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HW2.5 capabilities

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Is this the right forum to ask if anybody knows when the newest vehicles will get their traffic aware cruise control turned on? I've had my S for a month now and cruise remains disabled. I read somewhere the delay is due to calibrating new radar sensors, but I've been unable to find a good thread
Heck, I'd be happy with plain ole dumb cruise control - the car is so smooth that I'm going to get a speeding ticket pretty soon.
Is this the right forum to ask if anybody knows when the newest vehicles will get their traffic aware cruise control turned on? I've had my S for a month now and cruise remains disabled. I read somewhere the delay is due to calibrating new radar sensors, but I've been unable to find a good thread
Heck, I'd be happy with plain ole dumb cruise control - the car is so smooth that I'm going to get a speeding ticket pretty soon.

The adaptive crusie (TACC) should be enabled already. Only Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) is disabled on the latest HW2.5 cars?

Does your car have EAP purchased? It is required for TACC.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist" - KS

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - FDR

"There is nothing which is not the subject of debate, and in which men of learning are not of contrary opinions. The most trivial question escapes not our controversy, and in the most momentous we are not able to give any certain decision. Disputes are multiplied, as if every thing was uncertain; and these disputes are managed with the greatest warmth, as if everything was certain. Amidst all this bustle 'tis not reason, which carries the prize, but eloquence; and no man needs ever despair of gaining proselytes to the most extravagant hypothesis, who has art enough to represent it in any favourable colours. The victory is not gained by the men at arms, who manage the pike and sword; but by the trumpeters, drummers, and musicians of the army." - Hume, from the opening of the Treatise

Tesla car ownership ranks as not even a drop in the ocean in terms of what is at stake. You are either formally schooled in the art of persuasion or you're an autodidact - but you're the best I've seen - and your persistence is breathtaking.

Few at this point think the company will disappear - but there is still tremendous pressure on the current valuation - more pressure than any other company now or ever. I believe about $10B on the line currently. Identifying specific professional - influencers - is difficult if not impossible. But to posit that such persons are not at work inside closely monitored discussion forums (both by corporate, press and investors) is naive, given what is at stake. The current race to autonomy is the largest lever on stock price at the moment and this sub-forum (while I often make fun of its relevance) is the center of discussion of said race.

Tesla is of course a story stock - confidence is what keeps it aloft at this point because its price cannot be justified by current performance.

I have been around a lot of car clubs and forums over the years, and I've been a member of and president of some real life car clubs. I have never seen anything like the phenomenon here at TMC.

One would expect, as time goes by, sophisticated groups to adapt - to drop amateur tactics like yammering on about suspension failure.

The shorting pressure has existed for years now - certainly as far back as 2014. In any case - you have a lovely evening @AnxietyRanger - it's always a pleasure discussing Tesla with you. And yes - I'm an odd fish - thanks for noticing ;)
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I don't disagree with #923 at all. I just don't think the stock story is relevant to me - or here for that matter. Is it possible some posters are motivated by stock interests? Certainly, that is a burden we must live with at times.
The adaptive crusie (TACC) should be enabled already. Only Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) is disabled on the latest HW2.5 cars?

Does your car have EAP purchased? It is required for TACC.

Yes on EAP. I bought FSD even.
I emailed my Delivery Specialist too with the same question. I think I got a letter or email that said Tesla was calibrating for 3-6 weeks, and then it would be turned on. But I can't find it anywhere, so I'm not sure I wasn't hallucinating.
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What do you mean? eyeq3 already does this.

I have to know, just sincerely wondering if you think it's even possible that you may be wrong on some of these arguments?
Does anyone do that here? That's the age old question. How many inches to give when the opposition isn't giving even one. It is a balancing act.

FWIW, I'd argue I acknowledge opposing points much more often that @Krugerrand :D
Ah the age-old, I challenge you to give me the last word. It is quite common on the Internet these days. ;) Tip: There is also the variant of it, where the other party reports they are leaving the convo, with one more (final!) message, and letting the opposing guy to have the last word. This is sort of a faux-taking-the-high-road exit. That actually works better at shutting the other party up, because the guy being told to get the last word have a vested interest in showing they don't want or need it. Had you tried that, I probably would have responded by silence. (Though now that I've stated this publicly, it no longer probably works. So, a bad tip. Sorry.)

