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Google contradicts Trump claims: it’s not working on a coronavirus portal

Two hours later, however, Google communications felt compelled to issue a statement saying that nearly everything about this is either not quite right or badly mistaken. The portal is being done by a different company, and isn't even ready for testing in the single location it's planned for: California's Bay Area.

Google's role in the process was mentioned twice, first by Trump himself, who said, "Google is helping to develop a website. It's going to be very quickly done—unlike websites of the past—to determine whether a test is warranted, and to facilitate testing at a nearby convenient location." He went on to claim that Google currently had 1,700 engineers working on the project right now.

So, while there may be some Google engineers volunteering to help out with the project, it's being developed by a company that, as of two years ago, had a total head count that was less than a third of the 1,700 engineers claimed by Trump. The website is not even ready for use for a single region in one state, much less ready to become a central part of the government's strategy of allocating the millions of tests it announced would be available in the near future.
I wonder how long it will take the Western Public Health Authorities until they start recommending face mask use in public buildings and where social distance cannot be maintained. This is the single most glaring breach of trust with the public.

And yes, I am well aware of the data from other respiratory viral infections that shows face mask use to be ineffective as a public health measure; and I realize that some countries have a face mask shortage. My rebuttal is that face mask production is a priority no less than test availability, and the prior failures of face masks are not the virus or the mask but user compliance. If people are too stupid or lazy to be compliant with face mask use then that is on them, but at least they should have an informed choice.

There is a small voice in the back of my head that is sadly amused by the lack of insight displayed by the public, including the people in this thread. Consider that health care workers have to wear face masks to stay healthy. So face masks are effective in that vastly more infectious environment, but not effective in less effective environments ? You do not have to be a physician to realize that must be BS.
I must report for jury duty Monday. I will be wearing a mask whether they like it or not. Oh, and no “confirmed” cases in the area because we can’t get tested fast enough: https://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/business/health-care/article241155141.html
I went into a 7-11 ('quickie mart' style store) to pick up an amazon locker parcel and I was wearing a mask. a black one (all I could get, a year ago, during the calif fires).

if this was a bad area, I'd worry about being shot as a robber ;)

we'll see masks on most people (that value their health) as soon as the stores have them in stock again.

hopefully we won't be wearing these for too long, but its not going to be 'just a few weeks' either.

get used to it. the new normal. (I hate it).


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BTW, a friend of ours with a kid in college (that was closed) was emailed by the school begging them to make sure kids in off-campus apartments will go back home, instead of taking advantage of this free time to just hang around near campus.
I can now see how school closures could be ineffective with social distancing. The malls and plazas will probably be full of kids during the next 3 to 6 weeks.
Likely not many will have to will or drive to actually “distance learn” IMO.
Wow, it is hard to know where to begin.
1. Italy restrictions; three hours ago an Italian family, friends of mine, arrived in the US from Milan (I will not provide further detail). They expected big problems at POE. Instead nothing at all, passports checked and off they went. Zero questions. Of the group of 5 three had pretty obvious coughing and runny noses, so they told me. I have no idea if those were cold or worse. Neither do they, but they're now ensconced in their Miami apartment preparing to seek medical evaluation.

I will not respond to the other points. The first priority, testing, is ridiculously ineffective in the US today.

Nice coincidence you have here, so you just happen to have a friend doing something that helps your online argument, just 3 hours before the argument started? How about you report this to NYT or any of the news media that is anti-Trump, I'm sure it will see print soon and I'll believe it when it's online.

Meanwhile here's more interesting things happening just days after people complaining about it:

1. Student loans: when the Federal Reserve injected $1.5 trillion a few days ago, people are complaining feds have money to help big banks but no money to help individuals. Then here we're Trump is announcing waiving interest on all student loans. (Do you have another friend with student loans who told you the interests are not being waived? LOL)

2. Oil: When the oil price war started, there's news about how Trump wanted to bail out American oil companies which drew a lot of fire. Some more sensible people asked on twitter, instead of bailing out oil company, why don't we fill up our oil reserves when the price is low and us buying more oil will help support the oil price. And here we're, the administration is doing exactly this.

So, no, I don't have personal experience to show how everything is hopeless, I can only see what is on the mainstream media, and what doctors and public health experts are saying on twitter and reddit, my conclusion remains: Everything should be done is being done, we're gearing up to fight this.
"During a press conference on Friday, in which Donald Trump declared a national emergency due to the coronavirus outbreak, PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor asked the US president about the US Pandemic Response Team that was disbanded in May 2018. Trump replied that he knew nothing about it Trump says he takes 'no responsibility' for coronavirus failures as he declares national emergency – live Coronavirus live news: Trump says UK may be included in travel ban as WHO calls Europe 'centre of pandemic'"

Shouldn't POTUS be telling anyone with even the mildest of symptoms to just self quarantine at home? Limit visitors to hospitals and nursing homes nationwide. Cut all large gatherings nationwide. Same for anyone who traveled overseas.

