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I retrofit MCU2, IC2, Tuner2, and FSD Computer into my HW2.0 Car

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Here's my story of my DIY HW2.0 retrofit for MCU2, IC2, TUNER2, and FSD Computer:

I want to begin this post by offering the most honest caveat I can: I do not encourage you to repeat anything I have done. In fact, now that Tesla is offering the MCU2 and FSD Computer retrofits officially, I highly recommend you go do that. MCU2 + FSD is wonderful. I am presenting this post to hopefully provide some guidance and entertainment to members of this great community – a place that I’ve found endlessly fun for the past several years during my Tesla ownership. I make no claims that the guidance offered below is correct or suited to your circumstances.

Towards the end of January, late one night while tinkering with my Tesla, I had a realization – I finally knew enough about the Model S/X hardware & software architecture to attempt one of the most involved retrofits I’ve ever done on a vehicle – an MCU2/IC2/Tuner2/APE3 retrofit into my HW2.0 MCU1 Model S. After a LOT of research, and with tons of help from others in this community (thank you to those that helped; you know who you are), I wanted to share my success story of retrofitting MCU2/IC2/Tuner2/APE3 to work in my car. All told – I have a fully working MCU2/IC2/Tuner2/APE3 with all the Theater, Arcade, Caraoke, FM Radio, Web Browser, Dashcam, Sentry, FSD visualizations and other goodies you would expect.

“But Tesla now offers an official MCU2/APE3 retrofit!” you say…” Why would you want to do a retrofit yourself?” Good question…there’s a couple reasons I chose to do this myself:

  • I completed the retrofit a couple months before Tesla finally came out with a public announcement that MCU2 retrofits were officially official. I’d been waiting for Tesla to follow-through on Elon’s never-ending tweets promising a retrofit was coming and finally just decided I’d do it myself.
  • Tesla charges $2,500 for the MCU2/IC2 retrofit and does not include the XM/FM Tuner2. I thought I’d try getting Tuner2 to work – which I did.
  • I found a person with a wrecked 2018 Model S who was willing to sell me the MCU2, IC2, Tuner2, and wiring harness out of the car – everything I needed from a hardware perspective for a reasonable price. All in, I saved roughly $1,000 doing this myself compared to asking Tesla to do it. Honestly though, I probably put 100+ hours into this project and went from knowing nothing to knowing a lot. I didn’t really save time/money; quite the contrary. I did this because it was a ton of fun.
  • I got the APE3 (FSD Computer) unit on loan from a friend. I did purchase FSD from Tesla and will have Tesla install my forthcoming APE3 unit whenever they actually do it.

Come along as I take you through my journey of retrofitting the MCU2/IC2/Tuner2/APE3 hardware into my HW2.0 car.

My question in Tesla toolbox there must have a option for Tesla technicians that they use when they upgrade MCU for customers and that end user can use.
Still not 100% sure what "option" you are looking for, but you should know that the version of toolbox that customers can buy access to... Isn't the full software. Of course Tesla would have a different version for their service centers to use that has more functionality.
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Still not 100% sure what "option" you are looking for, but you should know that the version of toolbox that customers can buy access to... Isn't the full software. Of course Tesla would have a different version for their service centers to use that has more functionality.
I searched online but cant find what menu options Toolbox has so I guess only way to find out is to buy 1hr access and check it out
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Will do, Infact I will screen record it. In one of the forum someone is offering Tool box 2 that is supposed to be discontinued so I am thinking to try that first.
If your car is anywhere close to current firmware... Don't waste your money on that TB2. It's not usable with anything from at least 2023, and likely earlier than we think in 2022. They disabled that software from working intentionally to retain control (and another way of screwing the owners from being able to right-to-repair)
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If your car is anywhere close to current firmware... Don't waste your money on that TB2. It's not usable with anything from at least 2023, and likely earlier than we think in 2022. They disabled that software from working intentionally to retain control (and another way of screwing the owners from being able to right-to-repair)
I am running 2022.8.10.16
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Everything just “works”! Mobile App, HomeLink, Bluetooth, LTE, WIFI, Web browser, Games, Theater, Caraoke, Navigation, FM Radio, FSD Visualizations, DashCam Viewer, Firmware updates, maps updates, games updates, etc. It is a complete success. Dashcam and Sentry mode work too, even with HW2.0 cameras! (the colors are just mostly greyscale with a little bit of red and green). It’s honestly perfectly usable for Dashcam/Sentry.