You are a weird fish, @calisnow. I did not expect this follow-up post after your very conciliatory summary above. I wonder if it wouldn't have been best for all to leave it at that, but you - for whatever reason - felt the urge to go further. We've all been there of course, yours truly included. I am no better than you, so I continue too.

Anyway, I am both 1) a mere hobbyist and 2) going to answer your post - by saying: because I am a mere hobbyist, neither long nor short TSLA or any vested interest in the industry, I can totally not care about the business brilliance of Elon Musk.

As long as I believe overall Tesla is not going to disappear - a mission killer would be detrimental to my interests, like Tesla car ownership, of course - I don't care about any of the stuff you listed in your post. And because I do believe Model 3 and Tesla will succeed sufficiently, I care only about the products, product road maps and their merits, because I am into technology and into cars - both as an intellectual exercise as well as a consumer of them.

What I have posted in this thread is my honest assessment of where the technologies are at this time, from what is publicly known. That's what I care about and that's what I'm commenting on.

Does someone doth protest too much? :)

I will say in @calisnow's defense, the fact that @AnxietyRanger so eloquently uses the terms "TSLA" and "vested interest" in his denial, and @Bladerskb has the most impressive collection of anti-testa video I've ever seen, let's just say I too have wondered about the authenticity in my treasured TMC "safe-space."

I mean, consider one of my favorites, @lunitiks. His posts are balanced, and yet, somehow, I feel like I know that dude, even though we've never met..... His posts tell me two things... 1) There is really good wifi on the psych ward, and 2) He is definitely not here to sow dissent.

So, let's hear about you guys... consider me the Oprah of the TMC thread. I want to see some tearful confessions, now show me where on the doll did mobileye touch you?
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So what you're saying is that the added dGPU is for computing redundancy, not power? Does that make sense @verygreen?
The board schematics I saw said "Parker backup" or some such. note that parker chip itself includes 256 cuda cores or some such, which is of course is still quite a bit fewer than dedicated chip.
That said looking at the device trees for primary/backup node while I do see there's no display on the backup node, I am not sure the pascal one is not there either.
Whoever has hw2.5 come drive by my place and we'll log into the b-node and see for ourselves what's in there as seen by the kernel. No teardown required.

Is this the same for Model S/X "more like 2.1" that is now there, and Model 3? Because Model 3 does have a different HW setup at least... and it has the interior camera, though that could of course connect through a different system...

@verygreen does HW 2.5 have the same hardware on Model S/X than on Model 3?
They should be mostly the same, but we need a teardown to confirm (probably complicated for model 3 by it being in the same enclosure with other stuff and being watercooled). hw2.5 S/X cars should be there in the wild already, so just need to find another hero to take a hit for the team (also protip - do edit out all barcodes and serial numbers in your pictures, don't forget to have a throwaway account and remove geolocation tags from the images as well).
Excellent answer @verygreen. Doesn't a second unit like that also automatically mean more processing power, not just redundancy?

Does someone doth protest too much? :)

I will say in @calisnow's defense, the fact that @AnxietyRanger so eloquently uses the terms "TSLA" and "vested interest" in his denial, and @Bladerskb has the most impressive collection of anti-testa video I've ever seen, let's just say I too have wondered about the authenticity in my treasured TMC "safe-space."

I would judge by the amount of protesting, there may be some TSLA vested people on this thread that are not me. ;) It is a thing that separates TMC from most car owners' forums for sure. Now, not all are just interested in the stock, for others the business interest is more akin to some Apple followers that also place an unusual amount of attention at the company's business as a part of the hobbyist experience.

If a car/tech person comes talking cars/tech to people who are eco/investor people instead, it is bound to turn awkward at some point. :)
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It looks like corner radars might be available in some configurations. The front radar is listed as a Bosch unit so I'm assuming @BigD0g has AP2.0. I wonder if 2.5 includes these corner radars.

Just to set the record straight and be a record.

If HW 2.5 has corner radars they will be able to achieve L4 (real L4 not basic) highway autonomy in 2021.
Their computing system will be sufficient without even tapping into the reserve. Remember they have about 4 TLFOPS and Mobileye's eyeq4 has 2.5 Tflops and ME will use two of those for highway autonomy. So Tesla should able to achieve L4 self driving with it.

HW 2.0 however is dead in the waters.

