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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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The amount of CO2 humans add each year to the atmosphere is real but small compared to natural emissions.
This simple statement is completely false. A couple of weeks ago I asked you to say where all that extra CO2 came from, if not us. You didn't answer, and I bet you won't answer now.
David Attenborough: polluting planet may become as reviled as slavery

David Attenborough: polluting planet may become as reviled as slavery

The attitude of young people towards tackling the environmental crisis is “a source of great hope”, David Attenborough has told MPs, as he predicted that polluting the planet would soon provoke as much abhorrence as slavery.

He said: “The most encouraging thing that I see, of course, is that the electors of tomorrow are already making themselves and their voices very, very clear. And that is a source of great comfort in a way, but also the justification, the reality, that these young people are recognising that their world is the future.

“I’m OK, and all of us here are OK, because we don’t face the problems that are coming. But the problems in the next 30 years are really major problems that are going to cause social unrest, and great changes in the way that we live, and what we eat. It’s going to happen.”
The idea that a scientific consensus will get overturned is just wishful thinking at its worst. It has happened but it is rarer than you might think. In the philosophy of science there is the principle of superposition. It says that any new theory must give the same answer as the old theory in those cases where the old theory was shown to be correct. As an example, relativity didn't reverse Newton's Laws. Relativity reduces to Newtonian mechanics when speeds are far below the speed of light. The same thing happens in modeling. Models get adjusted and refined and they keep getting more accurate. They rarely reverse the results of earlier models. Almost always they refine the earlier results. Unfortunately, as we refine climate models, they are telling us things are worse than we thought.

I want to return to the idea that there is some grand conspiracy by climatologists to spew incorrect data. This is right up there with believing we never landed on the moon or that the earth is flat. This is little different than the tobacco wars. In the future almost all people will admit that the scientists were right. Then again, we still have people who smoke because they believe the science doesn't apply to them.
The idea that a scientific consensus will get overturned is just wishful thinking at its worst. It has happened but it is rarer than you might think.
Correct. Science is not a house of cards. To overturn something means that you have to also overturn the underlying principles that the law or theory was built upon. It has happened, but it's exceedingly rare and most examples are before 1900. (Example: Louis Pasteur, germ theory and vaccines vs. miasma and spontaneous generation.)
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Correct. Science is not a house of cards. To overturn something means that you have to also overturn the underlying principles that the law or theory was built upon. It has happened, but it's exceedingly rare and most examples are before 1900. (Example: Louis Pasteur, germ theory and vaccines vs. miasma and spontaneous generation.)
Find me a reputable scientist who thinks that the underlying principles of the greenhouse effect will turn out to be rubbish. The problem here is that denialists like jrad and the pharmacist do not understand the basic science of the greenhouse effect, cannot place it in context, and prefer religion and politics as foundations for their opinions.
This argument suggests that either you have more evidence than the body at large and are keeping it to yourself, or that you don’t believe in the scientific method. We know the former isn’t correct unless you own a private lab of some sort, so is there a reason we should ignore consensus building? Is it because you know more than the people who do this work daily? If so, would you consider meeting with them so that they can be enlightened as to what they’re missing, or do you think there is a vast conspiracy of falsehoods purposefully perpetrated across academia and industry, so they will ignore you?

It’s the worst argument against science. “Butter used to be good, then it was bad, and now it’s good again!” If you’re going to believe whatever you want despite the evidence because strong enough falsifying evidence may come to light, then we should return to being hunter gatherers and stop trying to expand our global knowledge. Currently we have full time scientists in academia, in government, and in industry (including petroleum) saying that they side with the consensus. You’re welcome to disagree but you have to understand that doing so makes you in the less informed minority and makes you more likely to be wrong. That’s just statistics. If I went to 80 doctors and they all told me I had skin cancer, but then I visited a naturopath, a spirit healer, and watched a YouTube dietician who told me I didn’t, I would be likely to make the wrong decision by gravitating to those “skeptics,” no matter how smart it made me feel to see through the “lies” of Big Medicine.


My point was that anyone who claims that science is settled by consensus does not understand the scientific method.
Find me a reputable scientist who thinks that the underlying principles of the greenhouse effect will turn out to be rubbish. The problem here is that denialists like jrad and the pharmacist do not understand the basic science of the greenhouse effect, cannot place it in context, and prefer religion and politics as foundations for their opinions.
Your attempts to diminish my intellect or arguments based on my degree/profession only shows the weakness of yours.

