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Elon & Twitter

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Man, this is just great.

Gotta say, I do wonder how many frequent posters here (or ones that seem to pop in to support leftist/MSM narratives) are actually being paid to do so? No one can really have this level of cognitive dissonance unless there is some type of psychopathy involved.

This goes for the mods too...based on how they censor and the timing of when they actually step in it is obvious there is some type of agenda they are pushing.

Not much longer now.

You got me, I'm a sleeper agent who has been paid to post here. AWAKEN ALL!!
You might ask yourself why you aren't seeing a change in Elon that many of us are, especially those of us who have been here almost from the beginning. Elon always had problematic behavior but it was mostly limited to inside the company, now it's amplified by his wealth and fame and spilling out in public. He's so delusional he actually seems to think the "big Twitter reveal" last night was significant. It wasn't. Complete waste of his and everyone's time, and he has less time to waste than most.
I hear you. So many people say the same. But still I am not convinced, I could say the same thing to you and you would not be convinced.

Elon has always been problematic, he says what he thinks, he plays with open cards, he attacks anyone who he feels is being unjust. He wants the people to know what's going on, then he really doesn't care about the consequences. That's Elon. He is okay with being wrong in order to become less wrong over time, meanwhile other prefer to be the same amount of wrong privately rather than being wrong publicly. That's Elon. His way of playing the game creates chaos and disruption, he will frequently be very wrong in the short term but turns out to be very correct in the long term. I don't really see the difference, it's just that now the world has gotten political and since he is big now, he get's attacked politically and have to attack back. Most often it's politicians throwing poop at him, he sometimes throw some back and people get so triggered that how dare he throw some poop. And yeah, his generation, my generation, the internet generation, we have a slighly unhealthy attachment to free speech on the internet and anyone who attacks it get the wrath of the internet back at them.

But one thing I don't think he gets enough credit for. He let's people criticize him. He let's people post that silly photobomb picture of the pedophile groomer(which by the way none on the list of pedophiles went to jail) on his own site. He let's people attack his every move. Can we say the same about the other world leaders, do they allow people to make fun out of them? I respect people who can take a joke.
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This is not true though. In the past he has not attacked many of the conservatives who were obviously being unjust. He stayed silent. But you won't be convinced.
We all have selective perception, both me and you. My bias sees Elon as attacking both sides, just that the left have turned up their attacks on Elon and the middle. Your bias sees Elon not attacking the right and only attacking the right. You are right that I not be convinced, but you seem blind to your own bias.
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I hear you. So many people say the same. But still I am not convinced, I could say the same thing to you and you would not be convinced.

Elon has always been problematic, he says what he thinks, he plays with open cards, he attacks anyone who he feels is being unjust. He wants the people to know what's going on, then he really doesn't care about the consequences. That's Elon. He is okay with being wrong in order to become less wrong over time, meanwhile other keep prefer to be the same amount of wrong privately rather than being wrong publicly. That's Elon. His way of playing the game creates chaos and disruption, he will frequently be very wrong in the short term but turns out to be very correct in the long term. I don't really see the difference, it's just that now the world has gotten political and since he is big now, he get's attacked politically and have to attack back. Most often it's politicians throwing poop at him, he sometimes throw some back and people get so triggered that how dare he, throw some poop back. And yeah, his generation, my generation, the internet generation, we have a slighly unhealthy attachment to free speech on the internet and anyone who attacks it get the wrath of the internet back at them.

But one thing I don't think he gets enough credit for. He let's people criticize him. He let's people post that silly photobomb picture of the pedophile groomer(which by the way none on the list of pedophiles went to jail) on his own site. He let's people attack his every move. Can we say the same about the other world leaders, do they allow people to make fun out of them? I respect people who can take a joke.

As a non-Elon follower at all, I never really felt Elon allows or let's people criticize him or make fun of him or say anything bad about him honestly. I'm not as invested as a lot of folks here never following Tesla earlier or before, but I've seen Elon request posts/bad reviews, bad comments removed about him that I can't say I agree with your thought process that he's ok with any criticism. Didn't he fire folks simply for disagreeing with him? Maybe that's made up too. I guess some folks here will just say that if you don't buy into his "vision" and everything Elon says is right, you're out, but that's really short sighted for any company.

My response to your comment is I don't think Elon nor anyone really likes other people to make fun of them. There's just nothing they can do and Elon is also one to joke/make fun of other's too.