It’s like having a brand-new car with the latest/greatest that Tesla offers! I’m very pleased, especially doing it with my own hands and no official Tesla tools.

Important note: Rumor has it that this week Tesla made modifications on their firmware servers that prevent firmware updates going to an MCU1 if the vehicle’s VIN has reported a functional MCU2. In other words, an MCU2 retrofit is a one-way street. Once you do it, you don’t go back. Otherwise, you’ll never get new firmware from Tesla if you decide to put MCU1 back in.

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If you made it to the end of this post, congratulations! You now know how crazy I am. Please don’t repeat my craziness – there were many long nights of thinking “how am I going to make this work?” I did it because it was fun, but now that Tesla is officially offering most (but not Tuner!) of what I did, I encourage you to go that route. Please don’t ask me “how do I gain root access to my MCU?” because I honestly cannot help you – I’m not that smart. Tesla closed the only hole I was aware of in early 2019 firmware. Additionally, it is not possible to retrofit the Tuner2 module into those of you that have Tesla retrofit MCU2 into your cars because not only do you need the hardware, but you’ll need to update the car configuration on the gateway – which is not something you can do without access to the locked-down file system.

That’s it! Hope you enjoyed my story. Perhaps my next adventure will be retrofitting RCCB (HW2.5/3.0) cameras into the front tri-cam, pillars, and repeaters (backup camera is the same on 2.0/2.5/3.0). Until next time-


Just curious - How did it fail? What are the symptoms?

I believe the answer is yes you can swap a standalone APE3 with ease (I haven’t done this in years so I’m assuming nothing has changed with Tesla’s process at mothership). You’ll need to install the replacement unit and then run a software full reinstall/redeploy from the service menu within the MCU (by typing ‘service’ into the password box). You‘ll want to do the software reinstall fairly soon after installing the replacement APE3 (FSD) unit because with a new foreign network device on the gateway (the new APE3) the car will not recharge your 12v battery until the successful adopotion via a successful software redeploy. Should be easy and quick.

Just curious - How did it fail? What are the symptoms?

I believe the answer is yes you can swap a standalone APE3 with ease (I haven’t done this in years so I’m assuming nothing has changed with Tesla’s process at mothership). You’ll need to install the replacement unit and then run a software full reinstall/redeploy from the service menu within the MCU (by typing ‘service’ into the password box). You‘ll want to do the software reinstall fairly soon after installing the replacement APE3 (FSD) unit because with a new foreign network device on the gateway (the new APE3) the car will not recharge your 12v battery until the successful adopotion via a successful software redeploy. Should be easy and quick.
Hi Kyle the service center just gave me this if I’m already changing the ECU because it failing could I upgrade it 2016.5 MS 90D I’ve updated the infotainment system updated cameras. Now that I’m having problems with the ECU I think after reading your post I can do it can Tesla do it ?


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Hi Kyle the service center just gave me this if I’m already changing the ECU because it failing could I upgrade it 2016.5 MS 90D I’ve updated the infotainment system updated cameras. Now that I’m having problems with the ECU I think after reading your post I can do it can Tesla do it ?
This to me suggests they want to downgrade the Autopilot module from version 3 to version 2.

Or am I missing something here?
some ppl i've seen using ICE year logic n calling 2016.5 (aka 2016 and a half) as 2016 updated model...
for one it doesn't make much sense for Tesla in general n specifically 2016 S had 2 updates..
better use month references, ie 2016.5 = 2016 May
2016.10 (Oct) = AP2 release
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Hey Kyle, I got my MS 75D 2017 a few months ago and got inspired by your topic to upgdade to MCU2 but as long as I live in Ukraine there is no other way rather than DIY. I didn't do it myself tho, I referred to local technicians who work with Tesla cars and who (from words) had already done such kind of DIY upgrade(s), they took my MCU1 and cloned the data to MCU2 I bought using the part number you provided, but the issue is the MCU2 doesn't connect to Tesla Mothership with my cloned certificates (MCU1 remained taken apart all time), it reports correct VIN while still on the bench and etc but it doesn't appear online on tesla app and no firmware update comes, the guys changed configuration by specifying mcu type 2, just as with previous works of such type. It is a strong wi-fi and etc. Kinda weird.

