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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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So it is safe to say that you've seen some things...
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Welp, I have an order window from June 18-June 30, but I'm going out of town from the 15th to the 25th. I've just been informed by my rep that if the car comes in while I'm gone and I don't take delivery within 3 days, I lose the car... No one mentioned this when I ordered the car, which kind of sucks. If I have to order a new one the window is back to Aug/Sept.

On the bright side if I have to order again I might just upgrade to the Performance :)
I was in a similar position last week! My EDD got moved to June 20-30, and I am on a business trip in the middle of that time, so I was actually kind of relieved when it switched back to June 30-July 20 a day later! Well, not really relieved, but glad I wasn't at risk of losing my spot! haha!
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i ordered a 14-30 adapter and mine got here in 5 days. It came from Lanthrop, the tracking sucked to be honest. It showed that it's in Lanthrop for 4 days and then the day it was out for delivery it showed my city lol
Ha! I ordered a 14-50 on Saturday and got a tracking number within 10 minutes. Just looked at FedEx and it says the label has been created and it's still sitting in Lathrop as well.
The things I've seen:
  • People have gotten VINs and had them taken back.
  • People have had VINs and then delivery dates provided and then they find out THAT DAY that the vehicle isn't there yet.
  • My own EDD said May at one point, and at that time my SA told me that I should get my car "within a week or so". I ordered in April.
  • We've had SA's tell buyers that they cannot have the FSD removed on demo units if they wanted them, and others telling them that they could.
  • SA's have found cars for people while other SA's claim no ability to affect change on the cars.
  • People with orders from June have gotten VINs and vehicles on the east coast and the west coast while some folks in the same regions have not
  • People with my vehicle build in Washington from after my date have gotten their cars.
  • I'm officially losing my patience.
  • The majority of anyone you could contact at Tesla doesn't know anything, or if they do, they're so jaded with customers or insane deadlines that they don't care anymore.
  • Dates don't matter.
  • Regions don't matter.
  • Build doesn't matter.
  • There is a genetically engineered squirrel that wrote Tesla's website, and sometimes that squirrel likes to change the delivery date to 7-10 weeks or 8-13 weeks or who knows what other date. Your date could turn to these today and flip back tomorrow (OR NEVER!).
  • You'd better pray the person that wrote their website or manages the inventory delivery has no control over vehicle creation or software.
"genetically engineered squirrel" 🤣
Ha! I ordered a 14-50 on Saturday and got a tracking number within 10 minutes. Just looked at FedEx and it says the label has been created and it's still sitting in Lathrop as well.
Yeah that happened to me. Said label created but then just sat there. In a separate order for a 10-30 adapter it said that then just today updated to delivery for tomorrow. Hoping that some how in that box is my 14-50 adapter too since its status has not updated and there is no tracking number. Ordering the adapter is about as bad as the EDD system lol. At least for me. I guess your mileage varies.
There are currently two LR AWDs in Denver in Tesla inventory (MSM and Red)... think I have to pass because I want black but just an FYI!! I am trying to be a patient man lmao 🙏. Regardless an encouraging sign that Denver at least received a shipment... Ordered black/black/aero/no FSD on 5/25. Still estimated June 23-30 (not that I trust it).
Update from my SA, probably the biggest one yet. My edd is still 6/18-6/30 , anyways. I was like yo, my edd window starts in 4 days , any updates ? He said that I should get a vin within the next week, but I think the biggest one piece of info was : Vehicle ETA to VRL( I looked it up, it means vehicle registration and licensing) is 6/28. I have never seen this mentioned in this thread before
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Update from my SA, probably the biggest one yet. My edd is still 6/18-6/30 , anyways. I was like yo, my edd window starts in 4 days , any updates ? He said that I should get a vin within the next week, but I think the biggest one piece of info was : Vehicle ETA to VRL( I looked it up, it means vehicle registration and licensing) is 6/28. I have never seen this mentioned in this thread before
Not to by cynical or anything but my EDD has been within four days for almost two weeks now and still no VIN in sight. They just keep pushing the date back
Got a VIN on June 13 and now my EDD dates are starting to get closer; moved to June 22-28 now.

Got an estimate for XPEL plus ceramic of $3,900. Fairly serious amount of money but I've used this shop before in 2015 on a Golf R, and that XPEL has 100% protected the car in 6 years including most miles up and down I-95 in the NY corridor which I can tell you is no friend to auto paintwork. Purchased the car new for $37k and selling for $27k 6 years later, and I think the quality of the paint certainly helped sell that car.
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