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Sorry, but I would want the confirmed by a source other then NYT. No offense, but that's the most anti-Trump publication, aside from CNN, in the main-stream media.

Regardless, anyone thinking Trump is going to expire from this has some serious blinders on.

No matter what you may think of the NYT, there's a much bigger chance of them having credible sources inside this administration than any other outlet, even the WP. You know, hidden state and such.

I do think he will live though. His vitamin D levels are probably high as he is spending a lot of time outdoors (golfing). That gives him a better chance than someone who is locked up in an elderly home or office all day.
Not a shot in hell that Trump even gets a "cold" from this.

You can bet 100% right now that he's on the monoclonal antibody, along with everyone else exposed. They won't wait for anyone to develop symptoms.

One a positive note . . . hopefully he now shuts the hell up about hydroxychloroquine.

what if he orders the doctors to give him the best cure in his view:
Sorry, but I would want the confirmed by a source other then NYT. No offense, but that's the most anti-Trump publication, aside from CNN, in the main-stream media.

C’mon man. You have to separate bias from credibility and not both-sides this. The NY Times is biased but credible. There is a substantial class difference between them and non-credible news organizations. Mark Meadows says Trump is showing mild symptoms.

From the horse’s mouth (and Fox News, which probably passes muster, no deep fakes here):

For you folks that follow the fatality rates for people with the same issues trump has ie...his age/weight ....what do the numbers look like?

About 3% not accounting for those factors.

Male - increases risk, not sure impact
overweight, with his particular BMI - increases risk by about 30%

Best treatment on earth with zero delay helps.

He’ll probably be fine, but this disease will follow its own course, and NO available treatment can ensure a particular result. There is no cure; as we know, the body’s own reaction to the virus can cause many problems, and dealing with that reaction can be very difficult in some individuals. As evidenced by the continued sky high mortality rates which really have not changed significantly since the start of the pandemic.

It is what it is. It is a deadly disease and no one is safe. Risk increases exponentially with age.
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Remember that for all the negative test reports, those individuals can still be positive. And likely some of them will be. All the negative result means is that the individual has low viral loads on that day.

This is going to be a tumultuous 4-5 days.

Biden should be in quarantine along with all other contacts. Immediately. Probably he should just stay at home for the next four months too. No reason to be out and about that I can think of.

Useful chart from DiseaseEcology on Twitter. Shows that the asymptomatic infectious period depends on incubation time for the individual.

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Trump campaign reportedly didn't tell the Biden campaign about the president's diagnosis

"...CNN reports that "there was no contact from the Trump campaign or the White House to alert the Biden campaign of possible exposure" to COVID-19.
PBS News' Yamiche Alcindor also confirmed as much, reporting that no contact took place between the campaigns and that Biden's team found out Trump had tested positive through news reports.
At Tuesday night's debate, after Trump's entourage of family and administration officials entered without masks, a Cleveland Clinic doctor approached Trump's guests, asked them to wear masks and offered masks to them, according to a reporter who observed what was happening in the room before the debate.
When the doctor, who declined to comment to the press, walked off the floor, a debate hall staffer told her, "That's all you can do.""


Who's surprised?
Note that ACB already had the ‘rona over the summer.

Here is a likely timeline for progression of disease in the various people infected. Good to keep in mind.

For Trump: starting with an overall IFR of 3% for his age group, not adjusting for his sex/weight (note this chart is set up for the average of 1%), you can (if you are careful) calculate conditional probability of death at each fork in the road.

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I hate to say it but, let's hope so!
Trump has a chance to offer a small redemption for his fascist presidency by giving his followers a PSA they might heed: he just has to die. And if he infects a good fraction of the senior Repuke and Trumper leadership who also die, the message gets stronger. All I can hope for at the moment is that he did not infect Biden.

Too bad he is not catholic (or is he ?): his last breath could be spent staying "Covid-19 is not a hoax."
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Trump has a chance to offer a small redemption for his fascist presidency by giving his followers a PSA they might heed: he just has to die. And if he infects a good fraction of the senior Repuke and Trumper leadership who also die, the message gets stronger. All I can hope for at the moment is that he did not infect Biden.

Too bad he is not catholic (or is he ?): his last breath could be spent staying "Covid-19 is not a hoax."

According to this USA Today report Biden has tested negative, thus far.
Democrat Joe Biden tests negative for virus, after President Trump
A discussion about the various possible disease outcomes and how it might progress.

As 'the clock starts ticking' with Covid-19, Trump faces an uncertain road

Decent discussion of disease trajectories in that piece but I love how the author assumes that everybody wants Trump to make a complete recovery. The best possible outcome for the world would be for all the proto authoritarian types in various countries with runaway covid-19 who have minimized covid-19 to come down with a fatal case of it. That's just too much Karma to be likely, and Putin apparently is Uber isolated and paranoid about catching covid-19, the opposite of his major US asset. And as much as I am confident that Putin has utter but covert contempt for Trump, he knows that keeping Trump alive is in his best interest or at least he likely thinks so, given his commitment to the destruction of the North American Treaty Organization and the unraveling of the United States. He's halfway there.