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FSD now $8,000. Who's buying?

How much does FSD need to be for you to buy it?

  • $5K

    Votes: 16 8.2%
  • $4K

    Votes: 10 5.1%
  • $3K

    Votes: 21 10.7%
  • $2K

    Votes: 35 17.9%
  • $1K

    Votes: 46 23.5%
  • $99 a month is the way to go.

    Votes: 65 33.2%
  • $6K

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • $7K

    Votes: 2 1.0%

  • Total voters
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I have to admit I got mine in a mad Demo discount. Wouldn't pay anything for it, but it's nice to have in case it becomes useful and starts riding my kids to school without me in the vehicle. But I doubt that happening within the time I plan to keep the car (hopefully it's transferable to the next one). My guess is my kids will grow up to have their own driving licenses before FSD becomes mainstream reliable.
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Yea it's hard to invest in a promise that has no real timeline. We've been chasing a carrot for a long time. To Tesla's credit, at least they had the wits to open up the FSD trial to hyper gather data to accelerate the autonomy, but man for those that paid $15K, that's painful. Now if the FSD was attached to the account that'd be less painful.

Very few people keep their Tesla long enough for the monthly sub to not make sense. Even at $8K and with the monthly at $99 bucks, that's still almost 7 years, which is a loooonng time to own a current EV.
FSD is $8K.

But what happened to EAP? EAP has been removed. So, it's either basic (free) or FSD?
EAP was removed before and only brought back because FSD was so far from complete. Now that Tesla sees FSDS a complete (out of Beta) system they see no need to offer EAP. Of course Tesla being Tesla they could bring it back at any time.
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FSD is $8K.

But what happened to EAP? EAP has been removed. So, it's either basic (free) or FSD?
If you previously purchased EAP for $6000 (like me) you can now do a $2000 one time purchase to get FSD. (Which makes complete sense, of course given the new $8K FSD price.) This is confirmed in my Tesla app.

The monthly subscription to FSD (for an EAP owner) is still $99/month, however.

So to answer the original question...I may jump at the $2000 one time purchase. I plan on owning my car for another 8+ years, and I suspect I would do the one - off monthy subsciption more than twice a year.

If the price was $7000 ($1000 upgrade), it would be a no brainer for me. At $8000 ($2000 upgrade)...I'm on the fence.
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Back in July of 2018 I bought my Model 3 with EAP ($5K) and added the vaporware FSD promise ($3K) for grins and chuckles. Nice to see that over the 6 years since of hugely varying prices, things are now back to what they were 6 years ago. Admittedly the software does a few more things better than it did 6 years ago, and several things far worse. But at least we now have consistent pricing. My sympathies to those who paid 5-digit prices for their vaporware.
Back in July of 2018 I bought my Model 3 with EAP ($5K) and added the vaporware FSD promise ($3K) for grins and chuckles. Nice to see that over the 6 years since of hugely varying prices, things are now back to what they were 6 years ago. Admittedly the software does a few more things better than it did 6 years ago, and several things far worse. But at least we now have consistent pricing. My sympathies to those who paid 5-digit prices for their vaporware.
I neither have sympathies or nor envy for anyone purchasing FSD at any given price. You either purchase it because you feel its value at the time your purchased it was worth it....or you don't.
It’s way more tempting at $8000, and V12 is astonishingly good, but it still requires too much help from the driver to be considered “self driving” or anywhere near “robo taxi.” But unlike some others, I think V12 suggests they may actually reach full “self driving” at least in many cases. I’m still not sure how they’ll deal with pitch darkness, pouring rain, snow or ice covered roads…
I feel for folks who bought FSD at $15K, $12K, etc... But even at $8K it is way overpriced. The max I would pay is $3K assuming it actually works. I expect to keep this car no more than 3 years. Otherwise, I'd go the Subscription route and then maybe just when I do road trips. IF the FSD was fully transferable to any Tesla the owner buys, that might be worth it over the long run and would help Tesla retain customers. Wasted opportunity the way Tesla connects the software to the car and not the owner.
I bought all of it for 5K during the 2019 fire sale. I didn’t even have TACC. For that price, I thought it was worth it for that current functionality.

