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Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

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What I think we are seeing is the Henry Ford coming out of Musk. Ford created an industry, showing the world you can produce ICE vehicles on a mass production line relatively inexpensively. Several decades after his initial success his rigid micro-management style and refusal to change came close to destroying his company.

Here we go again...

The American news media runs non-stop never ending negative Tesla coverage 24/7 primarily because of Elon's stance on Twitter and allowing free speech on the platform. So... they make their best efforts to damage the reputation of an American automaker, which employs American citizens, and then they'll trash Elon for the fact that the company needs to let people go to reduce costs. All great news for BYD and Nio.
The American news media runs non-stop never ending negative Tesla coverage 24/7 primarily because of Elon's stance on Twitter and allowing free speech on the platform. So... they make their best efforts to damage the reputation of an American automaker, which employs American citizens, and then they'll trash Elon for the fact that the company needs to let people go to reduce costs. All great news for BYD and Nio.
It's free speech as long as you don't talk back. Those who talked back have been consistently retaliated: from college student who tracks his jet to journalists and now the head of Supercharger that resulted in collective punishment with the layoff of the entire department:

The American news media runs non-stop never ending negative Tesla coverage 24/7 primarily because of Elon's stance on Twitter and allowing free speech on the platform. So... they make their best efforts to damage the reputation of an American automaker, which employs American citizens, and then they'll trash Elon for the fact that the company needs to let people go to reduce costs. All great news for BYD and Nio.
Not sure there is non stop media coverage of Tesla or Elon Musk. But you gotta admit, Elon gives the press a lot of ammo.
  • Fire an entire division in the middle of the night via email, you’re going to make the news.
  • Say F**k you, f**k you on national TV, you’re going to be on the news.
  • A CIO smoking pot during a media interview, you’re going to make the news.
  • Calling a hero cave rescue diver “Pedo Guy”, you’re going to be on the news.
Did I make my point? I got more.
Any news about Tesla or Musk is front page news and the press piles on - like 2 million vehicles “recalled” without going into any detail , when it was just the font size to comply with government regulations! When I see a major mechanical recall by any other automaker barely gets reported as a one liner. The media is willing to kill an American success story because they don’t like the “ messenger”.
no last time i voted it was for hillary.. but its clear political affiliations are skewing attitudes of Elon.. sad really... why can't people just like the car for what it is
The tried and true adage of "buying stocks in companies you like" still holds true. I realize Tobacco companies make money, but I don't buy stock or funds with them included. I believe in our society the only power we really have collectively is to speak with our money.
Any news about Tesla or Musk is front page news and the press piles on - like 2 million vehicles “recalled” without going into any detail , when it was just the font size to comply with government regulations! When I see a major mechanical recall by any other automaker barely gets reported as a one liner. The media is willing to kill an American success story because they don’t like the “ messenger”.
Exactly this. Steve Jobs by all accounts was seemingly not a great human....but....the dude made great phones and computers. Like it or not, Elon has done more to advance humanities progression to sustainable energy more than almost anyone. I can guarantee you that most of the people on this forum were never going to buy a Prius or a Nissan Leaf. If his ideologies aligned with the media he would be heralded as a hero.
EV sales including Tesla faltered, Tesla needed to cut costs, Tinucci resisted, Musk sacked her and her entire team.

When the company is under stress you don't need prima donnas fighting their corner.
When the company is under stress? While yes, sales are down a bit. Tesla is still profitable. I don't think you could call it "under stress". It's not the friggin' end of the world when sales are down a bit. I think you'd find it difficult to find anyone who would call @RebeccaTinucci a "Prima Donna".

