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Sentry Mode: CAUGHT in the act keying my car with knife

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Sentry mode caught this person scratching vehicles charging in Walnut Creek, CA on 10/7/23. My car was *actively* charging with about 30 minutes remaining. I arrived at 4:03 to pick it up and this occurred at 3:35. As with anything, it could certainly be worse, but I'm looking at a paint job for the trunk lid and rear bumper for these 3 deep scratches. I suppose I should be glad I have solid black and not multi-coat red, for matching sake. Still...🤦🏼‍♂️

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If anyone has a reputable auto body shop in the East Bay, I'd appreciate your recs.


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@afadeev, in 24 years of owning/operating vehicles, vandalism to one is a first...for me. Things happen, it just felt nice having it caught on camera.

With your "so what?" response, it sounds as though this happens often to you, sorry if that is the case. For this, I consider myself fortunate.

IMO, this wouldn't be worth the rise in insurance rates to make a claim, nor contacting WC police, that'd be a waste of their limited and valuable time.
@exzachly ,

This sucks. I can't believe the nerve of some people. It doesn't *seem* like he hit the white Model 3 afterwards, so maybe this was personal... perhaps you cut him off in traffic or something.

I would have called the police, even if they won't pursue it. I might also try to grab some stills of his face, and I would posts those and the videos to as many social media accounts as possible. Maybe someone will recognize him.
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Sorry this happened! You should file a police report (I would if I was in your position).

Wasting police time should not be your concern as a tax-payer. If they are truly so busy solving more severe crimes (murders, kidnappings, etc.), they won't get to your case anyways. Doesn't hurt, and the jack-ass may get caught!
@afadeev, in 24 years of owning/operating vehicles, vandalism to one is a first...for me.
With your "so what?" response, it sounds as though this happens often to you, sorry if that is the case. For this, I consider myself fortunate.

I've lived in the City with a car... vandalism is an annual occurrence, if you must ask.
More than once, long before Tesla days, I've had those accidents capture on video surveillance cameras. Zero times had that been of any practical use to anyone. Not to the insurance, nor to the police, nor to me personally.

Just curious if your experience has been any different.
Guess not.

IMO, this wouldn't be worth the rise in insurance rates to make a claim, nor contacting WC police, that'd be a waste of their limited and valuable time.

OK, in that case ... what's the practical point of recording those video's, if you are not going to use them?
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Nice attempt at personal attack.
Classy move!

It really wasn't meant as a personal attack, sorry for that. I was simply trying to explain to the OP your abrasiveness... which in my experiences from interacting with you is how you always are.

I thought it'd seem less personal to the OP if they understood that your post was your typical attitude, and that it wasn't personal towards them.

You frequently respond with what seems like anger and attacks. You also thumbs down a significant number of other's posts.
It really wasn't meant as a personal attack, sorry for that. I was simply trying to explain to the OP your abrasiveness... which in my experiences from interacting with you is how you always are.

I thought it'd seem less personal to the OP if they understood that your post was your typical attitude, and that it wasn't personal towards them.

You frequently respond with what seems like anger and attacks. You also thumbs down a significant number of other's posts.
Don’t apologize, you’re 100% spot on.
So you have a few recordings.
So what?

Did you insurance company waive your comprehensive deductible?
Did the WC police give 2 sh*ts, or promised to put their best detectives on the case?
My Tesla was just vandalized tonight also. And I agree with you, I feel it's just a cost of living in society.

My girlfriend and I went downtown, parked on the street and went in to the movies. I come out to my windshield broken, the sentry showed unsavory, dirty, disheveled people laughing about it. I was mad and felt picked on. I realize people that live in tents on the sidewalk here, many have anger. I'll pay my 50 dollar deductible and glass repair people will prosper.
As mentioned earlier I would ABSOLUTLEY post the video of the face of the guy and the action he took to EVERY social media outlet you. I would have also filed a police report, understand there is little to nothing they may do.

The thing about it is... this is a person who pulled out a knife to damage something that didn't belong to him.

We can't know for sure, but this might also be the type of person to pull that knife out when he's angry at someone.

This is like the Spiderman origin story. If @exzachly escalates this incident to police and social media, perhaps it does some good. Maybe he'll be identified and it'll create a police record for him.
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The thing about it is... this is a person who pulled out a knife to damage something that didn't belong to him.

We can't know for sure, but this might also be the type of person to pull that knife out when he's angry at someone.

This is like the Spiderman origin story. If @exzachly escalates this incident to police and social media, perhaps it does some good. Maybe he'll be identified and it'll create a police record for him.
I'm not suggesting he takes the law into his own hands. I'm suggesting there should be laws around this type of vandalism where the offender is given equal treatment via the law.
I'm not suggesting he takes the law into his own hands. I'm suggesting there should be laws around this type of vandalism where the offender is given equal treatment via the law.

Oh, to clarify - I was just agreeing with you. I think giving this more attention is a good idea, as opposed to just letting it go.

Some places in our nation have taken a lax approach to many bad behaviors for various reasons (maybe they don't have the resources to prosecute petty theft, or maybe they just think there's more important places to spend their energy).

