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Performance Upgrade Price Change!

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If you don't understand that those of us that spent $11k on P Stealth and don't get any relief

Relief from what?

You got exactly the car you ordered for exactly the price you were quoted.

when those that spend $11k + $5k on PUP get relief

The relief they get is a refund on an option they bought. But you didn't.

I didn't buy a P100D either but they cut the price on that at least 5k at least once- where can I ask for a refund of the price of that thing I also didn't buy? I want some relief!

I understand what you're saying, but you are not understanding me. First of all, I am 100% sure I will either sell my car in the future or total it. Secondly, it is also 100% certain that I will not be making a a gap insurance claim because I have no gap insurance, and have no need for it.

Now, which one is more certain or concrete? How is his thing about gap insurance more "actual"?

I think the word "gap" might be a confusing red herring here. Let's toss it out and just use regular insurance with replacement cost as I expect most folks have.

A P3D+ owner who bought his car the day before the price cut, for say $69,000 then wrecks his car 48 hours later.

His insurance can tell him "Well, it's only $64,000 to replace that car. Here's a check for $64,000." (We'll leave 48 hours deprecation out to make the math easier)

That guy just lost $5000.

That's a real number, and doesn't require knowing the future.

Now, because depreciation DOES exist, you can argue he got jacked out of a bit "less" than 5k. But it's crystal clear he's out SOME money, in the thousands of dollars, without tesla refunding the 5k + package.


And if same guy wrecks it today- same situation- he's still out some thousands of bucks without the Tesla refund.

So a $5000 refund from Tesla "fixes" that guys problem. Yes?

Now... let's consider a P3D- owner in that situation.

He paid say $64,000. He wrecks it. He gets a check for...$64,000 (again ignoring depreciation for a second). Which he could then buy a P3D+ for if he wanted it.

He doesn't need a check to fix anything. He's still fine. The price cut doesn't measurably cost him anything in that situation.

That's what that guys insurance example was about. The gap thing didn't need to enter into it really (heck pretend everyone paid cash if you want a better reason to ignore that aspect).

Or how is it more "actual" than my example?

Because it doesn't require future knowledge of used car prices that nobody today has?

How does he know everyone with a Model 3 performance has gap insurance?

He doesn't... and as I pointed out- it's irrelevant to the math.

The point is it's going to a measurable difference in a lot of cases. And not measurable in a few cases. So, that means it exists.

Uh...no, it means it exists in cases today where we can measure and know the number.

Like the insurance value thing. There's charts and tables (or you can call your insurance company and ask) that tell us, for a fact, replacement value is thousands lower on the P3D+ due to the price cut.

So when he claims that's a fact- we know it is one.

YOUR number is totally unknown, because nobody knows the used car value of a specific P trim years from now...and it's even possible the - car will have a higher value due to rarity and desirability by people in the know.

So when you claim the P3D- "lost future resale value" it's a guess- and far from a certain one.

His example is a good one. And in his setup, there is no measurable difference as he claims. I believe it to be fairly true. But it only applies to a vary narrow set of people and circumstances. First, you would have to be in a situation where gap insurance makes sense (generally if you make a small down payment and have a long loan term). Secondly, you'd have to actually buy gap insurance. Thirdly, you'd have to total the car. Fourth, it would have to be totaled at a time in the vehicle's life where the loan amount happens to exceed the value of the car for gap to kick in.

This is why I wish he'd just used "insurance replacement value" to make the point.

The gap thing is a red herring- it doesn't really change the math- it just changes how screwed the P3D+ buyer is by losing that 5k in value overnight based on how leveraged he is on the loan and if he covered that with extra insurance or not.

You need a time machine to go forward in time to this said future? *Snaps fingers* You are currently sitting (or standing, or lying down, or whatever-ing) in said time machine -- this universe. You can now travel to any point in time in the future you desire. Want to travel 10 years in the future? No problem. The time machine works "real-time", so you'll get there in 10 years...

Great! Check back in 10 years and we can see which of us was correct about your guess regarding future used values.

Remember... you need to be happy while you admit I'm right.

I will be (if you are).

If you are right years from now it means the friend of mine who can't afford a P3D right now, but really wanted the - so is sad it's discontinued, will be able to get a much cheaper one than otherwise.

I think we're actually not that far apart. I don't feel I deserve $5k, but I don't think the PUP guys did either. But I do feel we should have something if the PUP guys got $5k for FUSC trade-in, because that made our pain worse than if Tesla did nothing at all. I would like a partial PUP upgrade or a credit or something. The track mode thing is not it, though.

There's apparently no practical way to give you PUP- Remember Tesla originally said they'd offer that as a paid option in order for - guys to get track mode?

