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Model 3 LR - range less than 100 miles

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Any idea why the energy consumption on my M3 LR has jumped from its usual 230 Wh/mile to more than 550?

It’s got 23,000 miles on the clock and I’ve never seen it this bad. Giving a range of less than 100 miles at 65mph which is going to make my trip home fun.

For info - nearly all my driving is motorwaY so I’ve seen every condition you can think of, and it’s not particularly different today with a light breeze. Tyre pressures are normal, and although I can hear light brake rubbing at low speeds the wheels aren’t hot.

I did wonder if there’s a heat pump problem as it blows cold air at 21C, but but no faults are showing. Tesla won’t look at it and say the range is “normal” when I try to schedule a service.


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Do the other energy figures on the other tabs give you any insight? Sounds like it needs a service request
Weirdly that doesn’t look too bad, yet the consumption is through the roof. It doesn’t assign anything in particular to the excess consumption.

It won’t let me book a service request under “range” or “battery”. I get a screen pop up on my phone saying “Performing remote diagnostics”, followed by another message saying that everything is fine and that service isn’t needed. 🤔


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Have you driven anywhere as yet (to see if it actually uses that much juice)?

I'm wondering if the prediction is wrong and the reality will be OK?

I'm struggling to see how it could use that much juice in practice, regardless of blowing cold air or heat pump not working / unable to scavenge heat from stators etc.

But if it is actually going to use that much then that will make any journey difficult :(
For example:

I would put destination in SatNav, then view TRIP for the predicted arrival %age ... and (assuming that is negative :( ) then see if driving a few miles changes anything

If you've already been driving and you are still getting the same pessimistic range predictions then ignore this
I would initially suspect one or more brake pads sticking, but that should produce heat and you say nothing is hot? Was this gradually or a sudden loss of range? You could try driving for 5 or 10 mins using regen and touching the discs carefully to see if one or more is hot.
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Silly question, but the battery was definitely charged full before your drive? (IO has been playing up.) Have you charged to 90% recently to allow the BMS to calibrate? Checked tyres?

What happens to instant wh/m if you turn-off the aircon?

Maybe power off / reboot?
Or do the battery health check option in Service mode (needs plugging in for 24h)?
Or log a ticket under a different category?
Or phone Tesla roadside and ask them to dial in?
Mine did that on one trip home...about 20 km...the energy consumption just went through the roof...I was going to report it, but the next day the car was it’s usual frugal self and has been fine ever since (I actually posted it on here as well)....just out of interest, when the consumption went up, the screen was hot to the touch🤷‍♂️😳 I have no clue why and people here assured me there was no connection...but the screen has never got that hot again even though it’s now warmer weather
This isnt a subforum I normally participate in, but I saw this thread and thought it might be relevant for the OP to know that some people are reporting that the latest software versions are reporting higher than normal consumption numbers.

A couple of threads on this are here:

Not sure its 100% relevant to this OP, but thought I would mention it because it feels like it might be related.

Hope that helps.
The disks are all cold (and show surface rust after a 200 mile journey), so I’m reasonably confident they’re OK. Does the parking brake operate on a separate disk, or just one of the rear brakes?
it operates on the main rear discs. I once had an issue with a parking brake servo failure which left the brake half on on one side. It gave me similar consumption to yours
The brake got really hot. I made the mistake of touching it to check it and got burned fingers.
I also got a persistent warning message telling me it had failed

So based on what you have said I doubt it is that.
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I’ve only ever seen consumption like that when preconditioning the battery for supercharging, although your figures look high.

The energy chart show individual deltas for a variety of functions, I can only see the summary/text on your picture and that’s not always very helpful.

But I’d try a reboot if you haven’t and drive without a supercharger as a destination if there is one.
Because it told me to stop? I just let it figure out the charging stops for me.
If it told you to stop twice then I suggest its a real issue since there is no logical reason for that over the course of 200 miles unless maybe if you set off with an empty battery even then It should still get you there on one stop.
I get how the graph could fool you after a short journey but I don't see how you could drive 200miles without it being obvious whether the journey was consuming 550wh/m or 230wh/m just by how fast the battery dropped.
I mean to be sure all you have to do is start battery % - end battery% you can convert that into kw by multiplying by about 0.74 then add to that what you put in at the stops (which will be on your app) then divide by the number of miles covered.
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