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Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

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When the company is under stress you don't need prima donnas fighting their corner.
By all accounts she was an extremely effective leader…why are you calling her a prima donna? How do you know she wasn’t just a manager fighting for her people the way I’d hope all good managers would? Or in your eyes is any woman who pushes back a prima donna?
In general, we need business people to just shut up and make things.
Yup. And consumers to behave likewise. Not gonna happen. People talk about themselves and others.

The object or person does not polarize. People polarize themselves. Tesla did not disrupt the auto industry. The auto industry disrupted themselves trying to catch up.

Yet ... things still get done and problems get solved.
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Anybody who thinks Elon caused damages to Tesla is delusional.

Elon Musk currently has 47% popularity rating in the US, ranks #1 among business figures.

He has been proven to be correct on many things, such as Ukraine war, government censorship, covid origin, who's the real antisemite, etc. More and more people are realizing this, if you don't that's just because you live in an echo chamber.

BTW he's way more innovative than Steve Jobs, Jobs built a nice widget, but Elon built the world's largest launch vehicle and satellite constellation and launch more tonnage to orbit than the rest of the world combined by several times over.

Plus if anybody thinks any of the big 3 are going to do anything to challenge Chinese EVs I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you...

At least he is keeping hope alive for having any American car manufacturers left by 2035 instead of the CEO morons running the other shows who think EVs are a "fad" that will go away if they keep their eyes closed tightly.
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The American news media runs non-stop never ending negative Tesla coverage 24/7 primarily because of Elon's stance on Twitter

But you gotta admit, Elon gives the press a lot of ammo.
consider setting aside everything you read on Twitter or in any other media. Including Elons own words.
but its clear political affiliations are skewing attitudes of Elon.. sad really... why can't people just like the car for what it is
yes, exactly. Form your main opinion of the company and it’s leadership based on its products and services and your direct interactions with the products, services and if you do interact with the leaders. - not media reports about them.

I suspect the superchargers will continue to have the outstanding reliability and accessibility, and the pace of their continued rollout Will continue within the normal range of multi year variability.

Elon Musk continues to get high productivity and innovation from his teams and it’s not by trying to look good in the media or using business school methods. Thank God. He and his team will make mistakes and I hope they will continue to learn from them.
By all accounts she was an extremely effective leader…why are you calling her a prima donna? How do you know she wasn’t just a manager fighting for her people the way I’d hope all good managers would? Or in your eyes is any woman who pushes back a prima donna?
Trade union leaders "fight for their people", managers implement policy, I ran my own company and managers that thought they were "a leader" were a PITA and usually underperformed.

Prima donna: a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team

In my opinion, criticising a female manager does not qualify as misogyny.
Plus if anybody thinks any of the big 3 are going to do anything to challenge Chinese EVs I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you...

Interesting story about EU ports being inundated with Chinese EVs. It isn't sustainable.

Some Chinese brand EVs had been sitting in European ports for up to 18 months, while some ports had asked importers to provide proof of onward transport, according to industry executives. One car logistics expert said many of the unloaded vehicles were simply staying in the ports until they were sold to distributors or end users.

“It’s chaos,” said another person who had been briefed on the situation.

But criticizing her personally without any first hand knowledge does.

That poster didn’t say anything about her sex/gender (other than using the “her” pronoun).

If it was the exact same post about a man, the worst you’d be able to say is that it’s an uninformed opinion. Are you saying it’s misogyny simply because it’s criticism of a woman?

That poster didn’t say anything about her sex/gender (other than using the “her” pronoun).

If it was the exact same post about a man, the worst you’d be able to say is that it’s an uninformed opinion. Are you saying it’s misogyny simply because it’s criticism of a woman?
I’m saying it’s misogyny because it’s criticizing Rebecca’s personality and not her actions even though the poster doesn’t know what she actually did and doesn’t know her at all; he’s 100% going off of innuendo and rumor and yet he’s determined that she’s a “prima donna.”

IMHO, this is another fine example of why Elon Musk should not be the CEO of Tesla (or even the manager at the local Taco Bell, for that matter).

I’m saying it’s misogyny because it’s criticizing Rebecca’s personality and not her actions even though the poster doesn’t know what she actually did and doesn’t know her at all; he’s 100% going off of innuendo and rumor and yet he’s determined that she’s a “prima donna.”

If you replace “Rebecca” with “Robert”, your critique of the post is still logical, but it’s no longer misogyny, correct?

Thats my point. As far as I can tell, that poster’s critique of Rebecca (valid or not) had nothing to do with her sex. Unless you believe any critique of any woman is misogyny (which is very problematic) then I’m not seeing how you’re coming to this conclusion.
If you replace “Rebecca” with “Robert”, your critique of the post is still logical, but it’s no longer misogyny, correct?

Thats my point. As far as I can tell, that poster’s critique of Rebecca (valid or not) had nothing to do with her sex. Unless you believe any critique of any woman is misogyny (which is very problematic) then I’m not seeing how you’re coming to this conclusion.
If you accuse any woman who you have never met and of whose actions you are unaware (as is the case of this poster; he’s never met her and he doesn’t know what she did…we only have some rumor and speculation) of being a prima donna, yeah, that’s misogyny. That just means any woman he doesn’t think he likes is a prima donna; he is presupposing without any actual information or factual context that she is at fault here and specifically because she’s temperamental. I suppose we could also label her as “shrill” and accuse her of “being on the rag” while we are at it…right?
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Any news about Tesla or Musk is front page news and the press piles on - like 2 million vehicles “recalled” without going into any detail , when it was just the font size to comply with government regulations! When I see a major mechanical recall by any other automaker barely gets reported as a one liner. The media is willing to kill an American success story because they don’t like the “ messenger”.
I work in the NADA building in NOVA, you should see the long faces that get on the elevators from the dealers everyday.
Quote today:
Guy 1" How is business?"
Guy 2 "We are setting new records that we have never seen before"
Guy 1 "Really?"
Guy 2 "Our new record, we haven't had a month this bad in 14 years, April was worse than March and we thought March was bad"

Best thing about the building is we have free level 2 charging and there must be 20 to 30 Teslas in the garage and growing everyday.
By all accounts she was an extremely effective leader…why are you calling her a prima donna? How do you know she wasn’t just a manager fighting for her people the way I’d hope all good managers would? Or in your eyes is any woman who pushes back a prima donna?
The board is still full of puppets.

Federal government requires replacement parts be made available for 10 years (IIRC)
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