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New New England Supercharger Locations

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In my opinion, this a big miss. I wonder who they consult with to come up with these locations. For the most part, they're spot on...but this is something that I believe needs to be called to someone's attention.
Does this work - Hey Tesla, pay attention! Without a SC on 93, the Model S is useless for I-93 skiers from Boston. This has to be impacting sales.

Boston <-> Gunstock - 205mi round trip
Boston <-> Waterville Valley - 255mi round trip
Boston <-> Loon - 270mi round trip
Boston <-> Cannon - 280mi round trip

Without a supercharger on 93, none of the 93 ski resorts are reachable from Boston. Even Gunstock would be too close for comfort in winter temps with the 900 foot elevation change. None of these areas have destination charging (per plugshare), making a 93 Supercharger manditory.
Does this work - Hey Tesla, pay attention! Without a SC on 93, the Model S is useless for I-93 skiers from Boston. This has to be impacting sales.

Boston <-> Gunstock - 205mi round trip
Boston <-> Waterville Valley - 255mi round trip
Boston <-> Loon - 270mi round trip
Boston <-> Cannon - 280mi round trip

Without a supercharger on 93, none of the 93 ski resorts are reachable from Boston. Even Gunstock would be too close for comfort in winter temps with the 900 foot elevation change. None of these areas have destination charging (per plugshare), making a 93 Supercharger manditory.

And this is even worse for anyone from SE Mass or RI let alone Boston. Tesla also needs to address lack of a SC to support skiers/snowboarders going to the Conway NH area mountains.
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And this is even worse for anyone from SE Mass or RI let alone Boston. Tesla also needs to address lack of a SC to support skiers/snowboarders going to the Conway NH area mountains.
There has been a lot written about this, and we have contacted the Supercharger group about this. A Hookset supercharger is absolutely essential as the gateway to NH and VT. Hookset is being rebuilt and supposedly they are "in discussions" with Tesla. This won't happen until next year, I am pretty certain.

- - - Updated - - -

There has been a lot written about this, and we have contacted the Supercharger group about this. A Hookset supercharger is absolutely essential as the gateway to NH and VT. Hookset is being rebuilt and supposedly they are "in discussions" with Tesla. This won't happen until next year, I am pretty certain.
FYI, from March 7:

From: William Boynton <[email protected]>
Good Morning Mr. xxxx…

We have received a few inquiries similar to yours. This is from NHDOT Assistant Administrator of Turnpikes David Smith….

“I have discussed the status of electric vehicle charging stations at the Hooksett Rest Areas with the development group. They do have plans to install electric vehicle charging stations to accommodate various electric vehicle types. They are researching specific technologies and are aware that Tesla requires specific chargers for their vehicles and have reached out to this group to ensure that the proper technology is procured”

Bill Boynton
NHDOT Public Information Officer
... which would free up the second meter. I could then use that to feed a high-current charger (maybe switch to TOU), provided the cable is long enough to reach the nearby parking area. An HCS-60 or a 75A OpenEVSE (if I can find a cable and plug) could be (relatively) inexpensive.

If you supply the EVSE at 70A, I'll supply the cable (25') and the connector (Model S, Roadster, or J1772). You'll just need to let me use it whenever I want, which will be rare. I'm assuming you're not far off I-89?

Did you try the Marriot Courtyard in Concord? They have 2 30A Chargepoints and a big conference center - I wonder if a business case could be made for adding a CS100 (maybe from Sun Country Highway if it's cheaper) to service transient conference visitors with short charges (vs overnight charges for hotel guests @ 30A).

I've heard the owner is very accommodating to EVs from people who know him. I haven't approached him because I was hoping for 240v and those ChargePoints drop below 200v at 30A. Also hotels don't generally gain much from hi-amp chargers, although you mentioned conferences. I was going to suggest they install a fee-for-use HPWC or CS-100 for through-travelers like me.

EDIT - Wait, I'm confused - how does a HPWC help a Roadster driver, anyway? Don't you want a J1772?

I have my ways... :cool:
I can make any adapter you want... eventually. :rolleyes:
There has been a lot written about this, and we have contacted the Supercharger group about this. A Hookset supercharger is absolutely essential as the gateway to NH and VT. Hookset is being rebuilt and supposedly they are "in discussions" with Tesla. This won't happen until next year, I am pretty certain.

- - - Updated - - -

FYI, from March 7:

From: William Boynton <[email protected]>
Good Morning Mr. xxxx…

We have received a few inquiries similar to yours. This is from NHDOT Assistant Administrator of Turnpikes David Smith….

“I have discussed the status of electric vehicle charging stations at the Hooksett Rest Areas with the development group. They do have plans to install electric vehicle charging stations to accommodate various electric vehicle types. They are researching specific technologies and are aware that Tesla requires specific chargers for their vehicles and have reached out to this group to ensure that the proper technology is procured”

Bill Boynton
NHDOT Public Information Officer

Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, David Smith and the NHDOT can only do just that - reach out to ensure the proper technology is procured. What is Tesla doing about it and are they aware? Who would be the person at Tesla to contact?
Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, David Smith and the NHDOT can only do just that - reach out to ensure the proper technology is procured. What is Tesla doing about it and are they aware? Who would be the person at Tesla to contact?

March 10:

Thank you for your interest in our Hooksett project.

I have been in touch with Tesla and in fact I am trying to meet with a Rep today. In addition to the potential for Tesla we will have some longer term charging stations. Both Alex and I have stations at 2 of our 3 hotels.