If Tesla allowed license transfers to follow your profile while you owned their vehicles (even for a small transfer fee), that would be fantastic for customer retention. Would also be great if you could use it on rentals with your profile. I’d pay the 8k for that. For now if I didn’t have it, I’d stick with the 99 per month.
I feel for folks who bought FSD at $15K, $12K, etc... But even at $8K it is way overpriced. The max I would pay is $3K assuming it actually works. I expect to keep this car no more than 3 years. Otherwise, I'd go the Subscription route and then maybe just when I do road trips. IF the FSD was fully transferable to any Tesla the owner buys, that might be worth it over the long run and would help Tesla retain customers. Wasted opportunity the way Tesla connects the software to the car and not the owner.
I mostly agree. However, $8K is not "just" for FSD on city streets. It also provides EAP on the highway (which is very, very good). And having the currently available EAP for highway driving (if you do lots of that) can be worth it. It was worth it to me at $6K.

If Tesla does get Actually Smart Summon and Banish working as well, then I think $8K is reasonable...irrespective if you use supervised FSD on city streets. Otherwise I would say it makes more sense to go the subscription route for those times when you want to utilize EAP or supervised FSD.
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Tesla needs to make it transferable and that will get more people to buy and then lock them into future Tesla’s. Seems like a no brainer move. Otherwise, why buy it when you can subscribe.
All depends on how long you expect to own the car. For someone like me who generally purchases a car and holds on to it for 10 years, purchasing can economically make much more sense.
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I mostly agree. However, $8K is not "just" for FSD on city streets. It also provides EAP on the highway (which is very, very good). And having the currently available EAP for highway driving (if you do lots of that) can be worth it. It was worth it to me at $6K.

If Tesla does get Actually Smart Summon and Banish working as well, then I think $8K is reasonable...irrespective if you use supervised FSD on city streets. Otherwise I would say it makes more sense to go the subscription route for those times when you want to utilize EAP or supervised FSD.
Actually I don't see EAP on the Tesla website or in the Tesla App anymore. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place? Or maybe they bring it back after a price adjustment.

There is a market for FSD, but the take rate at $15K was obviously not high enough so they dropped the price to $12K. Again I assume the take rate was not high enough and they dropped it to $8K. I don't see any market for $100K FSD. Tesla is opening up the 30 day trial (I still don't have it) and lowering the price to increase sales. And I think that probably will increase sales, the only question is how much. We'll see. I look forward to being able to try Ver 12 myself. I've seen plenty of YouTube videos. Even if I feel it is helpful, at $8K it still is too high for me. For someone who has a long commute every day maybe it is attractive. But for me not at that price and especially if I can't keep it. But on occasion I'd probably take the $99/mo subscription if I plan a road trip or to test out future versions.
Actually I don't see EAP on the Tesla website or in the Tesla App anymore. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place? Or maybe they bring it back after a price adjustment.
Correct...they are not offering EAP at the moment. But plenty of owners (like me) have already purchased EAP for their vehicles. These owners can now "upgrade" to FSD for $2000.

With EAP, I already get Autopark and "supervised self driving on the highway". When available, I will get Summon/smart summon.

What I don't get with EAP is supervised self driving on City Streets and Traffic Light control.
...I don't see any market for $100K FSD.
We have to separate what "Supervised FSD" is worth, vs. what the goal is worth: level 3 autonomy and Level 4 autonomy.

I think $100K (plus the cost of the vehicle itself) is a bit much for any level of autonomy....tens of thousands of dollars for Level 4? Certainly.

I personally don't see that much consumer value in supervised FSD on city streets. If they can get it to at least level 3 on highways...that's a different ballgame.

Tesla is opening up the 30 day trial (I still don't have it) and lowering the price to increase sales.
I actually don't think it is to increase sales per se. I think it is to at least temporarily increase use / engagement for more data collection. I also think it is to allow them to recognize more revenue (on the balance sheet) for the FSD sales made to date. Any increase in sales is, imo, an indirect result of the desire for more data.

... But on occasion I'd probably take the $99/mo subscription if I plan a road trip or to test out future versions.
That's how I look at it.

However, if they get to level3 + ? I would start insisting that my "getting older" parents buy a tesla and subscribe or buy "level 3+" autonomy for their daily driving.