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Firmware 5.6

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Mine averages 3 miles lost/24 hours. Garage kept, temp 50-75 degrees. My experience is it is a HUGE improvement in vampire loss. Much greater than 50%.

When stating Vampire loss difference with 5.6, ensure you let people which battery you have (if it's not in your signature) so we can keep things in perspective.
Wait, I thought that was the Microsoft motto, not Tesla's?

ok 4 people have challenged so I've got to answer. If an anomaly happens once after update and is solved by a reboot and never recurs, it's not a bug in my book. If it recurs, it is. There are many interrelated processors and sensors in the S. The update resets them in some sequence. It would not shock me if there's possibility of some parameter mismatch that requires another reboot after update.
ok 4 people have challenged so I've got to answer. If an anomaly happens once after update and is solved by a reboot and never recurs, it's not a bug in my book. If it recurs, it is. There are many interrelated processors and sensors in the S. The update resets them in some sequence. It would not shock me if there's possibility of some parameter mismatch that requires another reboot after update.
I'd suggest you refrain from applying for jobs in QA in the SW arena.

Bugs in SW/FW are about as difficult to track down as genetic quirks that manifest in a minute percentage of humanity.

If you disbelieve that something can be an issue, you'll never find the cause of that issue, whether it exists or is merely a phantom.
When stating Vampire loss difference with 5.6, ensure you let people which battery you have (if it's not in your signature) so we can keep things in perspective.

How much different is the vampire loss between battery sizes? I would think that it's the same onboard computer and all the other stuff sucking the power away? Battery heating might be the only thing that an 85 kWh car uses more power for. Some small differences in range calculations due to efficiency and weight differences too. Generally though I would expect that if an 85 looses 1 or 2 miles overnight then a 60 should see the same loss.
ok 4 people have challenged so I've got to answer. If an anomaly happens once after update and is solved by a reboot and never recurs, it's not a bug in my book. If it recurs, it is. There are many interrelated processors and sensors in the S. The update resets them in some sequence. It would not shock me if there's possibility of some parameter mismatch that requires another reboot after update.

This is possibly going way off topic, but I have to respectfully disagree. If the update does something that requires something to be reset for it to work after the update, the update should do the necessary resetting or should somehow tell the user that they need to do said reset (and even telling them they have to manually reset is probably just a way of documenting a workaround to the bug because the developers are too lazy to fix is correctly). Otherwise, it is a bug - albeit a minor one if it really doesn't ever happen again after a single reset.
How much different is the vampire loss between battery sizes? I would think that it's the same onboard computer and all the other stuff sucking the power away? Battery heating might be the only thing that an 85 kWh car uses more power for. Some small differences in range calculations due to efficiency and weight differences too. Generally though I would expect that if an 85 looses 1 or 2 miles overnight then a 60 should see the same loss.

With 4.5 in my S85 I have been loosing about 15 miles per day (unplugged and idle at an ambient temperature usually in the 80s). people with 60 have been reporting about 10 (if my memory is correct... probably not) but I do remember they were reporting vampire loss that was substantially less than mine (I whish I had those lower numbers) with vampire losses in 5.6 hopefully being less, I was just asking so we can compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. (85=apples, 60=oranges, 40=pomegranates)

Last night when I parked at 8PM I had 225 miles, Today at noon I had 215 miles. that is 10 miles in 16 hours.

example of a 60 had only 9 mile per day.
9 miles per day vampire loss with FW 4.5 is unacceptable. That is 3 kW loss per day. That is unacceptable. With a 60 kW battery, that is 5% loss per day. That is unacceptable.

Another example had 5 miles per day.
My vampire drain over the summer was approx 5 rated miles per day.
60 kWh grey grey leather supercharger enabled tech 19" factory pickup: 2.17.13
And another..
For the record, I think it's more a percentage than a straight mileage loss between the two models. My 60 loses about 5 miles per day, not 9, which seems consistent with other 60 owners.
60kwh | Tech | Leather | Pano | Supercharging | Factory Delivery 8/27
And then there was this
Gear...you're lucky (or I'm unlucky)! I have a 60 and lose roughly 8 mi/day on 4.5, and was losing 10-12 on 4.4.

I can find more examples with 85s that have similar losses to mine with v4.5.
So from posts like these I have concluded that 85s and 60s have different vampire loss.
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When stating Vampire loss difference with 5.6, ensure you let people which battery you have (if it's not in your signature) so we can keep things in perspective.

It is in my signature. This is not a one time 24 hour measure either. It may be just my car/garage/situation but it has held true multiple times.
I can find more examples with 85s that have similar losses to mine with v4.5.
So from posts like these I have concluded that 85s and 60s have different vampire loss.

I believe you, I am just the curious type so I am still left wondering why. If the difference were battery warming then the shore power feature in 4.5 should have decreased the differences between 85s and 60s. It must be related the the simple fact of there being more cells in an 85 and not the consumption of the onboard equipment in the car.
One 5.6 observation...

Centralia (twice) and Woodburn (once) superchargers were limited to 90 kW for me (with < 20 rated remaining) and tapered off to 75 kW in the "middle" SOC (~115 rated).

One random observation...

If you power-cycle the 17" and then the instrument cluster then...
1. supercharging will stop before the instrument cluster goes off
2. the instrument cluster wakes up faster than the 17"
3. supercharging will automatically resume a few moments after they are both awake
Standardizing vampire measurements

I expect that the vampire current varies with temperature, time since last charge, etc.

A more dependable measure would be a before and after where the before is eight hours since driving or charging. So reading miles-remaining at Saturday noon and then again Sunday noon, without using (or charging) the car in between, would be a proper measure. Compare that between OS 4.5 and 5.6.
I expect that the vampire current varies with temperature, time since last charge, etc.

A more dependable measure would be a before and after where the before is eight hours since driving or charging. So reading miles-remaining at Saturday noon and then again Sunday noon, without using (or charging) the car in between, would be a proper measure. Compare that between OS 4.5 and 5.6.

You can probably get it from your nearest service center. It also will come along with the 'download message'.
I have that annoying delay with the charge cable too!
Me too. With 5.6 there is a noticeable delay before the lock engages and the port turns blue. It's a bit annoying as my almost-3-year-old is in charge of plugging in the car and he's learned to keep pushing hard on the plug until the port turns blue. The other day I heard him grunting and groaning with all his might until the light changed. Not a deal breaker but just annoying that something that was working perfectly is now less so. I work in high-tech so I understand the concept that fixing one thing can cause something else to break or change behavior. Still annoying though.

Also we have "solved" our sleep issue by storing the fobs further away from the car. If your car is not sleeping move the fobs further away.