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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

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believe it or not, a remarkable number of folks are just now learning about Tesla, even here in the EV belt! I predict the ratio of buy and holds is going up substantially. this could get very interesting...

I agree with Monkey. Masses, smaller funds, and existing TSLA owners must be buying into TSLA as the company becomes more visible. Hoping the same is happening with Model S sales and Model X reservations. Expectations for execution on Gen 3 will be high. Hope Elon is shopping for another car plant for production above 500k/yr. Getting a plant ready for production takes time and Gen 3 demand I think will be twice what people are expecting. Everyone I talk to wants one.
I'm really surprised with the action today. I can't imagine we are going to keep doing this until earnings, I feel like we are already stretched. Where are these buyers coming from?

Cool, we are cooling down a lit. Down to $135.2. yeah!!

Just don't bound back to above $136!

2 minutes ago I saw it coming down, only to see it bound back to $136.5 in 10 seconds!

Opps dropping fast now, cheering too soon. :(
Options aren't just about trading in upswing. It's about trading in high volatility, and it goes both ways. At this point $60 would actually net me more than $160, AND it means I get to convert those puts to TSLA shares at $60. Heck, it's the dream scenario, not the doomsday scenario. (And I'm not a bear, that's just my 20% insurance - it's just that's we're much closer to $160 than to $60 at this point, so it's a much more valuable swing).

The real doomsday scenario is Tesla abruptly settling down on a price and entering into a narrow MSFT-like trading range for the next 5 years. That will wipe me out (for a definition of wipeout meaning kicking me back to the ~5000% gains that I already diversified into other things).

This is exactly how I have my account setup right now. @165 I make the same as @75. I am bullish, but I would actually be overjoyed if the stock fell to $60. At that point the decision would be simple... buy more. If the stock moves to 160 or 180 or 200 or whatever, it's going to make the decision of buying more that much more difficult.

If we hit 140 before earnings, I'm adding more puts. And for every $5 more we go up, I'm adding more puts. The worst thing that could happen is the stock sells to $110 and sits there, but even if it does I won't lose my shirt.
On vacation and watching TSLA like a hawk. Although I feel more like a vulture - snapping up bargains on dips. I swear I get more excited on dips because I feel I have too little invested to take advantage of any pop on earnings.

Regarding risk - the money in Tesla options before earnings does not pay the rent but it could pay for retirement.
If I were a short (which I ain't), wouldn't it be more sensible to short it AFTER earnings? I'm sure the shorts are not dumb right, they are people afterall, or are shorts just computer algorithms?

Thats what I would think too. Surely a professional research firm would read the community forums most closesly associated with the company they are shorting just prior to an important ER. :rolleyes:
Thats what I would think too. Surely a professional research firm would read the community forums most closesly associated with the company they are shorting just prior to an important ER. :rolleyes:

If you want to put yourself in a short's position just reverse your thinking. In that case of course go short BEFORE earnings as your thinking is TSLA is very overpriced now and price will implode after an earnings call that doesn't meet expectations.
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