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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

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Fundamental question: do you think that Model X production ramp issues will all be solved in reasonable time? The X is the source of the negative slope. Until (unless?) the X ramps up there will be a bunch of people piling onto Tesla.

The 7/AP release (as long as it's not an early release that drops out too much) will help, because it adds lane keep and parking, and those are the driver assistance items that have been missing, but it's not going to drive enough demand to make up for the missing X income that Tesla's capex needs.

Model X ramp is just an issue of timing. We're talking what.... one quarter (at most) delay if this even occurs? I'm pretty sure suppliers have their ducks in a row by now because they also want to recognize the most revenue before end of year, it's in everybody's best interest to ramp up as quickly as possible. The only issue is Tesla will be super particular about quality and always has been which I suspect was the initial issue.

The AutoPilot will absolutely help because it basically adds rocket fuel to Model S sales. Literally overnight, Tesla leapfrogged/executed better the tech that its competitors have. The only thing left is an arguably "more luxurious" interior? I don't share this argument, just citing what others say. This is going to take a while to comprehend. Although all this information is public the asymmetry lies in this forum being super knowledgeable about Tesla as a company, products, and organization.
There is a distinct possibility that the immediate or this morning movement will trend down on fears of the AP roll-out. Most people will be freaked out by this development I think and a pull back until things settle may come our way. Pre-Market seems to be trending this way.

When Elon throws out that cars soon will not have steering wheels or pedals it is threatening to most. I don't personally mind that concept but the majority of drivers today would find that on par with taking their guns away!

I agree... I sense a bear trap...
What would you all think of a CrowdFunding campaign to market Tesla in a traditional fashion? Create an objective video ad with funds raised from current Tesla owners and shareholders. I would throw in $100 for such an effort. It's time a real world voice is presented and Tesla doesn't have to be the one to foot the bill. That would send a message to the other manufacturers and shorts.

I just get so sick of the misinformation constantly. It's like no one has any accountability to get the facts right. It's all just a mad dash for website traffic with erroneous headlines and wrong facts.
What would you all think of a CrowdFunding campaign to market Tesla in a traditional fashion? Create an objective video ad with funds raised from current Tesla owners and shareholders. I would throw in $100 for such an effort. It's time a real world voice is presented and Tesla doesn't have to be the one to foot the bill. That would send a message to the other manufacturers and shorts.

I just get so sick of the misinformation constantly. It's like no one has any accountability to get the facts right. It's all just a mad dash for website traffic with erroneous headlines and wrong facts.

While I am intrigued by this idea I'm curious what it would accomplish aside from potentially reduce volatility of the stock?

I don't see tesla being demand constrained. If they're already selling everything they have and can't possibly build them any quicker, I don't see advertising as helping them.

I'm sure if they felt that it would be of use, they wouldn't hesitate to do some marketing of their own.

That being said, I too am annoyed by all the erroneous headlines. If it would help clear that up I'd definitely be down for contributing to this effort.
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What would you all think of a CrowdFunding campaign to market Tesla in a traditional fashion? Create an objective video ad with funds raised from current Tesla owners and shareholders. I would throw in $100 for such an effort. It's time a real world voice is presented and Tesla doesn't have to be the one to foot the bill. That would send a message to the other manufacturers and shorts.

I just get so sick of the misinformation constantly. It's like no one has any accountability to get the facts right. It's all just a mad dash for website traffic with erroneous headlines and wrong facts.

Scott, I like this idea. Maybe you should start a new thread. I would throw in a few hundred just to start.

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While I am intrigued by this idea I'm curious what it would accomplish aside from potentially reduce volatility of the stock?

I don't see tesla being demand constrained. If they're already selling everything they have and can't possibly build them any quicker, I don't see advertising as helping them.

I'm sure if they felt that it would be of use, they wouldn't hesitate to do some marketing of their own.
But. imagine the headline news: "Tesla owners love their cars so much, they are paying their own money to spread the joy!".
What would you all think of a CrowdFunding campaign to market Tesla in a traditional fashion? Create an objective video ad with funds raised from current Tesla owners and shareholders. I would throw in $100 for such an effort. It's time a real world voice is presented and Tesla doesn't have to be the one to foot the bill. That would send a message to the other manufacturers and shorts.

I just get so sick of the misinformation constantly. It's like no one has any accountability to get the facts right. It's all just a mad dash for website traffic with erroneous headlines and wrong facts.

A majority of the "errors" are intentional to gain clicks or manipulate the stock, doesn't matter how loudly you scream from the roof tops the correct information.
What would you all think of a CrowdFunding campaign to market Tesla in a traditional fashion? Create an objective video ad with funds raised from current Tesla owners and shareholders. I would throw in $100 for such an effort. It's time a real world voice is presented and Tesla doesn't have to be the one to foot the bill. That would send a message to the other manufacturers and shorts.

I just get so sick of the misinformation constantly. It's like no one has any accountability to get the facts right. It's all just a mad dash for website traffic with erroneous headlines and wrong facts.

With utmost seriousness: I think this is a terrible idea. Neither Tesla Motors nor any other corporation should countenance losing control of their product in such a fashion. Look at it this way: were an evil-minded crowd to do the same, they could put together a legitimate-seeming, innocuous-seeming ad full of misrepresentation and...the list is endless. So: NO​.
With utmost seriousness: I think this is a terrible idea. Neither Tesla Motors nor any other corporation should countenance losing control of their product in such a fashion. Look at it this way: were an evil-minded crowd to do the same, they could put together a legitimate-seeming, innocuous-seeming ad full of misrepresentation and...the list is endless. So: NO​.

It's wasted money especially because demand is not an issue. For people who can actually get a Tesla that want one... employees can help them get informed.
Model X ramp is just an issue of timing. We're talking what.... one quarter (at most) delay if this even occurs? I'm pretty sure suppliers have their ducks in a row by now because they also want to recognize the most revenue before end of year, it's in everybody's best interest to ramp up as quickly as possible. The only issue is Tesla will be super particular about quality and always has been which I suspect was the initial issue.

We have zero idea if the Model X ramp up is one quarter delay. It could be more.
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