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Elon & Twitter

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Too much smoke there to discount

Can you cite the smoke?

Like, literally any at all as it relates to ElonJet?

Because there appears to be a total of 0.

it as easily as all that and if it was you, you too would want to close off any potential vectors of attack.

How is "knowing where Elons plane was 23 hours ago, dozens of miles away from anything that actually happened" a vector of attack- specifically?

Preventative measures and all.[/QUOTE[

Given there was 0 relation between the ElonJet info and what actually happened, what do you imagine not having the ElonJet info would have prevented, specifically?

As for elonjet tracker? The Sweeney kid asked for $50,000 to knock it off on National TV. — Are we really going to defend extortion now because we’re mad at Elon?

That isn't extortion. For multiple reasons.

1) ELON asked HIM to take it down. He didn't come to Elon.

2) He's publishing publicly available info, and was doing so before Elon ever said anything, and without asking for anything from Elon when he did it. He found it interesting.

3) Only AFTER Elon made him an offer to stop did he ASK for anything. And all he asked for was a higher amount than Elon volunteered to give in the first place. That's called negotiation. He also said he'd take an internship rather than cash.

If you're still unclear I suggest you check the requirements for extortion in the criminal code, but this ain't it. In fact the crime of extortion is defined to exclude legitimate negotiation methods.

Hilariously of course by Elon making a huge deal out of it, instead of giving an obviously clever kid an internship or what to Elon is an insignificant amount of cash, he Streisand Effected the whole thing and massively more people are aware of how easily you can track private jets with public info now.
You can’t put a price on security. 👀
The law is the law. Planes MUST transmit their data via ADS-B. But he could do what Bernard Arnault and Tim Cook do and fly a different private plane on every trip...and for a very very very small fraction of $44B.
The nutter apparently is a grimes stalker or thinks he’s being stalked by grimes (don’t even get me started there — he probably thinks the moon is made of cheese too)

Who’s X’s mother?

See the connection yet?
If you read the article posted yesterday (but you probably didn't) you'd have seen that apparently Elon's security people were onto what the nutter was doing and after he pulled into the gas station they came up to him and said something to the effect of "we got you". So they're actually adding fuel to the fire in his belief that he's being stalked. Of course they're probably stalking him because he's stalking her but like in the battle between the Montagues and Capulets in Romeo and Juliet, he's probably forgotten who started it.
Haven't you learned that facts don't matter to Mr Disagree? This thread would really clean up if the rest of you would put it on ignore...
Back when we were discussing the high number of disagrees, it stopped for a brief period of time. But now it's back disagreeing with posts as quickly as ever (including with an article I posted a couple days ago that would have taken a any normal person about 3-5 minutes to read but it disagreed with my post in only 1-2 minutes).
Pressing attempted extortion charges would count as recognition.


I admire the tenacity with which you continiually double down on being objectively wrong!

What does 524 say?
CPC 524 said:
Every person who attempts, by means of any threat, such as is specified in Section 519 of this code, to extort property or other consideration from another is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not longer than one year or in the state prison or by fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Did the kid make a threat? I refuse to stop doing a 100% legal thing I was already doing before you ever spoke to me" isn't really a threat-- is it? But let's check 519 to be sure!

CPC 519 said:
Fear, such as will constitute extortion, may be induced by a threat of any of the following:

1.?To do an unlawful injury to the person or property of the individual threatened or of a third person.

2.?To accuse the individual threatened, or a relative of his or her, or a member of his or her family, of a crime.

3.?To expose, or to impute to him, her, or them a deformity, disgrace, or crime.

4.?To expose a secret affecting him, her, or them.

5.?To report his, her, or their immigration status or suspected immigration status.

DId the kid do any of these?
1. No... he did no unlawful injury to person or property at all
2. No... he did not accuse anyone of a crime
3. No they did not expose or imput any disgrace or crime.
4. No, Elons jet info is NOT A SECRET
5. No, he said nothing about Elons immigration status.

Ipso facto- no extortion whatsoever under the law you cited but either did not read or did not understand (maybe both!)

I eagerly await seeing where you move your ridiculous goalposts next!
Well he’s not gonna hire someone who will work against his wishes clearly.

Which really limits anyone's power. I suppose if someone could fix Twitter, but Musk stops him, why would anyone competent take the job? You succeed, Musk claims credit, you fail, Musk blames you. It's not about working for or against his wishes, it's all about making Twitter successful and if that means going against his wishes, so be it (from a business perspective). It's not personal, it just needs to be fixed and if Musk kneecaps you to fail, you've failed before you even started.

