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Model S Delivery Hold Week of July 19 2021

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Oh no....šŸ˜­...just imagine how "really pissed" you would be if you were like many OTHERS of us here that have orders placed 3+ months before yours and don't even have a hint a delivery date. Go get your Carrera SšŸ˜†

Haha. This is good stuff. Itā€™s so hard to be mad but as you can imagine easy at the same time. Even though I ordered in Feb of this year - have my vehicle at the CS ready foe pick up but canā€™t get it is certainly a new level of internal frustration. This vehicle purchase has channeled all my mental strength. šŸ˜‚
For a tiny bit of perspective, I have gone though similar issues with two cars, two airplanes and one boat. All early production, all plagues with bizarre technical and/or design issues. One airplane, one car and the boat ended out being bought back by the manufacturer. The airplane was a Cessna Citation 525, the boat a Boston Whaler powered by an inboard Ford V-8, The car was a BMW M3 convertible.

All of that and I am beside myself with anxiety over my Plaid. My last two Teslas have been amazingly good. I remain convinced this one will be also. hat does not in any way detract from my anxiety. IfI had not faced numerous cases of non-communication with delays I'd be more irritated.

By far my worst one was the BMW. The boat was the easiest since the company dropped that model and just bought back the boat.

Now I wait.
For a tiny bit of perspective, I have gone though similar issues with two cars, two airplanes and one boat. All early production, all plagues with bizarre technical and/or design issues. One airplane, one car and the boat ended out being bought back by the manufacturer. The airplane was a Cessna Citation 525, the boat a Boston Whaler powered by an inboard Ford V-8, The car was a BMW M3 convertible.

All of that and I am beside myself with anxiety over my Plaid. My last two Teslas have been amazingly good. I remain convinced this one will be also. hat does not in any way detract from my anxiety. IfI had not faced numerous cases of non-communication with delays I'd be more irritated.

By far my worst one was the BMW. The boat was the easiest since the company dropped that model and just bought back the boat.

Now I wait.
Like anything else with this "beacon of customer service", they simply do not communicate! Nearly impossible to know/trust anything till it actually happens...and even then apparently...........
Unless I was just lied to, I don't think we're waiting on that update that went out last night. At least my delivery is still not ready and still no official word on the hold or when it would be lifted.

At least I got to sit in mine, i guess....
Could be that they want to do some validations after the software updateā€¦ in which case it would be soon :) I guess Iā€™ll just keep dreaming for nowā€¦
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Like anything else with this "beacon of customer service", they simply do not communicate! Nearly impossible to know/trust anything till it actually happens...and even then apparently...........
That's my biggest problem with all of this. There is a massive hold stopping well over a million dollars in transactions yet no one knows why it's happening?!? Who really believes that there's just no information; so why bother with the lie. In the end I understand why they do it but its really just pouring salt on the wound. I personally would be able to handle this much better if they would just tell me the truth and stop treating me like a dummy who will believe any ridiculous statement sent my way. I just don't like being lied to, especially when it's obvious.
Thanks for creating the thread. My 7/18 appt was pushed out due to the hold and rescheduled to 7/24 as a placeholder. But that disappeared today with estimated delivery now 7/19-22. Whatever the delay, seems like they anticipate it will only be a few days. The operations guy was only speculating that it was software as apparently that is typical and it happens all the time. He even said one time that someone was actively taking delivery and in the driverā€™s seat when Fremont put a hold on it!
Definitely not Software related because, that can easily be updated ota on the day of delivery within minutes. This definitely seems like a bigger quality control issue. I do not have any proof of this but to me this seems like the most likely reason.
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There is a massive hold stopping well over a million dollars in transactions yet no one knows why it's happening?!? Who really believes that there's just no information; so why bother with the lie.
I would not say you are being lied to, but Tesla is being purposely vague to avoid a PR nightmare for the reason why cars are not being released.

That does not make it any easier and I cannot imagine being in your situation.
That's my biggest problem with all of this. There is a massive hold stopping well over a million dollars in transactions yet no one knows why it's happening?!? Who really believes that there's just no information; so why bother with the lie. In the end I understand why they do it but its really just pouring salt on the wound. I personally would be able to handle this much better if they would just tell me the truth and stop treating me like a dummy who will believe any ridiculous statement sent my way. I just don't like being lied to, especially when it's obvious.
That has been the complaint with Tesla by millions of us yet they do not listen or care. I am shocked to see how garbage their customer service has been but then again there is no real competition for Tesla and they know it. That's the reason they do what they do. I will not be surprised if Plaid is an unfinished product, which is a fact at this point since a bunch of features aren't even enabled yet and will be available in, "two weeks" lol
This is a cluster f*ck!
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Couldnā€™t agree more. Never thought Iā€™d be an inconvenience to a company Iā€™m buying a $130k car from but thatā€™s certainly how they make me feel. Rarely, if ever, get replies to calls, texts or emails. Itā€™s a shame this hasnā€™t publicly hurt the business (and stock price) - then theyā€™d care.
The stock price is already hurt haven't you noticed lol it's been trash for the last 6 months now. Bleeding constantly and is down app. 30% since January. I am surprised why people are not hounding Musk on twitter to get some answers because they have had some 500 Model S sitting in a lot since May and early June with no movement whatsoever and nobody knows what's up with that. You'd think that after spending this much with a company they'll at least communicate with you. I would be perfectly fine if someone from tesla would contact me and tell me that my order will be delivered in December. I just want them to properly communicate with me but apparently it's too much to ask for. I am also really tired of people who got the car posting about how the car is worth it and the wait was worth it like gtfoh, you already have your car so of course it feels worth it to you but in reality being treated like garbage and lied to about delivery dates is not worth it.
Unfortunately I couldnā€™t agree more based on this experience and Iā€™ve referred them to a good friend who now owns one. TBH, my biggest concern now is the lack of transparency around this issue. No one Iā€™ve spoken to was willing (or able) to explain what was going on however I just spoke to my delivery contact and one confirmed itā€™s a firmware issue. Hopefully they fix it soon and donā€™t string us along for weeks šŸ¤ž
They probably told you this so you'd stop bothering them. Nobody at any SC has a clue of what is actually going on with these cars. the hold up is from the engineering team from Fremont and they do not share any info with SAs at the SC.
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They probably told you this so you'd stop bothering them. Nobody at any SC has a clue of what is actually going on with these cars. the hold up is from the engineering team from Fremont and they do not share any info with SAs at the SC.
I agree with this. It was clear when I spoke to the SC they just did not know the issue. He shared what little he knew. This is being held very tight at Fremont engineering team. I am surprised it has not been picked up by Electrek or some other outlet given the scale of the hold and visibility of the new Model S.
I agree with this. It was clear when I spoke to the SC they just did not know the issue. He shared what little he knew. This is being held very tight at Fremont engineering team. I am surprised it has not been picked up by Electrek or some other outlet given the scale of the hold and visibility of the new Model S.
I just created a reddit post hoping to gain more insights...