My car came from US after a sligth crash in 2022 and got latest(I believe?) firmware 2022.8.10.11, it is MS 75D built in 07/17, but it came with APE3, I have seen a guy who didn't get any updates on intel mcu due to 'unsupported vehicle' policy but his car at least worked with tesla app like usual. As long as you have done this whole process by yourself, maybe you will be able to provide any hints on what to check and what to do in this situation?

Until we manage to figure the intel mcu issue, emmc in old tegra decided to die so now I am having neither of mcus working properly :D
However MCU1 we put back in is somewhat working and tesla app sees it online, it just reboots every 20-30 mins and screen is fully black.
Hey Kyle, I got my MS 75D 2017 a few months ago and got inspired by your topic to upgdade to MCU2 but as long as I live in Ukraine there is no other way rather than DIY. I didn't do it myself tho, I referred to local technicians who work with Tesla cars and who (from words) had already done such kind of DIY upgrade(s), they took my MCU1 and cloned the data to MCU2 I bought using the part number you provided, but the issue is the MCU2 doesn't connect to Tesla Mothership with my cloned certificates (MCU1 remained taken apart all time), it reports correct VIN while still on the bench and etc but it doesn't appear online on tesla app and no firmware update comes, the guys changed configuration by specifying mcu type 2, just as with previous works of such type. It is a strong wi-fi and etc. Kinda weird.

My car came from US after a sligth crash in 2022 and got latest(I believe?) firmware 2022.8.10.11, it is MS 75D built in 07/17, but it came with APE3, I have seen a guy who didn't get any updates on intel mcu due to 'unsupported vehicle' policy but his car at least worked with tesla app like usual. As long as you have done this whole process by yourself, maybe you will be able to provide any hints on what to check and what to do in this situation?

Until we manage to figure the intel mcu issue, emmc in old tegra decided to die so now I am having neither of mcus working properly :D
However MCU1 we put back in is somewhat working and tesla app sees it online, it just reboots every 20-30 mins and screen is fully black.
I haven’t tracked Tesla’s changes to how they store car keys (credentials/certs) in a long time, but my gut reaction is that they have changed the way that these are stored and recovered and likely the reason your mobile app is not working is because your credentials either weren’t moved correctly, have the wrong permissions on the file system, or frankly, tesla? is still overwriting them from another location or using them from another location on the file system. I just don’t know. I haven’t looked at these in several years and don’t have the expertise to even guess. Good luck!
What do you mean by this? A used mcu2 has a shelf life ie it needs to be installed and programmed within a certain period of time or else it’s a paperweight?
A Tesla cannot go 2years without communicating with Tesla or the certs it uses to communicate with Tesla will expire. Unless Tesla has something in place that allows renewal even after the vehicle's certs have expired, it will never talk to Tesla again without Tesla replacing the certs (likely needing to go to a Tesla service center)

Certs are tied to the VIN not the MCU. So unless you care about the VIN currently programmed on the MCU sitting on the shelf... the certs on the MCU sitting on the shelf are irrelevant. They would be replaced with certs for the target vehicle VIN.
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A Tesla cannot go 2years without communicating with Tesla or the certs it uses to communicate with Tesla will expire. Unless Tesla has something in place that allows renewal even after the vehicle's certs have expired, it will never talk to Tesla again without Tesla replacing the certs (likely needing to go to a Tesla service center)

Certs are tied to the VIN not the MCU. So unless you care about the VIN currently programmed on the MCU sitting on the shelf... the certs on the MCU sitting on the shelf are irrelevant. They would be replaced with certs for the target vehicle VIN.
Side question if u know, which computer is the master for VIN?
Like when u replace broken modules it will re-install software n update VIN so there has to be single module thats like a master record for VIN...