Goes back to my 1st post on this thread, what's the new CEO's motivation?

If going against Twitter makes Musk insanely wealthier and shuts up all the naysayers, maybe that's still the best play since clearly, what Musk is doing now is probably (guessing) not going well.

I'm still waiting for the 3 months, 1 year, 5 year numbers, but it's still not a good look so far.
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I really don't get this cancel culture that is taking over US society. It feels extremely toxic. How can you lead a normal life if everyone around you gets divided up in good people versus bad people, based on their political and societal viewpoints. Do people already support or avoid certain companies/stores because they are owned by liberals or conseratives (or vice versa)? As a European I'm seeing a country that is divided to the bone. A poisonous atmosphere in which I can see people with opposing political views starting to kill each other in the not too distant future. Such a different country than the one I lived in for a while 30 years ago.
Some of us vote with our wallet. Let's say you had a trans child, or loved one, and you see Elon literally making fun of them. Or you had a loved one die of COVID, while Elon trashes one of leading doctors that tried to keep people safe...Or are a Jewish person and see him allowing Nazis back on Twitter.. Do you sit back and say - hey that's ok with me, let me order up a Tesla! Fine if you do. But a lot of us can't live with ourselves or even be associated with that. So maybe if it personally affects you, you'd be more inclined to not support someone.
I really don't get this cancel culture that is taking over US society. It feels extremely toxic. How can you lead a normal life if everyone around you gets divided up in good people versus bad people, based on their political and societal viewpoints. Do people already support or avoid certain companies/stores because they are owned by liberals or conseratives (or vice versa)? As a European I'm seeing a country that is divided to the bone. A poisonous atmosphere in which I can see people with opposing political views starting to kill each other in the not too distant future. Such a different country than the one I lived in for a while 30 years ago.
I agree but to a point.

If I were in the market for basketball shoes I think I'd avoid whatever is associated with Kanye West just because of all his Hitler nonsense.

I don't think I'm anywhere near there on Tesla but Elon's behavior certainly isn't helping.
I really don't get this cancel culture that is taking over US society. It feels extremely toxic. How can you lead a normal life if everyone around you gets divided up in good people versus bad people, based on their political and societal viewpoints. Do people already support or avoid certain companies/stores because they are owned by liberals or conseratives (or vice versa)? As a European I'm seeing a country that is divided to the bone. A poisonous atmosphere in which I can see people with opposing political views starting to kill each other in the not too distant future. Such a different country than the one I lived in for a while 30 years ago.
to be fair ... the other CEOs of GM/Ford/Stellantis/BMW/VW or any other large OEM aren't publicly making blanket political endorsements ("vote republican" , DeSantis is my candidate) or claim that just ONE of the two parties has gone extremist (in Elon's world that is NOT the Republican party) and then proceed with retweeting absolute BONKERS conspiracy theories about the attempted assignation of Pelosi's husband from a debunked troll site... or claim that wokeness is the largest threat to humanity (and not climate change)...

if you want to go super political...it will likely hurt your business somewhat. funny how the "go woke - go broke" side can't see that when it goes into the opposite direction...
I really don't get this cancel culture that is taking over US society. It feels extremely toxic. How can you lead a normal life if everyone around you gets divided up in good people versus bad people, based on their political and societal viewpoints. Do people already support or avoid certain companies/stores because they are owned by liberals or conseratives (or vice versa)? As a European I'm seeing a country that is divided to the bone. A poisonous atmosphere in which I can see people with opposing political views starting to kill each other in the not too distant future. Such a different country than the one I lived in for a while 30 years ago.

This is hardly new though. Voting with your wallet is a long long tradition--- much of the civil rights movement was advanced by boycotts in that way for example, a lot more than 30 years ago.

In fact the very TERM boycott comes from.... europe.

It goes back to Charles Stewart Parnell during the Irish land agitation of 1880 to protest high rents and land evictions. The term boycott was coined after Irish tenants followed Parnell’s suggested code of conduct and effectively ostracized a British estate manager, Charles Cunningham Boycott.
The law is the law. Planes MUST transmit their data via ADS-B. But he could do what Bernard Arnault and Tim Cook do and fly a different private plane on every trip...and for a very very very small fraction of $44B.

