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October 2021 Order Delivery Dates

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Off topic, but pertinent to us CT folk. Don't you think its a bit ridiculous that we have to pay almost 8% sales tax on any vehicle over $50K? Like the average transaction price of new cars has gone up so much over the past 10 years, but our tax laws haven't changed at all to reflect it. Similar to how our EV rebates has a $42K cap. This state gets a ton of tax money and waste it.

Nope. Sales tax isn't progressive in nature. It especially doesn't or shouldn't go the opposite direction as opposed to income tax. Sales tax shouldn't decrease simply because you're spending more money.

Maybe one shouldn't be stretching their financials in order to get a $70,000 truck..... Manufactures are able to ask $70,000 for a truck because the market has supported that price. If the market went, " I am not spending $70,000 for a truck", the price would drop. Consumers are their own worst enemy.
Nope. Sales tax isn't progressive in nature. It especially doesn't or shouldn't go the opposite direction as opposed to income tax. Sales tax shouldn't decrease simply because you're spending more money.

Maybe one shouldn't be stretching their financials in order to get a $70,000 truck..... Manufactures are able to ask $70,000 for a truck because the market has supported that price. If the market went, " I am not spending $70,000 for a truck", the price would drop. Consumers are their own worst enemy.
My argument is more around the fact that prices of commodities go up and taxes/sales tax actually do change with the times and political currents. CT at one time had no sales tax. I'm fine with paying taxes, I am against the waste that my taxes are used for. Not sure if you are from CT, but take a look at our roads and infrastructure. They are god-awful and our state-wide infrastructure planning has been beholden to commercial and mega-conglomerate interests for a long time. Don't get me started on how detrimental our union contracts have been on our state and local budgets.

My taxes primarily go to prop up cities that can't bring in enough tax revenue for a number of reasons. A good example for us is Hartford, CT, almost went bankrupt a few years ago, very similar to Detroit. Somehow they pulled out of insolvency, but it wasn't without a massive state and federal intervention.
My delivery date changed to "TBD" today from Feb 28 - March 28. Curious if any other tri-state area folks who ordered around early October also see this?
Not tri-state area (Northern VA), and not early October (10/27), but my wife's order has also changed to "TBD" within the past ~24 hours, after staying at 3/11-4/8 for several weeks.

EDIT: interestingly, on the mobile app, it still says 3/11-4/8. Maybe the web front-end has a bug, or maybe one of the two is just out-of-date. TBD, I guess. 🙃
EDIT2: guess it was a bug, the web front-end now says 3/11-4/8 again.
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VIN 365XXX assigned today 1/18! When the office opens later, will call SA to confirm specs.

Got a call this morning (1/20) that our MYP came early! So 2-hrs later we were picking ours up. Only a couple minor issues: driver side A-pillar misaligned with fender (fixed on spot in service) and rear seat driver side won't fold down (service apptmt scheduled). Overall I was very pleased and took some pics for the TMC family...


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So, I ordered Oct. 10, 2021 and my original EDD was April. Then, at the first of the year, I was offered a car, but there was no way to raise the funds in time to pick it up, so I politely declined the car. At that point, my date moved to March. Two weeks later, the date pushed out to July. Spoke to a SA and was told "supply chain, yada yada yada". Has anyone else been pushed out like this? She said it's across the board.
So, I ordered Oct. 10, 2021 and my original EDD was April. Then, at the first of the year, I was offered a car, but there was no way to raise the funds in time to pick it up, so I politely declined the car. At that point, my date moved to March. Two weeks later, the date pushed out to July. Spoke to a SA and was told "supply chain, yada yada yada". Has anyone else been pushed out like this? She said it's across the board.
Yes, it’s across the board. Myself and a bunch of others had ours as June. Rule of thumb, if it just shows the month it is probably a placeholder.
White MYP, Black interior, no tow, no FSD

Original June 2022
Then February 13th - March 13th
Then September
Then March 13- April 13th
Then September - been that way for a few weeks now. Hoping it is just a placeholder, but I wonder because mine is the standard (stock) model Y; and Hertz ordering 100K vehicles (assuming some Model Y's) pushed some orders back.

I am in AZ so thought it would be out of the Freemont Plant.
Update - EDD's now states May 23rd to June 25th - guess better than September
After being "June" since about 2 weeks after placing my order on 10/5, I now have a slightly more optimistic estimate of May 18-June 15. At this point, I'm happy with any sign from Tesla corporate that my order is not stuck in some sort of limbo.
Same. I briefly got updated from June to a day in March but that lasted all of two days and went back to June. Today, I'm now showing an EDD of May 11 - June 8 with my 10/29 OD.
You should leave payment method set to cash until you at least get your vin. Your SA can switch it back to financing for you in 2 seconds. This will prevent financing from expiring every 60 days and resetting your EDD until you reapply. Besides, each time you reapply, you get a credit inquiry. Was someone that posted that the third time he did it his interest rate went up because his Credit score was affected by all the inquiries
Today the EDD want back to March 3, 2022. Fingers crossed,, I was set to cash last November when they told me to not apply but I already had. Reddit score is 824 hopefully good enough for a while
I am beginning to somewhat think the May-June timeline people are getting is another somewhat placeholder seeing how we have people who have ordered in December-January getting similar timeframes. Unless Tesla expects to be able to churn out a crap ton of Y's soon, seems odd to be able to clear the current backlog by June when they are still fulfilling August/September orders.