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Dark morning in America - talk of Model S seems - frivolous

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This thread is sad in so many ways.

For those saying Canadians might benefit, I will have to disagree. The whole human race loses when frank, blatant prejudice rules the land.

When I try to see which side of an ethical dilemma I am on I simply say , " could I do it?". so if I am going to eat meat, I should be able to kill the animal I eat. While there are intricacies and nuances to every equation, it usually can be boiled down to something pretty basic, that you feel, more than think.

So if I am on the border, and I am staring at people who have lost everything including loved ones, living under regimes of war and terror could I look a child in the eyes and say, "sorry son, gates closed."
that you feel, more than think."

This spot on.

This is why those that support it don't use statistics or any example of any eminent threat.

Instead they use phrases like:

"these countries hate us"
"prevent the USA from becoming the second europe"
Or "until we are able to properly vet" with no information on the fact that we already have a very strict vetting process of refugees.

All these things rely on invoking fear into someone without requiring a lot of thought to be put into it.

The only ones that even posted anything worthy of taking any time to vet was the comparisons to what Obama did, or Jimmy Carter. At least that one I can research to see if it's bullcrap like some of my Facebook friends seem to think. Although they left out why which isn't so helpful. :-(
And let's not even touch on the fact that Saudi Arabia wasn't included in the ban, even though the majority of 9/11 terrorists have come from that country.

Oh right. Some people have business interests there.
oh my let the conspiracy theories rip, these countries where the ones listed by the previous administration and the order was limited to those countries because the current administration is taking this new level of scrutiny in incremental steps. this is only the beginning of newer hurdles immigration into the US.
if he did a blanket ban of people immigrating from this region the "outrage" would be even higher.
changes are coming, you and people like you may not agree but nonetheless they are coming.
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oh my let the conspiracy theories rip, these countries where the ones listed by the previous administration and the order was limited to those countries because the current administration is taking this new level of scrutiny in incremental steps. this is only the beginning of newer hurdles immigration into the US.
if he did a blanket ban of people immigrating from this region the "outrage" would be even higher.
changes are coming, you and people like you may not agree but nonetheless they are coming.

But he did - ban includes green card holders. People who immigrated to USA legally, paid taxes here, contributed and took part in our society - with stroke of a pen -White House banned them. How crazy is that? :eek:
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"Cosmacelf: So, go ahead and tie yourself in knots and make yourself depressed over this, but it is how the world works"

Well said.. most of the folks that are protesting are living in some Utopian ivory towers. Every country needs to take steps to protect itself and there will be some collateral damage.

Every wave of immigrants - Irish, Jews, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, Mexicans have all added something positive to the fabric of US. [I will not complete the rest of the statement... leave it your imagination..]
your assessment is correct but their is one glaring omission, the peoples being targeted by this new level of scrutiny unlike the immigrants from the place you've mentioned, are coming from places that 1. have no functioning government, 2. are coming from places that have declared war on "infidels", ie: western nations, and 3. they are not banned, they are being faced with a higher level of scrutiny before being granted admission to the US.
if you look at the recent state of affairs in the european nations and note the issues associated with unfettered immigration policies maybe you'd be a little less emotional and more pragmatic with your views.
Guiliani in his Fox interview yesterday (which I posted a YouTube link to up thread), said that the Saudis got the message last year and are cooperating fully with the US in screening and ferreting out terrorists. He said this is not the same Saudis of ten years ago.
I don't place too much credibility in what guilliani has to say because at this point I believe he isn't on the inside and who knows where his info is coming from.
If executive branch has so much power - it makes me wonder why Obama did not do more and left much to legislative and judiciary to decide.

I think the next step will be to figure out which federal judges oppose current administration and replace them.

Once done Republicans will control all three branches. This would be akin a dictatorship - no?
I think that your memory of recent events is questionable.
for example take note of the passage of the (un)affordable care act when the democrats controlled the government and the questionable finding by the supremes regarding the semantics of what is and isn't a tax.
talk about duplicity.
your assessment is correct but their is one glaring omission, the peoples being targeted by this new level of scrutiny unlike the immigrants from the place you've mentioned, are coming from places that 1. have no functioning government, 2. are coming from places that have declared war on "infidels", ie: western nations, and 3. they are not banned, they are being faced with a higher level of scrutiny before being granted admission to the US.
if you look at the recent state of affairs in the european nations and note the issues associated with unfettered immigration policies maybe you'd be a little less emotional and more pragmatic with your views.

Sorry if I didn't come out clearly. This is what I wrote initially before I deleted sections of it:

You don't want to end up with the mess that Europe and UK are in today. Every wave of immigrants - Irish, Jews, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, Mexicans have all added something positive to the fabric of US. But I am not sure what the immigrants from these banned countries have added value except trying to import their level of radical Islam and instilling more fear in us. I am sure there will be collateral damage, like the MIT student and the Iranian professional turned away, but overall we are better off not letting these folks in. Add Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to the list and we should have good coverage.
Sorry if I didn't come out clearly. This is what I wrote initially before I deleted sections of it:

You don't want to end up with the mess that Europe and UK are in today. Every wave of immigrants - Irish, Jews, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, Mexicans have all added something positive to the fabric of US. But I am not sure what the immigrants from these banned countries have added value except trying to import their level of radical Islam and instilling more fear in us. I am sure there will be collateral damage, like the MIT student and the Iranian professional turned away, but overall we are better off not letting these folks in. Add Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to the list and we should have good coverage.

This administration is making new enemies. They are burning bridges and basically trying to scare people into thinking that most of the skittles are poisonous.
But he did - ban includes green card holders. People who immigrated to USA legally, paid taxes here, contributed and took part in our society - with stroke of a pen -White House banned them. How crazy is that? :eek:

It was a mistake, I believe. Green card holder ban has been rescinded. FWIW, this is exactly one of the reasons I became a US citizen rather than remain a green card (they aren't green, BTW) holder. Lawful permanent residents (aka green card holders) are not citizens and do not enjoy the same protections as citizens, and in particular, can be deported or denied access with change in policy and/or world wide strife. I suspect there will be an uptick in US citizenship applications after this...
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This administration is making new enemies. They are burning bridges and basically trying to scare people into thinking that most of the skittles are poisonous.

Resulting in what? Less immigration to the US? That's a feature not a bug in some quarters.

As far as scaring people into being racists, you must have a pretty low opinion of your fellow citizens. I don't think that'll happen in any significant way.
Resulting in what? Less immigration to the US? That's a feature not a bug in some quarters.

As far as scaring people into being racists, you must have a pretty low opinion of your fellow citizens. I don't think that'll happen in any significant way.

People have different reasons for making irrational/immoral decisions (fear primary) but it worked after 2011 and it can certainly work now.
Cali is one of those weird people who have a life outside of this forum.

Based on the post count, s/he appears to be, at least more than you, but prompt liking does not support that theory

Obama administration did all the work for this ban, Trump just has the balls to act on it:

December 15, 2015 - Text - H.R.158 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 - a directive to create a list of countries considered as safe haven for terrorists.

Februray 18, 2016 - DHS Announces Further Travel Restrictions for the Visa Waiver Program | Homeland Security - the list of 7 countries is released

Trump has banned these 7 countries.