It's being done, the idea is to use the parking lots of Target and Walmart as drive through testing locations, something we learned from the South Koreans, so that it won't flood the hospitals.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is banning all nursing home visits with a few exceptions: Verma: CMS to Soon Ban All Nursing Home Visits 'With a Few Exceptions' Amid Coronavirus Fears - Skilled Nursing News
"During a press conference on Friday, in which Donald Trump declared a national emergency due to the coronavirus outbreak, PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor asked the US president about the US Pandemic Response Team that was disbanded in May 2018. Trump replied that he knew nothing about it Trump says he takes 'no responsibility' for coronavirus failures as he declares national emergency – live Coronavirus live news: Trump says UK may be included in travel ban as WHO calls Europe 'centre of pandemic'"

What I found so confusing about that press conference were the youtube headlines for it saying
"Trump declares national emergency over"

they were using the word "over" to mean "about" instead of "ended", this was made worse by the fact that video headlines get shortened on most viewing apps and devices.

They meant it to be a longer title like
Trump declares national emergency over COVID-19

I watched a few minutes of the live broadcast and kept looking for a recap that wasn't 2 hours long since it was "over".

I still think it's a poor choice of words. Should have said "about" instead of "over".
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It has spread in the US for weeks without any testing or isolation procedures being in place while the nations leader went on national TV and said it was all “a hoax” and the situation was “under control”. That mirrors the early situation in Wuhan more than any other country so far, so the likelihood of a Wuhan style outcome is....?

China only had 50 cases per million inhabitants (don’t know how high this was in Wuhan), but Italy is already at 300 per million. The situation in Lombardy is probably the current worst case situation we should compare to. The large cities in the USA will probably be worse 14 days from now.
Wait a second. Are too many of us (including me!) getting too cautious about Covid-19, at least prematurely?

No question that Covid-19 can spread wicked fast in a community, and with fatal consequences that we should be trying to minimize.

But that doesn’t mean Covid-19 will spread wickedly fast in all areas with dense populations, or even most of them.

Take Italy, (please!) If I’m reading the case report map correctly, there are hardly any cases reported as having come from Milan itself. Milan hospitals are being overtaxed, but that is from driving in nearby citizens. Similarly in Rome, which has closed many business and events, only has a handful of cases repotted. Rome is closing up human activity by social distancing as fast as Milan, perhaps with even less justification. Rome is also in a hotter climate, and getting hotter, and there is some research that suggests the heat of Rome will deter community spread there.

Rather than throwing a wet blanket on the entire planet, it might make sense to do better surveillance and spot testing to determine early specific places it is spreading, and urge just residents and visitors in that specific area to limit social interaction. Something like this occurred this week when Gov Cuomo put restrictions on one town - New Rochelle.

Should Miami be cancelling concerts now despite less than a handful of cases in the area?

This may be a time when we have woefully underserved the need for preventative intervention in places where Covid is spreading, and at the same time are being prematurely alarmist in the places where it’s not.
It saddens me that this board thinks that Musk SpaceX's letter is "bold".
I understand that this virus clashes with his OCD and supertight schedule at Tesla and SpaceX,
but I'm quite confident he's underestimating the virus, the scar lungs it can leave in young patients even after they healed, the simple fact that if you are positive (even if young and asymptomatic) you're likely to infect all your loved one, including your parents and elders.

A car crash can kill you instantly, a disease like this drains resources out the health system.
In Italy, where the system is public, this increases the mortality rateeverywhere because sanitary services are lower standard if the system is on the verge of collapse. Everything spirals downward.

In UK they will likely let everyone get infected, and see what happens. It baffles me to see that, right now, Musk thinks like Johnson. Like the super-elite-ivory-tower-billionaire a lot of people think he is.