Also if HW2.5 has corner radar they will be able to achieve L4 self driving in suburb neighborhood and communities with the additional gpu (8 TFLOPS). Suburb neighborhood have pristine road marking and wide lanes and no pedestrians, cyclists, constructions and road debris.

Therefore Tesla will start using its Tesla network around 2022 in suburb areas they have mapped and heavily validated.
Then they will allow owners to use their car for ride share.
Sorta like what voyage is doing.

Voyage’s first self-driving car deployment – Voyage

Urban traffic however will require lidar and musk will come to his sense in 2020 and this was what i meant by all L3+ cars will require lidar. I'm speaking of urban environment.
Just to set the record straight and be a record.

If HW 2.5 has corner radars they will be able to achieve L4 (real L4 not basic) highway autonomy in 2021.
Their computing system will be sufficient without even tapping into the reserve. Remember they have about 4 TLFOPS and Mobileye's eyeq4 has 2.5 Tflops and ME will use two of those for highway autonomy. So Tesla should able to achieve L4 self driving with it.

HW 2.0 however is dead in the waters.

Also if HW2.5 has corner radar they will be able to achieve L4 self driving in suburb neighborhood and communities with the additional gpu (8 TFLOPS). Suburb neighborhood have pristine road marking and wide lanes and no pedestrians, cyclists, constructions and road debris.

Therefore Tesla will start using its Tesla network around 2022 in suburb areas they have mapped and heavily validated.
Then they will allow owners to use their car for ride share.
Sorta like what voyage is doing.

Voyage’s first self-driving car deployment – Voyage

Urban traffic however will require lidar and musk will come to his sense in 2020 and this was what i meant by all L3+ cars will require lidar. I'm speaking of urban environment.

Wow, and I thought typing in a Russian accent was impossible. Who knew so many suburb neighborhood in Michigan were short commute to Moscow? da?
I don't think so, TMC forum shouldn't be a place that individuals who are willing or hired to mislead with false identities to foment dissent or shorting a stock. @calisnow had really good points on this subject and I don't think it is being taken seriously. My opinion is that people should be authentic forum members or be gone...

Everyone knows I am a light hearted guy who doesn't want to restrict opinions. but some folks are just shorting shorting shorting and it's pathetic.
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@buttershrimp I thought you were joking. If your innuendo is intended to merely discredit other members who make valuable contributions, like @Bladerskb above, that is IMO even wrose.
@AnxietyRanger you sound increasingly - not happy. Also you appear to be trying to now actually coerce forum members to do as you say - steer topics where you want them - not merely discuss issues - and you have a clear "provide cover fire" team strategy going on here where if anyone says anything about bladerskb you immediately jump in and either smear the character of the person pointing out something odd or simply defend bladerskb. For example it was really, really strange when I tagged him in a post recently (not even insulting him) and you immediately jumped in and attempted to "translate" for him to the entire forum - claiming you found it "obvious" that he meant something he actually did not say.

Bladerskb does not sound like the same person in post 932 as in any of his earlier posts - not even slightly the same - as whoever was using his handle earlier this year. Yet the post is not satire - it is simply straightforward technical explanation. But the voice is not that of a native English speaker. The sentence structure is different, the tone is different -> but the grammar, syntax and idiomatic missteps are the key giveaway here. He sounds like someone with a strong grasp of the technical side of autonomy, educated, with an academically sufficient working grasp of English that he has not bothered to completely polish because he is too busy doing - something else.

The bladerskb handle now looks like the work of a team of multiple people - and somebody on the team just slipped up.

What IS in common with the earlier and current posts of bladerskb is that both posters have a lot of knowledge of Mobileye and steadfastly defend it while making claims that Tesla cannot achieve certain autonomy levels on AP 2 hardware - strangely echoing what a GM executive has been widely quoted in the press saying recently. The timing is uncanny.

Why the different grammar all of a sudden? It appears someone took over his account - carelessly I might add because of the obvious non-native speaker giveaways - but why? If the account was taken over - why? Why now? Internal dispute over content? The primary spokesman get sick or is otherwise unavailable? Dispute over compensation? This is the closest to a smoking gun of a "team" account used to push out a particular viewpoint as TMC has ever had.

To the mods I am NOT accusing @Bladerskb of being a troll - this is not a troll post whatsoever. It is appears to be a team effort to push forth a particular viewpoint over an extended period of time.

