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Not to rain on anyone's Tesla parade, but we went to take delivery today of our new Model 75 S.

It did not happen.

Let's just say there were so many imperfections in the exterior that it took us 30 minutes to document and photograph. We were told different stories by the delivery staff : 1) this is pretty normal and 2) no I don't see what you mean and 3) this is normal for EOQ cars. We were also told that production is always going top speed and this is how some cars come to them and they give them to service to fix.

We were assured these items could be fixed : 1) misaligned hatch 2) Door seal unattached front door passenger side 3) both front doors do not open and close properly 4) chrome trim touching body 2 areas + more ( car was also not detailed as it would have been at another high end dealership)

We were still good to go even after this, went to sit in the interior and my husband in the drivers seat was supposed to adjust it. Well, it did not work. That's when wheels fell off of our bus. The seat would not move forward or backward. They replied," it's probably just a wire," can't fix it today as it is Saturday." I am sorry but this would not have happened at Lexus, MB, BMW or AUDI.

I am so upset about this. We have been waiting and waiting for this car. We were so excited to finally gettin one. Well,
We took our check back and left the building.

We will talk to them Monday - know why? There are NO MANAGERs accessible to delivery staff on Saturday and Sundays in CA. So they can't talk to their bosses until MONDAY. :(

This is a 85k car that is presented like they were doing us a favor. They told us to stand in front of it so they could TAKE OUR PICTURE. That did not happen either

Sorry for my emotions.

So now we have to decide if we have them find us another S or not. I have lost trust in this brand and am more than reluctant to pull this plug.

If anyone can provide me a different perspective and drag me out of this mire I would be grateful.
From my own experience, they didn’t do their job in QC the car, at least a CPO in our case.
There’s a lot of rock chips plus other items.
Their response was we, as in Service, will reach out to schedule an appointment time to fix those items.
We never heard from Service so we had to call in to bring the car in.

My guess is this is their normal business practice as in just take the mo eye then worry about repairs later.
As much we like the car, I don’t think we’d buy another one.

As matter of fact, they stopped responding to phone calls and/or emails once deposit was made.
I had to contact Tesla HQ to get any answers.
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From my own experience, they didn’t do their job in QC the car, at least a CPO in our case.
There’s a lot of rock chips plus other items.
Their response was we, as in Service, will reach out to schedule an appointment time to fix those items.
We never heard from Service so we had to call in to bring the car in.

My guess is this is their normal business practice as in just take the mo eye then worry about repairs later.
As much we like the car, I don’t think we’d buy another one.

As matter of fact, they stopped responding to phone calls and/or emails once deposit was made.
I had to contact Tesla HQ to get any answers.

They wanted our money that is for certain. They kept asking if we would still purchase the car with the defects? WHAAAAT? Who does that? Would you do that at a BMW or Porsche dealership? Don't think so. Is this car so damned incredible that people will sacrifice quality on day one? Let me know now please. Cuz I am not in that club.
Not that it matters, but how would it be an EOQ vehicle? Last I knew, you had reserved a CPO or Inventory vehicle around Nov 6 that you were going to pick up Nov 13th. Did you change vehicles?
Yes, we changed vehicles from CPO to new. We bought new Nov16th. Delivery was for new Model S 75 today. I hope this can be fixed. We are so disappointed.

Let me say that the delivery personnel were very nice and cordial and we have NO issues with them.
It is not their fault that Tesla sent them a poor quality product to try and deliver.

And may I ask, who are you? Employed by Tesla?
They wanted our money that is for certain. They kept asking if we would still purchase the car with the defects? WHAAAAT? Who does that? Would you do that at a BMW or Porsche dealership? Don't think so. Is this car so damned incredible that people will sacrifice quality on day one? Let me know now please. Cuz I am not in that club.

In our case, in my conversation with their HQ, I told them I would not hesitate 1 bit to walk away from the deal, $1K deposit or not, and they would have to return my money due to them not holding up to their side of the contract.

I guess I got their attention since the OA called me back right away after that.

This is typical Business 101.
Get as much money as you can then deal with problems later.
Also, a part of it is to get people to eat out of your hands as much and as long as possible.
Give them a due date for the bs pre-order, which you knew full well it’s not going to happen, so they can hang their hope on that date.

I admire Elon for what he has accomplished so far and he is a visionary but he needs a COO who can straight out all of the quality issues.
Otherwise, you can only bs people for so long then all bets are off.

I have encountered quite a few similar situations in the high end audio world and thus my observations.
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Let's just say there were so many imperfections in the exterior that it took us 30 minutes to document and photograph. We were told different stories by the delivery staff : 1) this is pretty normal and 2) no I don't see what you mean and 3) this is normal for EOQ cars.

Can you please post a few of the pics that show the worst problems? You lost me when you said it took 30 minutes to document, yet at the same time you are being told, as one excuse, "no I don't see what you see". That's really odd. Aside from the seat which didn't move, the other defects are either there or they are not. How can some staff not see what you pointed out? I really would like to see the pics and it will also help others to know what to look for.

I once had faith in Tesla like that. Not anymore.

My sunroof was misaligned a bit (larger gap on the driver's side) and my warranty was coming up so I pointed it out during my 4th year service. I lived with it for nearly 4 years, and it wasn't all that bad, but thought I would mention it because my warranty was about to expire. To my surprise, they replaced the roof with the new version to the extent that the roof rack holes are different and now it's perfectly aligned.

I don't have faith in any companies. Tesla has proven to me they make things right as recently as last month. Of course, other people's experiences are different, and we rarely hear from people who come here to post -- "All is fine on delivery" so you would get a skewed view only reading here about delivery problems. Having said that, Tesla does need to get much better at quality control and the excuse of letting the service centers deal with it seems like a poor one to me, if that is in fact Tesla's approach.

And may I ask, who are you? Employed by Tesla?

That's quite the rude reply. Do you really believe he's here employed by Tesla and looking at your posts to find inconsistencies? He had a very good question. There was no need to attack him personally as if he has to explain who he is.
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Is this at Costa Mesa? Ours is supposed to be delivered there in a few weeks. Originally we wanted it to be at Buena Park, but our OA said, "Let me do you a favor, take your delivery at Costa Mesa. Trust me it is better there." But now I am worry. I am not even sure we will get the car in time for the tax credit still in effect.
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Yes, we changed vehicles from CPO to new. We bought new Nov16th. Delivery was for new Model S 75 today. I hope this can be fixed. We are so disappointed.

Let me say that the delivery personnel were very nice and cordial and we have NO issues with them.
It is not their fault that Tesla sent them a poor quality product to try and deliver.

And may I ask, who are you? Employed by Tesla?

I'm just a forum reader. Kudos to you for not going with the flow on something you weren't happy with. Not easy to change course.

Edit: Especially when you pay an extra 35k (27.5k post tax credit) for new, which one would expect to have less problems with.
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I would like to retract the statement above where I said that the delivery staff said "I don't see what you mean". They never said that. What they did do was not say anything. I assumed they did not see what we were showing them as defective (not the same thing) in their defense.

Please know that these items are NOT major deal breakers however not what one would expect in an 85K car.

Here are photos of the passenger front door where the mirror is close to the front panel. Top photo is Passenger side, bottom photos is drivers side. More to come


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Seeing this thread makes me very nervous. I was still looking into ordering one of the factory S75s over the coming weeks. Is this a good idea anymore? There's no way I want to deal with quality issues when the car is brand new. I'll hang onto my money and my very modest current car if things are going to be this way.