I think recent events in L.A., Chicago, Philadelphia, etc have proven that not prosecuting petty theft just causes more petty theft, which emboldens those types of people to commit even bigger crimes or the same crimes but in concert.

It's bigger than just theft... it's fostering societal collapse. Things are falling apart.

So it's just my two cents that we want to try our best to "put that cat back in the bag". I'd like to see this man pay restitution for what he has done. Since he likely lives in the same area as the OP, getting his likeness on social media and to the police is the minimum that should happen.
Sorry you went through that scenario though I do agree with the chorus on reporting the crime. It is the start societal collapse when we minimize robbery as not a big issue. When we start to normalize theft, we will start to go "ho hum yet another mass shooting". None of this should be the norm, period. Report the crime so we can avoid normalizing robbery theft and vandalism.
With your experiences, what course of action do you suggest?

That depends on where you live, and local PD's attitude towards property crime.
In NYC, police give ZERO priority to minor property crime, so submitting video to them is a waste of your time and theirs. Insurance company will not take video into account without a police report. Even with a police report, this is a comprehensive claim and you are out of the deductible.
The only practical upside to a Tesla owner would be IFF the perpetrator was identified (by whatever means), AND if the damage was large enough for the insurance company to attempt to subrogate the cost of the repairs from that individual. In other words, <0.1% of traversing that branch of the decision tree.
So I don't waste my time or battery juice to run Sentry Mode.

Walnut Creek, which I happen to know well, is an upscale suburban town. There is a chance local PD is more interested and bored to investigate property crimes. But the only way PD would get a chance to do something about it, is if the OP was planning to file a police report and prompt them to investigate this event. Since OP wasn't planning to pursue that course of action, my question was - so what now?

From my perspective, the video recorded by Sentry Mode is worthless, if not put to use.
So, why waste battery on recording it?

Would you just give up and disable sentry mode, lay down and roll over with your belly exposed? What would you suggest as a valuable member of society?

Vandalism sucks. I'm not a fan.
If one gathers the evidence to discourage it - then act on it.
If one has no intention to act on the video evidence - then don't waste battery charge to run Sentry Mode. Sentry Mode becomes pure waste of electrons.

Kind of logical, isn't it?


P.S.: I've had greenie bicycle aficionados knock off/break side mirrors from a row of cars parked overnight (including that of my Tesla), drunks jumping and dancing on roofs of cars, people jumping (falling?) off Brooklyn bridge walkway landing on my hood (leaving bloodied hand prints), and people backing into front/back of my cars while parking by braille, Not just bumper rash, but folks backing into your car hard enough to do damage to the sheet metal. Fun times!
That depends on where you live, and local PD's attitude towards property crime.
In NYC, police give ZERO priority to minor property crime, so submitting video to them is a waste of your time and theirs. Insurance company will not take video into account without a police report. Even with a police report, this is a comprehensive claim and you are out of the deductible.
The only practical upside to a Tesla owner would be IFF the perpetrator was identified (by whatever means), AND if the damage was large enough for the insurance company to attempt to subrogate the cost of the repairs from that individual. In other words, <0.1% of traversing that branch of the decision tree.
So I don't waste my time or battery juice to run Sentry Mode.

Walnut Creek, which I happen to know well, is an upscale suburban town. There is a chance local PD is more interested and bored to investigate property crimes. But the only way PD would get a chance to do something about it, is if the OP was planning to file a police report and prompt them to investigate this event. Since OP wasn't planning to pursue that course of action, my question was - so what now?

From my perspective, the video recorded by Sentry Mode is worthless, if not put to use.
So, why waste battery on recording it?

Vandalism sucks. I'm not a fan.
If one gathers the evidence to discourage it - then act on it.
If one has no intention to act on the video evidence - then don't waste battery charge to run Sentry Mode. Sentry Mode becomes pure waste of electrons.

Kind of logical, isn't it?


P.S.: I've had greenie bicycle aficionados knock off/break side mirrors from a row of cars parked overnight (including that of my Tesla), drunks jumping and dancing on roofs of cars, people jumping (falling?) off Brooklyn bridge walkway landing on my hood (leaving bloodied hand prints), and people backing into front/back of my cars while parking by braille, Not just bumper rash, but folks backing into your car hard enough to do damage to the sheet metal. Fun times!
Holly crap! Nothing to be done but live amongst each other while s*itting on each other.
If one has no intention to act on the video evidence - then don't waste battery charge to run Sentry Mode. Sentry Mode becomes pure waste of electrons.

Logical conclusion to my brain. More than just a waste of electrons, it's a waste of battery cycles.

I haven't done any real math on this, but back of the napkin - forum users often say sentry will drain about 1% of range per hour. If one were to use sentry mode 24 hours a day, this is an extra cycle off your battery every 4 days, or 91 extra cycles per year... on a battery that's designed to last 1,500 cycles. In a decade this would be 910 cycles.

Seems like constant sentry mode could *halve* one's battery lifetime. Again, rough numbers / worst case scenario... adjust for your sentry usage.
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