He can be as you say, open mind talking/thinking because that's all his style, but being that way, he still has to accept other's peoples thoughts/insults because he tosses as many himself right?

As someone relatively new to this whole Elon thing, I guess he just comes off as whining like a baby when he's practically crying that advertisers are leaving, Apple App store is kicking him out (apparently fake news) and the whole woe is me, poor me attitude coming from again, the richest person in the whole wide world. It's just a bad look I suppose to me, again, as someone who's not followed him since forever, a non-tesla owner/shareholder and someone who's old enough to have been in both political parties here.

As for this thread, I'd be way ok if the mods just shut it down already. It'll be more interesting to see what happens in 3 months and how Twitter is then. Think of all the time folks here will get back (like work meetings) and 447 pages is pretty much the same stuff.
This Space immediately shut down any questions about China, and they rapidly shut down discussion of Twitter debt. Elon did manage to say that the 12-13 billion of debt was one of the dumbest decisions ever (audio was a little garbled but that is what I heard)…. And then they rapidly changed the topic and said they did not want to talk about his business decisions.
This Space immediately shut down any questions about China, and they rapidly shut down discussion of Twitter debt. Elon did manage to say that the 12-13 billion of debt was one of the dumbest decisions ever (audio was a little garbled but that is what I heard)…. And then they rapidly changed the topic and said they did not want to talk about his business decisions.

The "Space" has a topic, and that's "TwitterFiles". Both the debt and the China questions were redirected because they were off-topic. Other off-topic things have been re-directed as well.

I'm impressed Elon has been on this long.
So many posts here sounds like TSLAQ when they attack whatever Elon is doing nowadays. Not only for what he does with twitter, but also for how he sounds on Tesla presentations.
Yes, this has been happening on TMC for years. TSLAQ has infiltrated TMC. They sound like TSLAQ because they are TSLAQ. Moderating this site can’t be easy for the mods, but many Elon/Tesla haters appear after every earnings report or Tesla event, to ridicule Elon and to downplay incredible Tesla announcements. One of the commonly used tactics is to call TMC members “fanboys“ or use the term “echo chamber“. It’s easy to spot the Elon haters. They’ll say things like ”Elon is off his meds” or “Elon seems unstable”, and are constantly spreading FUD.

EDIT: A good example of trying to make Elon seem untrustworthy “Sometimes people don’t always tell the truth. Just because Musk says he did something doesn’t mean it actually happened.”
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As a non-Elon follower at all, I never really felt Elon allows or let's people criticize him or make fun of him or say anything bad about him honestly. I'm not as invested as a lot of folks here never following Tesla earlier or before, but I've seen Elon request posts/bad reviews, bad comments removed about him that I can't say I agree with your thought process that he's ok with any criticism. Didn't he fire folks simply for disagreeing with him? Maybe that's made up too. I guess some folks here will just say that if you don't buy into his "vision" and everything Elon says is right, you're out, but that's really short sighted for any company.

My response to your comment is I don't think Elon nor anyone really likes other people to make fun of them. There's just nothing they can do and Elon is also one to joke/make fun of other's too.

He can be as you say, open mind talking/thinking because that's all his style, but being that way, he still has to accept other's peoples thoughts/insults because he tosses as many himself right?
It's crazy how different we can perceive things. I don't see Elon firing people for criticizing him, I see him firing people for being wrong or not seeing solutions to problems. I see him attack bad reviews because they were dishonest, not for being negative.

And I was talking about the ability to take a joke, not to take legitimate criticism. A joke is not the same as criticism. Remember the pictures of fat and pale Elon on a boat? His response was "Frankly, I found those pics to be helpful motivation to lose weight!" A few weeks later he is looking much better in shape... Would you have been able to take that any better?

He is under a crazy amount of pressure and I am super impressed by how he's holding up. People have some pretty insane standards for how much he is supposed to be able to take without sometimes acting a bit irrational back. Everyone who he talks to human to human IRL seems to really like him, very diverse people. My interpretation is that he must be a very likeable guy IRL. Then what I and other perceive online is probably colored by interest groups, bias, tribalism and other unfortunate parts of the internet experience.
Other off-topic things have been re-directed as well.
Lol, yes, they just talked about the Twitter files. No discussion about Twitter otherwise. None at all.

Re-directed. Haha.

I was just stating what happened. Ideally it would be good to just state what happened rather than spinning it somehow.

In response to the China question he did manage to squeeze out that he would do whatever is possible within the law.
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