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Netzero App

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Thanks for the suggestion! This is actually the next major feature on the roadmap. A lot of the work done so far--solar production estimates, string diagnostics, Powerwall degradation--have been building blocks for what I've wanted to build from the start: a system that alerts immediately when there's an issue, to reduce the time to diagnose and resolve the issue -- thus saving money and reducing stress. Tesla does not seem to be very proactive about these issues, all too often people find out about them when the next month's utility bill is higher (or even worse at the annual true-up).

Complete loss of production is easy to spot, but issues like a single string failure in a winter month might be hard to spot even if you look at the charts daily. An automated system with access to diagnostics will do much better here. Of course, it will take some time to tune the alerting system for precision and recall.
Sounds great! Any chance to tie into more granular data, e.g. microinverters?

All the best,

I have a somewhat unusual PW setup in that I have two inverters (String) which are measured on two seperate CT clamps. It would be great to be able to see each of those strings and their respective outputs separately. Great app by the way.

That should be possible with a Powerwall+ at least, but may require a direct wifi connection. Do you have a gateway and are able to connect to it directly? What do you currently see in diagnostics?
That should be possible with a Powerwall+ at least, but may require a direct wifi connection. Do you have a gateway and are able to connect to it directly? What do you currently see in diagnostics?
We have a gateway 1 with two powerwall 2’s. We get the following under Diagnostics:


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Does Netzero have support for the tedapi (Tesla One/Tesla Pros)? The normal local API only shows the first PW+ (I have two) every since FW 23.44.x.

Yes, tedapi is supported. You have to connect to the built-in wifi however, using the Scan QR Code option in the app.

We have a gateway 1 with two powerwall 2’s. We get the following under Diagnostics:

You could try the Scan QR Code option, or use the Tesla One app to connect to your gateway or directly to your standalone inverters. But I believe string diagnostics require a Powerwall+.
Yes, tedapi is supported. You have to connect to the built-in wifi however, using the Scan QR Code option in the app.
I'll have to try again. I was only seeing one of my two PW+ when connected to the Gateway WiFi like it was using the old local API and not the tedapi. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong on my end or not. I can see the strings on both PW+ when connected through Tesla One.

Oh, maybe I misunderstood. Does tedapi only work when using Scan QR Code and not when logging into the Gateway via a password?
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Exactly, tedapi only works over the internal network and requires the TEG wifi (via the QR code). The wifi hopping makes it inconvenient and has some reliability issues, but should work.
I understand why it needs, but why does it require the QR code? Shouldn't connecting to the Gateway WiFi and using that IP address work the same way? Or is that just how the logic is coded in the app?
I got it working. Looks like your app makes the decision to use local api or tedapi based on the QR Code button. Someone posted an online QR Code generator so I didn't have to go outside. Created the QR Code, printed it out, scanned it with Netzero and it pulled the tedapi data. Finally able to see strings on both my PW+ again. Thanks!!!
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I got it working. Looks like your app makes the decision to use local api or tedapi based on the QR Code button. Someone posted an online QR Code generator so I didn't have to go outside. Created the QR Code, printed it out, scanned it with Netzero and it pulled the tedapi data. Finally able to see strings on both my PW+ again. Thanks!!!

Glad you got it working! The reason the app wants you to go through that flow is that you don't have internet access on the TEG wifi. So if you connect to that wifi manually and then start the Netzero app, it might not be able to load. Once you successfully scan the QR code from the app, it should remember the credentials and give you an option to reconnect to the wifi without scanning the code. You just have to be near the gateway, of course.

It's all pretty convoluted, really unfortunate how Tesla locked this down.
It's all pretty convoluted, really unfortunate how Tesla locked this down.
Yeah they clearly don't want people actually finding out when their systems go down! Or were never installed properly in the first place. I've become an expert troubleshooter with my system. Easier and faster than trying to get Tesla to a) understand the issue, b) send someone out, c) explain the issue again to the tech who wasn't told anything, d) hope it's a quick fix and they know what they're doing.

