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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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Hi all
I just got this email not from my SA but from Tesla. Is this typical?
OD 1/18
Current EDD 2/27-3/10
M3LR / MSM / White / aero / no fsd

And payment is set to cash - my plan is to switch it to finance once I get a VIN

Hi, this is Tesla Delivery reaching out.

Please log in to your Tesla account to review your payment method. Please reply with "Apply" if you need to apply for lending or leasing.

If your payment option is correct, please disregard this message.

Thank you!
With you're current EDD being almost a month out, I'd wait to actually see a VIN before I changed my payment method.
Nice - I took my order off hold this morning and got a #173XXX VIN by 2pm, got a text message to schedule delivery tonight. Scheduled for 2/26 in the Charlotte Center. This has been the fastest off-hold to delivery scheduled process Ive had so far.

This is probably my 5th car on this reservation that I put in back in Aug. Now that the AMD chip and new Li Battery are common I am comfortable moving forward.
Glad to see some movement from my local SC!! Hopefully they get some Black ones soon and give me a VIN too :)
@IGNORED34 - I’m still sitting at Feb 26-March 10th.

Sold my car today so hoping the EDD stays true! I’ll keep you posted if anything changes.
I hope so too. I was about to sell my car but my insurance quoted me 112 a month for the Tesla with 0 deductable, but I'd lose a few discounts if I drop auto for any period of time. I hope mine EDD syncs up with yours! March 31 is too far
not trying to be a a$$ here, but my 2 cents - you put your order on hold for almost a month. Whether this happens or not - folks who put orders on hold should have their timers reset and go back into the queue with all of the other orders placed around the time when the hold was lifted. I know this probably doesn’t happen, but it should IMO - and tesla should be very clear this the language.

Meanwhile, I’m Canadian, here in Toronto - ordered 3rd Jan and got the car VIN last week, with delivery scheduled for next week. No hold, no drama.
I’m just as impatient as most people and want my car sooner, but I disagree with this statement. Things happen and I don’t believe any of us should have to schedule our entire life around when a car may or may not be delivered. Now if Tesla gave an exact date and you agreed to it, then later had to put it on hold that should put you to the back of the line, but not with the completely unpredictable delivery times they give us now.
I’m just as impatient as most people and want my car sooner, but I disagree with this statement. Things happen and I don’t believe any of us should have to schedule our entire life around when a car may or may not be delivered. Now if Tesla gave an exact date and you agreed to it, then later had to put it on hold that should put you to the back of the line, but not with the completely unpredictable delivery times they give us now.
We have to agree to disagree - but per the OP’s EDD log in his own post

OD 11/18 | EDD1 January 2022 | EDD2 12/30 - 1/2 | VIN 12/17 | HOLD 12/17 - 1/18 | EDD3 1/27 - 2/3 | EDD4 2/5 - 3/21 | EDD5 2/7 - 2/21 | EDD6 2/11 - 2/22 | EDD7 2/24 - 3/24 |
EDD8 2/16 - 3/1

So effectively, Tesla gave him an updated window, a VIN, and he chose to reject the VIN and put the car on hold. I don’t pretend to surmise why he chose to do so. But it happened. And per your theory he should go to back of the line…right?

There are enough edge cases to make every case unique - to avoid this - Tesla should have a clear policy. Put it on hold - go back of the queue. Don’t finish your pre-requirements, go back of the queue. Don’t buy your wall charger, go back of the queue…but alas given the demand there is no reason for Tesla to do this. Yet.
not trying to be a a$$ here, but my 2 cents - you put your order on hold for almost a month. Whether this happens or not - folks who put orders on hold should have their timers reset and go back into the queue with all of the other orders placed around the time when the hold was lifted. I know this probably doesn’t happen, but it should IMO - and tesla should be very clear this the language.

Meanwhile, I’m Canadian, here in Toronto - ordered 3rd Jan and got the car VIN last week, with delivery scheduled for next week. No hold, no drama.

I am one of those customers who put holds and rejected VINs (since I am able to wait and not in a hurry for a new car) and I actually agree that such actions should put you at the end of the line, but Tesla does not do it. You keep your place in the line based on original order date even if you change your config. So that's my story.

But there is also my friend, same city as me, he ordered a Red/Black M3LR back on Sep 28, no holds, no VIN rejections, and he will get his car Feb 28. When he first ordered the car, EDD was December. So this shows that Tesla's delivery is like a lottery based on location and configuration. The holds and rejections are just other factors but looks like not the major ones.
Ok, one more post. How do I tell if the rear window is double pane? I've attached a picture (it's dark outside)


  • 20220215_194710.jpg
    500.7 KB · Views: 99
OD: Dec 9
Dec 9 - EDD: Jan 23-Feb 20
Dec 12 - EDD: Jan 16-Feb 13
Jan 17 - EDD: Jan 31-Feb 28
Jan 21 - EDD: Jan 28-Feb 11
Jan 27 - EDD: Feb 3-Mar 3
Jan 29 - EDD: Feb 5-Feb 19
Feb 6 - EDD: Feb 10-Feb 24
Feb 11 - EDD: Feb 14-Feb 26

FINALLY!! Found VIN in the source code + new shorter EDD. No confirmation message or vin showing on the account yet though.

Feb 12 - EDD: Feb 13-Feb 19
Feb 14 - EDD: Feb 15-Feb 19

VIN: 173xxx

Never got any official VIN assignment or shipping notification messages nor was it updating in my account. Got a call this morning saying vehicle is here and will be ready for pick up this Saturday (19th) and all details now show within the app. The end is near!!!

Will be about 72 days from order to pick up this Saturday for me
We have to agree to disagree - but per the OP’s EDD log in his own post

OD 11/18 | EDD1 January 2022 | EDD2 12/30 - 1/2 | VIN 12/17 | HOLD 12/17 - 1/18 | EDD3 1/27 - 2/3 | EDD4 2/5 - 3/21 | EDD5 2/7 - 2/21 | EDD6 2/11 - 2/22 | EDD7 2/24 - 3/24 |
EDD8 2/16 - 3/1

So effectively, Tesla gave him an updated window, a VIN, and he chose to reject the VIN and put the car on hold. I don’t pretend to surmise why he chose to do so. But it happened. And per your theory he should go to back of the line…right?

There are enough edge cases to make every case unique - to avoid this - Tesla should have a clear policy. Put it on hold - go back of the queue. Don’t finish your pre-requirements, go back of the queue. Don’t buy your wall charger, go back of the queue…but alas given the demand there is no reason for Tesla to do this. Yet.

Well aren’t you the grinch that stole VINmas.

SA already confirmed that you do not go to the back of line, as is actively reflected with my EDD.

Likewise when an airplane seat is double booked, if I paid for it first, without a doubt I will eject you without thinking twice.

The world does not revolve around new orders and it makes total sense to prioritize and remove old orders.

Thank you for your insight.

Any other car manufacturer gives a solid delivery timeline. I was told a January delivery, so that’s what I planned around. Instead they tried to offer me a car within a 3 day non negotiable window right before the holidays.
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