:

He proceeds to repeatedly attack the data and methodologies used for analysis here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Yet when I repeatedly offered to do a live video conference with him to test these cross-discipline methodologies by injecting bad data and checking for cleansing, he continually deflected.

When called out, he decided to move the goalposts and assume that the data methodology was sound, but to try to draw a future conclusion. However, he was unable to say that assumption once without disparaging the data:

Yet still will not engage in discussion about the data. So I offered again to meet with him here to show how one develops a probabilistic model, but he still hasn't accepted. I've offered over 10 times to join him in a public video chat to show the proof he continues to request, but he hasn't ever accepted.

Worthwhile context for anyone that thinks this member has an iota of validity.
It's a waste of time to try to engage with a denier. I just block them so I don't have to read their drivel.
For new readers to this thread who might actually think @jrad6515 is here in good faith, note that he's an almost comical caricature of a climate denier. He hits all of the important notes: says he's a scientist who is open to evidence:

Complains about his treatment in online discussion and implies that he's "informed" about the topic:

Yet dishes out similar insults unironically on his own:

He proceeds to repeatedly attack the data and methodologies used for analysis here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Yet when I repeatedly offered to do a live video conference with him to test these cross-discipline methodologies by injecting bad data and checking for cleansing, he continually deflected.

When called out, he decided to move the goalposts and assume that the data methodology was sound, but to try to draw a future conclusion. However, he was unable to say that assumption once without disparaging the data:

Yet still will not engage in discussion about the data. So I offered again to meet with him here to show how one develops a probabilistic model, but he still hasn't accepted. I've offered over 10 times to join him in a public video chat to show the proof he continues to request, but he hasn't ever accepted.

Worthwhile context for anyone that thinks this member has an iota of validity.

So you can't refute anything I post and you are still too chicken to post your "proof" of AGW and then have me critique it? Screw the video conference. You have already wasted too much of my time and you can't offer anything other than name-calling - that is obvious. Just lay it all out here where we can ALL see it. What are you afraid of? Put up or shut up.
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So you can't refute anything I post and you are still too chicken to post your "proof" of AGW and then have me critique it? Screw the video conference. You have already wasted too much of my time and you can't offer anything other than name-calling - that is obvious. Just lay it all out here where we can ALL see it. What are you afraid of? Put up or shut up.
The "scientist" thinks we can resolve decades of work in single posts on a forum. You've run away from a true discussion repeatedly, because you know you're outmatched.

Coward, indeed.
Great Britain records two weeks of coal-free electricity generation

Great Britain records two weeks of coal-free electricity generation

Great Britain has hit a new power milestone – lasting for a fortnight without using any coal power to generate electricity for the first time since the industrial revolution.
Coal has mainly been replaced by natural gas, which produces less than half the carbon dioxide emissions. Renewable sources with no direct carbon emissions, such as solar and wind power, accounted for 28% of electricity generation in 2018, according to the power company Drax. The British record for solar power has also been beaten this month. On 14 May the country generated 25% of its power from the sun.
Chris Skidmore, the energy and clean growth minister, said the government was “consigning coal to the history books”.
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'So much land under so much water': extreme flooding is drowning parts of the midwest

'So much land under so much water': extreme flooding is drowning parts of the midwest

Weeks of flooding is drowning large parts of the midwest, wrecking communities and turning farms into inland seas. On top of that, a near record number of tornadoes has whipped through the region, smashing homes and claiming nearly 40 lives so far. All of this comes after the wettest 12 months in the US since records began.

To compound the misery, about 270 tornadoes were recorded in May, including a record 13 straight days of twisters in the second half of the month.

Waters that used to surge and recede have stayed around, swamping millions of acres of farmland and devastating the planting season. The amount of land farmers are being prevented from sowing by the water is estimated to be as much as double the previous record of 3m acres of corn, set in 2013. The worst hit states include Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska and Indiana.
Scotland faces climate 'apocalypse' without action to cut emissions

Scotland faces climate 'apocalypse' without action to cut emissions

Likening the relationship between the Earth’s climate and its biodiversity to a marriage, she said there had been major shifts in climate and nature before. “But the rate of the current shift is both unprecedented and phenomenal,” she said.

“In the space of geological seconds – possibly milliseconds – we have crashed the marriage. Our actions threaten to disrupt the harmony that has existed over the last 10,000-15,000 years. We are entering a climate which may not be capable of sustaining the planet’s billions of people and nature as we know it.”
Of course you and all of the other science-denying global warming kool-aid drinkers here believe that mythical AGW is causing the greater-than-normal severe weather this month but the reality is that it is the unusual cold this spring in the Midwest that is the cause. Anyone with an elementary knowledge of weather and climate knows that you need a collision of warm air (always present in late spring/early summer) and cold air (unusually cold this year in parts of the Midwest) to cause tornadoes and severe storms. Sorry to rain (pun intended) on your alarmist parade but tornadoes are rare in the tropics where it is much warmer than it is in the Midwest so warm air alone is only half of the equation - not that any of you AGW cultists care. BTW, severe (F3 or greater) tornadoes are becoming less frequent:


I really believe that you alarmists will be devastated if the earth doesn't burn up or blow away soon. You may be waiting awhile for that, lol.