I clearly need more sleep, because you're the one who posted the QR Code link over on Reddit. I just couldn't remember where I found it after I bookmarked it. :)

It did glitch trying to jump back onto my home WiFi, but that's a very minor thing to deal with.
Yeah they clearly don't want people actually finding out when their systems go down! Or were never installed properly in the first place. I've become an expert troubleshooter with my system. Easier and faster than trying to get Tesla to a) understand the issue, b) send someone out, c) explain the issue again to the tech who wasn't told anything, d) hope it's a quick fix and they know what they're doing.

I clearly need more sleep, because you're the one who posted the QR Code link over on Reddit. I just couldn't remember where I found it after I bookmarked it. :)

It did glitch trying to jump back onto my home WiFi, but that's a very minor thing to deal with.

I have a slightly different perspective. For a device that is connected to the internet, Tesla has gone to quite a bit of effort to make sure that our Powerwalls aren't easily accessed by anyone other than the owner and Tesla. To me, that is above average for an Internet of Things device, and appropriate for a device that could cause both local and not so local issue if it were reconfigured by a bad actor.

I'm thankful.

All the best,

I have a slightly different perspective. For a device that is connected to the internet, Tesla has gone to quite a bit of effort to make sure that our Powerwalls aren't easily accessed by anyone other than the owner and Tesla. To me, that is above average for an Internet of Things device, and appropriate for a device that could cause both local and not so local issue if it were reconfigured by a bad actor.

I'm all for improved security, but I think this is a generous interpretation of the changes that were made recently. For PW3, the system is effectively not accessible by the owner other than using the Tesla app -- the built-in wifi credentials are hidden behind a cover that the owner should not be removing, and the system is not accessible from the home network. In the case of a Tesla outage or internet/cellular outage, you would not be able to monitor or control your PW3 system at all. I worry PW+/PW2 systems are moving in that direction too.

The changes seem more about streamlining support than improving security. They're moving to a world where Tesla app is for customers, and Tesla One for installers. In the process customers will lose offline access, and power users are locked out. Some other recent changes like removing the vitals endpoint from gateway API, or removing battery capacity from the Fleet API seem like deliberate choices to lock out power users (they do nothing to improve security).

There's a way to design systems to be secure, available offline, and power-user friendly, but it takes some effort. This is one of the (rare) examples where Enphase engineering did better: Accessing IQ Gateway.
PW3 seem more secure since they hide the password, but with PW+ the password is printed on the cover and it's only five characters anyway. A lot of the devices are located outside and easily accessible. You certainly can lock the covers, but most people aren't going to do that.

Can there be an option in NetZero to disable all automations during VPP events? During these events the Powerwall is more or less under the control of Tesla, and will discharge to the grid during the event.

I noticed today when my Powerwall was on self powered mode with a 23% charge (reserve set to 10%) but it was not draining the batteries (VPP event was active for 12 hours later 7pm-9pm). It was putting solar into the house and pulling the excess drain from the grid. Allowing the Powerwall to maintain it's charge (waiting for the sun to rise essentially).

I'm not sure what would happen if NetZero started throwing all sorts of config changes at the Powerwall while it's under a VPP (would it optout/cancel the VPP automatically?
Can there be an option in NetZero to disable all automations during VPP events? During these events the Powerwall is more or less under the control of Tesla, and will discharge to the grid during the event.

I can add that, although I'd be surprised if configuration changes have any impact. VPP takes precedence over other settings and maintains its own backup reserve.

For peace of mind, you can pause any automations during tonight's event. I'm also participating in the event and will in fact schedule a few changes during that time to confirm no impact.
I can add that, although I'd be surprised if configuration changes have any impact. VPP takes precedence over other settings and maintains its own backup reserve.

For peace of mind, you can pause any automations during tonight's event. I'm also participating in the event and will in fact schedule a few changes during that time to confirm no impact.
Thanks! I did pause all of my automations. I would expect that only Self-Power or Time Based Controls could impact how it operates, but I agree that all settings may be disregarded. I don't see the reserve settings having an impact.
A few times now I have noticed the automations running two times for a single event. Same examples below. Is there anything I should be doing differently? Could this be due to me accessing the app on multiple devices (iPhone and iPad)?