Then they moved off that (presumably once they did an engineering qualification to see how nasty doing a swap like that would be in their already super overbooked service centers, with their already-always-out-of-stock supply chain of parts, etc....

- owners still keep FUSC- which the + guys are giving up.

Tesla priced FUSC at $2000 when they sold it as a menu item FWIW

Plus (most anyway) have free lifetime (transferable) data- that new buyers also don't get.
It took a while, but I finally ignored @knightsomething. Forgot his name already!
Ha ! Same here.

If I have to recap his argument it's "Tesla owes you nothing - damn it!" (- and if they happen to want to give me something that's fine.)" :)

Well, the universe owes nobody anything either. It doesn't owe you birth. It doesn't owe you death. - But in between you strive for fairness - and try to avoid sucking up too much unfairness.

And if the unfairness comes from mere corporate incompetence, or arbitrary laziness, or whatever - it's an easy call what you should do...:cool:
Have a fat Roth IRA,
This is the part I’m curious about. It seems like it would have been better to put the money in a regular IRA since tax rates are lower than they’ve ever been in your lifetime right now. Unless you were able to pull a Mitt Romney and put some special assets in your Roth. I’m not familiar with how that works.
This is much more interesting than this thread. Haha.
This is the part I’m curious about. It seems like it would have been better to put the money in a regular IRA since tax rates are lower than they’ve ever been in your lifetime right now. Unless you were able to pull a Mitt Romney and put some special assets in your Roth. I’m not familiar with how that works.
This is much more interesting than this thread. Haha.
You're right. With my income I didn't need a Roth, but the Roth lets you take withdrawals at age 59 1/2 without penalty on the non-earnings part of it. So it has that advantage.

PS: Correction: "If you are 59½ or over, you may withdraw as much as you want, as long as your Roth IRA has been open for at least 5 years." - So earnings too...
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It’s just Track Mode, it’s just Track Mode, it’s just Track Mode! The full Track Mode because a P- Track Mode will never be updated again since there are only a few thousand (hundred?) cars. What kind of 500+hp Performance car can’t drift?! (yeah, okay every other Tesla P car, but the 3 is the Track Performance car) If Tesla can’t get TM for P- then P- truely is D+ and should get $$ back. P+ got what they thought they were buying (and somehow got a refund), P- did not get what they thought they were buying and got salt rubbed in it with the TM release notes. No soup for you!
I feel like my IQ drops every time I open this thread and yet somehow I still find myself clicking on it...

People should stop being whiney, entitled children and go enjoy their awesome car. Life goes on. That is all.
If you were a Stealther instead of a PUPster I'd agree with you a little more.

I want to say there are valid arenas for just shutting up and taking your loses - like in sports - but this ain't that.
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Wouldn't it be the greatest irony if the P3D- were worth MORE in the long run, as the average consumer concerns aren't likely reflected in this post. Average Joe that wants longest range (P3D-) low operating cost (P3D-) but the same 0-60 (Tie), and no problem with rim selection or snow tires (P3D-). See all the folks on the east coast who went P3D-

After all, historically the rare/discontinued cars are the oddballs and worth a premium.
That's why, when I finally get my "dual motor" badge, I'm changing the red underline from red to gold. :)

- and maybe put a sticker of a red-headed kid - or a mangy dog - or a red-headed kid petting a mangy dog! - someplace too. :D
Make you a deal- supply me a working time machine and I'll be happy to admit you're right.


You need a time machine to go forward in time to this said future? *Snaps fingers* You are currently sitting (or standing, or lying down, or whatever-ing) in said time machine -- this universe. You can now travel to any point in time in the future you desire. Want to travel 10 years in the future? No problem. The time machine works "real-time", so you'll get there in 10 years...

Remember... you need to be happy while you admit I'm right.

Great! Check back in 10 years and we can see which of us was correct about your guess regarding future used values.

It was sort of tongue-in-cheek, but if you can't even see a fraction of what I'm saying or the light-nature of it, I'll take you literally...

You said, "Make you a deal- supply me a working time machine and I'll be happy to admit you're right."

I have. Time machine supplied. It is, self-evidently, in working order. There are no other conditions to the deal. You need to hold up your end. Admit I'm right. Be happy while you do it.

You never qualified the deal with having to use the time machine to check who's "right" or "correct." You didn't say, "supply me a working time machine and after I get to the future, then I'll admit you're right only if I find out some-random-estimate-that-I-claim-you're-making-is-real-by-some-oddly-specific-parameters-and-rules-that-only-I-understand-because-I-made-it-up."