@ecarfan @bonnie @Canuck @NerdUno @buttershrimp - read 932 then read earlier posts by the same author - see if you can get the mods to check the logs - if we are lucky and the team was careless enough they might not have cloaked the IP.
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@buttershrimp I thought you were joking. If your innuendo is intended to merely discredit other members who make valuable contributions, like @Bladerskb above, that is IMO even wrose.

In order to stay on topic with this thread, there has to be authenticity from it's members.

If you value seeking of truth, then you and I are no different. The truth is that currently many other forum members on the thread, have serious concerns about the authenticity of the accounts @AnxietyRanger and @Bladerskb....

If I am wrong, I will apologize. @Bladerskb is asking in unusual detail for inside information on root for Tesla.... and he is saying he is from Michigan yet his writings are completely all over the place... different grammar etc.... So yes, there is a startling lack of information here and that is concerning. Many of us are noticing a trend on TMC where mysterious members seem to be popping up and trying to short TSLA.... and be very negative. Which I'm ALL FOR if you are a real person. Some of my favorite members happen to be curmudgeons with legitimate gripes.... but they fit the profile.
@bonnie @HankLloydRight @Max* @ecarfan @EinSV @jeffro01 - if you have not followed this lately - @Bladerskb appears to have suddenly gone from months of sounding like an actual kid from Michigan - to someone who is not American - in a single post - post 932. Grab shots of it in case this entire discussion disappears. @AnxietyRanger has been running interference for blader for weeks - it almost looks like an assignment. AR is too smart to have made the decision to let someone else with an entirely different voice and geographic origin use the blader account - if it happened it wasn't AR's decision - to me this says they both have a handler - there is supervision and someone else is calling the shots. AR would not have been stupid enough to try to discredit @buttershrimp just now for first calling out what he noticed about blader's account - because he would know that simply points suspicion to him even more strongly. I'm convinced more than ever that AR is following orders from someone else. @Bladerskb is the technical mouthpiece and @AnxietyRanger is the persuader/guider/influencer who steers conversation, topics and uses subtle manipulation techniques to attempt to neutralize posters who disagree with the message - and especially who "mess" with @Bladerskb.

Just to set the record straight and be a record.

No native speaker would add "and be a record" to the expression "just to set the record straight" - the expression exists and is used by itself.

If HW 2.5 has corner radars they will be able to achieve L4 (real L4 not basic) highway autonomy in 2021.

Here "basic" is contrasted with "real" when they are not anyonyms - and again, any native speaker would both know this and would not naturally contrast the two words in the same phrase.

HW 2.0 however is dead in the waters.

Water should be singular not plural - again this is not an esoteric phrase - it's so common that it's a cliche any high school English writing teacher would cross out on a 10th grade student paper as being too common to be useful description.

Also if HW2.5 has corner radar they will be able to achieve L4 self driving in suburb neighborhood and communities with the additional gpu (8 TFLOPS). Suburb neighborhood have pristine road marking and wide lanes and no pedestrians, cyclists, constructions and road debris.

WTF OMG. SuburbAN and "marking" should be plural. What is fascinating is these errors are specific enough that they might be the giveaways of a particular language. I know some professional translators and linguists - I'm going to pass this on for comment.

Therefore Tesla will start using its Tesla network around 2022 in suburb areas they have mapped and heavily validated.

Consistent use of the same grammatical construction - the author does not put the "an" before the noun that "suburb" should modify as "suburbAN." No native speaker would do this - it grates on the ear.

Then they will allow owners to use their car for ride share.

HELL NO. "share" should be the present participle "sharING" - again a really basic mistake. WTF did bladerskb have a handler?

Content here - again the only thing in common with whoever wrote this post and the author using the bladerskb handle earlier - both use technical knowledge of mobileye to put forth the consistent view that Tesla is technologically behind the competition. The "old" bladerskb and whoever wrote this one share the same thesis, technical content and arguments - but the language could not be more different.

Urban traffic however will require lidar and musk will come to his sense in 2020 and this was what i meant by all L3+ cars will require lidar. I'm speaking of urban environment.

Again - non-native error in tense. "environment" should be either "environmentS" or the sentence should read "I'm speaking of the urban environment." The second sentence would be awkward but correct.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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