My point was that anyone who claims that science is settled by consensus does not understand the scientific method.
No, your point that was consensus can be reversed, therefore consensus doesn't have merit. At least, that's how it reads. Maybe you should clarify your position on the consensus instead of dismissing my interpretation as a straw man.
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This simple statement is completely false. A couple of weeks ago I asked you to say where all that extra CO2 came from, if not us. You didn't answer, and I bet you won't answer now.
Oh Really? How about this from IPCC themselves (your god). Human emissions are 3% of total emissions. My statement stands.

No, your point that was consensus can be reversed, therefore consensus doesn't have merit. At least, that's how it reads. Maybe you should clarify your position on the consensus instead of dismissing my interpretation as a straw man.
No that's exactly what I mean. I do not and will not accept things as true simply because there is a consensus.
Can you prove your consensus claims? If all you have is Cook et al then go away.
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No that's exactly what I mean. I do not and will not accept things as true simply because there is a consensus.
Great, then I didn't build a straw man. Can you answer my questions from the previous post, then?

Can you prove your consensus claims? If all you have is Cook et al then go away.
Are you suggesting I have to prove that there is a consensus, or that I have to prove the claims of the consensus? Perhaps you and I should do the live video that @jrad6515 was too scared to do. I'll include some members of the community that have built the consensus. Is that interesting to you?
Oh Really? How about this from IPCC themselves (your god). Human emissions are 3% of total emissions. My statement stands.
@ggr said extra emissions

[3rd grade science lesson]

The lion's share of TOTAL emissions are part of a carbon cycle in steady state. The AGW component is not in steady state, leading to ever increasing CO2 concentrations in the air and water.

[/3rd grade science lesson]
Oh Really? How about this from IPCC themselves (your god). Human emissions are 3% of total emissions. My statement stands.

View attachment 427937View attachment 427937

LOL. If a pool filter is discharging 1000000 gph and you start start adding 1gph the pool will start to overflow... how is the water flow through the filter relevant????? The fact you're adding %0.001 of the flow is irrelevant. It's the water you're adding that's causing the pool to overflow.

There's a continuous flow of carbon around the biosphere. It's mostly in balance. It's the ~35B tons we're adding per year that are the problem....

And it's because of garbage positions like this I have slightly more respect for flat-earthers than AGW deniers. So.... so..... you're suggesting that CO2 levels maintained at ~280ppm for hundreds of years and the sudden spike up just as our fools fuel addiction kicks into high gear AND the rate of increase tracks with the rate of our use of fools fuel was..... what....... just a coincidence????? Really????? That's not even remotely a logical position....
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Your attempts to diminish my intellect or arguments based on my degree/profession.
My estimation of your intellect is diminished by your posts,
and your arguments are rubbish because you lack the intellect, education, and training.

Stop trying to play climate scientist; and please get educated enough to understand what the real experts are telling us.

Learn about the carbon cycle
Learn about the greenhouse effect
Learn about forcings
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My point was that anyone who claims that science is settled by consensus
In a way it is, but not how you understand the process.

The scientific method is iterated until the leaders in the field stop testing the hypothesis because they think it is a waste of time to find the same results. Occasionally results from other observations come along that put in doubt the accepted hypothesis, and then the cycle begins again.

No mathematician spends their life doubting 1 + 1 = 2
No physical scientist doubts the spectrometry of CO2. If you had the tools and the skills you could spend your life checking and rechecking the spectrometric results published by countless others of CO2 but no scientist of merit would pay any attention to your work.

When you point out that past peaks of CO2 lag peak warming and conclude that CO2 is not a cause of global warming, you are ignoring basic spectrometry. You might as well be arguing that a circle can be squared or the Earth is flat.
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Great, then I didn't build a straw man. Can you answer my questions from the previous post, then?

Are you suggesting I have to prove that there is a consensus, or that I have to prove the claims of the consensus? Perhaps you and I should do the live video that @jrad6515 was too scared to do. I'll include some members of the community that have built the consensus. Is that interesting to you?

YOU are the chickensh*t who has repeatedly dodged my challenge to post your "proof" of AGW where we all can see it. What a fraud you are. You should be ashamed of yourself but I'm sure you are not. Come on, lay it out there if you have it (you don't). Put up or shut up, coward.
YOU are the chickensh*t who has repeatedly dodged my challenge to post your "proof" of AGW where we all can see it. What a fraud you are. You should be ashamed of yourself but I'm sure you are not. Come on, lay it out there if you have it (you don't). Put up or shut up, coward.
I've explained this over and over. Get on with me live and we'll go through it. It's going to take a few hours, that's just how it works. It's a huge body of evidence. How am I the coward when I'm willing to meet face to face and you're not? Hilarious. Also, don't you complain about people in climate change discussions "devolving into name calling," yet here you are doing it over and over again? Hmm, where have I seen this behavior before?