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Elon & Twitter

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Whatever. I just know that if people weren’t so willing to buy into the negative press by an undoubtedly state compromised media machine perhaps we wouldn’t be where we are as a country.

Elon is exposing that and is being punished for it along with the shareholders of TSLA since Twitter is a private company and they can only do so much in an overt manner.
He's being punished for it because the stuff he is putting out there, the stuff he is saying, goes against what most normal people would think is acceptable. He's being punished for allowing nazis back on the platform? Good! He's being punished for making fun of trans people? Good! He's being punished for attacking our public health professionals and spreading COVID conspiracies and misinformation? Good!
He's being punished for it because the stuff he is putting out there, the stuff he is saying, goes against what most normal people would think is acceptable.
This is not the place for it but I 100% promise you that what most normal people think is acceptable differs from what is being shown as “mainstream” and portrayed as such.
Whatever. I just know that if people weren’t so willing to buy into the negative press by an undoubtedly state compromised media machine perhaps we wouldn’t be where we are as a country.
Citation required. And no, the FBI telling Twitter that a bunch of crap propagating across their systems is false BS doesn't make for a "state compromised media machine". And the reporters at reputable news organizations who reported that Elon got caught lying by internet sleuths about the stalker having anything to do with ElonJet and got the back story of Elon's security people catching up to the Grimes stalker at the gas station and saying "we got you" don't work for the government either. But it's starting to make sense how Elon got that video of the driver so quickly.
Elon is exposing that and is being punished for it along with the shareholders of TSLA since Twitter is a private company and they can only do so much in an overt manner.
People aren't annoyed with Elon because they hate free speech, they're annoyed with him because he freed hate speech. And it turns out, freeing hate speech (if you want to call it "exposing", sure, whatever) is something that the majority of people, including Tesla investors, don't like, and will punish him for.
Keep feeding the monster if you wanna see $100/share, or you can fight back and say no to those who want to subvert common decency and promote societal rot.
I do want to see $100/share or even $50/share if that's what it takes for the BOD to boot him as CEO. I've seen enough. The company still has good fundamentals but it needs to dump the baggage that is Elon, and wash its hands clean of the damage to the brand that he's done.
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This is not the place for it but I 100% promise you that what most normal people think is acceptable differs from what is being shown as “mainstream” and portrayed as such.
So you're saying most people are ok with Nazis on Twitter? And making fun of trans people? That's the United States we live in?
So you're saying most people are ok with Nazis on Twitter? And making fun of trans people? That's the United States we live in?

Notice he said most "normal" people.... one can surely fill in the blanks on what he really means there, but I think being any clearer might run afoul of forum rules.
Notice he said most "normal" people.... one can surely fill in the blanks on what he really means there, but I think being any clearer might run afoul of forum rules.
I did miss the "normal" part. I will leave it at that because I think it speaks volumes. And I think I've been more active on this topic in the past few days than anything I've ever said on TMC. Why? Because I'm part of a community that is often ostracized by people like Musk. Made to feel less than. And I don't want any younger people growing up thinking that he's some kind of person to look up to. He can say whatever is on his mind. That doesn't mean he's free of consequences.
So you're saying most people are ok with Nazis on Twitter? And making fun of trans people? That's the United States we live in?
I’m saying that most people aren’t worried about any of that.

They’re worried about being able to keep the heat on, and being able to put enough fuel in the tank to get to their job(s) so they can keep a roof over their head and feed their kids.

And the few that do have a minute to spare by reading or posting on social media need a voice. EM is giving them that with Twitter 2.0 and if it means a few buttheads get through to spew hate, then they’ll eventually get themselves thrown off Twitter just like they were before being given a second chance.
Notice he said most "normal" people.... one can surely fill in the blanks on what he really means there, but I think being any clearer might run afoul of forum rules.
Normal as in not an activist or really “slacktivist” — I respect activists for actually getting up and doing something (never violence though) even if I don’t agree with their cause.

I shouldn’t have to explain that, but it’s clear that the polarization has affected discourse to the point where we apparently can’t even take someone at their word without seeking ulterior motives. — I’ll admit I’m even guilty of that at times so I won’t grief too much on it.
Wow. If that's true, who was this member of the security team? That guy is in pretty big trouble given that following someone isn't actually a crime, but hitting someone with a vehicle is assault and battery. He should have just taken out his camera and started recording the guy but the moment he used his vehicle as a weapon he crossed a line that could see charges filed against him.
And the few that do have a minute to spare by reading or posting on social media need a voice. EM is giving them that with Twitter 2.0 and if it means a few buttheads get through to spew hate, then they’ll eventually get themselves thrown off Twitter just like they were before being given a second chance.
Actually, it's spewing hate of the type Elon likes that gets you reinstated on Twitter nowadays.
I’m saying that most people aren’t worried about any of that.