That being said, a good CEO would have anticipated this and put controls in place several months ago to prevent the need for this kind a rash and unplanned chaos. It not like Tesla and the CEO does not know what is happening with revenue and sales every single day.

edit: I'll just add this as well

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I'd go for Rivian too, but Elon's recent behavior makes me consider whether Rivian will be suddenly barred from Superchargers one day, and that would be a blow. Is there any guarantee?
No guarantee, but most people use Superchargers only on long distance trips which may be a few times a year. I believe Rivian has chargers and other 3rd parties are starting to step up as well.
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Exactly this. Steve Jobs by all accounts was seemingly not a great human....but....the dude made great phones and computers. Like it or not, Elon has done more to advance humanities progression to sustainable energy more than almost anyone. I can guarantee you that most of the people on this forum were never going to buy a Prius or a Nissan Leaf. If his ideologies aligned with the media he would be heralded as a hero.
That's funny because I owned a Prius and a Leaf before I bought my first Tesla.
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That's funny because I owned a Prius and a Leaf before I bought my first Tesla.
i also had a prius and was going to get a leaf but decided to spring more for a used 2012 model S mainly because it was larger (got the 7 seater model) and the SC network.. still miss that car but was afraid of the suspension costs after the warranty ran out so now i have the 7 seater Y with spring suspension
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Tesla has been pushing me away since my purchase in 2021. Just one bad decision after the next.

I think Rivian and RJ will be the new Tesla. At least they are laser focused on the brand and create vehicles that people are asking for (e.g., R2, R3, R3X).
Yes I would agree with multiple bad decisions the last few years. Elon's Yoke and stalkless design is one of the worst ever. Firing the entire Supercharger team in the middle of the night is just total stupidity and yes it will damage the brand.

The Rivian designs are very interesting and I think they will do well in the marketplace. I am also looking forward to seeing new cars from Lucid and Polestar.
It's been sort of a given that Elon Musk's association with the Tesla brand has both positive and negative connotations, but over the last couple of years it seems to have heavily tilted towards the negative. He seems to spend more time operating in tilt mode than he ever has. It all seemed to take a dark turn when he boasted about buying twitter. Since then it's been a real shizenpantz show.

As an owner of a couple of Tesla vehicles, I initially was willing to ignore some of his stupidity. Now I'm not so sure. Knowing what I know now I would not purchase a Tesla. My fear is that he will end up blowing it all, sacrificing any and all good will and market leadership that Tesla currently enjoys, and eventually will kill the company dead.

I think the final straw for me was the recent layoffs. From the outside looking in it is obvious there was no plan. It was just him and his emotional cannon going off. There is no way in hades that any of this can have a positive spin to it.

It really appears that this guy should not even be left in charge of his own life, much less a multi-billion dollar company.


Yes, I know this will bring out the Musk fanboys, but if you look at him and what he's doing frankly and objectively, you may come away as alarmed as I currently am.
I unfortunately agree. Two friends who just purchased EVs (non-Tesla's) said the major reason they did not consider Tesla was Elon. The SuperCharger layoff seem crazy as that in my opinion, is their crown jewels. Maybe in a year when all other manufactures have incorporated it, but not now. If there is some logic to it I wish Elon would communicate it. But it appears to me he has totally lost focus on sustainable transportation, to go after the new shining object in his mind FSD. Since I also own some stock I hope he is right but I am very close to dumping what little stock I have. Hopefully we will learn something at the shareholder meeting coming up.
I think whether one agrees with his rhetoric or not, or even what he ends up being right about isn’t very important.

What’s relevant is that he is polarizing. The more he runs his mouth (or twitter thumbs), the more he will alienate paying customers. Disney (as an example) holds completely opposite opinions to virtually everything Musk believes, but they’re both making the exact same error. They’re pushing customers away because they mistakenly believe that the world wants to hear their political and social commentary.

For the most part, we don’t. We want the CEO of entertainment companies to make good content, not preach messaging at us. We want the CEO of Tesla to make good cars, not troll people on social media. In general, we need business people to just shut up and make things.
  • A CIO smoking pot during a media interview, you’re going to make the news.
As an aside, I got the feeling he’d never really smoked pot before that incident. He looked incredibly uncomfortable doing so and didn’t know how to draw the smoke into his lungs…that felt pretty fake to me…like someone who wanted to look like he’d smoked before but had no idea how to do it.
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