And of course being the science buff you are, you would take into account the shift in the jet streams/polar air masses that are the cause of the temperature differential that is as you say, the reason for the storms. Yes, one should look at the climate when one refers to climate change.

Fire Away!
Environmental Impact Of Plastics Could Be Equal To 615 Coal-Fired Generating Plants By 2050 | CleanTechnica

If the “business as usual” scenario plays out at anticipated, by 2050, plastics — from extracting the oil and gas they are made from, to manufacturing them, to distributing them, to disposing of them — will contribute 2.8 million gigatons of carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere each year, equivalent to the emissions from 615 coal-fired generating plants.

In 2019, producing and incinerating plastic will emit an estimated 850 million metric tons of greenhouse gases, the equivalent of 189 coal-fired power plants.
If production continues on the same trajectory, by 2030 plastic-related greenhouse gas emissions will reach 1.34 gigatons per year, which is roughly the emissions released by 295 coal plants.
By 2050, the annual greenhouse gas emissions from plastics will reach an estimated 2.8 gigatons per year – the equivalent of about 615 coal plants.
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I quiet like this article from the Guardian because although the actual article was written some time ago it is hooked up to a data source which is updating in real time, so the graph (showing coal-free days) remains current

The power switch: tracking Britain's record coal-free run
Coal is currently generating 0% of Britain's power. The coal-free run has lasted 18 days so far.
Source: Gridwatch. Last updated at 4:45pm on 4 June
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Earth's carbon dioxide has jumped to the highest level in human history

The monthly peak amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere in 2019 jumped by a near-record amount to reach 414.8 parts per million (ppm) in May, which is the highest level in human history and likely the highest level in the past 3 million years.

Why it matters: Carbon dioxide is the most important long-lived greenhouse gas, with a single molecule lasting in the air for hundreds to around 1,000 years. The continued buildup of carbon dioxide due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for energy, is driving global temperatures up and instigating harmful impacts worldwide.

The fact that carbon dioxide levels increased by a near-record amount of 3.5 ppm in just one year illustrates that we're headed in the opposite direction from what climate scientists have shown is needed to avoid the worst consequences of global warming.
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Thousands could perish annually in US if global heating not curbed, study finds

Thousands could perish annually in US if global heating not curbed, study finds

Once the average worldwide temperature rises to 3C (5.4F) above the pre-industrial period nearly 5,800 people are expected to die each year in New York City due to the heat, more than 2,500 are forecast to die annually in Los Angeles and more than 2,300 lives will be lost annually in Miami.

Scientists have warned the world is now dangerously close to breaching the 1.5C limit, which would push societies to a new reality of severe droughts, coastal flooding, wildfires and the loss of key ecosystems such as coral reefs.
Climate crisis and antibiotic use could 'sink' fish farming industry – report

Climate crisis and antibiotic use could 'sink' fish farming industry – report

The climate crisis, drug use and feeding farmed fish with wild stocks risks “sinking” the $230bn (£180bn) aquaculture industry, according to an ethical investment network.

Fish farms now surpass wild fisheries as the main provider of seafood on our plates, but combined risks from global heating, excessive use of antibiotics, a dependence on wild stocks for feed, and poor governance threatens the lucrative and fast-growing sector, warned Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return (Fairr), a $12trn-backed network.

Aquaculture is both a significant contributor to emissions and is highly exposed to their impacts, the report said. Farmed marine fish production in south-east Asia, one of the largest aquaculture regions, is expected to drop 30% by 2050 due to rising sea temperatures and acidification of oceans.

Farmed salmon and shrimp require fishmeal and fish oil, making the sector highly dependent on rapidly depleting wild fish stock for future growth, the report found.

Lettini said: “We thought that farmed fish would save our wild stocks in the oceans, but now it’s coming to the fore that we are using wild-caught fish to feed our farmed fish – and that is causing real problems.”

Nearly one fifth of global fisheries production is used for fishmeal and fish oil production, the report found.
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Deforestation of Brazilian Amazon surges to record high

Deforestation of Brazilian Amazon surges to record high
Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon surged last month to the highest May level since the current monitoring method began, prompting concerns that president Jair Bolsonaro is giving a free pass to illegal logging, farming and mining.

The world’s greatest rainforest – which is a vital provider of oxygen and carbon sequestration – lost 739sq km during the 31 days, equivalent to two football pitches every minute, according to data from the government’s satellite monitoring agency.
Since the president criticised the government’s main monitoring agency as a “fines industry”, it has issued a fewer penalties than at any time in 11 years and the number of inspection operations is down 70% from last year.

His environment minister, Ricardo Salles, who was convicted for environmental fraud and had never visited the Amazon region before this year, has further undermined morale by failing to appoint regional chiefs and by firing veteran inspectors. Earlier this week, Folha reported he was moving to privatise the satellite monitoring of the forest.