They’re worried about being able to keep the heat on, and being able to put enough fuel in the tank to get to their job(s) so they can keep a roof over their head and feed their kids.

And the few that do have a minute to spare by reading or posting on social media need a voice. EM is giving them that with Twitter 2.0 and if it means a few buttheads get through to spew hate, then they’ll eventually get themselves thrown off Twitter just like they were before being given a second chance.

I don't sit here worried about it. But I do call it out when I see it. I don't even know how to respond to 'EM giving them a voice with Twitter 2.0'. He's giving a platform to people that literally think I, or <fill in the blank> shouldn't EXIST. But hey what's wrong with that? They will just get banned and no harm no foul right?
I don't sit here worried about it. But I do call it out when I see it. I don't even know how to respond to 'EM giving them a voice with Twitter 2.0'. He's giving a platform to people that literally think I, or <fill in the blank> shouldn't EXIST. But hey what's wrong with that? They will just get banned and no harm no foul right?

I don’t know how you feel about humanity, I know that I personally still have faith that most people deep down repudiate hateful and toxic actors.

Perhaps EM feels the same way, maybe it’s a naïve thought but as a libertarian I think everyone should have a chance to show you who and what they really are about.

At the end of the day no amount of censorship (well, perhaps maybe CCP level) is going to stop hate, on the contrary it creates a feedback loop of refuse being consumed by hateful people who in turn become radicalized and to that end it’s patently absurd to believe that 50% of the country is that far gone.

We need open dialogue.
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Perhaps EM feels the same way, maybe it’s a naïve thought but as a libertarian I think everyone should have a chance to show you who and what they really are about.

At the end of the day no amount of censorship (well, perhaps maybe CCP level) is going to stop hate, on the contrary it creates a feedback loop of refuse being consumed by hateful people who in turn become radicalized and to that end it’s patently absurd to believe that 50% of the country is that far gone.

We need open dialogue.

I think EM has already shown us who he is and what he's about.

Not letting Nazis back on twitter isn't censorship. It's common sense.
Someone who enjoys attention. Lies. Supports unfounded conspiracy theories and spreads misinformation. Trashes his own trans child by making fun of that community. As a parent, for me, that last bit is the worst.
I have no doubt that there are people that are exploiting his need for attention by giving him positive reinforcement. People you may not agree with.

People that a whole spectrum may not agree with even.

Consider who’s embracing him and who’s taking every cheap shot at him and put yourself in his shoes. Do you want to surround yourself with people who constantly denigrate you because they’ve been told that’s the virtuous thing to do or with people who either have no opinion of you, like your accomplishments or adore you?

Be the change you want to see in Elon and show him some love when he does something you like. It goes a longer way than you think.
Consider who’s embracing him and who’s taking every cheap shot at him and put yourself in his shoes.
18 months ago, most people thought pretty highly of Elon.
Do you want to surround yourself with people who constantly denigrate you because they’ve been told that’s the virtuous thing to do or with people who either have no opinion of you, like your accomplishments or adore you?
Depends on if you want to fix problems or stick your head in the sand.
Be the change you want to see in Elon and show him some love when he does something you like. It goes a longer way than you think.
Respect is earned, not bestowed. When he's freeing hate speech, giving a platform to extremists, and getting distracted from the mission of electrifying vehicles and putting humans on Mars, it's not surprising when he gets booed off the stage at the Dave Chappelle show.
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I really don't get this cancel culture that is taking over US society. It feels extremely toxic. How can you lead a normal life if everyone around you gets divided up in good people versus bad people, based on their political and societal viewpoints. Do people already support or avoid certain companies/stores because they are owned by liberals or conseratives (or vice versa)? As a European I'm seeing a country that is divided to the bone. A poisonous atmosphere in which I can see people with opposing political views starting to kill each other in the not too distant future. Such a different country than the one I lived in for a while 30 years ago.

We are near the end of the cycle:

Younger generation grow up rich, they feel that they didn't earn their wealth, thus they don't value it or feel that they deserve it and reject the system that gave it to them. We have Russia and China fueling this with literal armies of trolls and bots, heck some of them are probably here. China is copying the playbook from England and the Opium Wars with fentanyl leading to a homeless crisis we don't have any good solution to.

Then enter social media, which shows you what you want to see, making you believe that everyone you know agrees with you. Where you can be an asshole without risking physical violence from the other person. Say the things people say to Elon face2face to someone and you have a high risk of a fistfight.

On top of this a pandemic making everyone frustrated, an economic downturn etc. It's a powder keg just looking for any fuel to ignite.
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