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Full FSD Free Trial: Why I'd never buy it . . . ever.

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I definitely want FSD in non-freeway situation. So, if I didn't want FSD on freeways, this is exactly what I'd do. If the workaround works, its not ridiculous ;)
I want the ability to choose when I want FSD and when I don’t. Lord Elon has decided that forcing people to use FSD all the time or not at all is more important to him than customer choice.

Like I already said, there is next to zero chance I will be giving Tesla more money for FSD any time in the foreseeable future, so it’s really no skin off my back. But calling out stupid UI/UX choices is something anyone can participate in. 👍🏻

Sounds like you have an investment to protect so are a bit more forgiving.
But calling out stupid UI/UX choices is something anyone can participate in. 👍🏻

Sounds like you have an investment to protect so are a bit more forgiving.
Well, I sell both puts & calls. So really "no skin off my back" either.

As a long time software designer - I know one has to always make tough decisions on prioritization. Nothing to do "investment to protect", whatever that means.
Who says you’d even notice me? Cops don’t.

Relentless safe driving, even when it is swift, is nearly invisible to law enforcement. They’re trying to prevent dangerous or careless driving that could result in accidents or disrupt the flow of traffic.

During a family gathering in Boston a niece once asked me how I could complete trips so quickly yet never get tickets - unlike her dad. I shared the above guidance.

As we were preparing to leave for home in Philadelphia she asked if we could drop her in Manhattan on our way. We agreed and I demonstrated the technique.

We reached our suburban Philadelphia home in slightly less than 4.5 hours, including a detour to Penn Station in Manhattan.

Still, I purchased FSD for our 2017 Model S as a wager that the system would get smarter faster than my driving skills would erode with age. My wife and I saw our parents’ driving devolution. The car starts looking like a punching bag; the parents stop driving after dark; they stop driving at all and their social circle shrinks…

I’m solidly past retirement age now and It’s working out so far, even with its shortcomings and supervision. Though I generally don’t try to drive as swiftly as I did a decade or two earlier.

I’ve also discovered that FSD is better at navigating in an unfamiliar area than I am.
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People have shown, time and time again, that even though most consider themselves good drivers, they still get into thousands of accidents every day.
My theory - 90% of men consider themselves to be above-average lovers. Even though a sizable percentage of their partners may assign a lower ranking.

Same goes for self-ranking of driving skill.

In any contest of speed, 50% of the drivers will finish in the back half of the field.
Never in a million years. Like many I received the free FSD trial in my 2023 Model 3 Performance. I accepted. And though I still have a few days left will not sign up for it - and - from a safety perspective - would never use it.

Opinion: [Yes - opinion based on my driving it all over town]
[My driving experience - I am an aggressive driver. I have owned a 911 for ten years. I own an FX4 3.5L 2019 F150. I also own a 2013 off road upgraded Wrangler JK. I have done Bondurant. I have road driving skills and off road driving skills. I am an instrument rated pilot and have a tail wheel endorsement - I am used to having a fast OODA loop and drive the same way. I have never had an accident, and have never been convicted of a moving violation - my insurance record is pristine. That said - I don't want anyone monitoring my driving because an insurers bot would determine after 50 years of perfect driving I'm a horrible risk. Competence is shown by facts, not actuarial conclusions based on G force and throttle use.]

FSD stinks. Two words. Its slow, buggy, inefficient, operates last second, scares the crap out a driver who is looking three cars ahead, and, sometimes, disconnects when it gets confused.

We have an intersection where there are three lanes. I come in from the T. There are two travel lanes. The right lane coming from the left exits right and there is a physical barrier to prevent people from continuing. The entry lane from the T is dedicated for 100 yards - with rubber traffic cones preventing anyone from exiting the lane or coming into the new lane. FSD literally gives up and disconnects at this intersection every single time. While many humans also hesitate here because they cannot process what they are seeing - FSD gives up, after approaching the intersection at 10 mph and being unable to process the lanes and entry.

Next, changing lanes. FSD is like a blind and deaf 85 year old in a 65' Coupe D'Ville. If there is a gap in the lane next to you that requires a simple 3-5mph acceleration, you'll never make it - the car ALWAYS slows down first and will not speed up and will not make a lane change in less than 10 seconds - it takes FOREVER to decide its safe to go. If you've ever been in LA or NYC traffic and needed to change lanes you need to jump in the lane before the other car occupies the space - FSD would NEVER do that.

