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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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Any other January orders still out there?

Ordered Mid-January
M3LR, non SD, white, black seats, aero 18
Original delivery March, then had several changes along the way with shifting May delivery dates.
Early May I got VIN 246xxx and to await further instructions...

Then yesterday delivery was bumped to early JUNE! UGH! But then almost immediately got the text to schedule my pickup...
which is Wednesday 5/25 in Atlanta, so just a bit over 4 months.

I don't follow this page as much as most, but thought it might be helpful for someone. It was a discouraging wait, and I actually bought a different car last month. I might keep it or trade it- not sure. Too hard to resist taking delivery now that it's here!

I'll report back what it has.

Sidenote- my husband ordered same car in a performance (white/black/LR) a month after me (mid Feb), and they texted him 2 weeks ago for pickup. So for that config in Atlanta, it was about 6 weeks shorter wait time. He declined the pickup as we decided on the non-performance.
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I had a 4 day streak.. My longest

same!! I have a 4-day EDD that gets moved out every single day. i'm in the Tampa Bay area. Looks like I ordered 2-days after you
Also ordered mid January - Same config in Atlanta and I got pushed to JUNE yesterday, and then shortly after got the text last night and picking up 5/25. You should be super close now.
Our Tesla Service Rep, went thru our model 3 LR (blue, white interior 18") By checking the computer they seemed to think we might get a vin# in the beginning of June, and maybe delivery by the end of June. We ordered after the 1000.00 increase but before the really big increases. I feel like we are all in purgatory and waiting to get into heaven. IF Tesla stops from having any more orders, well then we are Truly the last in line, are we evil or divine :)

Estimated Delivery: May 08 - June 12

Estimated Delivery: May 27 - June 24 as of April 30th
When was your order date? *Hint hint Update Signature
Is this an acceptable fix for a scratch?


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whats a vision agrrement?

May 2021 Tesla removed radar functionality on it's safety system, to rely on cameras-only aka "Tesla Vision".
By accepting the agreement you acknowledge the change and that your vehicle will not be using radar and that you want to proceed with delivery.
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Really? Like how looooong? lol because I have around the same order date as that 😭
First, put your OD details in your signature.
Secondly, It looks like you ordered at the end of March, so add about 100 days to that.
Third, since you're in AZ (like me) expect to get it at the end of a quarter, since we're so close it's easy for them to boost the numbers.
Lastly, your original EDD is usually the most accurate. So, Aug/Sept.
EDIT: Lastly, lastly, you ordered during the big ordering event due to high gas prices. So waits could be longer. Then again, it's Tesla so anything could happen.
Been looking and drooling for a few years, and finally ordered M3LR FSD on Friday the 13th (our lucky day). I didn't know how bad the wait anxiety would be! Can't believe how many times I check the app every day.
Oh gosh, way too early in the delivery process to be checking the app. I figure I’ve got another month left… pace yourself, line up a list of accessories and buy one every week or so to satisfy the craving…
View attachment 805510

Delivery was successful!

No panel gaps or paint issues from what I could tell, basically perfect. I saved the first time driving a Tesla for this day and MAN does it exceed expectations. Like everyone before me has been saying, it is well worth the wait...and then some! Couldn't be happier with the delivery experience overall.
Congrats! I have had the same config on order since January LOL. I don't follow this board super closely. How so quickly?
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Alright guys, since I’ve officially graduated I probably won’t be spending much time here anymore. Thanks for the entertainment for the last two months and good luck to all of you waiting. I can’t stress enough, it is worth the wait.

For a bit of hope for you guys waiting, I drove by the dealership today and there was yet another truck delivering vehicles. There was one that pulled up yesterday as I was leaving as well. Two trucks, two days in a row is a good sign, especially for a smaller market like SLC.

PS: dropping it off tomorrow morning for paint correction, ceramic, and window tinting and I don’t want to give it up for two days. Like, I really don’t want to drive my truck for two days now lol.
Has anyone with the charge port issue gotten anything in terms of a firm ETA? Worse than the constant delaying is the lack of transparency here ... there's no excuse for not telling people when the car that they bought for $60K will be delivered, let alone for giving people false confidence (and leading to costly plan changes) with blatantly inaccurate delivery date estimates.

I just don't see why it's so hard to say "Hey, so the part is set to arrive Thursday, and we'll have you ready to go Friday." Or even "The part probably won't arrive until end of this week, so I wouldn't plan on taking the car home until the end of next." This isn't a hypothetical at this point ... the car is literally sitting on the lot, so they know exactly what shape it's in and when it can realistically be passed to the customer.

I feel like I get more thorough updates for a $2 pair of socks I buy on Amazon
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Really? Like how looooong? lol because I have around the same order date as that 😭
Almost every person gets their delivery during their initial EDD. It’s been pretty accurate based on all the people I’ve seen assigned a VIN in the last month or so. You can probably start getting excited and frustrated in August, maybe July. Also update your signature.
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