Rusty McLear
(LMB spouse)

Just back from a week on the Cape. Checked out the Sagamore location a week ago on the way out and again today on the way home. No changes; it looks almost exactly like the picture someone posted a month ago. As someone already mentioned, there is significant high-voltage three phase power on poles in front of the site.

I can't figure out this site. There's a roughly two acre area that has been graded flat and the topsoil pushed into a big pile. It's much too large for a supercharger and I can't imagine putting a showroom or service center here. The two million dollar figure on the permit is consistent with the size of the site, but if there's going to be a Supercharger here, it's going to be a tiny part of the development.
(LMB spouse)

Just back from a week on the Cape. Checked out the Sagamore location a week ago on the way out and again today on the way home. No changes; it looks almost exactly like the picture someone posted a month ago. As someone already mentioned, there is significant high-voltage three phase power on poles in front of the site.

I can't figure out this site. There's a roughly two acre area that has been graded flat and the topsoil pushed into a big pile. It's much too large for a supercharger and I can't imagine putting a showroom or service center here. The two million dollar figure on the permit is consistent with the size of the site, but if there's going to be a Supercharger here, it's going to be a tiny part of the development.
Tesla translator viz. Superchargers (at least for New England):

Coming soon = 2015 (maybe, or we might not do it or do something else instead)
2014 = 2016 - 2017
2015 = 2017 - 2018
Tesla translator viz. Superchargers (at least for New England):

Coming soon = 2015 (maybe, or we might not do it or do something else instead)
2014 = 2016 - 2017
2015 = 2017 - 2018

You've exaggerated this quite a bit. The Sagamore SuperCharger won't be possible to complete for this summer season, since it's more than half gone. There is probably no urgent rush to finish it at this point. I'm guessing they have to get Black & Veatch to design the site work, as I doubt they had the "final final" plan completed before the site was approved. That takes time, more time for a site that's raw land, as opposed to the existing parking lots they typically draw up detailed plans for. I'm betting they make some progress on it, and it is completed before the winter weather sets in... They've learned from the East Greenwich, RI Supercharger site that construction in the Northeast during winter ends up costing significantly more money, and taking a lot more time.
You've exaggerated this quite a bit. The Sagamore SuperCharger won't be possible to complete for this summer season, since it's more than half gone. There is probably no urgent rush to finish it at this point. I'm guessing they have to get Black & Veatch to design the site work, as I doubt they had the "final final" plan completed before the site was approved. That takes time, more time for a site that's raw land, as opposed to the existing parking lots they typically draw up detailed plans for. I'm betting they make some progress on it, and it is completed before the winter weather sets in... They've learned from the East Greenwich, RI Supercharger site that construction in the Northeast during winter ends up costing significantly more money, and taking a lot more time.

I'll disagree, I've seen the final plans personally. The permits are all pulled and construction will start soon. Permits cost money and are time-sensitive.
(LMB spouse)

Just back from a week on the Cape. Checked out the Sagamore location a week ago on the way out and again today on the way home. No changes; it looks almost exactly like the picture someone posted a month ago. As someone already mentioned, there is significant high-voltage three phase power on poles in front of the site.

I can't figure out this site. There's a roughly two acre area that has been graded flat and the topsoil pushed into a big pile. It's much too large for a supercharger and I can't imagine putting a showroom or service center here. The two million dollar figure on the permit is consistent with the size of the site, but if there's going to be a Supercharger here, it's going to be a tiny part of the development.

How about this: Tesla is a taking a long-term view on their approach to the Supercharger build-out. Cape Cod is a busy tourist destination. Therefore they're expecting to have to handle a good amount of traffic in the future. So Tesla is going to set up a site with potential to have a lot full of charging stalls, and, possibly a some kind of food service franchise on the same site. (Being New England, that usually means Dunkin Donuts. Or something else, which will fail, and then it'll be a Dunkin Donuts.)
I'll disagree, I've seen the final plans personally. The permits are all pulled and construction will start soon. Permits cost money and are time-sensitive.

Generally, the permits are good for a year, as long as work has started. Moving dirt is a start. I didn't say it wasn't going to be built, I'm just estimating the completion date to be before the snow starts in November. July is now half gone as well. The permits where taken out mid-June. They should be able to get it completed August/September.. Of course a lot depends on the power company delivering the pad mount transformer etc. should be usable just in time for the busy Cape winter season :)
Generally, the permits are good for a year, as long as work has started. Moving dirt is a start. I didn't say it wasn't going to be built, I'm just estimating the completion date to be before the snow starts in November. July is now half gone as well. The permits where taken out mid-June. They should be able to get it completed August/September.. Of course a lot depends on the power company delivering the pad mount transformer etc. should be usable just in time for the busy Cape winter season :)

Just so it's up for next year's Wellfleet Oyster Festival!
How about this: Tesla is a taking a long-term view on their approach to the Supercharger build-out. Cape Cod is a busy tourist destination. Therefore they're expecting to have to handle a good amount of traffic in the future. So Tesla is going to set up a site with potential to have a lot full of charging stalls, and, possibly a some kind of food service franchise on the same site. (Being New England, that usually means Dunkin Donuts. Or something else, which will fail, and then it'll be a Dunkin Donuts.)

lol, Dunkin. I knew about the big dunkin issue with the Model S before I bought. Was a real dilemma but I got the car anyway and am suffering with this:

Some day i'm going to find a solution for my ice coffees.