If you can't even hold yourself to your own words, there is no way I (or anyone else) can ever win an argument with you. Which means this back-and-forth is beyond pointless. And that is something I think you and I can both agree is 100% certain. Even without a time machine.
You're right. With my income I didn't need a Roth, but the Roth lets you take withdrawals at age 59 1/2 without penalty on the non-earnings part of it. So it has that advantage.

PS: Correction: "If you are 59½ or over, you may withdraw as much as you want, as long as your Roth IRA has been open for at least 5 years." - So earnings too...
It seems like either you're an extremely good investor or you figured out some way around the contribution limits to be able to retire early and afford a $200k vehicle with no other source of income other than the Roth. Roth IRAs have only existed for 30 years and the contribution limits started at $2k (and are now only at $6k). The Roth 401k didn't exist until 2006. I suppose you could have converted a regular IRA but it wouldn't make any sense to do that with all these low income years to take advantage of. Obviously you are in a very unique financial situation! haha.
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Hey time travelers, you do realize that time travel only goes one way. Forward, there aint no coming back.
Also FUSC for $2000 was not for Model-3 right? Perhaps its worth less for M3 as it causes less damage to the batteries.
Plus Tesla have changed the pay rates for SC so they might change it again so its value could go up or down.
The symmetrical offer for P3D- offer should be: give up FUSC in exchange for the P3D+ upgrades - wheels, brakes, track mode, spoiler.

I agree this is the offer that makes sense for P3-, not $5k refund cash (which they never paid). However if I had a P3- I would much rather keep the free lifetime supercharging. It's much better and even cheaper to DIY aftermarket wheels and brakes later.
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Because only the people who were going to use less than $5k of supercharging would trade it in. Then Tesla would lose money because all the remaining FUSCers would be using more than $5k.
Personally I doubt it's worth $5k. It would be interesting to know how Tesla accounts for it as a liability.
Yes we all know FUSC is not worth 5K but Elon made the statement that it is, to win an argument that could not be won unless that was said. He stupidly said it and then Lambert held him responsible for it cornering Elon into the trade. But when Elon agreed to the trade he should have applied it consistently for all affected owners. He didn't because in general he doesn't think thoroughly about anything he says on twitter. He shoots from the hip and blurts out stuff without thinking of the ramifications. He probably didn't even think how this would play out with P3D- owners just like his decision to include + parts in standard price. Completely brainless move which he admitted with "too much too soon". But since there aren't any high profile P3D- owners to raise stink nothing is being done. Elon is probably not even aware of our unhappiness towards this issue. If he was he would probably do something about it since he wants happy customers.
Compensation for what?
For the FUSC trade that Elon stupidly said was worth 5K to win an argument with Lambert.
You got exactly the car you ordered, for exactly the price you were expecting to get it for.
The P3D+ crowd also got the car they ordered for the price they knew they were paying for, yet they got the FUSC for 5K trade. The 5K was not a refund of the + package.
You're getting nothing back for the PUP because you didn't buy the PUP
No one got 5K for the PUP. It was a trade for FUSC.
Same for AWD and RWD owners.
They never had FUSC to trade. They are completely out of this whole thing.
P3D+ owners it's $5000- and they have to give up FUSC (which you don't) get it.
Oh boy! Goodie for me, I get to keep something that is worthless for me. I would be glad to give up FUSC for 5K just like the P3D+ crowd did. Why the double standard?
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It seems like either you're an extremely good investor or you figured out some way around the contribution limits to be able to retire early and afford a $200k vehicle with no other source of income other than the Roth. Roth IRAs have only existed for 30 years and the contribution limits started at $2k (and are now only at $6k). The Roth 401k didn't exist until 2006. I suppose you could have converted a regular IRA but it wouldn't make any sense to do that with all these low income years to take advantage of. Obviously you are in a very unique financial situation! haha.
I'd say "unique" is pretty true. :) The Roth is only a part of it but I did have some high-risk/high-reward stuff in there.
I've been a dedicated investor almost forever (hint: Jane Mendillo was my classmate).
I'm mostly out of the markets now (free unsolicited financial advice there.) ;)
. But when Elon agreed to the trade he should have applied it consistently for all affected owners.

He did.

100% of owners who actually paid 5k for the + pack are eligible to get that 5k refunded back in trade for FUSC

100% of owners who did not pay the 5k are not eligible to do so.

Can't get more consistent than that.
In the end we all paid the same but we don't have PUP.

And you also don't have boat-anchor wheels and expensive-to-fix brakes that don't help you on the street- or weird hubs that make aftermarket wheels difficult.

and you DO still have FUSC, which they don't.

Sounds like you got the much better deal for the same net price!

(again as long as Elon delivers the promised TM for the - cars...failure to do so would be the only valid reason anybody has offered for the - folks "deserving" any compensation for anything).