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Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

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OK, I am not hip enough to grasp your meaning, I guess. A google search on this phrase led me to "486 RN jobs available in Big Flats, NY."
You’d have to read back through the t thread but user Flatbroke has had an impossible time getting straight answers about why his car has been pushed back repeatedly. So I was suggesting you ask your honest sales advisor about his reservation number to see if he can give some insight. Probably a long shot.
only issue I have with the car is : fingerprints Inside the dam headlight assembly…. Ughhh are you freaking kidding me?? Finger prints on the actual glass lense and on the inside trim of both headlights …What a pain….
I want to see an episode of "How it's Made" focusing on the Fremont factory. I bet there's an adult sized merry-go-round right in the center of the plant.
OK, even though my EDD window has just begun, and there is plenty of room for things to turn out well and no real reason for me to feel left behind, forgotten or ignored, these posts inspired me to reach out to my SA just to see if he had any transparency on my order beyond his original text to me on 5/28 that my car would be built in mid-June. He just responded that the order would be "filled" in the next 2 days, and be available to pick up by the middle of next week! Although I don't have a VIN or any official notice yet, I am relaxed enough now to stop maniacally refreshing the website and the app and just take a break from worry for the next few days. I don't think he is blowing smoke at me, he's been very straightforward, and with the avalanche of VINs coming out for everyone, I feel OK about it all. I believe I will have my car before the end of the month. I would like Flatbroke to get his before me, though.
Thank is really kind of you. I appreciate it but am pulling for you to get yours as the SA indicated. IF he does come through I will give you my RN and if you are so compelled can ask him to look at whatever he looked at and see what's the shizzle with mine. I am kind of slowing down looking too, only woke up at 1 am to check, ok 2 am and 3 am and steady since 5 am, who am I kidding, I got Issues, LOL
Its all good, Your J still doesn't spell July to August LOL
Tis troof.

I just wish there was some sort of logic in their decision making. They said the 25th delivery was cancelled because the car isn't there yet. Okay, so why did you have me schedule it yesterday, when the car wasn't there? And if I have to wait for the car to be present before scheduling why would you schedule me for the 28th, even though the car isn't there?

The car probably WAS there and is now sitting in a body shop. :eek:
Well, shut my mouth! After coming to terms with my anxiety and going back to researching mods for my car after it arrives, I go to shut down my laptop for the evening and give the Tesla account browser window a little refresh before I close it and BOOM, there's a VIN below my order number! I'm a 296XXX! My SA was not leading me on.

Sorry, Flatbroke. 😰 You have got to be next....
Wow that is awesome. congrats. RN is order number. I will give you mine if you are willing to ask the SA whats up with my order.
Tis troof.

I just wish there was some sort of logic in their decision making. They said the 25th delivery was cancelled because the car isn't there yet. Okay, so why did you have me schedule it yesterday, when the car wasn't there? And if I have to wait for the car to be present before scheduling why would you schedule me for the 28th, even though the car isn't there?

The car probably WAS there and is now sitting in a body shop. :eek:
They probably didnt have time to detail it. One member here had to wait 4 hrs to get his car at the SA. I think we are often given answers to questions they figure are easiest to defend and for people to accept. shortage of supplies, Covid, ETC. sorry that happened, My car was supposed to be ready 6/14 but that went the way of the buffalo.
Another good reason to not get antsy and cancel your order. LR prices just went up by $2k which means the P is likely to get a bump soon too. So basically instant equity.

Another good reason to not get antsy and cancel your order. LR prices just went up by $2k which means the P is likely to get a bump soon too. So basically instant equity.
Dang your color combo looks amazing, I wish I got the red. we tried to switch but the SA told us not to cause it would delay our car and it was supposed to be ready 6/14. LMAO sheesh
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Alright I need some advice. I have a LR on order and it continues to get pushed back. I have been given approval from the boss to upgrade to performance, with the thought of getting a VIN assigned relatively quickly, based on my 3/24 OD, Chicago delivery. Anybody who has changed from LR to P have a longer wait than anticipated? I know it is that time of quarter for a west coast push, but I would like to get my car by early July if possible. Do you guys think that is realistic?
Alright I need some advice. I have a LR on order and it continues to get pushed back. I have been given approval from the boss to upgrade to performance, with the thought of getting a VIN assigned relatively quickly, based on my 3/24 OD, Chicago delivery. Anybody who has changed from LR to P have a longer wait than anticipated? I know it is that time of quarter for a west coast push, but I would like to get my car by early July if possible. Do you guys think that is realistic?
I changed from LR to P and have longer delivery ranges now then my original LR its crazy. I am apparently the exception and not the norm. but based on what i seen anything is possible with tesla but understand you will pay the higher price since the cars went up 8.5 percent since you ordered. I would keep what you got and pay for the 2k acceleration boost when you get it. Then you are not stuck with 20 inch wheels options and have pretty close to the same acceleration. 0-60
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M3P Gray/White, no FSD
OD: June 2
Original EDD: July 18-Aug 22
EDD2: June 22 - July 6
EDD3: June 28 - July 1
Received my VIN 294XXX on June 13. So less than 2 weeks between order date and getting VIN.

I have yet to receive any texts or emails at all, everything is through me manually refreshing app. No idea why I'm not getting notifications?
Check your account details? I didn't get any email at all and everything about my post-VIN stuff was through text. You might have made a typo in the phone number or something.
I changed from LR to P and have longer delivery ranges now then my original LR its crazy. I am apparently the exception and not the norm. but based on what i seen anything is possible with tesla but understand you will pay the higher price since the cars went up 8.5 percent since you ordered. I would keep what you got and pay for the 2k acceleration boost when you get it. Then you are not stuck with 20 inch wheels options and have pretty close to the same acceleration. 0-60
If I'm not mistaken, I will pay the price of what the model cost at the time of my original order, right?
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