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FSD sub worth it for holiday roadtrips?

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Phantom braking pisses off my woman and makes my friends think Tesla is retarded that it can’t even drive in a straight lane with regular cruise control. I kind of find it embarrassing considering I always try to say good things about Tesla cars (notice I said cars and not customer service, for a reason). At this point I pretty much use AP/FSD only when I’m alone. It all broke once they cut the radar and went full vision.
This^^^^^!!! My wife refuses to even ride in the car anymore after the 10.3 PB debacle. Scared the living $#*@ out of her. She also wants to up my life insurance 🤣 because of how unsafe Beta FSD is. I’m not kidding. Miss my radar too. PV is trash.

This^^^^^!!! My wife refuses to even ride in the car anymore after the 10.3 PB debacle. Scared the living $#*@ out of her. She also wants to up my life insurance 🤣 because of how unsafe Beta FSD is. I’m not kidding. Miss my radar too. PV is trash.

In the last 2+ years, my wife has never let me use AP with her, let alone FSD Beta.

Actually, if I were the passenger, I'd probably freakout with the way FSD Beta drives. It has to be a lot smoother and more polished before it would be acceptable to others.
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This^^^^^!!! My wife refuses to even ride in the car anymore after the 10.3 PB debacle. Scared the living $#*@ out of her. She also wants to up my life insurance 🤣 because of how unsafe Beta FSD is. I’m not kidding. Miss my radar too. PV is trash.

Ha, same here, wife says don't use FSD while I'm in the car. And then I was just using Cruise control in a 50-mph road and it slams on the brakes at a cross walk and nobody around, wife says don't use that either. Tesla still the best top dog electric out there but in the next few years I think they're going to be dethroned. This self-driving bs is getting really old.
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…I wanted to ask to those who've tried out FSD on long road trips, is it any better than the standard AP?
Waste of $200? Or will its greatly improve my road trip experience compared to standard AP?
Maybe. As others have noted, the value-add is Auto Lane Change and you have to determined its worth for you. That said, another factor is whether your car displays frequent phantom braking. If not, spend the two Benjamins and try FSD out. If you are subject to PB as my vehicle is, save the money because you’ll not get close to using the features unless you’re driving alone and enjoy tense driving just waiting for the next terrifying PB event to happen with a tractor-trailer rig tailgating you at highway speeds. And if you have pets or human passengers, especially a spouse, you will have no opportunity to use any of the subscription services as you will be forbidden to use TACC to avoid the PB. On the plus side, not using those features will cause you very much less stress driving. Note that many, many others have positive experiences with FSD but they tend to not suffer much from PB in the base case.

M3LR RWD here with several 1300-mile roadtrips. Radar Car purchased with EAP/FSD new in 07/2018...should’ve saved the $8k.
If you're going up the 395, there's so little traffic that auto lane change is not really useful. On the 5, it's a different discussion.
Not to derail my own thread but it seems like you have experience with this drive. Currently there is a Contrl level R1 for chains in a 10 mile stretch near tahoe.
Can my Model Y LR awd be ok in that without chains?

On another note, my M3 SR+ with vision+radar AP was rock solid. I trusted it, it took blind corners around mountain roads on 1 lane highways, with trucks coming from the other direction AT NIGHT, like a champ.

I do no trust my MY LR vision only AP at night at all. Its such a shame