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Elon & Twitter

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You are underlining what I mean. Being trans has become so politicized, COVID has become so politicized. I see much less controversy in most of western Europe. Okay, there was controversy around COVID in Europe too, but that has mostly gone away. I don't understand why Fauci, masks, etc. are still a subject of discussion. Can't Americans just move on and get on with their lives? (that goes for Elon too)
Maybe you should ask the people making them an issue.

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I mean- that's not new? He told the delaware court Nov 16th he planned to find someone else to run twitter long term

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I mean- that's not new? He told the delaware court Nov 16th he planned to find someone else to run twitter long term

It's not the Sawyer tweet I'm puzzled by, it's Elon's reaction. (Implication obviously being that he's saying that the report is false.)
It's not the Sawyer tweet I'm puzzled by, it's Elon's reaction. (Implication obviously being that he's saying that the report is false.)

The media again not doing their job and asking the source before publishing a story. It’s like the National Enquirer or People Magazine.

Like the MAGA leader, Musk could very well be the one putting stories out there through 3rd party sources to then just turn around and say “see how unreliable and stupid the media is”
The media again not doing their job and asking the source before publishing a story. It’s like the National Enquirer or People Magazine.

Like the MAGA leader, Musk could very well be the one putting stories out there through 3rd party sources to then just turn around and say “see how unreliable and stupid the media is”

The thought has occurred to me.
You are underlining what I mean. Being trans has become so politicized, COVID has become so politicized. I see much less controversy in most of western Europe. Okay, there was controversy around COVID in Europe too, but that has mostly gone away. I don't understand why Fauci, masks, etc. are still a subject of discussion. Can't Americans just move on and get on with their lives? (that goes for Elon too)
They are a subject of discussion in this case because Elon (and honestly MAGA Republicans) continue to bring it up. I'm pretty sure nobody prompted him to say his pronouns are "Prosecute/Fauci". He did that all on his own.
For the 10000000000000th time, Elon Musk was never “Iron Man”, he was a mouthpiece with true scientist and engineers doing the work and coming up with solutions in the back ground.

Like MAGA supporters, Musk fans were looking for someone to idolize and found him. Now he is destroying himself in front of them and they continue to defend him…. Hilarious…

Despite him acting like a total D-bag right now, I believe Elon is an amazing engineer and designer.

If you think he's just an incompetent mouthpiece, what is your explanation for companies that just so happen to have him at the helm making massive revolutionary advances while dozens of competitors were unable until they imitated what he did?
Despite him acting like a total D-bag right now, I believe Elon is an amazing engineer and designer.

If you think he's just an incompetent mouthpiece, what is your explanation for companies that just so happen to have him at the helm making massive revolutionary advances while dozens of competitors were unable until they imitated what he did?

Which competitors were unable?

What revolutionary advancement has Tesla made other than cutting a steering wheels in half and putting out fart sounds? I’ll wait….

And I truly want to know wat Musk engineered for Space X or any of the Tesla Vehicles….
For the 10000000000000th time, Elon Musk was never “Iron Man”, he was a mouthpiece with true scientist and engineers doing the work and coming up with solutions in the back ground.
I abhor the Mr-Twitter side of Elon but his Dr-Ironman side clearly has a much greater grasp of technology than the vast majority of CEOs would ever come close to. It does not matter how many times you repeat bogus claims, repetition doesn't make them less bogus.

Here is an example of Musk demonstrating his technical chops:

Elon changed the design of a part of Starship due to a suggestion/question Tim Dodd (the interviewer) made in this interview. I am a scientist/engineer with a PhD in theoretical physics. My father designed rockets at Edwards Air Force Base. IMO, in terms of engineering prowess, Elon Musk is the real deal. This is not some BS mouthpiece facade. He has a firm grasp of the technology and the fundamentals that he combines with a fresh perspective to push the extremely talented group of people he has amassed around him to do things the vast majority of people and experts in the world thought were impossible.

Like MAGA supporters, Musk fans were looking for someone to idolize and found him. Now he is destroying himself in front of them and they continue to defend him…. Hilarious…
Now you are just making stuff up to fit your narrative. Painting wide swaths of people with a broad brush may feel emotionally satisfying in the moment but it almost never helps advance a discussion in a positive direction.

People who think Musk can do nothing right are just as much of the problem as those who think he can do no wrong. He is a human. Like all human beings he does good things and bad things. My philosophy for dealing with humans is much like my philosophy for dealing with dogs. I reward/praise behavior I want more of and I punish/criticize/shun behavior I want less of. Painting the world with an over-broad brush and separating people into binary categories often breaks this simple and effective feedback technique.