Musk is nothing without his workers, Tesla and SpaceX wouldn't exist.
I'd love to see some respect for them and their families here.
I think it's important to distinguish the extreme cases that the press is most likely to report to the average situation. If you take extreme cases as the rule you are going to wildly overastimate the danger and quite frankly, think that the world is ending.
Not saying things should not be taken seriously, but taking things seriously doesn't equal panic and exaggerating things.
Pneumonia can lead to scars in the lungs and in few cases permanent damage. Pneumonia can have a wild number of causes, bacteria, virus, even fungi, and yes, coronavirus too. So for sure some people are having permanent damage because of coronavirus, but taking something that is not likely and depict it is as likely is simply not accurate and not helpful.
Tesla only needs to deploy in the us what they did in shanghai. We don't know what they are doing, we shouldn't assume they are not doing anything out of a single tweet... or an article by one of the worst, most anti-musk "reporters" there are.

Sorry mods, delete if this too OT
La virologa Gismondo: "60-70% di italiani sarà positivo, ma non preoccupiamoci" | L'HuffPost
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Pneumonia can lead to scars in the lungs and in few cases permanent damage. Pneumonia can have a wild number of causes, bacteria, virus, even fungi, and yes, coronavirus too. So for sure some people are having permanent damage because of coronavirus, but taking something that is not likely and depict it is as likely is simply not accurate and not helpful.

Unlike other viruses, pneumonia is a primary symptom of COVID-19, and can indeed injure the lungs even in asymptomatic patients:

Studies profile lung changes in asymptomatic COVID-19, viral loads in patient samples

"In asymptomatic patients, 60% had abnormalities confined to one lung, while 90% of group 2 patients had abnormalities in both lungs. Those in groups 3 and 4 showed more mixed patterns and areas where fluid had replaced the air in the lung, leading to swelling and hardening of tissues."​

Note that these are relatively early Wuhan patients, but these are also asymptomatic patients are those who do not show symptoms.

If this is true of the mild strains going around globally as well then Elon is wrong about the coronavirus and you absolutely don't want to get it at any age.
WTH man.
That, along with the hilarious flowchart for deciding whether to get a test, just continues to show how out of touch he is.

I believe the main background is that the GOP absolutely doesn't want more tests to be done in the U.S., because you cannot be part of an alarmingly rising statistic if you are not tested, right? That was the main strategy behind de-funding research into gun violence and global warming as well.

So I'd expect people to have to meet about 250 unlikely symptoms to be eligible for the 'free' coronavirus test - and this will likely also hamper the required testing intensity displayed by China and South Korea: about 10x as many asymptomatic people have to be tested than there are diagnosed patients, to have effective containment.

I also have the suspicion that the Trump brain trust wants this virus to infect every American as quickly as possible, so that it 'washes over' like a flu season and goes away in the summer, before he can be gloriously reelected in November.

(If they left evidence of such plans anywhere then I'd expect them to face manslaughter and maybe even murder charges down the line.)
Time to make some predictions. Caveat emptor.

I believe that today, politically, was the inflection point towards having a chance of getting control of this pandemic, internationally. At this point, I don't believe that this will become an unmitigated catastrophe. Things will keep getting worse for a while, and stricter quarantine and distancing measures will be instituted in the following weeks. I still expect millions of deaths globally, in aggregate, but much fewer than if healthcare systems everywhere were overloaded.

Unsure where that leaves the stock market, though; if the market understands things the same way. And if there will be any follow-on effects, in terms of bankruptcies due to debts that can't be serviced. I am not certain that we'll go lower than this in the macro perspective. 60-40, maybe. Probably volatile times ahead regardless.

The inflection point for the epidemic won't be reached for some time yet. If Trump's policies don't fudge the numbers, I expect to see a dramatic increase in US confirmed cases during the next 7-14 days, due to increased testing and continued spread. The Italy-level outbreaks in some states will begin to make themselves visible ~8 days from now. The federal government has reacted just barely in time to prepare for this. Most hospitals are taking serious measures to increase their intensive care capacity, and now have one week to prepare. With some luck, the degree of hospital overload will not be as severe as in Italy, which would save many lives. The USA is still prioritizing the economy above the public health by not blanket recommending work-from-home policies, which IMHO is rather cruel. But as long as healthcare is able to ramp up to cope with the spike, it might not make a big difference to the death toll. Time will tell. This is a big experiment.

I expect Europe to hit the inflection point in number of sick some 10 days from now. Most countries have instituted extreme social distancing, although it is too late to avoid tragic outbreaks on the level of Italy about a week from now. USA probably a bit longer, 14-21 days, after panic (to come) in response to big outbreaks in Seattle, California and NYC cause other states to reconsider.

In more local news, Norway is now rejecting all international passengers arriving by airplane. Only passengers who are able to self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival, are allowed to enter. The military is being called in to enforce this policy in Oslo International Airport. Article, in Norwegian: Heimevernet satt inn på Gardermoen
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