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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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Coal must be phased out seven times faster than is now happening, deforestation must be reduced four times faster, and public transport around the world built out six times faster than at present, if the world is to avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown, new research has found. Countries are falling behind on almost every policy required to cut greenhouse gas emissions, despite progress on renewable energy and the uptake of electric vehicles. This failure makes the prospect of holding global temperatures to 1.5C above preindustrial levels even more remote, according to the State of Climate Action 2023 report.

The authors advise that world needs to: Retire about 240 average-sized coal-fired power plants a year, every year between now and 2030. Construct the equivalent of three New Yorks’ worth of public transport systems in cities around the world each year this decade. Halt deforestation, which is happening to an area the size of 15 football pitches every minute, this decade. Increase the rate of growth of solar and wind power from its current high of 14% a year to 24% a year. Cut meat consumption from ruminants such as cows and sheep to about two servings a week in the US, Europe and other high-consuming countries by 2030.

A new study by Jesse F. Abrams and colleagues published in Earth's Future examines committed global warming, or warming that continues after greenhouse gas emissions are held constant until a new thermal balance is achieved. It's a bit like how turning a running faucet from hot to cold doesn't immediately change the temperature of the water, because there is still hot water in the pipeline. The authors present three scenarios for how the global mean temperature could rise and trigger tipping point events. One represents an increased use of fossil fuels, another represents rapidly reaching net zero emissions, and a third closely matches the current trajectory.

In the scenario that best matches the current trajectory, the findings also estimate that six tipping points will be crossed by 2100. Without a net zero plan in place, the results demonstrate that temperatures may climb by about 2.7°C by 2100. The authors suggest a swift adoption of net zero policies and emission cuts to avoid these catastrophic scenarios, which would wreak havoc on Earth's residents and ecosystems.
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A new study by Jesse F. Abrams and colleagues published in Earth's Future examines committed global warming, or warming that continues after greenhouse gas emissions are held constant until a new thermal balance is achieved. It's a bit like how turning a running faucet from hot to cold doesn't immediately change the temperature of the water, because there is still hot water in the pipeline. The authors present three scenarios for how the global mean temperature could rise and trigger tipping point events. One represents an increased use of fossil fuels, another represents rapidly reaching net zero emissions, and a third closely matches the current trajectory.

In the scenario that best matches the current trajectory, the findings also estimate that six tipping points will be crossed by 2100. Without a net zero plan in place, the results demonstrate that temperatures may climb by about 2.7°C by 2100. The authors suggest a swift adoption of net zero policies and emission cuts to avoid these catastrophic scenarios, which would wreak havoc on Earth's residents and ecosystems.
Actually molecules of carbon dioxide CO2 stay in the atmosphere 1 century and molecules of methane CH4 stay in the atmosphere 10 years. So I can confirm that also if we got net 0 emissions Global Warming would continue on the Earth.
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Actually this is Carbon Sequestration. Yes Carbon Sequestration would be welcome.

Except the current plan is to pump it as gas into the ground so it can leak out again.

It really needs to be collected into gas cylinders to get credit. Fast food places should go into carbon recapture for their soda machines. Same with dry ice producers.

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Actually this is Carbon Sequestration. Yes Carbon Sequestration would be welcome.
A Carbon Sequestration technique uses a substance called BIOCHAR.
Biochar is biologically unavailable, sequestering fixed carbon in the soil for centuries to millennia, providing a tool to absorb net carbon from the atmosphere.
Biochar also lowers the need for fertilizer and slows down water runoff.
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A Carbon Sequestration technique uses a substance called BIOCHAR.
Biochar is biologically unavailable, sequestering fixed carbon in the soil for centuries to millennia, providing a tool to absorb net carbon from the atmosphere.
Biochar also lowers the need for fertilizer and slows down water runoff.
While Biochar is a Chemical Carbon Sequestration there is also a Not Chemical Way to get Carbon Sequestration.
The Carbon Footprint is a number saying what is your Carbon contribution. When your Carbon Footprint is negative it means that thanks to your use of Electric Cars, Renewables and Energy Savings you are Sequestering Carbon from the atmosphere.
In fact not only you have no Carbon Emissions because you have an Electric Car, not only you have less Carbon Emissions because of your Energy Savings, but you are also giving Energy to the net which will be used by somebody else.
So let's calculate our Carbon Footprint and let's try to get it negative.
While Biochar is a Chemical Carbon Sequestration there is also a Not Chemical Way to get Carbon Sequestration.
The Carbon Footprint is a number saying what is your Carbon contribution. When your Carbon Footprint is negative it means that thanks to your use of Electric Cars, Renewables and Energy Savings you are Sequestering Carbon from the atmosphere.
In fact not only you have no Carbon Emissions because you have an Electric Car, not only you have less Carbon Emissions because of your Energy Savings, but you are also giving Energy to the net which will be used by somebody else.
So let's calculate our Carbon Footprint and let's try to get it negative.
The more of us will get a negative Carbon Footprint the sooner we will manage to achieve NET ZERO emissions.
The more of us will get a negative Carbon Footprint the sooner we will manage to achieve NET ZERO emissions.

Report this link usuful to calculate your Carbon Footprint. So you can start calculating your own Carbon Footprint. It will also help you to understand what are the efforts necessary to lower your Carbon Footprint as much as possible.
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A Carbon Sequestration technique uses a substance called BIOCHAR.
Biochar is biologically unavailable, sequestering fixed carbon in the soil for centuries to millennia, providing a tool to absorb net carbon from the atmosphere.
Biochar also lowers the need for fertilizer and slows down water runoff.
I have been making this at home and then using the biochar to enhance our lawn and gardens. The jury is still out as to whether it is helping.