So let's treat Musk like we should treat all our fellow human beings. Let's criticize him when he does things wrong and praise him when he does things right. Doing it the other way 'round by criticizing his technical chops because we abhor his political and social ... ahem ... naiveté is not helpful.

The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart…
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn​
For the 10000000000000th time, Elon Musk was never “Iron Man”, he was a mouthpiece with true scientist and engineers doing the work and coming up with solutions in the back ground.

How often does this need to be debunked?

Testimony and quotes from a slew of aerospace engineers, astronauts, and more from SpaceX, Nasa, JPL, etc all confirming Elon is deeply involved in the actual design and engineering of everything SpaceX does.

Likewise you can find similar, especially in the roadster days, about his engineering and design work at Tesla-- even from the very other founders who otherwise hate the guy.

There's a LOT of valid criticism of Elon... "He's just a face who does no technical work" is not one of them.
That is not correct. It is not easy, it is very difficult in fact, to come to the realization that there is an underlying medical reason for subtle personality changes.

If it is a 'personality issue', and not secondary to any medical cause, then the best course of action, if you wanted to actually help the person, is a combination of real life consequences, such as being forced out of Tesla, perhaps on a leave of absence, and psychotherapy.

It IS most definitely our problem. No, you can't force him to undergo a medical exam, but leaving things as they are is cruel to him, unfair to us and unfortunate for the future of the planet.

You are trying to justify the way he’s always been by saying there might be an underlying medical condition.

Secondary medical conditions do not cause right wing conspiracy MAGA personality. He grew up a certain way and has always held these beliefs. It’s just the way it is.

Elon Musk the Engineer that couldn’t figure out social media 🤣🤣

Elon: “I need it to go right, not left…. Make it happen captain”

Real Engineer: “yes sir, this is what we did”

Elon: “Thank you, I’ll now do my PR tour and tell people how it went”

Did anyone see the Semi reveal….. sure didn’t look like a great engineer compared to the other fellow….. but yeah Iron Man…
Elon Musk the Engineer that couldn’t figure out social media
Exactly! Unsurprising and as predicted by many of us. Heck, Michael Jordan couldn't make the transition from pro basketball to pro baseball. Going from engineering to social media is a much greater leap.

Oh my freakin' goodness! Elon asked the Everyday Astronaut:

How does YouTube monetization work & what could Twitter do better?

This is like promising to win the Indy 500 and then admitting you don't know how to drive. It appears that Elon literally does not know the first thing about monetizing a social media platform.

Just a few months ago many of Elon's supporters fell for his BS about how poorly Twitter was managed and claimed the Twitter managers were quaking in their boots because Elon was going to use his lawsuit to mop the floor with them. The Elon cheerleaders were wrong. Has there been any apologies or are they continuing to opine pretending they haven't been horribly wrong about most things related to Elon and Twitter?

Elon has been right about a lot of wonderful things: EVs, re-usable space ships, satellite internet and so on. But he seems to be whiffing on his Twitter related assessments. IMO pre-Elon Twitter was a cesspool and of little interest but it now seems clear they got a lot of things right and they got a lot more right than Elon currently is. Just getting Twitter back to where it was before he bought it would be a major victory.

The analogy I've used ever since Elon first started talking about buying Twitter is Michael Jordan's brief stint playing professional baseball. For those who don't know, Michael Jordan was the best basketball player of his generation and maybe the best basketball player of all time. He quit all that to try his hand playing minor league baseball.

It did not go well even though he was one of the most gifted athletes to walk the face of the Earth. He eventually went back to playing basketball. His athletic gifts, his excellent physical shape, even his great determination and competitive spirit did not translate well to baseball.

I predicted it would be the same with Elon and Twitter. I've also said that people with Asperger's are not well suited to running Twitter by tweeting even though Asperger's can be helpful in engineering endeavors. Elon's transition from Tesla to Twitter appears to be a greater abyss than Jordan's transition from basketball to baseball.
I predicted it would be the same with Elon and Twitter. I've also said that people with Asperger's are not well suited to running Twitter by tweeting even though Asperger's can be helpful in engineering endeavors. Elon's transition from Tesla to Twitter appears to be a greater abyss than Jordan's transition from basketball to baseball.

Of course I was roundly mocked and criticized for saying this a mere six weeks ago.
When these mental problems cause him to tweet that he has a deal to take Tesla private at $420 a share, his problems become the problems of all shareholders, people who have shorted Tesla, anyone who has bought or sold derivatives, and may even extend to other EV makers.

This happened a while back correct? Shouldn’t he have been corrected at that point? Why was he allowed to continue on this path and only NOW it has become an issue… people kept buying his product…

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