If you read the article posted yesterday (but you probably didn't) you'd have seen that apparently Elon's security people were onto what the nutter was doing and after he pulled into the gas station they came up to him and said something to the effect of "we got you". So they're actually adding fuel to the fire in his belief that he's being stalked. Of course they're probably stalking him because he's stalking her but like in the battle between the Montagues and Capulets in Romeo and Juliet, he's probably forgotten who started it.

Back when we were discussing the high number of disagrees, it stopped for a brief period of time. But now it's back disagreeing with posts as quickly as ever (including with an article I posted a couple days ago that would have taken a any normal person about 3-5 minutes to read but it disagreed with my post in only 1-2 minutes).
I dont think that quote is from me.
Some of us vote with our wallet. Let's say you had a trans child, or loved one, and you see Elon literally making fun of them. Or you had a loved one die of COVID, while Elon trashes one of leading doctors that tried to keep people safe...Or are a Jewish person and see him allowing Nazis back on Twitter.. Do you sit back and say - hey that's ok with me, let me order up a Tesla! Fine if you do. But a lot of us can't live with ourselves or even be associated with that. So maybe if it personally affects you, you'd be more inclined to not support someone.


This whole use of "cancel culture" to blame anything is really overplayed by people for someone to simply whine/cry whenever someone does/chooses something they don't like. Just because someone chooses another option doesn't make it cancel culture.

The government, people, Utility IOUs have historically always tried to divide people so they can "manage" the population or make them too busy fighting each other than to fight vs. fixing things.

Look at Musk, everything he's done at Twitter has simply made people more pissed off and divisive right? Course, people call it cancel culture, but a lot of that was self inflited and brought on by Musk.
Some of us vote with our wallet. Let's say you had a trans child, or loved one, and you see Elon literally making fun of them. Or you had a loved one die of COVID, while Elon trashes one of leading doctors that tried to keep people safe...Or are a Jewish person and see him allowing Nazis back on Twitter.. Do you sit back and say - hey that's ok with me, let me order up a Tesla! Fine if you do. But a lot of us can't live with ourselves or even be associated with that. So maybe if it personally affects you, you'd be more inclined to not support someone.

You are underlining what I mean. Being trans has become so politicized, COVID has become so politicized. I see much less controversy in most of western Europe. Okay, there was controversy around COVID in Europe too, but that has mostly gone away. I don't understand why Fauci, masks, etc. are still a subject of discussion. Can't Americans just move on and get on with their lives? (that goes for Elon too)
This is hardly new though. Voting with your wallet is a long long tradition--- much of the civil rights movement was advanced by boycotts in that way for example, a lot more than 30 years ago.

In fact the very TERM boycott comes from.... europe.

It goes back to Charles Stewart Parnell during the Irish land agitation of 1880 to protest high rents and land evictions. The term boycott was coined after Irish tenants followed Parnell’s suggested code of conduct and effectively ostracized a British estate manager, Charles Cunningham Boycott.
"cancel culture" is also a term with obvious negative meaning used by the right spectrum primarily - but - every boycott which they approve of gets celebrated as "go woke - go broke". the term "cancel culture" is only used when it impacts stuff they like.
I really don't get this cancel culture that is taking over US society. It feels extremely toxic. How can you lead a normal life if everyone around you gets divided up in good people versus bad people, based on their political and societal viewpoints.
How can you live in a representative democracy when a major party keeps pushing the narrative that either they win, or their opponent cheated?
Do people already support or avoid certain companies/stores because they are owned by liberals or conseratives (or vice versa)?
Not generally, because most brands aren't stupid enough to endorse people who are endorsing autocracy. But there are a few brands that I won't touch. I wouldn't buy a MyPillow product, for example.
"cancel culture" is also a term with obvious negative meaning used by the right spectrum primarily - but - every boycott which they approve of gets celebrated as "go woke - go broke". the term "cancel culture" is only used when it impacts stuff they like.
You’re mostly correct about the terminology however the use cases are much more sparing on one side and over much more widespread issues than “x tweeted y 10 years ago, burn them!” or similar triviality.
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I dont think that quote is from me.
Yeah, something got really messed up. It didn't even show up in the draft as I was typing it, but after I posted, the forum somehow brought in one of your posts from another thread that I multi quoted over there. I deleted it because it wasn't relevant to this thread. I was hoping that you didn't get a notification but it seems like you did. If you weren't following this thread then you'll have to hit "unwatch" manually.
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