Curves: If you are coming arounbd a curve with an empty lane in front of you but the other lane or lanes are backed up, FSD will slam on the brakes to stop 'seeing' a car in front of you even though there is no one in your lane. This is not a complex algo - 'see the lane,' see where the vehicles actually are - a computer that it 10,000x faster than a human mind should be able to do this.

Speed limits: Yes - I exceed the limit occasionally along with 95% of other drivers - beeping to get my attention that FSD will not brake is not helpful. All the beeping for every little thing is annoying - and distracting as hell.

Following distances: FSD is jerky - it wants to maintain a distance but is slow to accelerate and then slow to decelerate. In the average scenario where I could simply remove my foot from the accelerator and coast to a stop /hold - the car continues to use throttle and hits the brakes once it ascertains the closing rate is increasing. Likewise, on the highway, it slows down when it sees a faster vehicle and then takes its sweet time accelerating back up to speed - and sometimes never does. even basic autopilot has this issue. This is atypical to how a driver operates a vehicle. I see a red light I start to feather a throttle to come to a stop before coming to the light or line of cars - thats efficient driving.

To anyone who likes their self driving program - I'll dare you to a trip. Anywhere - rush hour, not rush hour. We start from the same point and same time - and I'll bet you that even if we drive the same speeds I'll still beat you to the destination and have more power remaining. . . . and not have to see my BP jump up because the car turns into a turn slow or disconnects or comes roaring up on group of stopped cars and slams on the brakes.

This is not how a trained driver drives - and certainly not how most humans drive either.
I have a friend just like you, and FSD is not meant for either of you - yet. By the time you get old and you will need it, it will be there for you.
For now it is meant for people who DO NOT LIKE DRIVING or are complete ANTI-TALENT or have some disability like very thick glasses. There are too many of them around. And for people who are busy and prefer to work or bored and prefer to watch a movie during their 45min rush hour commute.
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I agree with the OP and am shocked that this has been promoted as anywhere near ready for anything resembling public usage. If the goal is 'robotaxi,' we are several AUs away from that being even a beta. Unless you want a drunken, high robotaxi.

I get what FSD is trying to achieve and I get that Tesla is the first car to even try to get there, but nah this sucks. It's bad enough that I will sell my (small) remaining position in TSLA because if their value proposition is self-driving, it isn't happening before I'm ancient.

For the first day I was literally screaming constant rants for the six second "notes" they ask for when you disengage it... because I couldn't get more than 30 seconds out of it without needing to do something to make it not drive like garbage.

It can't even stop correctly. A stop light, a stop sign... It makes a comically early stop, I assume to check off the 'not a rolling stop' box, then begins rolling up to where it can actually see what's going on. What is the point of this? Come to a stop at the appropriate place, not 20 feet behind the tree line.

It's SUPER slow and super uncertain; it can't navigate complex intersections at all, and even simple ones are a drunken gamble. Honestly I don't know how people have the patience to let this thing drive you to a destination. I've even started off saying "okay, I'm just going to let it go and not interfere.." then forty seconds later I find myself mashing the accelerator. Let's go! What is happening?!

No thank you.
Sometimes I pine for the days of simple cruise control. Just maintain my speed. I don’t need a bitchin’ Betty in my car too.
I'm actually working on that option for my car right now. The PCB I designed should arrive in the next few days and then I'll get to start snooping CAN data and writing firmware to use the steering wheel controls to control my new cruise options to make the car behave exactly like I want it to. Initially I'll just be tweaking the TACC acceleration and braking behavior, but I'll go full "traffic UNaware" cruise control if I need to.
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Evidently you may have been under those rocks.

Well, that's a well balanced and civilized start to a conversation.

How many times do humans run red lights? Or break traffic laws?

How many times does Tesla FSD does all of the above?

Answer - you have no clue.
Even though you are defending it, with zero data to backup your or Musk's claims.

Because Tesla has consistently failed to disclose the stats on FSD performance. To anyone.
It's all been smoke an mirrors for 7+ years running.

Get a clue!
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Well, that's a well balanced and civilized start to a conversation.

How many times does Tesla FSD does all of the above?

Answer - you have no clue.
Even though you are defending it, with zero data to backup your or Musk's claims.

Because Tesla has consistently failed to disclose the stats on FSD performance. To anyone.
It's all been smoke an mirrors for 7+ years running.

Get a clue!

I have a clue.

But first, when you come back to me with a snide remark about what I said, remember, it was only a response to yours.

