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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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Hello LR Folks,

After a loong internal debate, I decided to switch to LR on Tuesday and got a VIN assigned today. Here's my updated timeline:

Configuration: Model 3 SR+ Switched to LR, MSM, Black Interior, No FSD
Ordered: 9/30/2021

EDD as of 5/27: July 14 - August 18
June 14 at 11:52AM - Upgraded to LR
EDD as of 6/15: June 17 - June 29
June 18 - VIN Assigned
EDD as of 6/18: June 20 - 24
Pending Delivery Scheduling

Been a long journey!

Edit: VIN 294xxx
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I know this is all speculation and the long wait, but I’m looking at EDDs and everyone talking about 90-100 days being the magic timeframe. So here is the question I have. My OD is May 12, I’m on the east coast (Virginia- NOVA), the push is always the end of quarter deliveries and they try to do east coast earlier in the quarter and west coast the end of quarter… is there a good chance that I will actually get my car in August? I was thinking EOQ was 30 September so they would be really pushing to get east coast done by the end of August. Plus my 100 days is closer to 22 August. Am I looking at this the right way? Current EDD 2 Sept - 14 Oct
The best advice is simply to trust the first EDD. If Tesla says it'll take between 113 and 155 days to fill the order, go with that because it'll probably be accurate. Note that my order was filled in 47 days because the order volume was much lower. After Ukraine, the flood of orders started and order times rapidly increased to 100 days. I can see them easily rising another 30 days going forward. So don't get married to the 100 day number. It's going to increase.
Since my EDD is 6/19-7/01, is it even worth it to add Sport wheels?
They're telling you that your order should be filled in this quarter, so there's really not much point in piling on with more options. You might even delay the order.
Hello all,

Twenty hours to pickup! (I'm going to try to not spam this group between now and then.) I'm going to accept delivery regardless of the headlight situation (as, much as i want the global headlights, I think we need a new car in the driveway more). My anxiety about it did get the best of me, and I texted the SC a little while ago to ask, no reply yet.

SC confirmed a few days ago that my plan to hand over an official bank check for the financing and do an ACH through the app for the downpayment at delivery, was fine.

I've printed off the checklist here, which seems incredibly thorough. A lot of it, though, could be irrelevant pre-drive away, if the SC won't let me in the car before paying. Anyone have advice on actually getting into the car before paying? Other checklist-y suggestions not covered in the one I linked?

Thanks for all the camaraderie, with any luck I'll be able to report back favorably tomorrow around noon, fingers crossed!

Hello all,

Twenty hours to pickup! (I'm going to try to not spam this group between now and then.) I'm going to accept delivery regardless of the headlight situation (as, much as i want the global headlights, I think we need a new car in the driveway more). My anxiety about it did get the best of me, and I texted the SC a little while ago to ask, no reply yet.

SC confirmed a few days ago that my plan to hand over an official bank check for the financing and do an ACH through the app for the downpayment at delivery, was fine.

I've printed off the checklist here, which seems incredibly thorough. A lot of it, though, could be irrelevant pre-drive away, if the SC won't let me in the car before paying. Anyone have advice on actually getting into the car before paying? Other checklist-y suggestions not covered in the one I linked?

Thanks for all the camaraderie, with any luck I'll be able to report back favorably tomorrow around noon, fingers crossed!

I really am trying, but i did find out that "Your Tesla is equipped with the "global" headlights (aka matrix led)"! Funny thing is that I copied and pasted that into a text with my wife and the GIF below. But somehow I accidentally texted the GIF back to the service center, too! Oh, well...

After my delivery was delayed from this past Thursday and moved to this coming Tuesday, I received a text a few minutes ago and have been scheduled for tomorrow!! I tried to get it today but they don't seem to be going for that. It's a three-hour drive for me but I would leave now if they would.
An hour ago I started getting texts from Tesla asking me to complete my "payment milestone" and if I didn't their team would be unable to complete my delivery. I responded that I was paying with a certified check from my lender just as I had told them previously. They then tell me to submit that to my Tesla account and I had to explain I already had done so and I could see it on my end. They're now telling me they are having trouble getting their system to recognize the third-party bank and they were working on it and expected to have it fixed today. Ugh 😩
Hello all,

Twenty hours to pickup! (I'm going to try to not spam this group between now and then.) I'm going to accept delivery regardless of the headlight situation (as, much as i want the global headlights, I think we need a new car in the driveway more). My anxiety about it did get the best of me, and I texted the SC a little while ago to ask, no reply yet.

SC confirmed a few days ago that my plan to hand over an official bank check for the financing and do an ACH through the app for the downpayment at delivery, was fine.

I've printed off the checklist here, which seems incredibly thorough. A lot of it, though, could be irrelevant pre-drive away, if the SC won't let me in the car before paying. Anyone have advice on actually getting into the car before paying? Other checklist-y suggestions not covered in the one I linked?

Thanks for all the camaraderie, with any luck I'll be able to report back favorably tomorrow around noon, fingers crossed!

Couple things that come to mind:
  1. Check the underside for any loose plastic tabs that need to be pushed in (at the factory they're supposed to do that)
  2. Depending if its a showroom delivery or parking lot delivery, just make sure to verify that the car can charge before leaving.
  3. When I looked at the rubber seal between the top and back portion of the glass roof, it looked like the rubber didn't even seal the gap - I asked my SA about it and they said that they ran it through a wash twice and saw no leaks
  • Informative
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Cool just wanted to make sure because on the front it still says “complete tasks to avoid delivery delay” but I have actually completed everything
Mine does as well, despite them telling me I'm all set for tomorrow's delivery. For me it's because the app would never allow me to enter my insurance info. I had to email it to them. They were able to work out my lender info as well so the 19-hour countdown is on!
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