I've been driving FSD for years, both me and my wife, I don't think that we've EVER had FSD at all. Let me take that back, she said "once" and that's because the traffic lights were so far apart that it had problems detecting them.
Between the two of us, we've probably got well over 50,000 miles on FSD, anywhere from surface streets to Interstates.

How many do you have?
Never in a million years. Like many I received the free FSD trial in my 2023 Model 3 Performance. I accepted. And though I still have a few days left will not sign up for it - and - from a safety perspective - would never use it.

Opinion: [Yes - opinion based on my driving it all over town]
[My driving experience - I am an aggressive driver. I have owned a 911 for ten years. I own an FX4 3.5L 2019 F150. I also own a 2013 off road upgraded Wrangler JK. I have done Bondurant. I have road driving skills and off road driving skills. I am an instrument rated pilot and have a tail wheel endorsement - I am used to having a fast OODA loop and drive the same way. I have never had an accident, and have never been convicted of a moving violation - my insurance record is pristine. That said - I don't want anyone monitoring my driving because an insurers bot would determine after 50 years of perfect driving I'm a horrible risk. Competence is shown by facts, not actuarial conclusions based on G force and throttle use.]

FSD stinks. Two words. Its slow, buggy, inefficient, operates last second, scares the crap out a driver who is looking three cars ahead, and, sometimes, disconnects when it gets confused.

We have an intersection where there are three lanes. I come in from the T. There are two travel lanes. The right lane coming from the left exits right and there is a physical barrier to prevent people from continuing. The entry lane from the T is dedicated for 100 yards - with rubber traffic cones preventing anyone from exiting the lane or coming into the new lane. FSD literally gives up and disconnects at this intersection every single time. While many humans also hesitate here because they cannot process what they are seeing - FSD gives up, after approaching the intersection at 10 mph and being unable to process the lanes and entry.

Next, changing lanes. FSD is like a blind and deaf 85 year old in a 65' Coupe D'Ville. If there is a gap in the lane next to you that requires a simple 3-5mph acceleration, you'll never make it - the car ALWAYS slows down first and will not speed up and will not make a lane change in less than 10 seconds - it takes FOREVER to decide its safe to go. If you've ever been in LA or NYC traffic and needed to change lanes you need to jump in the lane before the other car occupies the space - FSD would NEVER do that.

Curves: If you are coming arounbd a curve with an empty lane in front of you but the other lane or lanes are backed up, FSD will slam on the brakes to stop 'seeing' a car in front of you even though there is no one in your lane. This is not a complex algo - 'see the lane,' see where the vehicles actually are - a computer that it 10,000x faster than a human mind should be able to do this.

Speed limits: Yes - I exceed the limit occasionally along with 95% of other drivers - beeping to get my attention that FSD will not brake is not helpful. All the beeping for every little thing is annoying - and distracting as hell.

Following distances: FSD is jerky - it wants to maintain a distance but is slow to accelerate and then slow to decelerate. In the average scenario where I could simply remove my foot from the accelerator and coast to a stop /hold - the car continues to use throttle and hits the brakes once it ascertains the closing rate is increasing. Likewise, on the highway, it slows down when it sees a faster vehicle and then takes its sweet time accelerating back up to speed - and sometimes never does. even basic autopilot has this issue. This is atypical to how a driver operates a vehicle. I see a red light I start to feather a throttle to come to a stop before coming to the light or line of cars - thats efficient driving.

To anyone who likes their self driving program - I'll dare you to a trip. Anywhere - rush hour, not rush hour. We start from the same point and same time - and I'll bet you that even if we drive the same speeds I'll still beat you to the destination and have more power remaining. . . . and not have to see my BP jump up because the car turns into a turn slow or disconnects or comes roaring up on group of stopped cars and slams on the brakes.

This is not how a trained driver drives - and certainly not how most humans drive either.
I wouldnt buy it either if my expectations were that it would drive the car unsupervised in its current state.
Well, that's a well balanced and civilized start to a conversation.

How many times does Tesla FSD does all of the above?

Answer - you have no clue.
Even though you are defending it, with zero data to backup your or Musk's claims.

Because Tesla has consistently failed to disclose the stats on FSD performance. To anyone.
It's all been smoke an mirrors for 7+ years running.

Get a clue!
I’ve only done about 60k miles combined on a MYP and a MSP and have yet to have it run a light. Not saying nobody has but in my use case I have my data.
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